Double Wide brunch-goers can indulge in dishes like hot chicken waffles topped with hot sauce, bourbon pecan maple syrup and blueberry compote. He also reveals to Sobotka that he's known for years that Frank is not his real father.

Proposition Joe meanwhile arranges a meeting between Omar and Stringer. Stunned, Sobotka escapes to the bathroom, where the reality of what he's been involved with eats away at him.


Directed by Steve Shill
Story by David Simon & Ed Burns
Teleplay by Ed Burns

"They used to make steel there, no?" - Vondas

Ziggy attempts to collect money from a white drug dealer named Frog he's been supplying, but Frog won't pay, saying the stash was hit. As Pearlman and McNulty leave, they cross paths with Daniels, who hands Pearlman the file of leaked grand jury documents.

At the homicide unit, Det. Carver lectures ever younger kids outside the abandoned factory hangout before running them off, then spots the graffiti on the wall as he leaves: Namond, Michael, Randy, Dukie, Donut, Kenard and others, with the mockingly false phrase: "Fayette Mafia Crew 4evah." In his new crib, Michael works on homework with Bug in a quiet, placid moment as, suddenly, we return to Michael being awakened from this dream-like reverie in the back of Chris's SUV - time to dump the gun. Rawls convinced them it's theirs based on the location at which McNulty found it, McNulty learns. Moreover, two missing persons can also be tied to Stanfield's organization through the earlier wiretaps that Freamon had up. Rawls suggests that they let Col. Daniels handle it, since the sergeant is under his command now, and the ministers might be more inclined to accept the decision of a black commander.

The corner has taken its toll and Sherrod stumbles into Bubbles' garage late at night, admitting to having messed up the count on a package, and asking to be taken back in. Anamorph: Directed by Henry Miller. The unruly team of hockey misfits grows up a bit and receives scholarships to a prestigious prep school, where they take on With friend and partner in crime Kimmy, the two con their way into a Barksdale stash house, and in a heist that's almost too easy, make off with the drugs and the cash.

Stringer Bell visits Avon in jail, updating him on the neighborhood news. "Fucking solo cars. Its so good! He begs them not to do him in the vacants; his people won't know. As the plainclothes car races off in response, two boys run by Randy's house and throw Molotov cocktails through the windows. Them towers be home to me," he tells Bodie, who derides his sentimentality. I got the shotgun, you got the briefcase." The statement impresses a stunned courtroom.

Updating Daniels, Freamon says that Sobotka is living within his means, and that while the union is poor, it appears to have spread as much as $70,000 around to politicians who can help revitalize the docks. We just don't admit it," Colvin blurts out. He surprises them as they leave, shoots Fruit in the head, then greets Patrice, who flees horrified. Like any tried and true diner, Little Duck is an all day affair, remaining open until midnight on the weekends. When no one responds to Omar's request to open the truck, Kimmy shoots a guard in the ass. His father never brought it home; it's too dangerous if the cops come. He assumes that Greggs would notice such a detail as well. Wooton gives him the heads-up as Templeton and managing editor Thomas Klebanow sidle toward his desk. As they step inside, Freamon asks whether McNulty is coming, but he declines, telling them that he's going home.

In East Baltimore, Fatface Rick, Buise, Cheese, Slim Charles and a few others meet to talk over the finances of buying Marlo's connection. People know where to find him so they approach him directly for help. Burrell has another idea: give it to the "fresh eyes" of the rookie, Kima Greggs. Later, McNulty and Bunk do some serious drinking, McNulty downing 14 shots, "one for each of the bodies," he says. Social services tells him the boy's only option is a group home, since his foster mother's in the hospital indefinitely and there's a wait list for foster care.

Freamon sends Greggs to round up Sgt. There are plenty of incredible options, but Im not going to overwhelm you with too many choices. Stunned, Cheese departs at once.

At the U.S. Attorney's office, Pearlman meets with FBI squad supervisor Amanda Reese and Assistant U.S. Attorney Nadiva Bryant to discuss the FBI's pursuit of the case Daniels' detail has developed against the union. about the shakes: try the Big Bang ($11.90), a thick chocolate-based milkshake with a ton of Later, he goes for a walk with Sobotka, who is curious about where the money came from and angry that Ziggy would waste a hundred dollar bill in a bar full of poor, mostly under-employed working men.

In the Detail Office, Russell and Freamon have discovered through long nights of labor that 22 containers have disappeared off the cargo docks in recent months, all of them with Horseface working as the checker. Discover superb restaurants, amazing bars, great things to do and cool events in NYC. Freamon, for his part, is mildly disappointed in their target: Marlo Stanfield hasn't turned out to be as sharp or as fierce as they thought - no bodies that would suggest violence can be traced to the drug organization, and the group's liberal use of cellphones means that eventually, it will be relatively simple to build a conspiracy case. Now it it may be too late -- Marlo may have changed his pattern by now. Mello orders the sergeant to do so immediately, then stalks out. Ziggy wants to be more deeply involved in Nick's drug dealing, and is hurt and angry when Nick rebuffs him, impetuously throwing the wad of bills Nick's just given him out the window of the truck. Greggs wants to know about the Russian girls in another club in which Shardene worked. His cell phone rings with a call from Ofc. "I'm sorry, son," Carver says. Ellis Carver. Bodie is instructed to be courteous to them and let them do their work. Bubbles watches for his sister to arrive, but she doesn't turn up. Beatrice "Beadie" Russell" confronts him about his recent drinking and carousing, but McNulty refuses to get into it. Promising that the killer will be stopped, Carcetti directs questions to Acting Commissioner William A. Rawls, who quickly allows Deputy Commissioner of Operations Cedric Daniels to provide detail on the department's tactics.

Bunk visits a group home in West Baltimore to interview Randy Wagstaff, who has toughened over the past year. Bodie tenses as they approach, but Chris assures him they are there to parley only. McNulty dials the number that Omar offers then holds the phone for Omar to tell the voice on the other end that he's been arrested and is on the way to Central Booking. Meanwhile, Mayor Carcetti attends a fundraiser for the Ella Thompson Fund, a part of the Parks and People Foundation of Baltimore that helps sponsor inner-city recreation programming, where he meets and greets these very men - who are rushing to ingratiate themselves to the new city administration. Keep this conversation close, he orders Daniels. Colvin wants to arrest the assailant for assault, but the manager doesn't want any trouble for a customer who is instrumental in booking conventions into Baltimore. As they watch the Mayor and Wilson go, Daniels bitterly notes: "So one thieving politician trumps twenty-two dead bodies. After the meeting, Carcetti takes Burrell to lunch and makes him an offer. He tells Landsman to order Greggs and Norris to report for poll duty. Before leaving, Omar asks for a service ticket for the antique clock he's dropping off for repair. The Commissioner pulls Rawls aside after, not realizing his Deputy Ops was prepped on Carcetti's promotions: "Valchek we coulda guessed, but Daniels?"

Colvin reports to Professor David Parenti about what the restaurant trip revealed, describing how the outing plummeting the kids from masters of the universe into fear and humiliation, without any awareness on their part. The boys bail from the SUV and bolt into the alleys. Holley, worried about his bad luck, demurs and Norris takes the call "a body found in the street, no suspect and no witnesses." Holley and Bunk hi-five for not catching that case.

At the gym, yet another woman brings Cutty peach cobbler--even though she has no sons, she just appreciates what he's doing. But to follow the profits and prove how they flow through Baltimore, making the entire city complicit that would be a career case.

Beside two S.U.V.s in a vacant lot, Marlo Stanfield, Chris Partlow and Felicia "Snoop" Pearson discuss business. Cutty asks Michael what Namond is wrapped up in. "White boys," says Freamon. Joe wants to let sleeping dogs lie, but Cheese is intrigued by how badly Marlo wants Omar.

McNulty and Barlow present the red ribbon cases to Landsman who doesn't care about a serial killer of vagrants. From one hole, she plucks a .38 caliber slug. Enraged, Ziggy takes the money and leaves, but once outside, he stews. "Owin' niggas for s**t. It ain't me," Michael responds. When Marlo finally shows up and Bodie approaches him, Marlo brushes him off. Freamon finds it strange that Fruit is the first body to hit the pavement in months, "and it's Marlo's boy who falls." Bunk agrees that it's suprising that someone holding as much real estate as Marlo wouldn't generate bodies.

When Marlo gets wind of the killing, he wants to know who the f**k Lex is. Check these out. But he urges Sobotka to lighten up: "Spend some on a little something you can touch. He goes looking for Michael, leaving Carver to contemplate Namond.

By a row of industrial buildings, Omar and Renaldo suit up in armor and load their guns, as Kimmy, the woman from Butchie's bar, arrives in a torn housedress and imitation fur coat ready for action. The next day he tracks down Deacon to see about the social work grant he dismissed earlier.

The first day of school, Randy, Michael and Dukie head over to pick up Namond, with Michael keeping his younger brother, Bug, in tow and Randy giving his lunch to Dukie on the way. Bunk gives Freamon Fruit's cellphone as a consolation prize - he can pull other numbers off it - and they discuss the fact that Marlo, who seems to be the new power in West Baltimore, has been so quiet. Terrified, Bodie and Dragon go back to Baltimore and tell Stringer the bad news. When he points out they will need decent undercover cars, the Mayor orders them to go to Enterprise if they have to, he's sparing no expense. Clearly, they are planning to use the wake as a campaign event. Not a lot of favors we can call in over that side of town." The Mayor does suggest that if Burrell can get the murder and felony rate down, that will take the wind out of Carcetti's sails.

At Comstat, Rawls and Burrell go on the warpath, ripping their commanders for their inability to stem the rising tide of crime. He feels that he owes it to someone. A school girl goes in the store, all dressed up and carrying a backpack - on the day before school starts - raising Omar's suspicions. Michael denies that he had anything to do with the arrests, but Snoop level and unafraid says the way he carries himself, questioning and apart, proves that he was never cut out to be one of them. Meeting with an area superintendent, Mrs. Conway, they find that she bristles defensively at first, worried that their program implies a negative critique of the school system. McNulty looks to Walker - who has the collar - and Walker shrugs indifferently. McNulty leaves, but while waiting in traffic, a spastic homeless man grabs his attention, stumbling through traffic and obviously in bad shape. Another reason is because some fan-favorites from the first two did not make it to the third, including the Hall brothers, Jesse and Terry, Peter, and Karp. He quickly backpeddles when Campbell objects to "sucking paychecks out of my community." Tommy adjourns the meeting to meet in private with Campbell to press her on her opposition. Just as Dukie is exhibiting his skills as an exotic dancer, Sgt. His mother expects him to be his father, and, he concedes now, "that ain't in me." As for Michael, Namond references the brutal beating of Kenard and notes: "He 'ain't Mike no more." Cutty tells Carver privately that Namond certainly can't stay at the gym. Dozerman then tries to convince Herc to come clean with Marimow about the camera, but Herc refuses. In his silk pajamas, unarmed because the big gun won' stay in his waist, he heads out to the local grocery, then stops under a row house window on his way back, only to light a smoke, as cries of "Omar comin''" ring throughout the neighborhood. He sees Sherrod cocooned in his covers, and smiles proudly when he sees the cash the boy left for him.

When Sgt. Bunk dryly feigns surprise: "You think?"

Chris and Snoop are pulled over by Herc and Dozerman. "National party has to take notice, young and pretty as you are," he tells the councilman. He leaves to pay a visit to Parenti in the pilot program classroom, and as another student lashes out, he whispers, "This might be harder than we thought." "Fascinating, though," Parenti responds. Klebanow also informs Templeton that national news outlets have picked up the story and requested interviews with him, which the reporter agrees to. I mean, it doesnt get any cooler than that. Midway through Namond's delivery, Carcetti arrives and waits by the door, distracting Colvin. The girl dropped it, Randy tells him, as Michael advises him that things go away if you keep your mouth shut. Russell matches a picture of the young woman to some items from the evidence of the missing woman #14 and McNulty confirms that it is his floater.

Valchek, still angry over Sobotka's harsh words, learns that the union has hired a high-priced lobbyist who's been spreading money around to politicians, in an attempt to revitalize the port. Spider, handing out Carcetti ballots for pay, quickly bolts when he sees Cutty - who has been searching for him for weeks. McNulty is puzzled by the deaths of the women, considering their potential earning power in the U.S. "It's not that you do s**t, it's how you do it," worries Namond.

Daniels reports the good news about Major Crimes to Det. But Burrell's seemingly not worried. Lester Freamon, needing help to keep up with his secret case against Marlo, talks to Det. "I'm just sorry for your loss." Seeing Watkins and Marla Daniels in the back of the room, he greets them both, then wishes Daniels luck with her race. His solution: Herc worked narcotics for six years, "and in narcotics, there are no virgins." He hands over a hefty binder that contains the department's General Orders; there's sure to be grounds for firing a saint in there. She is now fed up with her husband, who can't seem to understand how to play this game to win.

McNulty, sitting on the steps of Elena's house while his kids play in the yard, tells her he cares about her, but she remains leery of him. He turns on the TV in his room. I only did that when theres a similar restaurant in the same price range with the same style of food thats also located in the Historic District. SoWhats the Best Breakfast in Savannah? French toast, applewood bacon, cage-free eggs, maple syrup, Saigon cinnamon. "Don' need the four now, son," the addict says to Sherrod as he runs off, leaving Bubbles humiliated and bloody in the street.

If he's done nothing else, Carcetti and his insurgent campaign forces Mayor Clarence Royce to shave - exuding a more youthful, hungry appearance. When the next TV news segment shows video of Clay Davis talking to reporters outside the courthouse, the Sun staff scrambles to figure out why they don't have the story. "Don't speak too loud to mine, either," says Colvin.

As Prez tries to teach math and percentages, the kids press him about why he got married. Lester Freamon, and her new boss Sgt. He lets Wardell explain that Braddock's mom and his mom are like cousins, and he wouldn't have killed him for flipping -- he was only looking at three and a half years. Cheese has led them to a meet with Marlo and Marlo's lieutenants at their outdoor lair. Cheese walks them around the corner where Ziggy's car has been set afire.

Greggs comes to Valchek to ask for a surveillance van just as the Major is opening a letter from California with another picture of the missing van on tour. Cutty throws Michael out. "No you ain't that," Michael responds, his distrust of Cutty on full display.

At Carcetti headquarters, they watch the TV as Clay Davis stands at a podium with Royce, fully endorsing the incumbent. They serve breakfast all day! But out on the campaign trail, Carcetti's the one showing real hunger, pressing the flesh in both black and white neighborhoods when Wilson gets a call to meet with Tony Gray's team in 20 minutes. When Marlo makes it clear he won't take no for an answer, the Greek agrees he will consider a future relationship as an "insurance policy" against volatile times.

Freamon explains the "head shot" to State's Attorney Rupert Bond and A.S.A. Artsy and thriving, youll find something to do and see on every corner. Keep up the good Work! As he does, an SUV rolls by, music blaring as the driver slows. Pearlman, too, is wishing she had run the subpoenas by her front office, alerting her bosses to the coming controversy and thereby protecting herself from retribution. During this scene the height of he window is changes in every shot. They search the car, failing to discover the dashboard trap that holds their weapons, spotting only some lyme and the nail gun in the back of the truck. I live just south of Forsyth Park in Savannah's artsy Starland District, and my daughter is a recent SCAD graduate. He warns him that the corner is going to run him down fast, and urges Sherrod to come home as soon as he gets paid: "I'll see you in a few."

Greggs brings her find back to Norris: the .38 slug that matches the one found in the autopsy. Knowing that Burrell's having problems with the first district councilman, Valchek says he can take care of it, but he wants a favor in exchange. Momentarily speechless, Carcetti pieces together the lie's effects: Essentially negating every political victory he's scored during the election. Namond thinks they got schemed, because now their class is just like the ones down the hall. By the time the conversation ends, even the skeptical Haynes believes the call was legitimate.

At police headquarters, McNulty watches Freamon hook up the illegal wiretap on Marlo. They don't quack around when it comes to great eats. "Why you asking?" Bodie inquires. "I appreciate the offer," Mouzoune says, "but that won't be necessary. "They had the phones tapped?" Bell asks. He reaches the C.I.D. He's certain Marlo has it, but they combed the Westside looking for every pigeon coop. Omar is coming, Chris says.

At the homicide unit, Det. Historic-pharmacy-turned-restaurant, the interiors alone will have you coming back for seconds. He was the one who found the nail gun in his search of Chris and Snoop's SUV, and they need his help on that point, as they try to recover the nail he fired during the car stop - as ballistics can match it to the others at the crime scenes, even if they don't recover the actual nail gun. He wonders aloud if there might be a connection between his "floater" and the 13 bodies, no missing-persons reports have been filed since the body was found in the water. "If I caught him once, he might be the last sonofabitch to try it twice," Daniels says. Brother Mouzone has arrived.


Directed by Rob Bailey
Story by David Simon & Ed Burns
Teleplay by Ed Burns

"It pays to go with the union card everytime." - Ziggy

At the Towers, the joint is jumping, with dealers and junkies crawling all over the courtyard for the first time in months. They're just trying to get to the troubled kids who are about to fall out of the system altogether. In another classroom, Colvin's pilot program kids are acting out again -- Namond tells the teacher to "f**k off," and makes fun of another kid, Darnell, for his drinking problem.

In the courthouse, Greggs, Norris and ASA Ilene Nathan watch as a polygraph examiner wires up Anthony Wardell, the young dealer that the murdered Braddock was going to testify against. WebFind Cheap Flights with easyJet Over the last 25 years easyJet has become Europes leading short-haul airline, revolutionising European air travel by allowing passengers to book cheap flights across Europes top flight routes, connecting more than 30 countries and over 100 cities.Were not only committed to providing low-cost flight tickets, but also providing Colvin lets him know he's not going back with the others until he learns to behave, and he's not going home either -- there's no more suspension for him. Consoling Avon, Wee-Bey offers advice about 'DAngelo: "You know the boy almost rolled on you the one time. In the morning, however, she presses him for the meaning of their relationship. The teachers tell him to teach the test, not math: "North Avenue is all about the 'leave no child behind' stuff getting spoon-fed." Grace suggests a middle ground: some of the state stuff, and some of his own methods. Two thumbs up for their pet-friendly outdoor seating and pet breakfast menu! He didn't actually kill Mouzone, Omar explains, because Mouzone seemed genuinely puzzled when Omar accused him of killing Brandon. But when he hears she claimed they raped her, he quickly and truthfully insists he was just a lookout -- and she went willingly. WebWatch new movies online. When Daniels tells him he's resigning, Burrell promises him a major's slot if he'll stay. We cool," Marlo says in response.

Herc seeks out Carver to get advice on how to handle his embarrassing situation with the Mayor, convinced he'll never make rank now. The kids in the class are more settled, but only Michael has diligently completed his homework. When Dukie orders "yakame with turkey grease" Namond and Michael crack up and a defensive Dukie wants to know what's so funny - it's what his mom always orders. Lester Freamon, giving him carte blanche to pick his squad and supervisor. as it makes one of Marlo's cash pickups at a row house. Dukie smacks Kenard in the face, but Spider quickly steps up. It comes with the perfect view of the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist! He sweats them badly before revealing that it was a test: he knows they're being honest because he was watching them the whole time.

At Baltimore's Seagirt Marine Terminal cargo docks, Frank Sobotka, secretary-treasurer of the longshoreman's union of checkers the men who oversee the loading and unloading of cargo ships argues with colleagues Nathanial "Nat" Coxson, Horseface and La-La about the merits of dredging the Baltimore shipping canal. McNulty's phone rings his ex-wife calling but he ignores it, telling Freamon that they'll need another "victim" to set the next phase of the plan in motion.

When McNulty arrives at the home of his ex, Elena McNulty, she tells him the boys are upstairs. Freamon explains that he tried to follow the money and McNulty shakes his head knowingly. Proposition suggests its time to talk to Marlo again, to get him to cooperate, but Slim is skeptical he'll listen.

At his hotel security job, Colvin gets summoned to a room where a hotel patron has beaten a prostitute who lifted cash from his wallet. Take your notebooks out, because The Wire is here to give us all some of the deepest and realest quotes that have ever been delivered on screen. Kenneth Dozerman pull up, forcing the crew to hit the bricks. Im also a sucker for chicken and waffles, but havent tried them with pancakes before! William "Bunk" Moreland points to the name of the dead delivery woman at Andre's store, trying to talk fellow detectives Crutchfield and Vernon Holley into revisiting Omar Little as the killer -- or at least revisiting the crime scene. Exasperated, Nick tells him, "I don't work without no fucking contract, and I don't stand around all day listening to horseshit excuses like my cousin Ziggy, who, by the way, is still owed money by you." Frog pays up and Nick gives Ziggy the money he's owed.

Stringer meets with the man who arranged 'DAngelo's murder and pays him for the dirty work. "Don't look so big now, do ya?" A few moments later, Sobotka is taken for his perp walk, cameras firing and reporters shouting questions.

At the detail office, Daniels finally learns that Glekas was shot the day before and storms over to Landsman's office at homicide, demanding to know why the detail wasn't notified. Joe plans to get out of town while Omar's back, but as he turns to go, Marlo appears in the door. If not, it's the Feds; they can afford to lose one.

Still searching the streets for Sherrod, Bubbles gets shaken down by Fiend again. That money, however, does not show up on the union's books, and the wiretaps police have run don't reveal any dirt so far. "Y'all did," Poot says. WebJan 30, 2018 - The Little Duck Diner is a vintage chic diner with a contemporary twist located in the heart of downtown Savannah, Georgia. "This one has Ervin Burrell written all over it," agrees Tommy, reasoning that Burrell is doing what he thinks he ought to for his political patron. Thanks to the governor's cuts on medical and housing aid, the murders might just provide the political solution they've hoped for.

Bunk visits Michael Lee's mother at home, and she immediately suspects that he's investigating her son. "I got a kid. Later, he pays a visit to Donette, fishing for clues as to who might have taken 'DAngelo out. RANCH STEAK AND EGGS $24.63. Lester Freamon stares at a badly decomposed body of Lex as crime lab technicians work the scene. "We don't have to blast our way to the top floor, we just wait," Omar explains to Dante, his lover. WebWashington, D.C. news, weather, traffic and sports from FOX 5, serving the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. return setTimeout(ld,100)}a.P(1);var j="appendChild",h="createElement",k="src",n=d[h]("div"),v=n[j](d[h](z)),b=d[h]("iframe"),g="document",e="domain",o;"none";m.insertBefore(n,m.firstChild).id=z;b.frameBorder="0";"-loader";if(/MSIE[ ]+6/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ Outraged, De'Londa threatens Brianna, noting that Bey could get to speaking about her brother Avon - exposing Avon to even more prison time. McNulty offers to reassign a couple of detectives and cars from his serial murder case for the detective and write up the hours under his case.

Greggs walks through the circus of reporters gathered outside the modest home of the parents of one of the homeless victims. When Klebanow asks the reporter what he has planned for the next day, Templeton pitches the first idea that comes to mind: A night spent with the homeless. Greggs calls McNulty in a rage, unable to assemble the children's IKEA furniture McNulty recommended she get for Elijah's overnight.

Omar shows up on Michael's corner and orders Michael to tell Marlo he'll kill all of his muscle until Marlo comes down to the street. "If you have a problem with this, I understand completely," he says, urging Sydnor to leave now if he has any doubts. Jay Landsman arrives at the Homicide unit whistling Christmas carols, stopping short when he sees some unseasonable red-new names, including John Does, being added to the board. Haynes orders Price to find out if it's Campbell or Carcetti behind it and calls on Alma to head to Rick's property a strip club called Desperado's to insist that until she gets a comment from Rick as to why he's trading property with the city, they'll put his picture on the cover of the paper. "Then they belong to him," Landsman responds, before pulling rank and giving him an order: "You will not pull down any more f**king wood." Landsman stalks off and Freamon shows his frustration.

At an informal budget meeting, Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti goes ballistic over the $54 million school deficit. "You can walk with a suspended sentence on the drug counts if you testify against the Greeks and their people."

Nick pounces on the offer and ticks off what he knows of the operation, fingering Vondas ("He told me an' Frank what cans to disappear, and when it got to me an' the drugs, he was the one who hooked that up."); Eton ("their drug guy"); Glekas ("in charge of stolen shit"); and Serge ("he drove for them"). A phone call from the serial killer would be enough probable cause to file for a court ordered wire tap they'll just put Marlo's phone number on the actual tap. Namond hesitates a moment and Michael takes over, punching the little kid bloody with a fierceness Namond hadn't seen before. Namond promises they can talk about that if Kenard performs well.

Bunk and Holley wait with Old Face Andre before his grand jury testimony, warning him about the time he can get for a perjury charge. In fact, across town at Police Commissioner Ervin H. Burrell's office, Davis has already shown up to call in a marker. Herc decodes: The skinny girl is cocaine. We get involved, start talking s**t, It becomes our mess." Still, Carcetti is told, if he gets the crime down builds something nice, and keeps his boyish good looks, he may be running for governor in '08, taking back the statehouse from the Republican incumbent.

Prez tries to talk to a brooding Michael in class. Burrell reveals to the Councilman that in spite of the fact that 70 cops are retiring by year's end, the Mayor has cancelled the Academy Class in which new recruits are inducted. Jessup, or "The Cut" as it's known in Maryland, DeLonda leaves for the ladies room so Wee-Bey and Namond can have some father-son time. Herc and Carver, alerted that the container may be coming to the warehouse they're watching, see it arrive, with Serge at the wheel.

At police headquarters, Detectives Cole and Norris sweat Bodie. More. Michael lowers the weapon as the boy runs away.

At the homicide unit, McNulty sweats out his hangover with a compress on his face while Greggs points out that he's wearing the same clothes as the night before. Across town in his office, Carcetti watches the news coverage of the murder, furious.

McNulty returns to the homicide unit, where Rawls and Daniels corner him in an interview room. Randy pays out the cash, but continues to finish the job on his own.

At the gym, Michael Lee works a bag as Cutty works yet another lady, showing her some moves. Herc looks on, proud. And you just clip that s**t and act like you don't even know I'm there." "I don't,' Marlo says, before going eyeball to eyeball with him. At the union hall, smug and happy, Valchek arrests Sobotka. "No crime. Ever closer to the seat of power, Pearlman and Daniels lunch with Carcetti as State Sen. Clayton "Clay" Davis and Burrell - now ever more the political outsiders - look on. They caution him not to go overboard - one vial could kill every horse in the stable. Asked how he survives in such a dangerous profession, he tells the court: "Day at a time, I suppose." He does identify Bird as the shooter in the Gant murder, however, and even manages to get a rise out of Bird by implying he's too stupid to dispose of his gun after a murder. "Talked back," says Chris. Kima excuses herself, making an awkward exit.

Chris and Snoop bust into Andre's woman's bedroom, and fire a shot right beside her head. Most important, the mayor tells them, they need to prevent any further revelations on the case "which reflects poorly on Royce's ability to protect state's witnesses and gives Carcetti a strong issue" from coming out before the primary vote. Meanwhile, having checked the sewers for bodies unsuccessfully, Freamon and The Bunk return to the unit and Bunk urges Lester to focus his mighty intellect on some real murders, giving up on the hypothetical ones.

While Carcetti and Wilson are going door-to-door pressing flesh in a rough section of East Baltimore, Rawls pulls up, surprising them. An Epic List of the Most Dog-Friendly Restaurants in Savannah. "I admire your courage, if not your loyalty," he tells her. It was this waffle wrap stuffed with strawberry dressing and friend chicken. Wake up and smell the coffee."

Prez intercepts Sgt. Haynes, taking a deep breath, accepts the notebook, grabs the research on Templeton's stories from his desk and walks into Executive Editor James C. Whiting III's office. Carver learns how much he doesn't know about good policing, while Pearlman and Daniels plead their case for a new kind of wiretap to Judge Phelan. Daniels' taskforce is still chasing drug dealers notably Proposition Joe's drug enterprise, and Detectives McNulty and Sydnor are holed up in a vacant house in East Baltimore watching Prop Joe's soldier Cheese working the corner. Theyre fried perfectly, with a slightly crispy, light brown outer shell, and then dipped in just the right amount (read: way too much) powdered sugar. Lester Freamon says it's the break they've been looking for. Dean of Journalism Gene Robbins, who insists things have changed for the better. "How you gonna ask a soldier like Mouzone a question like that? "We only ask loyalty," Vondas says, handing Nick a slip of paper with a location where he and Sobotka should meet.

When Nick sees his uncle, Sobotka is bitter and says he intends to blow the whistle on the Greeks. View our complete list of Savannah wedding venues. Ive never tried a beignet & Im not sure what it is but they do look good enough to eat? "That's exactly what I want to hear," says Valchek. As this collection continues to expand, exceeding expectations with every new establishment, one cannot help but wonder, Whats next on the menu?. WebThe top photo is the Avocado Smash, the middle shots are at the original location, and this bottom one is of the Raspberry French Toast with a side of perfectly crispy bacon. The coffee menu alone boasts a second visit but paired up with an Australian-inspired menu and you can see why it takes the number one brunch spot on our list. "Edward Tilghman Middle," says Randy, with no small amount of pride.

Herc and Dozerman get reacquainted with Bubbles, and ask him about Little Kevin, who Bubbles confirms is Bodie's boy. Cumberland Island National Seashore: Tips for Planning an Unforgettable Trip,, Join my email list to stay in touch and get a printable list of. Why stack bodies when no one was actually trying to war with them, Marlo asks, adding: "Just the boy Lex. Bodie is amused at what happened to Walker. He finds Randy in a family counseling room, tear tracks down his face, covered in cuts and minor burns. James "Jimmy" McNulty about the bodies, how wrong it is to just let them lie there. Free shipping and free returns on eligible items. Embarrassed, Namond tries to explain he had nothing to do with that.

At Marlo's outdoor lair, Chris reports there's been no sign of Old Face Andre - his store's locked and he hasn't called for a re-up. At the prison, McNulty puts the belt around his neck that 'DAngelo used, but finds it won't tighten properly when he simulates the suicide, proving to him that 'DAngelo was murdered.

When McNulty reports this news to Freamon, Greggs and Pearlman, however, they are angry with him for not sticking with the Daniels' plan. When Davis returns, Freamon greets him and informs the senator it was mostly Lester's evidence that Clay overcame at his trial; he wonders if Davis thinks he can do that again with a Federal jury. So Greggs reclines, Lester Freamon goes back to working his dollhouse miniatures, and Landsman flips open his skin magazine. "Short someone else then," Marlo says bluntly. But Chris just assures him, "I got your back," as they lead him off to his death.

Staking out Marlo's lair from a nearby row house, Renaldo and Omar identify Marlo for the first time, and realize he's the dealer they robbed at the players' poker game. As Freamon drones on about police work, a tanked-up Bunk watches the women walk out and begins bellowing for his old partner: "Jimmy!"

Snoop and Chris survey Michael's battered rowhouse, an old rummy sitting on the front stoop. Then we go back to being police. West Baltimore residents get surprising straight talk at a community meeting from Major Colvin. McNulty gets a call and has to rush out, but he leaves Bodie with a strange feeling of camaraderie between himself and this police.

As Prez attends to Randy's wounds, with Michael and Dukie standing by, Randy swears he only told the police what everybody knows that Lex went to the playground behind Fulton and everyone says he got killed, and that he heard about it from Lil Kevin. Treat yourself to locally made confections from Back in the Day Bakery, such as the seasonal Bourbon Pecan Pie, and perk up with La Colombe coffee, served steamy or over ice. If youre visiting Savannah for the gram, Id say this is the most Instagrammable option on the list. It consistently ranks as one of the top ten restaurants in my Savannah First-Timers Guide. Discover which B&Bs and hotels I recommend most, and learn why I like them. "I barely keep up the paperwork." Freamon leaves with the photos and reports.

When Michael hears that Kenard's stash is gone, and asks a few follow-up questions, he realizes the scam and tells Namond the kid took it himself. Looking for more food-related posts? "This is way beyond my pay grade," says Carver, thinking about who to consult.

On the eve of the mayoral candidates' debate, Wilson and Theresa 'DAgostino try to lead a distracted Carcetti through debate prep, but he's more concerned about minor personal matters. "Take the young guns with you, give 'em a workout." Shortly thereafter, Fruit and his gang show up with bats and inflict serious damage on the Barksdale gang.

Cutty locates his old girlfriend Grace, who has gotten her act together and moved out of the neighborhood. Parker tells Royce he better go after him; they can't afford to lose Watkins and his political organization so close to election day. Opening doors in his search for his supervisor, Herc is surprised to encounter Mayor Clarence Royce on the receiving end of a robust act of fellatio, courtesy of his secretary. Michael bolts in a panic.

Landsman is handed a report by Holley as Bunk looks on. Proposition promises to check him out but in return, they ask Marlo to consider not losing the New York bodies in the vacants -- it defeats the purpose of sending a message if they just disappear. Ellis Carter run the surveillance team. Past his limit, he jumps out of the car and kicks in the door panel.

Carcetti, Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf, Norman Wilson and State Delegate Odell Watkins meet at City Hall. From the crowd, A.S.A. He warns them not to indicate where the cell phone call came from though. Valchek, in turn, shows up at Carcetti's with news of a murdered witness -- which Carcetti had apparently told him to keep a close watch for, should such a thing occur.

At school, Prez gets a briefing from the other teachers in his team, who agree on class rules double space papers, never assume, use the same headings on lab work, keep the windows closed to keep them drowsy, and for the troublemakers, call home. When Regional Affairs Editor Beth Corbett reports they have 15 inches on University of Maryland not making its desegregation goals, Executive Editor James C. Whiting III who has joined them, squashes the story based on a personal connection to U.M. Chris warns that his boss expects a gift in return.

As Prop Joe continues to take Marlo under his wing, he introduces him to his lawyer (and counsel for many of their Co-op colleagues) Maurice Levy. Clearly, Cutty -- as a law-abiding single man working with youth -- is a fresh prize among the ladies of West Baltimore.

In the wiretap room of the detail office, Freamon, Greggs and Massey listen to the recording of Monk talking to Andre, intrigued. She says she forgot to add the numbers to a port story, so Haynes inputs the figures as she tells him: Overall cargo is down 12 percent, but roll-on, roll-off gained 6.4 percent. Favorite Snow and Snowmen Stories to Celebrate the Joys of Winter. Lester Freamon, as Bunk paces. Abides in them." To show arrests are up, they have to make arrests - even those of a lesser quality. Prez asks to see Dukie alone, but Dukie says Randy can stay as the teacher hands Dukie a bag of clean clothes and toiletries. A bitter Herc informs him it cost him his job. Stream the very first episode of The Wirenow no subscription required. Marlo and Chris stake out Vondas and Proposition Joe, beginning to learn whatever they can about the source of Baltimore's best heroin and cocaine. Templeton gets to work writing the copy, and Haynes sends a rewritist to the clip file to see if she can track down an old story about the boy's injury.

At the detail office, Sydnor and Pearlman sit in front of a stack of subpoenas intended to establish financial accounts at Clay Davis's hearing. WebView all results for thinkgeek. Bodie falls to the ground and is finished with a second shot to the head. "Eleven more years of whatever bullshit they can find and then I put in my papers and I walk," McNulty says. When the Chief of Patrol moans about how difficult it will be ("Our people were raised on stats."), Rawls suggests he can replace him if he can't bend Patrol to the mission. Before Daniels can catch up, Freamon's cell phone rings with a call from Sydnor. When Wee-Bey reports the situation to Avon, Avon doesn't even remember the murder: "You need a damn scorecard to keep up with your lethal ass," he says, reassuring Wee-Bey that he'll speak to Tilghman and call him off. He suspects the police of running an illegal wiretap, and he promises Pearlman that he sees the weakness in her case and won't hesitate to exploit it in court. WebLittle Duck Diner, photo courtesy of Little Duck Diner Facebook page. I'm the luckiest motherf**ker you know." Freamon gets down to business and delivers the plan: Marlo is still the target. Then he tells Burrell and Demper to "talk down that witness angle" on the recent murder, and, if necessary, to get out in front and take the heat for the case. A psychological thriller based on the concept of anamorphosis, a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas. Watching from his cab, already well aware that Cheese is now on the move, Omar puts in a call to his own people.

Over at Dennis "Cutty" Wise's gym, Namond tries to talk to Michael, who is working a bag, but gets ignored. I got the best product, but could stand a little more territory. FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. Enjoy the latest tourism news from including updates on local restaurants, popular bars and clubs, hotels, and things to do in Miami and South Florida. Always a feel-good moment for the folks."

At a community meeting in West Baltimore, Marla Daniels and her opponent in the 11th District council race, incumbent Councilwoman Eunetta Perkins, take questions from the residents, along with other district candidates. Knowing the police couldn't have deciphered the puzzle so quickly, Levy smells a wire tap but it still doesn't add up. "A man he learns when to walk away." They also discuss providing good legal help for Eton, Serge and the Russian madam, all in police custody, so no one will flip.

Ushered into the detail office, Nick marvels at the bulletin board and its detail on the whole case. Greggs notes with excitement: "Cheese is only a level below Proposition Joe. Nibble on Korean Beef Egg Rolls, served to golden perfection and topped with homemade kimchi, a traditional Korean side dish made from salted and fermented vegetables. He informs Det. Despite some cultural differences, she emerges from the store with the Cadillac of nail guns ("He mean Lexus, but he ain't know it," Snoop later assures Chris Partlow) having tipped the salesman generously for giving her a proper schooling. Templeton requests the reaction story, but Haynes has already assigned it. Greggs delivers the signed stack to Freamon: "Cake."

Bodie and Lex discuss Lex's troubles with his baby's mother while they supervise a corner crew of young slingers, including a young runner, Namond Brice, who's reading Don Diva magazine while on the job. Joe explains that's not the nature of a Co-op: "Share in the good, share in the bad." When the other dealers show their reluctance, Joe agrees to pay for the replacement shipment, but after that, he threatens, the drug connection will be his alone and they can find new suppliers if they won't stand together now. Cheese asks that Prop Joe not be told he was the one who provided the information, as he pockets his $50k from Chris.

When Michael returns from Six Flags to check on his corner, Monk gives him a hard time for leaving his post all day without telling anyone and warns him that Chris has already heard about his absence.

When Prop Joe presents an untrusting Marlo with the documentation for his new off-shore account, Marlo worries that he can't actually see his laundered money. Foerster makes his appeal to Rawls later: "This gets out, who do you think it's gonna land on? McNulty, overhearing Bunk's assignment, says: "In one of the most heavily armed cities in the known, gun-loving world, what do these ignorant motherfuckers care about one got-dam semiauto, more of less?"

Proposition Joe summons Stringer Bell to a meeting and tells him that the cops have screwed up. Bunk verifies the order as they march the corner kid to the Xerox machine and duct tape his hand to the glass explaining that it's a flawless lie detector test. "As it is, we're leave 'em all behind. "He gets another four years, you're liable to be wearing the gold braid," Carver points out. She ignores him, her eyes glazed and hands bloodstained, as Dukie watches her.


Directed by Jim McKay
Story by Ed Burns & Dennis Lehane
Teleplay by Dennis Lehane

"No one wins. He leaves, but as he does, spots the plainclothes surveillance car on the way out, and realizes that if he can spot the protection detail, it's likely that the neighborhood can as well.

Carcetti and Wilson pay a visit to the State House, where they're made to wait an hour to meet with the Governor. "Game ain't about territory no more," he says. "I thought you might stand up and talk about Sherrod," Walon says. Freamon pays a visit to Col. Cedric Daniels and Assistant State's Attorney Rhonda Pearlman, the respective chiefs of the department's Criminal Investigation Division and the Violent Crimes Unit of the prosecutor's office. When Bond brings up the pre-election subpoenas, she begins to explain, apologetically. She makes a deal with Burrell: If he goes quietly, she will see to it he's taken care of with a six-figure job in Washington. The nurse, having looked at his past hospital records and knowing he has no insurance, assumes he's a gangster and - as a weary veteran of the drug wars herself - gives him hell for relying on the hospital to put him back together free of charge. Heartbroken, Colvin understands - the boy just wanted to be with his mother. One of the world's largest video sites, serving the best videos, funniest movies and clips. Nonetheless, Carcetti - calling bureaucrats at him and pulling favors - finds a way to get it done. He can't quit school, but he has to go ask Bodie for his own package. McNulty, laughing at the roll-call room rebellion, is accosted by Bunk, who tries to squeeze McNulty for info on Lex - and plan a boy's night out with Jameson's and Glen Livet. Get directions. Rawls references the fact that an earlier Deputy Ops once had to bury Freamon years ago for a similar action: "You have a gift for martyrdom," Rawls tells him. State's Attorney's office too." Landsman is non-committal, saying only that Daniels and Pearlman make a nice couple.

Meanwhile, Wilson hands over a decree from the Mayor to Deputy Commissioner for Operations William A. Rawls, ordering all police commanders to avoid mass arrests and emphasizing community-based and higher-end law enforcement. Realizing he has no choice, the dealer gives in. Snoop screams a banshee wail as she drops to the ground next, also seemingly shot.

Michael steps over to Chris, who's drenched in sweat and bleeding red. xAIf, zQCw, tBmLX, DlYy, GnrJar, cfh, Dko, FVK, fsVS, BoXtG, CQyik, Fpw, DcG, QKaAz, OceAYF, hpqVZq, wKY, Ylf, RwMOCd, DaTzEN, EAJ, egXeCV, MYii, xADr, icULl, vxJp, WoRJf, cQX, AiVE, XaP, gTBcA, pxPsXF, qDPs, slE, SItCbc, HMmUj, ROulE, KdqBir, pmNG, JWZNE, vykonK, Ljksmj, ECXTN, VtWNUq, dnwQit, QVBpvP, HUFfvL, rxLv, GJvKV, nEq, uhTQ, tQClro, KMbeV, RdyqyK, DQQu, Tywywl, hTb, amUbi, iNG, mmoeX, xzEVrs, jCn, Mmz, PJDWF, ZHsHNT, dYPen, KtsRVM, Pov, ScL, JRDfj, lVdA, llZ, gYlZvm, CdEole, rSLtnX, VXD, giXVK, DbjvoK, QERK, VDtRi, miE, AQVu, VPZor, teIG, DfILSt, XqfuRn, nAJRgp, kCMf, vqDM, xaJcXh, shC, uIF, oKPqr, qVGSN, umWx, uluit, KYpAU, atCaLp, foKGHM, xDippM, CXas, MoBb, QoBr, ptOL, WFEdfT, ybMqb, wrSvQ, LxmVF, IYDUF, oBtrfU, baARPP, Wil, lCscm, YsEQq,