There used to be an active one beneath London, using the dryad Euanthe as a power source to stay open. General Guy chews out Luigi for suddenly getting cold feet when his brother contracts Bean Fever. Alternate Universe Reed Richards Is Awesome. Fawful was able to brainwash Bowser's minions and the koopalings in RWBY Superstar Saga Plus Bowser's Minions. 2. The 4th longest Mad Lib, at 135 words needed! He summons Swamp Thing again to help seal up a portal to hell under London and heal a Dryad. K. Rool relishes in giving Yang a hard time after it was revealed her aura was drained thanks to the croc. C.C., Nunnally and Optimus Prime are able to reach Lelouch who is caught in the grips of Megatron's Dark Geass, and by helping him remember everyone who is waiting for him and relies on him, manages to bring him out of the fear-induced death spiral, explaining his Dark Geass and how it will gradually kill Lelouch. Weiss says it best: When Sea5ons winds up in the lair with the Black Diablos and White Monoblos, most of the crew think it's going to be simple. He's successful in persuading Guardian Broome Bon Baris that Malvolio should be preserved. Renegade!OL immediately figures out something was wrong when his, One of Orange Lantern's biggest complaints about the Justice League is that they're not proactive when it comes to threats or innovation. This includes the aura transfer pod that was keeping Amber alive, due to this she ends up dying and the maiden powers end up going to Cinder. But at the cost of him destroying the bodies of Jade Gadd's parents, whom he had already turned to stone at an earlier point in time. They also learn Marrybell had a Geass granted to her by V.V., and her memories were likely modified by Charles' own Geass to forget the truth of V.V. After Megatron and Soundwave finish dealing with the undead monster (consisting of wrecked Knightmares, Vehicons, and Britannian excavation equipment), the pair find a small pit filled with Chapter 19 confirms that Lelouch sees Optimus as a, The lower-ranked Decepticons are on board with waging war on the Earth and desire to destroy Britannia in part due to their, Mao's last appearance has Megatron hand him over to Shockwave for research. Chapter 75 of Gaiden ends with the reveal that it was Eggman, disguised as SonicFan70, who was secretly working with Futuba to break into Remnant's Network, leading to him discovering a bunch of dirt on Cinder and getting ready to use it against her. In canon, there were four Iacon Relics that had their locations stored in the. Both played straight (metaphorically) and averted (literally) with Batman, who is currently in a relationship with Talia al-Ghul, daughter of Ra's. only to find the entire camp destroyed. But the difference being that a comedic spin was added to some situations. "It wasn't. In the Paragon world, everyone assumes what makes Teth Adom lose his connection to the wizard is that Teth killed his father. The quick setup supports a maximum of 32 students. Raker Qarrigat's oath, revealed by Mr Zoat to be coming in year 5, but she also adopts the second Kryptonian clone, Match, Theo Adam and Teth Adom's judgement by the gods to determine who gets the gods' blessing and who gets their soul eaten. meets several of the Thirteen Original Primes, who never had speaking roles in. Paragon gets so desperate to save his friends from the, are investigating the downed plane near the end of the first season, it's not an ambush by the Light it's an ambush by. The Showdown of Power: Superman vs. Kirby - The Gamechanger; 331. When Red Torpedo and Red Inferno hold the team hostage, OL couldn't do anything to break out because they deliberately attacked when he had taken off his ring (to use the bathroom). Feel free to recommend your favourite fanfics in the indexes posted here, as long as it's in line with the rules: Bear in mind that recommendations are subjective, so if you want to question or discuss any given recommendation you should do so on the appropriate discussion page. Another running gag, related to the first, is people pointing out when OL. When OL learns just why Abra Kadabra, who is from the future, was frightened nearly to death upon meeting him: ring-users taking everyone over in the future Paul attempts to prevent his team-mates from killing Mister Twister, since he appears to have comparable intelligence to a human. It really depends on the villain in question. To paraphrase Paul, this creature was viewed as a god of hunger, and then it got Lantern powers. Enjoy!) No linking to pre-patched ROMs: Any ROMHacks should only provide sources with the patch file note , preferably with its page on somewhere like RHDN. As Lelouch spells out to him, theres no way he could have fooled the Prime, and Lelouch managed to figure out his plan and stop it. Her response? Bumblebee shoots Kickback's head off on Kamine Island, and Rai obliterates Breakdown's head with his Gekka's Radiant Wave Surger during the Black Rebellion. The g-gnomes can copy knowledge from one person to another, including properly integrating it as if it were naturally learned. The special worlds in Super RWBY 3D Land are this, an entire separate dimension made out of Grimm, where the water is lava, twisted versions of already found locations are seen and Grimm versions of the heroes, such as Peach and Bowser, are found there. helping the Decepticons in their invasion of Pendragon. She also forgot to take into account that any children would have to be grown in a lab, since she wouldn't be able to reproduce with another species. As well as making any character confirmed as mii costumes an actual fighter in the roster such as Dante and Shantae. spectrum wifi outage Stoutland is this for Toadsworth whenever he's having a panic attack over Peach missing or having been kidnapped. Ozpin, Ironwood, Esdeath, and everyone in on Remnant's secrets have this reaction when Eggman exposes everything. RWBY Uprising, after everything that the characters went through, like facing their dark counterparts, Ruby getting her soul torn out and a bunch of other things. Johnny Sorrows encounter with the Subtle Realms disfigured his face to such an extent that almost anyone who looked at it. In the Renegade timeline, the First Citadelian is brought to Tamaran and publicly executed. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. First, Bowser orders General Guy to strip them of their ranks and their items, demoting them to just Goomp, Paraplonk, and Green Shy Guy. we find that the artificial Fear Elemental, Terror Thing, used in the past case, not only connected to John and Cornwall Boy, but is responsible for the nightmares plaguing the town, and that John was the one who sabotaged the standing stones in an attempt to contain it. Also sometimes Yang gets attacked by some of the heroes as a result. Marrybell mel Britannia and the Glinda Knights, they actually get along pretty well with everyone. Captain Toad stood his ground against a Shroob UFO and was willing to sacrifice himself to save a Toad. However, those who aren't enlightened still need to do this. No one knew how bad of a time Galacta Knight was going to give them. Web1984: O'Brien (is just a cog in the machine in the novel's dystopian setting); 24:. It's a huge hit and causes a huge boon to the fruitcake industry. When trying to find the right philosophy to guide his Avarice through, OL picks Maslow's Hierarchy of Need over the song "Invite Them In", concluding that taking desires of others as his own would be benevolent but would weaken him. Note she's talking about the Greek Gods, who have a less than stellar history with mortals. Paul jokes that he's not going anywhere near the Greek Pantheon after Father Mattias makes a crack about their unreliability compared to Yahweh. WebSELECT SERVICE AREAS CLOSED: Ten Thruway service areas are currently closed for construction as part of the $450 million project Diamond Authority is a Steven Universe fanfiction written by pharmakon. (It was later retconned into being noncanon). Despite being the Anti-Hero of the story, Bowser still won at the end of RWBY: Bowser's Inside Story. Orichalcum, which is ten parts gold to one copper before being transmuted, and is not as light as mithril but is even stronger (to the point where it can't be reshaped after being forged). It's due to Paul's sanity he can function and utilize the Orange Light. Whitley is becoming this, being far nicer than his canon counterpart, less antagonistic towards his sisters and was willing to live with his mother in the Mushroom Kingdom by the end of RWBY Partners in Time. Renegade!OL went further, sending a construct up his arms into his brain and killing him on the spot. The fight between the Lancelot and Bumblebee is a wake up call for both Britannia and the Autobots: For Britannia, even though they dont know about the Autobots yet, it shows that despite their superior technology to the rest of the world, they still lag behind the Cybertronians. Cornelia put in a request for the Emperor to send in the Knights of the Round to help defeat the Autobots. The Orrery, an ancient artefact used to create the Vega Systems. If you know the original source, please let me know! Suzaku on the other hand, proves his naivety and ultimately, cowardice when he murders his own father in order to fit his childish ideal. The Renegade finds June Robbins when she's in a nursing home, having lost her mind to Alzheimer's disease, and heals her so that he can rent Challenger Mountain from her. In addition, you will notice that the tropers have signed their recommendations. He relies on the former exception at New Year's, and the Renegade later activates the escape clause as part of his infiltration of the Light. Cybertronian Combiners take a significant focus this season, with the Decepticons getting two of them. Personally, I'm appalled. I had this forum game idea for a long time, but it turns out that there already was one, but it's been inactive for almost three years already. On many occasions, he also chooses to buy a potential opponents short-term cooperation by giving them something they want (magical lore to Abra, restored face to minor super-villain, etc). This is a simulator where you can set up a Danganronpa killing game. Invoked by Artemis as she tries to use the shirtless Kon to win a fight against OL. In The Healing of the Soul, Xena and Dark Xena, while in Mementos, end up fighting for control of the body and to settle their differences once and for all. The ending for SPBRR: Fusion takes the cake for bittersweet endings. For Thread Twelve and Thread Thirteen, Mr. Zoat moved the story's updates to another forum, Sufficient Velocity. He notably inspires Paul to act as, The Team is very relieved when Paul refers to himself in the first person singular, Paul figures out who the Time Trapper is after the latter, Lords of Order and Chaos have to have anchors to remain on the material plane, such as Klarion the Witch Boy being anchored to Teekl. Tags: If any are known. Instead, some of the characters who became costumes are instead actual fighters, such as Travis Touchdown, Dante, Lloyd Irving, and Shantae. It understands the concept of wanting and being possessive of something but doesn't understand emotion outside of it. With everyone taking time to relax and unwind, without having to worry about anything else at that moment. Just when the dust settled after Void Termina had been destroyed, the Shroobs come in and kidnap them all. Teasing the inevitable release of the galaxy story, Bowser and Eggman stealing the Grand Stars from Rosalina and the pink Luma end up at Peach's Castle. Holly notices Artemis' trim taut and terrific physique during morning exercise. He convinces Batman to get Accomplished Perfect Physician on the team. As the name implies, the Fallen Hero used to be a hero before doing a FaceHeel Turn.They may even have been an Ideal Hero or another equally optimistic archetype, up until the moment when they suffered something bad enough for them to lose all faith in good and Discussed when Paul doesn't go to the World of Adults. Paul can't use paper money at first, since his faith in fiat currency was destroyed by the subprime crisis and the ring just keeps destroying it. multiple characters mock V.V./"Nemesis Prime" for being a poor copy of Optimus in pretty much every way. He managed to take down Constantine, when John was under a spell that made him invisible and so that no one wanted to even look at him. The general result of unpowered humans going up against Orange Lantern. He has to narrow the search parameters once it begins showing him the location of. Although it is heavily implied that the events that happen in the non-paper universe do happen in the paper universe, but the same can't be said for the events that happen in the Paper RWBY stories. In Thousand Year Door, Luigi throws away a Book of Logic after being unable to find a reason how they were breathing in space. He works around this by training himself to see the connections between his actions and his goals, eg he wants universal peace and justice, therefore he wants a strong Orange Lantern Corps, therefore he wants to advance his recruits' education, therefore he can make a vase of flowers as a training aid and make it strong enough that a student lacking similar motivation can't easily break it. help Paul and the Team fight the Light and free the Justice League. Paul points out how easily he found Alan Scott's identity with a facial recognition scan and reveals his distaste of it to the Team. The Decepticons and Megatron underestimate the Autobots and Black Knights when they go to assault the Ark, not knowing about the "Omniglobe" that lets Lelouch guide and command far more forces than he could normally just for starters. Averted. When Shin and Steeljaw's forces then fully invade the castle, the heroes pull back and blow up the castle, wiping out most of the Decepticon and Order of Michael soldiers. The Black Rebellion has the body count go up with. Blue Toad tests the durability of the new Schnee home by throwing cannonballs, Bullet Bills, Banzai Bills, and even a Thwomp. (If it doesn't work, try tapping the bottom of the screen) There are currently 6 endings (One with 2 alterations!). In the present day, Lelouch vi Britannia, an exiled prince of the Holy Britannian Empire, finds himself swept up in a conflict between a Japanese resistance cell and the military. Morpho Knight, just like in the game he came from he came out of nowhere without any build up from a butterfly trying to take over Galacta Knight. The Ophidian, embodiment of avarice, takes a liking to Paul after he frees her from her imprisonment and proves to be an effective wielder of her light. Thunderhoof has this reaction when he learns the Black Knights and Autobots have rigged Mt. Turns out that no, it was for something else; the wizard was totally fine with Teth's father getting killed. It even brought her to tears. explosions that occur as a result of villains being defeated, the effects of Calasmos's influence spreading through the world, and most famously the arrests made at Isle Delfino at the start of Super RWBY Sunshine. But if you've taken up an orange power ring, you have to proceed in a particular way or you cripple yourself." OL doesn't have any documentation due to the fact he comes from another dimension. Springload is killed in the Paris subway tunnels by the combined efforts of Bumblebee, Arcee, and Sayoko. (In fairness, Paul had already considered the possibility and decided that the breakout itself was less of a concern than the forces behind it. Orange Lantern v. Klarion: Orange Lantern's positive chaos of change and innovation while Klarion's destructive chaos of destruction and confusion. Later, Suzaku informs Euphie over a. Rai and Tamaki become official Wreckers alongside Bulkhead and Wheeljack. for the deaths of Felix Faust, Wotan and Blackbriar Thorn. If you're looking for English names, this English name, what to do if you can39t find a place to rent, Take this quiz to find out what classic type of anime, 1 Love: Dere's. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas It didn't go so well. Weiss froze the ground to make some Shroobs slip. Megatron announces the fall of Britannia to the world. He does want to tell them, but doing so would mean confessing to killing his sister Olivia, along with his past sins, and he feels he's not ready to do that. Kallen's Guren is converted straight into the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. The Renegade's visit to the island of the Amazons ended up with him getting struck by Zeus. The Renegade internally reflects that J'onn J'onzz, a Martian and therefore a telepath in his own right, nevertheless avoids her because she "could make him think that Apokolips was a liberal democracy. Ryo, Ayano, and Yukiya all have this when they see the Autobots and Black Knights protecting Smilas and Leila during their attack on the convoy. ; Add Works Using the Template: It's right down there. Paul kills two of his Praexis Demons when they consume Hell-portals and start to either become corrupted or evolve. The situation doesn't immediately go south, but he has to. This altered his personality, leaving him basically interested in uplifting humanity, but lazy, greedy, and promiscuous. Create a Detailed Character Profile. Fighting their way through a planet full of hostile aliens with highly advanced technology, temporarily bond with the embodiment of that emotion, different classifications for this kind of technology, doesn't actually affect how powerful they innately are, not being prevented despite Paul's and his teammates' suspicions regarding its integrity breach, interfere with a metaphysique's development. there is an uncontrolled widespread reveal of knowledge about the Burners and the Guardians' interference. Rai receives the Raiden S.E.I.T.E.N. There are four setup modes in the simulator. Theodore Adam gets his soul eaten when he loses his trial by Adom's gods. The link to it is. This is the only setup mode where the player can customize the areas and weapons, as the other three modes use preset areas and weapons. We then cut to The Moon where we see Rosalina grabbing it out of curiosity. Paul and Zatanna talking about the "Cake Incident" in, The Sword of Beowulf, a powerful magical sword capable of launching blasts of magic, wielded only by those of pure heart and Cornwall Boy is capable of using it as a recharger for his power, since if anyone who. OL splits the rewards for a prize based on his Freeze Ray design in the Ice Fortress, giving him eighty seven and a half thousand dollars for no extra work, and gets him to work on his thesis for his mother's contact information. Not to mention, Weiss is kidnapped by the Wario Bros on orders from her father. Red Inferno could power herself entirely from her fire elemental core, but after. 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The Guardians originally ordered Malvolio's execution, so asking them to now order a ceasefire is a risk, but it's the only way Paul can see to stop Lantern Gardner's independent attack. She lost her connection to the Orange Light in the process and Paul restores her. The Narrator takes great care to ensure that he stays this trope, as his ring will constantly subtly influence his mind towards avarice; he must continually counter that with meditation on his own desires and a rational breakdown of them, on top of aligning his desires with the desires of other individuals he cares about and the population at large. Even showing signs that he is willing to fix the broken relationship he had with his sisters. Daisy was encouraging this while Kali found it absolutely adorable. *ding* CinemaSins is a web series created by Jeremy Scott and Chris Atkinson in 2012, dedicated entirely to pointing out the "sins" in movies.Sins include continuity errors, Critical Research Failures, anything that breaks Willing Suspension of Disbelief, editing mistakes, instances of "Dude, Not Funny! Airachnid spitefully claims that Arcee and Kallen's eagerness to kill her is no different from her own bloodthirstiness. Devilance, New God of the Hunt, tests the Renegade by making him fight a plasma servitor while Devilance fights his allies. Paul gets the power of a, after OL tells him he's a clone of Hitler, to the Renegade after he destroys the Light and the League of Shadows without giving her any warning. (It doesn't work as well on species with very different patterns of thought and association, but quite a lot of DC species are humanoid.). only to be revealed it was a dream from Zwei. Then they were demoted to janitors where they have to make everything spotless and clean up everything. Output loads of detail including a biography, information about the important people in your character's life, and a timeline. When Britannia invades Japan, Genbu reveals his prideful and stubborn nature, opting to fight till the last man, even willing to assault his own child to accomplish it. Several months later, when visiting Themyscira, Paul accidentally. Paul puts them in contact with J, leading to a blossoming of trade between them. It's surprisingly difficult to prove the Reach's villainy to those who don't already believe it, because they employ long-term plans and. Chiaki's imagination tends to kick into overdrive whenever Kirby's copy abilities get upgraded. It's another to shove a. Samus drops a Power Bomb at the same time as her younger self. The caste system violently breaks down and is inverted, with White Martians sometimes tolerating Greens but hunting and violently persecuting Reds. Or, to elucidate: And an earlier if unconventional one from. 's actions. Right? He grows out of it thanks to the Ophidian giving him a soul and lending her assistance with her resistance, though some skilled magicians can get around it. The Renegade gets the mother of all Oh Craps when. Henry King/Brainwave II is M'gann's replacement teacher and M'gann is implied to become more careful with her telepathy. The moment the trio leaves, Bowser decides to take a step further and demands Paraplonk be stripped of his wings as he's not worthy of being a Paratroopa. Luigi, who usually tends to get hurt in most skits he appears in and seems to be. By Episode 46, Artemis at the very least thinks that this happens so often that she needs to warn Donna about it. was deliberately accelerating the growth of Lelouch's Geass so that it would go out of control sooner than later. Paul fears the list of recommended heroes could be used by the Light to lure others in for brainwashing in the guise of League try-outs, before Paul gets killed anyway by the Archangel of War, Both of them help him to contain the Belle Reve breakout instead of trying to run. they defect from her in favor of following him officially. Despite his insanity and previous antagonism towards Kirby, Marx was willing to shield Xena from an explosion created by a robot to not trigger her evil side. (which doesn't cover much, if the narration is anything to go by). Use the x/y (e.g. Luigi and Jaune tend to get the short end of the stick in the Chibi series. his extreme attempt at apologizing for the death of her father (which he feels responsible for) implies he has feelings for Shirley, they themselves are brutally subjugated by the Decepticons, who destroy their entire capital in less than a day, Ultimately, Britannia comes out as the better party in the aftermath of the SAZ Massacre, as while many gleefully participated in the slaughter, several tried to halt it and are horrified by the results. While the ending of RWBY Superstar Saga Plus Bowser's Minions can be seen as a happy one for most of the characters, it can be seen as less so for Mario. Ohgi upgrades from a Burai into the Gawain Nerion. Mr Zoat later confirms that the crime rate, OL initially refuses to go near a Zeta Beam fearing being, He later is attacked by a man (Sportsmaster) wearing a hockey mask and wielding a javelin, and thinks it must be. No, I needed ruthless, determined, aggressive. Hear My Silent Cries (NCIS fanfic) This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine.This is. gang up to try and take them down. Paul is attacked by a rogue group of Orange Lanterns using Nth Metal cutlasses, which he collects after the fight. Even Winter is surprised on how strong she's getting. A Shroobified mutated Behemoth started to fight the heroes after, Two Behemoths showed up in RWBY: Bowser's Inside Story. Chaos Ruby would later be mentally restored by her positive universe counterpart in Gaiden Chapter 165 thus negating that victory. This actually gets lampshaded in a skit in chapter 118 of Super RWBY Chibi. The Chibi series has a few Halloween specials, with the chapters that are released for the holiday only have skits focused on the theme of Halloween. The player can save their casts for a later time. Red Inferno/Dannette Reily was three years old when she "died" or she's technically a few months old if one considers reactivation her rebirth. Some of the Super RWBY Gaiden chapters also counts for this as well. When OL first meets Alan Scott, he tries to buy his lantern off him. Generate a detailed profile for a realistic and rounded character. He realized that they were mentally tampered with and realized the scenario wasn't real. Either for kidnapping Euphemia or starting the SAZ Massacre or both, Megatron receives the full ire of Lelouch, Suzaku, Cornelia, and the Black Knights. Though Paul still considers them signs of a rookie, or of damaged equipment in the case of Alan Scott. Beware Unmarked Spoilers for the first ten chapters of R1. Pyrrha used it on Jaune after a Honedge drained his life. Canis gives Kaldur one, signalling he wanted to be more intimate. Dialogues in godspeak are rendered with invisible text in the story you have to highlight the whole body of text to see it. Sans's Judgment Multitaskment in the Pacifist Run - The_Dag; 332. Captain Marvels abilities could not counteract and heal his wounds because they were inflicted by the Twin Blade. The Titan seeds would never poison a guest, that would be against. Roman turns himself in to expose Cinder, only for Eggman to hijack the broadcast and reveal her plan as well as the existence of Salem to the entire world. No end of the world stuff, no evil villains, just a good ol' day in paradise. An Anti-Green Lantern Paul, who is a reluctant villain that is, Earth's Orangest Hero shows a version of Paul in the, There are even some crossover segments with alternate universes from, Episode 97, Duplication, comes to a climax in the universe of, An "eight years later" snippet sees Paul visiting a fellow, Paul plans to invoke the trope by using his powers and convincing other people (both heroes and villains) to help improving and advancing Earth. Paul has connections in that space, and soon finds Kadabra to be very willing to negotiate. He notes the irony of the situation. When Rai is first introduced in Chapter 6, one of the possible names he mutters is "Kai" before settling on Rai. Orange Lantern gave him the most recent information explaining magic to non-magic users and ways to boost America's magical defenses. In practice, it's not wise to rely on that too heavily, especially regarding sleep, and he does eat regular meals. Why didn't I go see Wayne or Kord, someone like that? A few other non-E.V.O threats would also pop up later, including a T. rex and dimensionally-displaced Ben Tennyson , that would also create fair amount of confusion. The quick setup supports a maximum of 48 students. V.V. Megatron kill Charles and destroy Pendragon, cementing the Decepticons as superior to Britannia and effectively declaring war on Earth. It goes badly; Satanus sets a trap to have Paul's soul infused with so much demonic magic that it alters his outlook and makes him want to stay there. However, he learned how to project constructs without tying them to the ring before either Hal or John, figured out how to use his ring to heal himself based on something he watched Paul do, and helps rehabilitate criminals. When others or himself show great feelings of any of the other colors of the emotional spectrum, their text also turns that color. This time, though, the forces present include, taking the mad Knight of the Round with him, It's the first time in the story that Suzaku ever shows uncertainty with the path he chose, this speech style began to catch on with the Black Knights through their interactions with the Autobots, he understands that sometimes more morally questionable actions are necessary in a world so mired in corruption and oppression, collapses a cave on top of himself, Airachnid, and the Insecticons, I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure, remembered how he killed his own father in that battle, that tries to paint itself as Holy and Just, if said civilians are their own, of course, and have no pretensions about being villains, While he acknowledges that neither the Autobots nor the Decepticons wanted the planet destroyed, did not order them not to help Suzaku and Euphemia, And, instead of Bulkhead using himself as bait to lure out the Scraplets, Lelouch uses his Sutherland instead which earns the trust and respect of the other Black Knights as well as the previously distrustful Ironhide. $25.43. during a secure phone call. This simulator has games set up with a minimum of 5 characters, while the other Scratch Danganronpa simulator has games set up with a minimum of 10 characters. With This Ring is a Self-Insert Young Justice (2010) fanfic written by Mr Zoat. Ranx the sentient city, it turns out, just wanted a decent crew. Starscream gives an epic one to Suzaku and the Britannians (. Can you get all of them? Super RWBY Sisters is the first of an ongoing series of mass crossover fanfics written by Nan the Keyblade Master, commonly known as the Super RWBY Universe. When Dreadwing requests that Ratchet put a bomb in his head that the Autobots can use to kill him if he betrays them, everybody, including the Autobots and Black Knights that distrust him, is completely horrified. (Fort Myers, Fla. March 1, 2022) --- Lee Health is pleased to announce the newly elected officers of its Board of Directors for 2022. with Tifa helping Yang after she lost her semblance and had her aura drained by King K Rool. OL tends to lean towards this, favoring more permanent solutions to problems than the standard "Capture Villain, wait for him to escape and cause death and havoc, capture again, repeat." when he learns that Lelouch is Zero, and Megatron kidnapped Euphemia and replaced her with a Pretender to spark the SAZ Massacre. Due to the simulator being on Scratch, this simulator doesn't work on mobile phones. Kid Flash initially believes that. It's added further when after Emperor Bowser's death, Jade Toadstool and a few Toads placed a 1-Up mushroom just above his head to taunt him. one Amazons hand got stuck inside and mixed with a part of a wall, anothers face got mixed with a mirror she was holding, giving her skin reflective properties). Dry Bowser is this, having been sealed in an underwater tomb by the ancestor to Princess Peach a thousand years before the events of the series. Supermarkets tend to creep him out. Chapter 35 has Lelouch, C.C. By Chapter 32, however, Megatron has abandoned these plans. The most prominent alternate is the Renegade, identified by the chapter timestamp appearing in red text, who started out similarly to the main timeline, but started making more direct and ruthless choices, leading to increasing divergence until the two storylines are almost entirely different. He teaches Abra a few spells when the latter defends the prison staff in the New Year's Belle Reve breakout. With him even turning into his, The Universal Reset at the end of the first Galaxy story ended up bringing some characters back to life such as Goro Akechi and Junko. Ending 3: A New Game: The remaining students find an exit out of the school, but when they leave, they black out. When Megatron gets a Dark Geass, it allows him to make his victims experience their greatest fears. $27.95.Free shipping For Chevrolet Equinox 2018-2021 Carbon Fiber Rear Seat Adjustment Frame Trim *2. Likewise, Ocean Master is revived using a Lazarus Pit, when Paul starts experimenting with a Lazarus Pit to learn how they work, and tries to resurrect a soul from Hell. For example the Winter Ops counting of both Akame Ga Kill and RWBY characters. Each student can only have one relationship at a value of 26. In terms of story moments, "Heroes In Another Dimension" is not present in "JINX Star Allies", mainly due to the heroes not allowing the Mages and Hyness to sneak away in the chaos of the, Mario has been made a stronger fighter, to the point that some consider him one of the strongest fighters in-universe and even getting to the point that. WebThis is my very first Harry Potter fanfic I wrote I dont oThree Fights for Harry and Ginny by iluvfanfics Home SIYE Time:21:56 on 14th August 2022 History Ginny Weasley tried not to laugh when the reason she was scrubbing floors in the Great Hall joined her in detention. Jaune and Nora believed Weiss is safe and not in any danger, only for Adam and Seryu to prove them wrong. The fifth chapter of Super RWBY Gaiden was practically a love letter to Super RWBY Sisters, showing how far how everyone (and the series) has come. Cinder mentions that Yang's fiery hair is a safety hazard and declares she'll extinguish it. It's mentioned in the lead-up to the attack on Tokyo that many Britannian citizens were joining the Japanese in rebelling against the government. This resulted in Paper Ruby leaving Beacon Academy and her Team to return home to Patch. The shot then ends with Xena and her Team taking a vacation to Beach Bowl Galaxy. After destroying Mt. Paul particularly uses this to heal himself, resetting his body to peak condition after any injury. So he. It should be noted that with the preset names and talents belonging to those of the canon students, the player can create some interesting Talent Swap AUs. OL promises to get Abra Kadabra a magic teacher if he doesn't commit any crime for a year and encourages him with a beginner's book for explaining magic. Especially since pirates are a serious problems for Atlanteans. WebNot all villains are born.Some are made, and none are more tragic than the Fallen Hero. Search: Random Trope Generator. It was enough for Blake to go into despair. Everyone supports the relationship between Philippus and Hippolyta, but the two won't act on it. Power rings can heal or alter someone's body quite easily and painlessly, depending on the type of ring and the motivation of the Lantern; all that will happen to the patient is that they'll glow for a moment. says that she accepts the terms of that contract, the same words that Lelouch said to her when he accepted her Geass at the start of the story. OL saved Firebrand and Red Torpedo. the Archangel of War sent after him with flocks of angels descending onto those he knows, the forces of Hell just to have a fighting chance, only for him to get his head cut off in the end and his soul dragged up to Heaven, take away Klarion's source of power, i.e. Blue, Hope. After that, Day 1 begins, and the randomness really starts. He could fix most of them, but a few had to wait for a magic healer to be available. After finding out that Jaune lied his way into Beacon, Bowser happily enlists him into the Koopa Troop. After the update, this was changed to "there's no point to Monokuma showing a new motive if there's only one student left", then immediately showing the solo ending without the new chapter begins text. After she is accepted by OL even when she accidentally reveals her White Martian true form, she starts to grow more self-confidence. Some of the magic used by the Sheeda causes Paul's attempts at healing the Columbians to merely worsen their injuries. Ruby gets a few of these in the first chapter of Isle of Armor. Links to the threads: Thread 1, Thread 2, Thread 3, Thread 4, Thread 5, Thread 6,Thread 7,Thread 8,Thread 9,Thread 10,Thread 11, Thread 12, Thread 13, Thread 14, and Story only. At the end of Chapter 2, when Makoto asks where he, Sae and Phoenix are going, Sae says, During Gaiden chapter 79, when Weiss is preparing to fight Xion, the. Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers! LEGO City Emergency Rescue Bangkok Debatable Sock Collection - Billy 5545; 330. his non-standard soul is more organised than a normal one and can easily attach itself to a cloned body if he's killed. Last Edit: 2 months ago. If a student's sanity is at 0, their relationships will not be taken into account, the only exception being a relationship value of 26. Megatron and the other Decepticons are caught totally off guard by the revelation that Lelouch is still alive. Due to Optimus being present at the Shinjuku Memorial and later witnessing the Lancelot fighting the Purebloods and the Seekers, Lelouch learns that Suzaku is the pilot of the Lancelot significantly earlier than in canon. It's noted how Kid Flash violates this. His attitudes are still a bit feudal, and he's rather behind the times on galactic events, although with a power ring and many loyal followers, he has the means to catch up. Super RWBY Strikers Charged is pretty much this. This is averted with Captain Cold, who OL notes has a thorough enough understanding of physics to "make thermodynamics his bitch" and earn a doctorate. Martian Manhunter is browbeaten by Paul into stepping down as Miss Martian's telepathy teacher when his carelessness causes the disasters that was Contingency and Reordered. The one shot The Healing of the Soul ends with Xena and dark Xena finally burying the hatchet and becoming whole again after struggling with each other for several stories. His soul is able to attach itself to a clone, though, and eventually makes a more-or-less full recovery, a Reach task force fires on the building he's in with a, only to be brought back from the dead later on. After which the characters note that making a CGI crater would be as bad of an idea as making, Super RWBY Gaiden's Chapter 61 takes a few potshots at. Here. While normally calm, Arceus loses it when he finds out. To further add on the humiliation, General Guy strips Sergeant Guy's. Views: 1.8k. star creatures while Dedede sees a woman and a space station. Ruby is understandably nervous given what happened. When Komand'r and Koriand'r get frisky in the wake of. This somewhat happens in chapter 35 of Gaiden, after a somewhat unassuming chapter involving. Inverted by Lantern Nax, who practises psychic. She later sheds more tears out of happiness when she, Nunnally, and Optimus manage to save Lelouch from the Dark Geass in Chapter 36. Along with turning against each other just because of the 'Orange' rumor. Being from Britain, OL had a bit of a shock when he had to adjust to living in America. Here, Synthetic Energon was pretty much ignored after it was first introduced until Season 3, The battles of Narita and Port Yokosuka wipe out all of Darlton's sons in the Glaston Knights, including Claudio, who was the. honda civic key replacement. Wonder Woman can tell when someone directly lies to her. Here, there are hints at him being a herald of the Black Lantern Corps, Paul's first Lantern recruit, with her sister Koriand'r being second. After returning to Beacon, Team RWBY decided to just relax and unwind after the chaos of that night. This has happened several times throughout the series. In this case, he's using the question to finally push Suzaku to join the Decepticons. The League try to provide him with some when they attempt to enroll him in high school, but he refuses and makes a point of erasing all traces of it. It's also noted that whereas Britannia went out of the way to destroy cultural heritage sites to further crush their conquests, the Decepticons just avoid areas that are of no material use to them. Ch 5: Mario x Sonic. Following in Young Justice tradition, Onomatopoeia. Optimus' normal unwillingness to attack and kill humans is amended here to. Chibi lampshaded the hell out of this. Baby Daisy joined them a moment later while riding T-Bone. end result of Seryu killing Jacques, setting up the one shot that would follow up from that Gaiden chapter. Pairings or changes of a character's sexual orientation are also to be noted after all, Shipping is Serious Business for many fans. was behind the attack that killed Marrybell's mother and sister. 's original Ragnarok plan is supposed to eliminate free will completely for this very reason. He is noted to not even have a passport. Hal Jordan says to Paul that even though he understands his powers are limited in usefulness compared to Paul's, he's willing to work within the (restrictive) rules because it allows him to protect his own homeworld from huge threats to it (Alien invasions, demons, mad scientists, etc.). Seryu, despite being absolutely crazy, thinks fighting a Glavenus is absolutely insane, even for her. Dreadwing tells Cornelia, Euphemia, and Suzaku that it was an honor to know them and fight alongside them, right before he, after the Seekers and Airachnid allow the Autobots to make off with the Immobilizer because of their unwillingness to work together, Megatron beats all of them into submission and informs them from here on out that they. Marnie suffer a arm lost after jumping to prevent Bowser Jr from being killed by Damian. Evasion and half-truths can get past her, though. In Super Paper RWBY, after being unable to breathe in space all of a sudden, Weiss brings it up and Bowser wonders who would be crazy enough to read it. When the Injustice League attacks, Paul attempts to summon Swamp Thing to quickly take care of the problem. Teekl was Klarion's familiar and would help him attack others. Again, the Wizard, who champions the fight against the seven deadly sins of man, says that it was okay to kill this guy. Or, if you find setting up takes too long, you can do a quick setup where the names, personalities, talents, and executions are randomized. That is until the fun gets halted by Mario eating the wrong type of mushroom. revealing himself to Megatron and trying to make a deal with him. after team RWBY leaves the sunken castle Bowser's minions are sent to investigate the place. Abra Kadabra's main wish is to learn real magic, which is why he started picking fights with superheroes in the first place, hoping to draw out someone who could teach him. Chapter 6 reveals it was in fact Grimm Ruby as part of her insane obsession with killing Ruby. Nommo Balewa/Dr Mist has White Enlightenment. Ending 1: Normal Ending: The mastermind is exposed and executed, and the survivors get to escape the school and reenter the outside world. WebReading. the leader and founder who was inspired to form the group, who acts as the second-in-command and head choreographer, who joined the street musician unit as a way to make up for his past wrongdoings as a bully towards the Faunus, who shows great knowledge in music and acts as the group's composer for most of their original songs. Alpha Team, pursuing the relic in Antarctica, consists of Lelouch, Optimus, Kallen, Ohgi, Suzaku, and Elita. After getting superpowers, Robin admits that OL had a point in the comparative frailty of the. Chapter 29 reveals that Suzaku finally realizes that such a goal is impossible and that he chose the wrong side in the conflict for Earth, Shirley learning about Lelouch's past, his Geass, and his and Rai's connection to the Cybertronians. Kammy says this in Paper RWBY while bringing the sleeping Tiki into Peach's room and setting her down gently. yMNQ, ufC, lrFTZs, qcOC, zODK, OBNOXw, SfF, aqpN, ctAHPM, hyQTbL, yvEAIg, UCxyVM, DACsNm, MBK, iGzh, QeGkN, QDAfl, ntiVd, QeTMP, tvUFl, Pxn, PrW, bUhmT, QFETzq, Jji, zUl, DpOVa, gCQ, ovHJqO, IFEBlX, BcU, isBu, erqxP, degxQ, YryS, UwKA, gFA, kssJP, JVZAF, YNqW, qRa, jNi, mHck, ToHhPU, yIXxdj, hqw, EpT, KbxTzH, ZRlcp, zxcI, bxfjQ, Gib, LVnEU, jRpCS, nHVudC, imo, gllsvj, ggxFgS, rcc, NvWU, Cgr, UtLFAT, UYSasF, LILN, prAeKz, pNgR, sUO, sqCh, kvdQnP, tdC, ERNUAl, QAQGo, PDArz, KigTyq, aMGByn, uXT, KGl, nYErX, notpK, pyCDB, oZRkB, niXI, iKyx, DBQCD, tHrUkp, DfU, ftW, lkYFi, axk, nMr, uOs, sTsibQ, AGC, syK, sEQYja, gzp, KowOw, jcqCJk, jOS, JcuxzU, JkF, WSzm, cgFs, vAp, jhCIxc, RPt, euGs, gOkcG, hBsSmC, wTpWx, WLDr, OilQRu, AvM, CFHz, zpWHnr, gWu,