Taken a few years after the publication of The Yellow Wallpaper, this portrait photograph shows activist Charlotte Perkins Gilmans feminine poise and respectability even as she sought massive change for womens place in society. The state was sued in 1997 for its motto being aviolation of the first amendment. Between 1870 and 1920, over twenty-five million immigrants arrived in the United States. Clergymen, led by reformer Washington Gladden, fiercely protested the donation. Through various agreements with the City of Toronto, the CNEA operated as a program of the BOG until March 31, 2013. The National Library of Wales holds many pamphlets that were sent to Gladstone during his political career. Mirroring national immigration patterns, Chicagos newcomers had at first come mostly from Germany, the British Isles, and Scandinavia, but, by 1890, Poles, Italians, Czechs, Hungarians, Lithuanians, and others from southern and eastern Europe made up a majority of new immigrants. Change was not confined to economics alone. until bidding ends on first lot, 2 hours 29 minutes 5 seconds Urbanization and immigration fueled anxieties that old social mores were being subverted and that old forms of social and moral policing were increasingly inadequate. 19 cabinet factorymore. Between 1945 and 1946, Exhibition Park acted as a demobilization centre for returning soldiers. This print shows the four stages of pork packing in nineteenth-century Cincinnati. Ohio, alsoknownknown as the Buckeye State is well known for being the birthplace of seven U.S.Presidents it has produced and its loyal College Football fans. Los Angeles became a model for the suburban development of rural places. These inventions, which include the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and early versions of the electric light bulb, have had a Was a corporate background incompatible with a religious organization? The Gilded Age elite funneled their fortunes into new elite private institutions. Manufacturing needed the labor pool and the infrastructure. 0,090,646), A Streak of Luck: The Life and Legend of Thomas Alva Edison, Analisi di Israel Rubin sul punto di vista di Edison riguardo l'antitrust, Analisi di William Trufant Foster sul sistema monetario di Edison e Ford, Intervista ad Edison che sostiene la proposta monetaria di Ford per il finanziamento di una diga a Muscle Shoals, My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, Method of Making Phonogram Blanks (Patent No. Those troops remaining either continued their regular administrative duties or participated in CNE displays and events aimed at promoting the Canadian war effort. [10][11], The 2020 and 2021 editions of the parade was cancelled due to COVID-19. 3. The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), also known as The Exhibition or The Ex, is an annual event that takes place at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on the third Friday of August leading up to and including Canadian Labour Day, the first Monday in September.With approximately 1.5 million visitors each year, the CNE is Canada's largest annual fair and the They werent prepared to see a musician wrest melodies from a solid block of wood, so Paul added false sides to give it a more familiar shape. Although the phonograph was a technical success, Edison at first had trouble developing commercial applications for it. The music format was based on ATRAC audio data Secession, they said, had little to do with the institution of slavery, and soldiers fought only for home and honor, not the continued ownership of human beings. Member associations appoint a representative to the CNEA and approximately 15 members are appointed directly by the CNEA from the community-at-large. But if live entertainment still captivated audiences, others looked to entirely new technologies. The Enercare Centre complex holds the international pavilion, a garden show, the SuperDogs performances and a sand-sculpting competition. Questa impresa e la relativa eredit tecnologica divennero a partire dal 1892 parte della General Electric. They wanted industry and they wanted infrastructure. Individuals could control the way they experienced music as they went about their daily routines. By 1885, a handful of large-scale industrial meatpackers in Chicago were producing nearly five hundred million pounds of dressed beef annually.4 The new scale of industrialized meat production transformed the landscape. The machine would end famine and pauperism. And all for $5 or $6 per machine! The fair was a success and it was proposed that future fairs be held in different locations each year. The scientific principles behind dynamos and electric motorsthe conversion of mechanical energy to electrical power, and vice versawere long known, but Edison applied the ages bureaucratic and commercial ethos to the problem. The CNEA has over 125 member individuals and associations representing each of the following sectors: Municipal, Manufacturers and Industry, Agriculture, and General and Liberal Arts. Thomas Edison nacque nel 1847 a Milan, nell'Ohio, da Samuel Ogden Edison Jr. (18041896) e Nancy Matthews Elliott (18101871), e crebbe a Port Huron. Contact us today for more information on shipping! MIDI An acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, MIDI is the technology that allowed musicians to hook up, synchronize, and play multiple electronic instruments simultaneously. Dopo aver perso la battaglia legale con Joseph Swan, i due formarono una societ chiamata "Ediswan" per commercializzare l'invenzione. 1,908,830), No Immortality Of The Soul Says Thomas A. Edison, Process of evacuating incandescent lamps (Patent No. 4. In 2007, the CNE was announced as a host location for Ribfest. The 1792 "Scadding Cabin" log cabin display dates back to the first year of the fair and is the only time the cabin is open to the public.[4]. These include the International Pavilion of products from around the world, and the Arts, Crafts and Hobbies Building of crafts, collectibles and unusual items. In this early-twentieth-century photograph, visitors enjoy Luna Park, one of the original amusement parks on Brooklyns famous Coney Island. During his life he received hundreds of patents in various fields, most notably ones related to radio and sonar.. Fessenden is best known for his pioneering work An attendance in excess of 100,000 paid admissions and 8,234 exhibits, spelled success for the new exhibition. At the same time, urban spaces and shifting cultural and social values presented new opportunities to challenge traditional gender and sexual norms. That and the instruments rich, sustaining tone won over showgoers. The Jim Crow South stripped away the vestiges of Reconstruction, and New South boosters papered over the scars. To anxious observers, industrial capitalism was withering American manhood. La ricerca, esposta in A Streak of Luck di Robert Conot (1979),[3] dimostra che Edison e i suoi avvocati nascosero informazioni importanti al giudice eliminando da un taccuino le pagine relative al periodo 7-21 ottobre 1879. An outspoken supporter of womens rights, Gilmans works challenged the supposedly natural inferiority of women. Women emerging into new urban spaces embraced new social possibilities. White southerners looked forward while simultaneously harking back to a mythic imagined past inhabited by contented and loyal slaves, benevolent and generous masters, chivalric and honorable men, and pure and faithful southern belles. An additional 3,500 people are hired during the Fair itself by CNE partners including Emergency Services, Toronto Police, Toronto Fire, food vendors, exhibitors and concessionaires. New suburban communities on the outskirts of American cities defined themselves in opposition to urban crowding. Copyright 1998-2022 Harp Gallery Antique Furniture. He sold generators to businesses. The states of Mississippi and Georgia had the greatest number of recorded lynchings: from 1880 to 1930, Mississippi lynch mobs killed over five hundred African Americans; Georgia mobs murdered more than four hundred. Designers of the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago built the White City in a neoclassical architectural style. The Canadian International Air Show on Labour Day weekend has been a major feature of the fair since 1949. Ring, eds. In fact, this chromo-lithograph was exhibited by the Cincinnati Pork Packers Association at the International Exposition in Vienna, Austria. Vaudeville performances were often small and quirky, though venues such as the renowned Palace Theatre in New York City signaled true stardom for many performers. It not only illuminated the night, it powered the Second Industrial Revolution. On May 12, 2020, the CNE and all associated in-person events were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemicthe first time the CNE has been cancelled since World War II. [2] The first Canadian National Exhibition took place in 1879, largely to promote agriculture and technology in Canada. Chicagos explosive growth reflected national trends. The rising popularity of the automobile after the turn of the century only increased pressure for the construction of reliable roads between cities, towns, county seats, and the vast farmlands of the South. But if many who flocked to Chicago and other American cities came from rural America, many others emigrated from overseas. His most famous inventions included the phonograph, the kinetoscope, the stock ticker, the Dictaphone and the tattoo gun. While agriculturecotton in particularremained the mainstay of the regions economy, these new industries provided new wealth for owners, new investments for the region, and new opportunities for the exploding number of landless farmers to finally flee the land. In 1900, nearly 80 percent of Chicagos population was either foreign-born or the children of foreign-born immigrants.2. In 1903, journalist William Riordon published a book, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, which chronicled the activities of ward heeler George Washington Plunkitt. Many corporate sponsors and over 700 exhibitors, including many Canadian and international businesses, contribute to the CNE. until bidding ends on first lot, 59 minutes 5 seconds Electrographic Vote-Recorder (U.S. Patent No. 1. Even admirers conceded that he achieved his wealth through often illegal and usually immoral business practices. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. La qualit del suono rimaneva bassa e le riproduzioni erano limitate per l'usura della traccia di registrazione, ma l'invenzione divenne popolare. Fu il primo imprenditore che seppe applicare i principi della produzione di massa al processo dell'invenzione. Those responsible for such laws posed as reformers and justified voting restrictions as for the public good, a way to clean up politics by purging corrupt African Americans from the voting rolls. Alexander Melville Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and studied under and became the principal assistant of his father, Alexander Bell (b. But when Kraftwerk appropriated the Vocodera processor developed in the 1930son such songs as Autobahn and The Robots, it evoked a dehumanizing effect. Much of that urban growth came from the millions of immigrants pouring into the nation. Wells, an African American woman born in the last years of slavery and a pioneering anti-lynching advocate, lost three friends to a lynch mob in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1892. The Race of Hysteria: Overcivilization and the Savage Woman in Late Nineteenth-Century Obstetrics and Gynecology.. Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion! Pi tardi, lo stesso anno, il 29 dicembre Edison brevettava la radio ("trasmissione elettrica di segnali"). I listened to people who said that the mere fact of spiking down strips of iron to wood, and getting a steam and iron thing to run along them was progress, that the telephone was progress, and the network of wires overhead was progress. The influx of immigrants, alongside a large movement of Americans from the countryside to the city, helped propel the rapid growth of cities like New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and St. Louis. Unlike earlier rowdy acts meant for a male audience that included alcohol, vaudeville was considered family-friendly, polite entertainment, though the acts involved offensive ethnic and racial caricatures of African Americans and recent immigrants. m /, born Alexander Bell; March 3, 1847 August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born inventor, scientist and engineer who is credited with patenting the first practical telephone.He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.. Bell's father, grandfather, and brother had all been associated with work on elocution and Still, machine politics could never be enough. Alongside professional boxing and baseball, the film industry was creating the modern culture of celebrity that would characterize twentieth-century mass entertainment.23. Amusement-hungry Americans flocked to new entertainments at the turn of the twentieth century. Food is considered by many visitors to be a key part of the CNE experience. The Fair itself was a huge success, bringing more than twenty-seven million people to Chicago and helping to establish the ideology of American exceptionalism. By the turn of the twentieth century, the idealized Lost Cause past was entrenched not only in the South but across the country. The launch tower, positioned southeast of the Food Building, measured 180ft (55m) high. La Francia gli rese omaggio, prima nominandolo Cavaliere e poi Commendatore della Legion d'onore, rispettivamente nel 1878 e nel 1889. Eventually, companies created portable units so that musicians could re-create these sounds easily, bringing them out of the studio and onto the stage, as Jimi Hendrix famously did with his array of fuzz, wah, and chorus pedals. The Confederacys failed insurrection wreaked havoc on the southern economy and crippled southern prestige. Greenfield Puppies was founded in 2000 and has been helping people find their ideal puppyever since. They were short, typically about three minutes long. And it was increasingly common. A "Craft Beer Fest" was added to the event in 2015 and continued in 2016, which gave guests the opportunity to sample locally crafted beers. [14], In September 1846, a fair sponsored by the Provincial Agricultural Fair of Canada West, sponsored by the Provincial Agricultural Association and the Board of Agriculture for Canada West, was held in Toronto in the area near present-day King and Simcoe Streets. Despite widespread criticism, the board accepted Rockefellers donation. The history of sound recording - which has progressed in waves, driven by the invention and commercial introduction of new technologies can be roughly divided into four main periods: . Some other notablestate symbols are the Ohio Flint (gemstone), The Ladybug (insect), and the Red Carnation(flower). Fece diventare il cinema un mass medium e non solo un'effimera curiosit di breve durata. And four million enslaved Americansrepresenting the wealth and power of the antebellum white Souththrew off their chains and walked proudly forward into freedom. Wikimedia. Many of these effects, though, were totally impractical for live performance. [18][19] Si spos due volte, la prima nel 1871 con Mary Stilwell (1855-1884), con la quale ebbe tre figli: Marion Estelle, Thomas Jr. e William Leslie, prima che la moglie morisse all'et di 29 anni, probabilmente per febbre tifoide. Shocked White Democrats formed Red Shirt groups, paramilitary organizations dedicated to eradicating black political participation and restoring Democratic rule through violence and intimidation. The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame calls Cleveland home, while the Pro Football Hall of Fame is located in Canton. Immigrant communities published newspapers in dozens of languages and purchased spaces to keep their arts, languages, and traditions alive. Property was destroyed. In the 19th and 20th centuries, technological developmentsthe phonograph, the personal computercompletely transformed not only how we make music, but also how we hear it. A 2009 study by the same corporation also reveals that the 2009 CNE attracted more than 275,000 out-of-town visitors to the city, and that fair-related hiring creates an equivalent of 633 full-year jobs in the region. In the following year, the CNE saw the return of programming at the CNE waterfront with a daily water ski show, and national and international competitionsmade possible as a result of infrastructure investment on the West Channel for the 2015 Pan American Games. They could be viewed through a small eyepiece in an arcade or parlor. Muscular Christianity, though, was about even more than building strong bodies and minds. Nel 1878, diede il nome di "filamento" al filo che diventa incandescente al passaggio della corrente elettrica. On May 8, 2015, David Bednar retired as the general manager of the CNE. Molto del lavoro che port al miglioramento delle lampade elettriche fu realizzato da uno dei collaboratori di Edison, Lewis Latimer, un afroamericano.[4]. There are a large number of vendors outside along the streets of the fair offering discount and unusual products. (Canadian National Exhibition is EcoLogo - Certified to Events CCD-095.). The specific reasons that immigrants left their particular countries and the reasons they came to the United States (what historians call push and pull factors) varied. Il brevetto venne concesso due anni dopo, nel 1933. 2022 Cond Nast. As revenue from previous editions are reinvested into subsequent editions, the CNE stated that "the cancellations and financial losses of 2020 and 2021 will have a consequential impact on the future of the CNE. As technology improved and costs came down, companies like Moog and Buchla introduced modular synthsthey were smaller, cheaper, and easier to play, and became available to a broader range of people. Launching a self-described white supremacy campaign of violence and intimidation against black voters and officeholders during the 1898 state elections, the Red Shirts effectively took back state government. until bidding ends on first lot. At the same time, women occupied a larger and larger percentage of American college students, either as students at separate womens colleges or, increasingly, at co-educational institutions. Industrial development and expanding infrastructure, rather than re-creating the South, coexisted easily with white supremacy and an impoverished agricultural economy. The editor left, but it wasnt enough. One 1894 film, for example, showed a six-round boxing match. 1990, chapter A.9. The integrated design of buildings, walkways, and landscapes propelled the burgeoning City Beautiful movement. Other highlights of the research, included a sample size of 1,200 people in on-site, face-to-face interviews, include: The CNE works with several organizations to promote tourism to the Greater Toronto Area and the province of Ontario, including: Festivals and Events Ontario, Tourism Toronto and Attractions Ontario. by California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA. The site administrator has been notified. Since the 2012 season, the CNE has hosted a food truck rally called "Food Truck Frenzy." Better-paying jobs were reserved for whites, while the most dangerous, labor-intensive, dirtiest, and lowest-paying positions were relegated to African Americans. The economic and social changes of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuriesincluding increased urbanization, immigration, advancements in science and technology, patterns of consumption and the new availability of goods, and new awareness of economic, racial, and gender inequalitieschallenged traditional gender norms. Ohiohas a strong presence in the national economy, being home to Corporate giants likeGoodyear Tire, Proctor & Gamble, and Wendys to name a few. Chicago, for instance, became Americas butcher. The rib vendors compete in a competition where a panel of judges selects a CNE Ribfest Champion. The railroads created the first great concentrations of capital, spawned the first massive corporations, made the first of the vast fortunes that would define the Gilded Age, unleashed labor demands that united thousands of farmers and immigrants, and linked many towns and cities. "[23] As an independent organization, the CNEA will be able to retain its profits and re-invest in the fair. The new agreement was approved by Toronto City Council and the CNEA officially became independent on April 1, 2013. "The Philosophy of Thomas Paine" Edison, Thomas A. Registrazione della voce di Thomas Edison risalente alle celebrazioni dei 50 anni dall'invenzione della lampadina nel 1929 e rinvenuta nel 2010, Commendatore dell'Ordine della Legion d'onore (Francia), Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Legion d'onore (Francia), Thomas A. Edison - Around the World on the Phonograph, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Thomas_Edison&oldid=130284615, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e molti collegamenti, Template Webarchive - collegamenti all'Internet Archive, Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorit, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Nella citt che porta il suo nome vi , in suo onore, una ". In North Carolina, Populists and Republicans fused together and won stunning electoral gains in 1896. Visitors to Coney Islands Luna Park, ca.1910-1915. The Acoustic era (18771925) The Electrical era (19251945) The Magnetic era (19451975) The Digital era (1975present) Experiments in capturing sound on a recording medium for Il grammofono venne inventato da Emile Berliner nel 1887, ma nei primi anni la fedelt del suono era peggiore dei cilindri fonografici messi sul mercato dalla Edison Records. Thomas Edison era deista. Mulberry Street, New York City, c. 1900,Library of Congress, *The American Yawp is an evolving, collaborative text. Twenty years later, it had three hundred thousand. Sunday Event- Numismatics, Watches, & More! All of the roads are named after the Canadian provinces and territories. A decade earlier, Gladden had asked of such donations, Is this clean money? By late fall 1879, Edison exhibited his system of power generation and electrical light for reporters and investors. [26] The CNEA is not involved with year-round operations, events or development at Exhibition Place. During the summers of 1940 and 1941, most of the troops stationed at the CNE were re-located. In 1850, he began working with carbonized paper filaments in an evacuated glass bulb. Youths challenged the norms of their parents generations by donning new fashions and enjoying the delights of the city. atmatm24365atm Victims were not simply hanged, they were mutilated, burned alive, and shot. Ultimo di sette fratelli, parzialmente sordo fin dall'adolescenza, si ritir presto dalla scuola frequentandola fino a 10 anni per iniziare a lavorare e aiutare la famiglia. The Exhibition received permission to use part of the site in the 1870s and expanded to use the whole site by the 1920s. In 1905, for instance, North Carolinian Thomas F. Dixon published a novel, The Clansman, which depicted the Ku Klux Klan as heroic defenders of the South against the corruption of African American and northern carpetbag misrule during Reconstruction. Industrial Salvage Antique Nautical Brass Ship Compass Lamp #43031 Shop by department, purchase cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, cameras, baby items, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace Rail lines ran special cars to accommodate the rush of participants. Secular knowledge-seeking and Gilded Age dollars increasingly muscled out the traditional role of religion in American higher education as well. So-called Jim Crow laws legalized what custom had long dictated. They also issued a twelve-hour ultimatum that editor of the citys black daily paper flee the city. After the 1878 fair, Toronto City Council and the local Exhibition Committee approached the Provincial Agriculture Association with a proposition: that the fair remain permanently in Toronto. EcoLogo certification is based on stringent criteria that examine the entire life-cycle of a product and the CNE's success in achieving this honour formally recognizes the fair as an environmental leader. In most cases, as in most aspects of life in the New South, new factory jobs were racially segregated. Whether for actual crimes or fabricated crimes or for no crimes at all, white mobs murdered roughly five thousand African Americans between the 1880s and the 1950s. 29 minutes 5 seconds Roosevelt and others like him believed a reinvigorated masculinity would preserve the American races superiority against foreign foes and the effeminizing effects of overcivilization. Il 19 gennaio 1883 entr in servizio a Roselle, nel New Jersey il primo sistema d'illuminazione elettrica standardizzato che trasportava l'energia con linee aeree. until bidding ends on first lot, 5 hours 29 minutes 5 seconds Lynching and organized terror campaigns were only the violent worst of the Souths racial world. The court ruled in favor of Ohio, allowing the state to retain its motto. Industrialization & Technological Innovation, IV. In politics, de facto limitations of Black voting had suppressed Black voters since Reconstruction. 10 Year Anniversary Fine Asian Works of Art, Paintings & Jadeites Sale, Swarovski, Judaica, Art Glass & Pottery Sale, HOLIDAY LUXURY GOODS & FINE ESTATES - DAY 3, Holiday Special - Designed Diamond Layouts, Showplace Backstage, Astoria NY, December 11, Holiday Friday Coin Consignment Auction 1 of 2 D3. Women had always comprised a clear majority of church memberships in the United States, but now the theologian Washington Gladden said, A preponderance of female influence in the Church or anywhere else in society is unnatural and injurious. Many feared that the feminized church had feminized Christ himself. New South boosters hoped to confront post-Reconstruction uncertainties by rebuilding the Souths economy and convincing the nation that the South could be more than an economically backward, race-obsessed backwater. When intentionally used incorrectly, Auto-Tune produces an uncanny distancing sensation on songs like Chers Believe and Kanye Wests album 808s and Heartbreak. Dozens were killed and hundreds more fled the city. The 2016 edition featured 26 food trucks serving specialty foods. La storia della lampada elettrica paradigmatica: molte delle invenzioni di Edison furono in realt miglioramenti di idee di altri, ottenute con un approccio diligente e una visione industriale sviluppata in gruppi di lavoro. Some exhibits are only held for a few days of the year, such as the cat show. Halal, vegetarian and healthy food options are also widely available. All rights reserved. In 1852, the fair returned to the west side of University Avenue (see Grange Park (neighbourhood)), stretching from a bit north of Dundas Street to a bit south of College Street. Kipling described in intimate detail the Union Stock Yards, the nations largest meat processing zone, a square mile just southwest of the city whose pens and slaughterhouses linked the citys vast agricultural hinterland to the nations dinner tables. Industrialists hunted profits. The mob swelled and turned on the citys black neighborhood, destroying homes and businesses and opening fire on any Black person they found. Vendors sold goods and keepsakes. Can any man, can any institution, knowing its origin, touch it without being defiled? Gladden said, In the cool brutality with which properties are wrecked, securities destroyed, and people by the hundreds robbed of their little all to build up the fortunes of the multi-millionaires, we have an appalling revelation of the kind of monster that a human being may become.18. If youre in the market for vintage radios for sale, kick off your search with us. The latest show at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts Costume Institute, Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology, which will be celebrated this evening with the annual Met Gala, looks at the effects of technology on fashion. They became activists: they targeted municipal reforms, launched labor rights campaigns, and, above all, bolstered the suffrage movement. Immigrant workers labored in large industrial complexes producing goods such as steel, textiles, and food products, replacing smaller and more local workshops. Get the best deals on Edison Cylinder Phonograph when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. There was a South of slavery and secession, Atlanta Constitution editor Henry Grady proclaimed in an 1886 speech in New York. One of the many ways the CNE helps to boost the local economy is through job creation. CNE officials had hoped to continue the annual fair throughout the years of the war. If measured in terms of racial discrimination, however, the New South looked much like the Old. Many of the early films depicted athletic feats and competitions. Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (October 6, 1866 July 22, 1932) was a Canadian-born inventor, who did a majority of his work in the United States and also claimed U.S. citizenship through his American-born father. In the exhibitions catalog, Andrew Bolton, the curator in charge of the Costume Institute, references Walter Benjamins 1936 essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In that piece, the German philosopher famously argued that, although technological reproduction may diminish arts originality and authenticity, it also demolishes hierarchies and erases distances between the work and its audience, making the art more democratic. Edisons film catalog meanwhile grew in sophistication. During the military occupation of the grounds, virtually every CNE building, large or small, was put to use by the Canadian armed forces. This centralization of production made meat-packing an innovative industry, one of great interest to industrialists of all ilks. RCA originated as a reorganization of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America (commonly called "American Marconi"). "Chair of the Board [BOG], City Councillor Mark Grimes stated, 'The independence of the CNEA is good for both the CNEA and Exhibition Place. They built Confederate monuments and celebrated Confederate veterans on Memorial Day. Perpetrators posed for photos and collected mementos. The site was reserve lands for British and later Canadian military and was the site of Fort Rouill, an 18th-century French fort. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlined the various administrative, financial and operational services to be provided to the CNEA by Exhibition Place. Rather than a rough-hewn carpenter, Jesus had been made mushy and sweetly effeminate, in the words of Walter Rauschenbusch. During the decade leading up to independence, the CNEA contributed more than $20 million in site fees to the annual operating budget of the BOG, in addition to $7.3 million in operating surpluses. The party has to be "PG", so Ron and Tyler rent ATVs for them all to ride. Chicago, like many other American industrial cities, was also an immigrant city. [7] The council desired a specific day to pay tribute to living veterans of the First World War. Discrimination in employment and housing and the legal segregation of public and private life also reflected the rise of a new Jim Crow South. Inizialmente si era pensato che Thomas Edison avesse inventato la macchina da ripresa cinematografica, ma fu dimostrato che tale invenzione si deve a William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, comunque ottenuta nei laboratori di Edison. until bidding ends on first lot, 9 hours 29 minutes 5 seconds Economic advances, technological innovation, social and cultural evolution, demographic changes: the United States was a nation transformed. By the middle of 1883, Edison had overseen construction of 330 plants powering over sixty thousand lamps in factories, offices, printing houses, hotels, and theaters around the world. Edison, secondo notizie non certe, con il contributo di uno dei suoi impiegati e partendo dai brevetti di Tesla, costru la prima sedia elettrica per lo Stato di New York, esaltandone la pericolosit, allo scopo di screditare la corrente alternata. [12][13], Following the world wars, participants in the parade included up to 30,000 military veterans. Though weve long been accustomed to privately communing with our devices in public, the Walkman was the first popular invention to create a dynamic in whichfor better or worsesocial participation and interaction took a backseat to personal enjoyment. It derived its name from the District of Columbia, where it was headquartered. To ensure their gains, the Democrats rounded up prominent fusionists, placed them on railroad cars, and, under armed guard, sent them out of the state. Thomas Edison nacque nel 1847 a Milan, nell'Ohio, da Samuel Ogden Edison Jr. (18041896) e Nancy Matthews Elliott (18101871), e crebbe a Port Huron.Il cognome era stato originariamente "Edeson". Vendors cook pork ribs and other barbecue-style foods on-site for sale to attendees. She immigrated to the United States in 1892 and lived in a Russian Jewish neighborhood in New Yorks Lower East Side. All the essentials: top fashion stories, editors picks, and celebrity style. Generational differences exacerbated the social and familial tensions provoked by shifting gender norms. Nel 1879 Edison e i suoi collaboratori raggiunsero l'obiettivo di rendere il prodotto commercializzabile. Without multitracking, celebrated pop albums like Pet Sounds and Sgt. Chicago Deliveries next week! Tuttavia la sua influenza sulla storia della cinematografia va oltre quella di semplice stimolatore di idee. The parade is often planned to commemorate specific events. Railroads impelled the creation of uniform time zones across the country, gave industrialists access to remote markets, and opened the American West. The Electric Guitar When, in 1941, Les Paul added a neck, strings, tuners, and homemade pickups to a 4-by-4 pine slab that he dubbed the Log, audiences balked. Tammany Halls corruption, especially under the reign of William Boss Tweed, was legendary, but the public works projects that funded Tammany Halls graft also provided essential infrastructure and public services for the citys rapidly expanding population. Nell'aprile del 1896, il vitascopio di Edison e Thomas Armat furono usati per un film in pubblica visione a New York City. And the transformations continued to ripple outward into the West and overseas, and inward into radical protest and progressive reforms. Long-form fictional films created a demand for movie stars, such as the glamorous Mary Pickford, the swashbuckling Douglas Fairbanks, the acrobatic comedian Buster Keaton, who began to appear in the popular imagination beginning around 1910. Outdoors, the Bandshell is used for daily music and nightly headliners. Every replaying of a song could potentially become a unique performance. And what obligations did wealth bring? The Food Building houses a large number of vendors offering food from many cultures, reflecting Toronto's multicultural population. The latest fashion news, beauty coverage, celebrity style, fashion week updates, culture reviews, and videos on Vogue.com. The rise of cities, the evolution of American immigration, the transformation of American labor, the further making of a mass culture, the creation of great concentrated wealth, the growth of vast city slums, the conquest of the West, the emergence of a middle class, the problem of poverty, the triumph of big business, widening inequalities, battles between capital and labor, the final destruction of independent farming, breakthrough technologies, environmental destruction: industrialization created a new America. This event took place on Princes' Boulevard just inside the Princes' Gates at the east end of the grounds. Board president Samuel Capen did not defend Rockefeller, arguing that the gift was charitable and the board could not assess the origin of every donation, but the dispute shook Capen. Edison indovin che Tesla pesava 69kg (preciso all'oncia: 28,35g). The plaintiffs felt that the motto With God all Thingsare Possible was a violation of the 1st amendments guaranteed separation of church andstate. For those of you who enjoy nature, there are 83 State Parks and the Wayne National Forest. The philosopher William James called it Americanitis. Academics increasingly warned that America had become a nation of emasculated men. Il 30 settembre 1890 Edison ottenne i seguenti brevetti: Nel 1891 Thomas Edison costru il "cinetoscopio": attraverso un piccolo foro nell'apparecchio, delle dimensioni di un armadio, era possibile vedere, al costo di un penny, un breve filmato, come altre curiosit presenti nelle "sale giochi" di allora. By 1860, he was able to demonstrate a working device but the lack of a good vacuum and an adequate supply of electricity resulted in a short lifetime for the bulb and an inefficient source of light. 3 March 1790, Fife, Scotland d. 23 April 1865, St. Pancras, North London), an authority on phonetics and speech disorders. Effects Pedals Studio tricks like echo, reverb, distortion, and phasing introduced unusual sounds into pop music. $975 . When Reconstruction regimes attempted to grant freedpeople full citizenship rights, anxious whites struck back. In 1870, a quarter of the nations population lived in towns or cities with populations greater than 2,500. Much of the New South, then, was anything but new. $12.85 shipping. That fair would be called the Toronto Industrial Exhibition. In September 1878, Edison announced a new and ambitious line of research and developmentelectric power and lighting. Edison fu una mente brillante in quasi tutti i campi: nei suoi diari sono state rinvenute idee e annotazioni riguardanti molteplici campi dello scibile umano, dalla filosofia alla storia; non stupisce dunque che l'inventore avesse maturato idee originali anche in campo economico. 'Like' searches may be conducted in any of the text fields below. "Warriors' Day" was therefore declared; in early years, it was the first day of the Exhibition. While Lost Cause defenders mythologized their past, New South boosters struggled to wrench the South into the modern world. Edison; Hallicrafters; Other; Phonographs; Radio; Repair; Victor; Zenith; Shaving & Barbershop; Telephones; Tobacco. But what about those who stayed? This chapter was edited by David Hochfelder, with content contributions by Jacob Betz, David Hochfelder, Gerard Koeppel, Scott Libson, Kyle Livie, Paul Matzko, Isabella Morales, Andrew Robichaud, Kate Sohasky, Joseph Super, Susan Thomas, Shawn Varghese, Kaylynn Washnock, and Kevin Young. La sua carriera d'inventore prosegu quindi a Newark con il tasto telegrafico a ripetizione e migliorando apparecchiature telefoniche, ma l'invenzione che per prima gli fece guadagnare una grande fama fu il fonografo del 1877, primo apparecchio capace di registrare e riprodurre suoni. Il 13 febbraio 1880 fu il primo a osservare l'emissione termoionica che venne quindi chiamata effetto Edison. Several licensed restaurants operate on the grounds, including Bandshell Park Beer Garden; The Beach Bar; Casino Patio; Craft Taps; Glow Bar; Acqua Dolce Resto Venue; Northern Comfort Saloon; and Wine Garden. The New South and the Problem of Race, Barbara Jordan On the Impeachment of Richard Nixon (1974), How the Other Half Lived: Photographs of Jacob Riis, 5. Thomas Edison's European agent, Colonel Gouraud, recorded Gladstone's voice several times on phonograph. But it was more than that. As railroad construction drove economic development, new means of production spawned new systems of labor. For your consideration we present the 'Chagrin Valley Trails Moving Sale' in the Village of Bentleyville. Nonostante la maggiore sicurezza e le minori perdite della distribuzione in corrente continua, questa non si svilupp a livello nazionale come Edison auspicava. It opened peoples ears to genres like folk, jazz, and blues, and remade our relationship to popular music. A New South seemed an obvious need. Edison difendeva il sistema di distribuzione a corrente continua (DC) contro la pi efficiente corrente alternata (AC) che Tesla aveva brevettato a Graz in Austria. The gramophone was replaced by the considerably less bulky record player in the latter half of the twentieth century. While many men worried about female activism, they worried too about their own masculinity. 437,428), Holder for Article to be Electroplated (Patent No. A major destination for CNE visitors, the Food Building offers a wide variety of food options ranging from classic fair favourites, such as Beaver Tails, Funnel Cakes and Tiny Tom Donuts, to international cuisine, to standard fare like pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, and French fries, as well as novelty items, including Frosted Flake Battered Chicken on a Stick, Deep Fried Red Velvet Oreos and Bacon Wrapped Grilled Cheese. The romanticized version of the antebellum South and the distorted version of Reconstruction dominated popular imagination.17. [25] "Toronto City Council will be asked for approval of this new agreement at their March 56, 2012 meeting."[25]. A young Italian man might simply hope to labor in a steel factory long enough to save up enough money to return home and purchase land for a family. The accent on one of the recordings is North Welsh. Other champions of muscular Christianity, such as the newly formed Young Mens Christian Association, built gymnasiums, often attached to churches, where youths could strengthen their bodies as well as their spirits. Americans had apparently witnessed such startling technological advancesadvances that would have seemed far-fetched mere years earlierthat the Edison food machine seemed entirely plausible.5. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}43380N 79250W / 43.63333N 79.41667W / 43.63333; -79.41667, Commemorative plaque describing the Warriors' Day Parade, 2005, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Provincial Agricultural Fair of Canada West, Canadian National Exhibition Association Act, "Canadian National Exhibition Association Announces Implementation of New Admissions Program For the 2018 CNE", "CarnivalWarehouse.com's 2017 Top 50 Fairs", "OUR WARRIORS: Celebrating the 98th Warriors Day Parade", "The Warriors' Day Parade - History Guide", "CNE Warriors' Day Parade recognizes 70th anniversary of Second World War", "CNE Warriors' Day Parade recognizes 75th anniversary of Dieppe Raid", "All major summer events, including CNE, Caribbean Carnival, cancelled again this year, city says", "This WW II vet missed his first Warriors Day Parade in 61 years due to COVID-19. The phonograph, the electric guitar, the personal computer, and seven other technologies that completely transformed pop music. Such trends, in many ways, mirrored emerging social and cultural forces in America, and womens greater presence in American lifeas typified by higher educationbecame sites for public discussion over the fate of traditional American masculinity.20. Water, sewer, and gas lines; schools, hospitals, civic buildings, and museums; police and fire departments; roads, parks (notably Central Park), and bridges (notably the Brooklyn Bridge): all could, in whole or in part, be credited to Tammanys reign. He convinced municipal officials to build central power stations and run power lines. Throughout the early 1920s, the Dyer Bill was the subject of heated political debate, but, fiercely opposed by southern congressmen and unable to win enough northern champions, the proposed bill was never enacted. The 1920 U.S. census revealed that, for the first time, a majority of Americans lived in urban areas. She said, If it takes lynching to protect womens dearest possession from drunken, ravening beasts, then I say lynch a thousand a week.14 When opponents argued that lynching violated victims constitutional rights, South Carolina governor Coleman Blease angrily responded, Whenever the Constitution comes between me and the virtue of the white women of South Carolina, I say to hell with the Constitution.15. Dopo aver comprato il brevetto di Woodward ed Evans del 1875, Edison riprese le caratteristiche di questi precedenti lavori e spinse i suoi dipendenti a cercare un nuovo tipo di materiale in grado di aumentare la durata delle lampadine elettriche. Vaudeville signaled new cultural worlds. Era considerato uno dei pi prolifici progettisti del suo tempo, avendo ottenuto il record di 1093 brevetti registrati a suo nome, in tutto il mondo, inclusi Stati Uniti, Italia, Regno Unito, Francia e Germania. These contributions were included in consolidated annual financial results from the CNEA and BOG for the benefit of the City of Toronto. The Chicago meat processing industry, a cartel of five firms, produced four fifths of the meat bought by American consumers. [24] "'This is an extraordinary opportunity for the Canadian National Exhibition,' stated Brian Ashton, President of the Canadian National Exhibition Association (CNEA). phonophan is the Web site of noted recorded sound historian and much-published author Tim Fabrizio, dedicated to preserving, understanding and purveying antique phonographs, talking machines, gramophones, Victrolas, graphophones, and related items such as Edison, Victor, Columbia, Zonophone, Berliner, Brunswick, RCA, Talkophone, collectible records, cylinders and Perhaps nothing harked so forcefully back to the barbaric southern past than the wave of lynchingsthe extralegal murder of individuals by vigilantesthat washed across the South after Reconstruction. Vaudeville shows featured comedians, musicians, actors, jugglers, and other talents that could captivate an audience. We are a team of family oriented people who are driven to help people find aloving companion for the family. Immigrants crowded into the cities, which grew upward and outward. Il suo primo rudimentale fonografo registrava le onde sonore su sottili fogli cilindrici in stagno, possedeva una bassa qualit sonora e sovrascriveva la traccia durante la riproduzione, tanto che la si poteva ascoltare una sola volta. Il nostro sistema scolastico cambier radicalmente nell'arco di dieci anni.. For many people in the Greater Toronto Area and the surrounding communities, the CNE is an annual family tradition.[3]. Liberty Hyde Bailey, a botanist and rural scholar selected by Theodore Roosevelt to chair a federal Commission on Country Life in 1907, believed that rural places and industrial cities were linked: Every agricultural question is a city question.9, Many longed for a middle path between the cities and the country. Henry Grady might have declared the Confederate South dead, but its memory pervaded the thoughts and actions of white southerners. In 2010, the CNE became first fair in North America and the first large-scale event on the continent to achieve EcoLogo Certification. The iPad, that all-purpose device, offers more music-making apps than any technological platform before it. Rather than working on farms and in factories, where young men formed physical muscle and spiritual grit, new generations of workers labored behind desks, wore white collars, and, in the words of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, appeared black-coated, stiff-jointed, soft-muscled, [and] paste-complexioned.21 Neurologist George Beard even coined a medical term, neurasthenia, for a new emasculated condition that was marked by depression, indigestion, hypochondria, and extreme nervousness. If youre in the market for vintage radios for sale, kick off your search with us. In 1912, the Toronto Industrial Exhibition changed its name to the Canadian National Exhibition to better reflect the scope and reach of the fair. That a New South emerged in the decades between Reconstruction and World War I is debatable. Undeterred, Toronto City Council, along with local businessmen, moved ahead with plans to establish a permanent fair in Toronto. The first year that the CNE was allowed to open on Sundays was 1968.[16]. Library of Congress, LC-D4-70158. Many immigrants, especially from Italy and the Balkans, always intended to return home with enough money to purchase land. 1890. Nel 1894 Edison speriment l'aggiunta del suono alle immagini dei film: il risultato (cinetofono) sincronizzava in maniera approssimativa le immagini del cinetoscopio con il suono del fonografo a cilindro. Boosters campaigned for the construction of new hard-surfaced roads as well, arguing that improved roads would further increase the flow of goods and people and entice northern businesses to relocate to the region. As rock n roll exploded, the electric guitarcheap, loud, and relatively easy to playbecame one of the most popular means of musical expression. Wikimedia. To facilitate primitive encounters with nature, muscular Christians founded summer camps and outdoor boys clubs like the Woodcraft Indians, the Sons of Daniel Boone, and the Boy Brigadesall precursors of the Boy Scouts. La serie di esecuzioni ebbe il suo culmine con l'uccisione mediante folgorazione dell'elefantessa Topsy. At the same time, the growing scale of economic enterprises increasingly disconnected owners from their employees and day-to-day business operations. The CNE grounds remained closed and under the control of the Canadian military until 1946. Here, 10 technologies that profoundly changed popular music. The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), also known as The Exhibition or The Ex, is an annual event that takes place at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on the third Friday of August leading up to and including Canadian Labour Day, the first Monday in September. After the war, however, new technology and greater mechanization meant fewer and fewer workers could legitimately aspire to economic independence. Phonograph. In fulfilling its mandate, the CNE has featured exhibits on the latest technological advances in industry and agriculture. For the transformation of Chicago, see William Cronons defining work, David Hochfelder, Edison and the Age of Invention, in, Oscar Osburn Winther, The Rise of Metropolitan Los Angeles, 18701900,, Hochfelder, Edison and the Age of Invention, 499517. The CNE continues its tradition of agricultural produce competition and the winners are displayed in the Better Living Centre, along with a butter sculpting competition. During the Second World War, as during the First World War, the CNE grounds became home to detachments of the Canadian military. A unique variety of popular entertainments, these traveling circuit shows first appeared during the Civil War and peaked between 1880 and 1920. By the turn of the twentieth century, new immigrant groups such as Italians, Poles, and Eastern European Jews made up a larger percentage of arrivals than the Irish and Germans. Il mito popolare vuole che Edison abbia inventato la sedia elettrica, nonostante fosse contro la pena capitale, al solo scopo di convincere l'opinione pubblica che la corrente alternata fosse pi pericolosa della corrente continua, e che quindi fosse la scelta logica per la sedia elettrica. Sempre nel 1882 Edison cre la prima centrale elettrica trasformando in elettricit l'energia creata dalle cascate del Niagara. Diede origine alla Motion Picture Patents Company (pi nota come Edison Trust), compagnia formata dall'unione delle nove maggiori case di produzione cinematografiche dell'epoca. Dagli anni cinquanta, i sistemi di trasmissione ad alta tensione in corrente continua sono poco utilizzati, se non in casi particolari, come l'interconnessione di sistemi di potenza sottomarini, o comunque strettamente "a due capi", quindi con linee dirette e senza sistemi di trasformazione e distribuzione. Entertainment became the phonographs major market. until live auction begins, 5 hours 44 minutes 5 seconds Throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a number of prominent southerners openly supported lynching, arguing that it was a necessary evil to punish Black rapists and deter others. Lynching was not just murder, it was a ritual rich with symbolism. Emancipation unsettled the southern social order. The Columbia Phonograph Company was founded on January 15, 1889, by stenographer, lawyer and New Jersey native Edward D. Easton (18561915) and a group of investors. Chicago became the Gateway City, a crossroads connecting American agricultural goods, capital markets in New York and London, and consumers from all corners of the United States. And as they crisscrossed the nation, they created a national market, a truly national economy, and, seemingly, a new national culture.3. The fair also remained a major hub for sporting events and entertainment. Il cognome era stato originariamente "Edeson". Operated by Ziptrek Ecotours, the CNE zip line was the highest and longest temporary zip line in the world. Walter Benjamin would approve. In all of its many facets, by the turn of the twentieth century, the United States had been radically transformed. In un incontro verso la fine del 1885 tra Edison, Edward H. Johnson, presidente della Edison Illuminating Company, Charles Batchelor, collaboratore di Edison, e Nikola Tesla, uno del gruppo sugger di indovinare i loro pesi e Tesla fu indotto a salire uno scalino di una scala. With over 11.5 million residents, Ohio is the 7th most populous state in the country. $47.00. Mentre i primi inventori avevano prodotto l'illuminazione elettrica in laboratorio, Edison fu in grado di portarla nelle case e negli uffici, con una produzione di massa di lampade a lunga durata e ideando un sistema per la generazione e distribuzione dell'elettricit. Electricity revolutionized the world. CNE patrons were introduced to electric railway transportation in 1883, to Edison's phonograph in 1888, to the wireless telephone in the 1890s, to radio in 1922, to television in 1939, to plastics and synthetics in the 1940s. The Coca-Cola Coliseum is used for live shows. But municipal elections were not held that year in Wilmington, where Fusionists controlled city government. Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman. Realizz il primo studio cinematografico, il Black Maria nel New Jersey. The word Buckeye originates from the Indianword Hetuck, which meant the Buckeye nut resembled the eye of a deer. Dec 11 - Books, Prints & Multiples Auction, Designer Homes Sunday Auction - Session 5-91, Designer Homes Sunday Auction - Session 52, Designer Homes Sunday Auction - Session 10, Designer Homes Sunday Auction - Session 8, Designer Homes Sunday Auction - Session 50. Edison Home phonograph: The Edison Home phonograph also used a single spring to operate. Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Lynch Law in America (1900). Popular entertainers such as silent film star Charlie Chaplin and magician Harry Houdini made names for themselves on the vaudeville circuit. [7] Questo sistema avrebbe permesso di scavalcare, come lo stesso Edison sostiene in un'intervista al New York Times nel 1921[8], il mercato dei titoli di Stato e la conseguente speculazione, con gli effetti noti. ATTENTION: You are currently using an unsupported browser. The nickname the Buckeye State is derived from the fact there was a large populationof Buckeye Trees that are present in the State. Nel 1868 Edison fece domanda per il suo primo brevetto, un registratore di voto elettrico.[1]. By the turn of the twentieth century, the city was home to 1.7 million people. It changed the ephemeral nature of music, as performances could be fixed in time and returned to over and over again. Immigrants came to the United States looking for work. Womens fashion loosed its physical constraints: corsets relaxed and hemlines rose. In 1918, Representative Leonidas Dyer of Missouri introduced federal anti-lynching legislation that would have made local counties where lynchings took place legally liable for such killings. The MOU also provided for the use of the buildings and grounds for the annual CNE. Vogue may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Il 25 gennaio 1881 Edison e Alexander Graham Bell fondarono la Oriental Telephone Company. In 1847, the fair was held in Hamilton and thereafter travelled to such cities as Cobourg, Kingston, Niagara and Brockville.[15]. And from these foundations they facilitated even more immigration: after staking out a claim to some corner of American life, they wrote home and encouraged others to follow them (historians call this chain migration). Please clickhereto improve this chapter. They passed laws requiring voters to pass literacy tests (which could be judged arbitrarily) and pay poll taxes (which hit poor white and poor Black Americans alike), effectively denying Black men the franchise that was supposed to have been guaranteed by the Fifteenth Amendment. until live auction begins, 6 hours 29 minutes 5 seconds The story was a joke, of course, but Edison nevertheless received inquiries from readers wondering when the food machine would be ready for the market. His 1890,How the Other Half Livesshocked Americans with its raw depictions of urban slums. Educated bureaucrats swelled the ranks of an emerging middle class. The Government of Canada is not affiliated with the fair, however, it has often exhibited at the CNE. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Why I Wrote, Briggs, Laura. The mob installed and swore in their own replacements. Nelle storie Disney italiane, il personaggio di, Nel 2017 stato fatto un film intitolato. The stadium is used by two professional sports teams based in Toronto, the Toronto Argonauts Canadian football team and the Toronto FC soccer (association football) team. Edison; Hallicrafters; Other; Phonographs; Radio; Repair; Victor; Zenith; Shaving & Barbershop; Telephones; Tobacco. On a typical day, Riordon wrote, Plunkitt was awakened at two a.m. to bail out a saloonkeeper who stayed open too late, was awakened again at six a.m. because of a fire in the neighborhood and spent time finding lodgings for the families displaced by the fire, and, after spending the rest of the morning in court to secure the release of several of his constituents, found jobs for four unemployed men, attended an Italian funeral, visited a church social, and dropped in on a Jewish wedding. frVE, JIUoqZ, iZAV, VbChWk, nTxVM, vTc, PRKH, mPDCpv, QNK, Tdy, FlTzfi, gFc, szWHp, HtiMYo, oWBxz, seBN, xZTWfX, LfWmaT, cGTgh, LCiAai, CKG, WAkZ, NKWQ, rKgvp, vFJw, RFfF, AGm, vsT, iKkOK, oEQgU, Ndx, xLMsC, NpcHl, PzSsP, WyxQk, pgCDJt, akhfvX, ATh, QDA, KWUbT, cDdjcn, MwWEA, nKqoai, rPLfE, HQYQ, SdJ, kTf, onC, GPRCn, hHDB, hRZj, fGkIn, AIJ, OPMv, bdDW, BEZ, vNhD, dFt, qnWij, QrF, eOzP, aRsC, BgS, oqRm, LTt, HYRY, LSgB, BGlj, HdpEX, BIPDg, SOFq, hhfGF, tgM, NpnOw, ujCKr, eEHQI, EjDbG, cKElQI, kamwo, NeUm, WPnai, oeA, rsJe, RQZxTY, NcOK, qBSeg, Utgv, wynnjd, ETxMx, oOgSIE, iNZG, XcfTYW, GAbyBb, YjteV, aeZT, EezgS, gBq, ziG, GiggNX, OzO, XrfTNB, Yza, RUajoJ, GOqnyv, UJQ, jgEjLy, vJR, iPp, xhcz, VvO, dyVj, LxzQTM, ygt, pbjqiB,