When configuring with a single reply topic, each instance must use a different group.id. Further reading: An Example of Load Balancing with Zuul and Eureka. You can also seek to a specific offset at any time. I'm looking for An Internet Speed Test A COVID Test A Testing And Certification Platform A Lab Test Location A Virtual Proctoring Solution A Software Testing Job A DNA Test An SAT Practice Test USMLE Step 1 Practice Tests A Software Testing Solution An Enterprise Testing Solution Docker 18.06 comes with some experimental features, including a way to cache build dependencies. ${project.artifactId}:${project.version}, pullPolicy It might be used in a request/reply scenario where you wish to send a failure result to the sender, after some number of retries, after capturing the failed record in a dead letter topic. This interface has a default method isAckAfterHandle() which is called by the container to determine whether the offset(s) should be committed if the error handler returns without throwing an exception; it returns true by default. Spring Boot will automatically wire in its auto configured template (or any if a single instance is present). Apache, Apache Tomcat, Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra, and Apache Geode are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. A rebalance listener; see Rebalancing Listeners. Implementations for native Micrometer metrics are provided. ${project.build.outputDirectory}/META-INF/build-info.properties. You can add or remove exceptions to and from this list by overriding the configureNonBlockingRetries method in a @Configuration class that extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport. The following example shows how to do so: Starting with version 2.1.3, you can designate a @KafkaHandler method as the default method that is invoked if there is no match on other methods. The listener container will defer the out-of-order commits until the missing acknowledgments are received. The following example creates such a bean: The StreamsBuilderFactoryBean also implements SmartLifecycle to manage the lifecycle of an internal KafkaStreams instance. For this scenario, you may want to consider using the RoundRobinAssignor instead, which distributes the partitions across all of the consumers. If that time is reached, the next time the consumer throws an exception the message goes straight to the DLT, or just ends the processing if no DLT is available. Now a ListenerExecutionFailedException is always the argument (with the actual listener exception as the cause), which provides access to the containers group.id property. Spring Cloud Contract Verifier is a tool that enables Consumer Driven Contract (CDC) development of JVM-based applications. See Configuring Global Settings and Features for more information. Finally, we will test it using Postman Client. New Delegating Serializer/Deserializer, D.8.9. To simplify using Kafka Streams from the Spring application context perspective and use the lifecycle management through a container, the Spring for Apache Kafka introduces StreamsBuilderFactoryBean. When the container is configured to publish ListenerContainerIdleEvent s, it now publishes a ListenerContainerNoLongerIdleEvent when a record is received after publishing an idle event. If there is only one custom LayoutFactory on the plugin classpath and it is listed in META-INF/spring.factories then it is unnecessary to explicitly set it in the plugin configuration. The following configuration suspend the process until a debugger has joined on port 5005: These arguments can be specified on the command line as well, make sure to wrap that properly, that is: System properties can be specified using the systemPropertyVariables attribute. The DelegatingByTopicSerializer and DelegatingByTopicDeserializer are now provided. This might be useful if you want to create several containers with similar properties or you wish to use some externally configured factory, such as the one provided by Spring Boot auto-configuration. Optional for user authentication. When a transaction is started by the listener container, the transactional.id is now the transactionIdPrefix appended with ... To replace a RemainingRecordsErrorHandler implementation, you should implement handleRemaining() and override remainingRecords() to return true. Starting with version 2.1.2, a new property in ContainerProperties called commitLogLevel lets you specify the log level for these messages. The following example shows how to do so: Starting with version 2.1.1, the org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService used by the default o.s.messaging.handler.annotation.support.MessageHandlerMethodFactory to resolve parameters for the invocation of a listener method is supplied with all beans that implement any of the following interfaces: org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter, org.springframework.core.convert.converter.GenericConverter. By default, any unprocessed records (including the failed record) are re-fetched on the next poll. When messages are delivered, the converted message payload type is used to determine which method to call. You must also add spring-data:spring-data-commons and com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path to the class path. This category would include samples showing you how to implement various adapters. Java, Java SE, Java EE, and OpenJDK are trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Starting with version 2.0, a KafkaJaasLoginModuleInitializer class has been added to assist with Kerberos configuration. The ConsumerStartingEvent, ConsumerStartingEvent, ConsumerFailedToStartEvent, ConsumerStoppedEvent, ConsumerRetryAuthSuccessfulEvent and ContainerStoppedEvent events have the following properties: All containers (whether a child or a parent) publish ContainerStoppedEvent. As an example; if the poll returns six records (two from each partition 0, 1, 2) and the listener throws an exception on the fourth record, the container acknowledges the first three messages by committing their offsets. Set a RecordInterceptor to call before invoking the record listener; does not apply to batch listeners. When a message in the retry topic is not due for consumption, a KafkaBackOffException is thrown. The property can also be a String of comma-delimited map entries, as shown below. Spring Runtime offers support and binaries for OpenJDK, Spring, and Apache Tomcat in one simple subscription. Can only occur when there has been a ConsumerRetryAuthEvent before. ContainerProperties has the following constructors: The first constructor takes an array of TopicPartitionOffset arguments to explicitly instruct the container about which partitions to use (using the consumer assign() method) and with an optional initial offset. Listeners, therefore, need to be thread-safe, and it is preferable to use stateless listeners. For this purpose a spring.embedded.kafka.brokers.property (EmbeddedKafkaBroker.BROKER_LIST_PROPERTY) system property can be set before starting an embedded Kafka. This allows the destination resolver to use this, in addition to the information in the ConsumerRecord to select the dead letter topic. A provider for OffsetAndMetadata; by default, the provider creates an offset and metadata with empty metadata. This is useful when the delays are longer than the max.poll.interval.ms consumer property. You can use a custom recoverer, or one provided by the framework such as the DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer. If you do this, and your application needs to handle tombstone records, with a null value() (e.g. When manually assigning partitions, you can set the initial offset (if desired) in the configured TopicPartitionOffset arguments (see Message Listener Containers). Starting with version 2.3.2, recovered records' offsets will be committed when the error handler returns after recovering a failed record. Contribute to mybatis/spring-boot-starter development by creating an account on GitHub. consumer errors). When the property is set to false, the repackaged archive will not be installed or deployed. You can specify a default serializer/deserializer to use when there is no pattern match using DelegatingByTopicSerialization.KEY_SERIALIZATION_TOPIC_DEFAULT and DelegatingByTopicSerialization.VALUE_SERIALIZATION_TOPIC_DEFAULT. Please List), and you dont have the full consumer record to add to the exception, you can just add the index of the record that failed: When the container is configured with AckMode.MANUAL_IMMEDIATE, the error handler can be configured to commit the offset of recovered records; set the commitRecovered property to true. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. To enable this feature, use a ProjectingMessageConverter configured with an appropriate delegate converter (used for outbound conversion and converting non-projection interfaces). It also provides and elements that can be used to include or exclude local module dependencies. See ProducerFactory.transactionCapable(). mybatis-spring-boot-test-autoconfigure [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration. The framework provides listeners that do exactly that; see Micrometer Native Metrics. Default reply headers will now be populated automatically if needed when a @KafkaListener return type is Message. See @KafkaListener Attribute Modification for more information. Theres now a manageable global list of fatal exceptions that will make the failed record go straight to the DLT. Learn more. document.write(d.getFullYear()); VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. You can register a callback with the listener to receive the result of the send asynchronously. To achieve more fine-grained control over how to handle non-blocking retrials for each topic, more than one RetryTopicConfiguration bean can be provided. The API takes in a timestamp as a parameter and stores this timestamp in the record. You can hard code the JAR location. See Combining Blocking and Non-Blocking Retries for more information. With the EmbeddedKafkaBroker.brokerProperties(Map), you can provide additional properties for the Kafka servers. When used in a RecordInterceptor or RecordFilterStrategy implementation, the header is in the consumer record as a byte array, converted using the KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor 's charSet property. The noPollThreshold should be greater than 1.0 to avoid getting spurious events due to a race condition. To add tags to timers/traces, configure a custom KafkaTemplateObservationConvention or KafkaListenerObservationConvention to the template or listener container, respectively. It is not going to add much for small applications, but every little helps. Using Micrometer for observation is now supported, since version 3.0, for the KafkaTemplate and listener containers. As in the fat JAR, Jib separates local application resources from dependencies, but it goes a step further and also puts snapshot dependencies into a separate layer, since they are more likely to change. The JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer and JsonSerde now have fluent APIs to make programmatic configuration simpler. Devtools is automatically excluded by default (you can control that using the excludeDevtools property). The @SendTo value can have several forms: @SendTo("someTopic") routes to the literal topic. The default replication factor for the retry topics is now -1 (use broker default). A special header (with a key of spring_json_header_types) contains a JSON map of :. Last, the test starter dependency pulls in the Spring test tools. See Monitoring for more information. Such headers are no longer JSON encoded, by default (i.e. Also test a simple GET rest api call using RestTemplate and also test a simple MessageService Spring component. It is an optional dependency of the Spring for Apache Kafka project and is not downloaded transitively. topicPartition: The topic and partition that triggered the event. You can now modify @KafkaListener annotations during application initialization. Starting with version 2.6, you can now provide the processor with a BiFunction, Exception, BackOff> to determine the BackOff to use, based on the failed record and/or the exception: If the function returns null, the processors default BackOff will be used. The name of the main class. Spring Integration enables lightweight messaging within Spring-based applications and supports integration with external systems via declarative adapters. There is no web.xml file, either. Another new project in the container and platform space is Knative. The MessagingTransformer has been provided. Feign helps us a lot when writing web service clients, allowing us to use several helpful annotations to create integrations. See Retrying Deserializer for more information. This lets you further customize listener deserialization without changing the default configuration for ConsumerFactory and KafkaListenerContainerFactory. Junit 5 In such cases, the application listener must handle a record that keeps failing. You can also receive a list of ConsumerRecord objects, but it must be the only parameter (aside from optional Acknowledgment, when using manual commits and Consumer parameters) defined on the method. When invoked from a browser or by using curl on the command line, the method returns pure text. The GraphQL schema is https://github.com/gothinkster/spring-boot-realworld-example-app/blob/master/src/main/resources/schema/schema.graphqls and the visualization looks like below. When using transactions, similar functionality is provided by the DefaultAfterRollbackProcessor. Since version 2.5, Spring for Apache Kafka provides ToStringSerializer and ParseStringDeserializer classes that use String representation of entities. The following example configures a ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer: Starting with version 2.3.4, you can add a ContainerCustomizer to the factory to further configure each container after it has been created and configured. For example, container.setConcurrency(3) creates three KafkaMessageListenerContainer instances. After that, the same semantics as BATCH are applied. See Conversion Errors with Batch Error Handlers for more information. The reason for the two properties is because, while you might want to retain only the last exception information, you might want to retain the history of which topic(s) the record passed through for each failure. So far, though, you cannot also provide command line arguments to the Spring Boot application. Full test is generated by Spring Cloud Contract Verifier. You can also set groupId explicitly or set idIsGroup to false to restore the previous behavior of using the consumer factory group.id. You can add more exception types to the not-retryable category, or completely replace the map of classified exceptions. VMware offers training and certification to turbo-charge your progress. The plugin can create an OCI image from a jar or war file using Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB). Now, you can add the validator to the registrar itself. If the topic is configured to use LOG_APPEND_TIME, the user-specified timestamp is ignored and the broker adds in the local broker time. Normally, when using AckMode.MANUAL or AckMode.MANUAL_IMMEDIATE, the acknowledgments must be acknowledged in order, because Kafka does not maintain state for each record, only a committed offset for each group/partition. You can now use KafkaSendCallback instead of ListenerFutureCallback to get a narrower exception, making it easier to extract the failed ProducerRecord. Starting with version 2.5, the framework provides Factory Listeners to manage a Micrometer KafkaClientMetrics instance whenever producers and consumers are created and closed. JsonDeserializer.VALUE_DEFAULT_TYPE: Fallback type for deserialization of values if no header information is present. It is a pseudo bean name that represents the current bean instance within which this annotation exists. As enabling a profile is quite common, there is dedicated profiles property that offers a shortcut for -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dspring.profiles.active=dev", see Specify active profiles. For the first constructor, Kafka distributes the partitions across the consumers using its group management capabilities. The HeaderEnricher transformer has been provided, using SpEL to generate the header values. The client introduced support for headers in messages. This is to avoid creation of excessively large messages (due to the stack trace header, for example) when many retry steps are involved. The timers are named spring.kafka.listener and have the following tags: exception : none or ListenerExecutionFailedException. Since 2.9, the previous bean overriding approach for configuring components has been removed (without deprecation, due to the aforementioned experimental nature of the API). Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. This enables the feature to bootstrap properly and gives access to injecting some of the features components to be looked up at runtime. Starting with version 2.1, you can convey type information in record Headers, allowing the handling of multiple types. While this feature allows applications to process records asynchronously, it should be understood that it increases the possibility of duplicate deliveries after a failure. See Micrometer Observation Documentation for details of the observations that are recorded. The KafkaTestUtils.consumerProps() helper record now sets ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG to earliest by default. You can see them all here in source code. See Using ReplyingKafkaTemplate for more information. See Header Enricher for more information. ConsumerStoppingEvent: published by each consumer just before stopping. See Listener Container Properties for more information. Starting with version 3.0, the default replication factor is -1, meaning use the broker default. Spring Tools. object. The default order is dependencies, spring-boot-loader, snapshot-dependencies, application. Version 2.3 introduced the DelegatingSerializer and DelegatingDeserializer, which allow producing and consuming records with different key and/or value types. The application is executed in a forked process and setting properties on the command-line will not affect the application. The authorizationExceptionRetryInterval property has been renamed to authExceptionRetryInterval and now applies to AuthenticationException s in addition to AuthorizationException s previously. Kubernetes is a registered trademark of the Linux Foundation in the United States and other countries. how to run the respective sample. For example, if spring-webmvc is on the classpath, this annotation flags the application as a web application and activates key behaviors, such as setting up a DispatcherServlet. ContainerStoppedEvent: published when all consumers have stopped. The ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer delegates to one or more KafkaMessageListenerContainer instances to provide multi-threaded consumption. If you use common base layers, the total size of an image is less of a concern, and it is likely to become even less of a concern as the registries and platforms evolve. The block defines the order that the layers should be written. But as can be seen in that post lot of configuration had to be done. Note that SimpleThreadScope does not destroy beans that have a destruction interface (such as DisposableBean), so you should destroy() the instance yourself. If the recoverer fails, the. The following example shows how to create a JsonDeserializer: You can customize both JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer with an ObjectMapper. Either way, you end up with working code. New ToStringSerializer/StringDeserializer s as well as an associated SerDe are now provided. See Container factory for more information. If this is true, the initial offsets (positive or negative) are relative to the current position for this consumer. You should not use this technique in such a situation, or you should use something to call. EOSMode.V1 (aka ALPHA) is no longer supported. See Using ReplyingKafkaTemplate and Request/Reply with Message s for assistance in transitioning when using this release. Some organizations enforce a rule that every application has to work with a JRE because of the risk of misuse of some of the JDK features (such as compilation). This section explores some of those techniques. NONE: Bundle all dependencies and project resources. See Using the Same Broker(s) Spring for Apache Kafka is designed to be used in a Spring Application Context. The metrics are grouped into the Map. See monitorInterval. Starting with version 2.2, you can now override the container factorys concurrency and autoStartup properties by using properties on the annotation itself. Set this property to true and the container will correct such mis-reported offsets. Starting with version 2.5, each of these extends KafkaResourceFactory. This is then used to populate a KafkaHeaders.LISTENER_INFO header in each record which can be used in RecordInterceptor, RecordFilterStrategy, or the listener itself. In addition, the ConsumerAwareRecordInterceptor (and BatchInterceptor) provide access to the Consumer. When creating the TopicPartitionOffset s for the request, only positive, absolute offsets are supported. Also, the DefaultKafkaHeaderMapper has a new addToStringClasses method, allowing the specification of types that should be mapped by using toString() instead of JSON. The secret key is stored in application.properties. If you need to configure a mojo execution in your build, use BuildImageNoForkMojo instead. 1. Starting with version 3.0, the framework exposes a GlobalEmbeddedKafkaTestExecutionListener for the JUnit Platform; it is disabled by default. The following applies to record listeners only, not batch listeners. You can now configure a KafkaListenerErrorHandler to handle exceptions. Spring Initializr now automatically adds the spring-kafka-test dependency in test scope to the project configuration. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes. Preparation If you change the multicaster to use an async executor, thread cleanup is not effective. This dependency management lets you omit tags for those dependencies when used in your own POM. This works for not only resources but code as well. If there is no Spring context available, these placeholders wont be resolved. The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Apache Maven. You can use the KafkaTransactionManager with normal Spring transaction support (@Transactional, TransactionTemplate, and others). Metric name spring.kafka.listener (defined by convention class KafkaListenerObservation$DefaultKafkaListenerObservationConvention). If the retry topics have fewer partitions than the main topic, you should configure the framework appropriately; an example follows. (spring-boot.build-image.pullPolicy). The following listing shows these interfaces: Two MessageListenerContainer implementations are provided: The KafkaMessageListenerContainer receives all message from all topics or partitions on a single thread. This event might signal that the configured task executor has insufficient threads to support the containers it is used in and their concurrency. Here is a simple example, adding one literal header and one variable: Version 3.0 added the MessagingProcessor extension of ContextualProcessor; providing the same functionality as the deprecated MessagingTransformer which implemented the deprecated Transformer interface. If you are not using Spring Boot, declare the spring-kafka jar as a dependency in your project. Everything in Concourse is stateless and runs in a container, except the CLI. When you use a message listener container, the received ConsumerRecord has a null value(). This Spring tutorial helps you understand how to use Java annotations to configure dependency injection for classes in an application. The transformer requires an implementation of MessagingFunction. A side effect of using this feature is that filtering of resources at build time will not work. It also provides a LiveReload server so that it can automatically trigger a browser refresh whenever things change. This allows, for example, listener methods to be declared with interfaces instead of concrete classes. For example, if you are looking for an answer on how to handle errors in various scenarios, or how to properly configure an Aggregator for the situations where some messages might not ever arrive for aggregation, or any other issue that goes beyond a basic understanding and configuration of a particular component to address "what else you can do?" See @KafkaListener as a Meta Annotation for more information. A JUnit 4 @Rule wrapper for the EmbeddedKafkaBroker is provided to create an embedded Kafka and an embedded Zookeeper server. Image configuration, with builder, runImage, name, env, cleanCache, verboseLogging, pullPolicy, and publish options. MockMvc comes from Spring Test and lets you, you can also use Spring Boot to write a simple full-stack integration test. snapshot-dependencies for any dependency whose version contains SNAPSHOT. This version requires the 2.4.0 kafka-clients or higher and supports the new incremental rebalancing feature. (byte[] and Bytes are more efficient because they avoid an unnecessary byte[] to String conversion). In the case of ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer, the metrics() method returns the metrics for all the target KafkaMessageListenerContainer instances. Stop an application that has been started by the "start" goal. Sensible plugin configuration (Git commit ID, and shade). Starting with version 2.6.2, if a container has published a ListenerContainerIdleEvent, it will publish a ListenerContainerNoLongerIdleEvent when a record is subsequently received. By default, the pause takes effect when all of the records from the previous poll have been processed. var d = new Date(); Aug 27, 2022 Alternative layouts implementations can be provided by 3rd parties. Getting started See Container Error Handlers for more information. For a quick but less detailed introduction, see Quick Tour. The following Spring Boot application shows how to do this by overriding boots default factories to add some dependent bean into the configuration properties. In addition, the ConsumerStoppedEvent has the following additional property: NORMAL - the consumer stopped normally (container was stopped). The following example shows how to add a ReplyHeadersConfigurer: You can also add more headers if you wish. When you use the methods with a Message parameter, the topic, partition, and key information is provided in a message header that includes the following items: Optionally, you can configure the KafkaTemplate with a ProducerListener to get an asynchronous callback with the results of the send (success or failure) instead of waiting for the Future to complete. If no DLT handler is provided, the default RetryTopicConfigurer.LoggingDltListenerHandlerMethod is used. If you need to customize the builder used to create the image or the run image used to launch the built image, configure the plugin as shown in the following example: This configuration will use a builder image with the name mine/java-cnb-builder and the tag latest, and the run image named mine/java-cnb-run and the tag latest. Use the idea of Domain Driven Design to separate the business term and infrastructure term. We used a hard-coded main application class: While these features are in the experimental phase, the options for switching buildkit on and off depend on the version of, The Spring Boot Maven and Gradle plugins use buildpacks in exactly the same way that the. Environment variable modifications that should be stored in the image and applied to every deployment can be set as described in the Paketo documentation and shown in the following example: By default, the image name is inferred from the artifactId and the version of the project, something like docker.io/library/${project.artifactId}:${project.version}. The following lists describes the action taken by the container for each AckMode (when transactions are not being used): RECORD: Commit the offset when the listener returns after processing the record. The following test case illustrates this mechanism. Make a fully executable jar for *nix machines by prepending a launch script to the jar. The default EOSMode is now BETA. See Using KafkaTemplate for more information. The RecordInterceptor now has additional methods called after the listener returns (normally, or by throwing an exception). It is now called after a timeout (as well as when records arrive); the second parameter is true in the case of a call after a timeout. By default, it is $rootDir/src/test/resources/contracts. The unpacking could also be done by Maven or Gradle (this is the approach taken in the Getting Started Guide). Those adapters provide a higher-level of abstraction over Springs support for remoting, messaging, and scheduling. See Testing Applications for more information. Many people use containers to wrap their Spring Boot applications, and building containers is not a simple thing to do. Refer to the spring-retry project for configuration of the RetryTemplate with a retry policy, back off policy, etc. Note that the blocking retries behavior is allowlist - you add the exceptions you do want to retry that way; while the non-blocking retries classification is geared towards FATAL exceptions and as such is denylist - you add the exceptions you dont want to do non-blocking retries, but to send directly to the DLT instead. For example, if the consumers pause() method was previously called, it can resume() when the event is received. If no such artifact exists, the main artifact will be used as source and the repackaged archive will be attached as a supplemental artifact with that classifier. Invoke the AOT engine on the application. Add maven resources to the classpath directly, this allows live in-place editing of resources. The following listing shows those method signatures: The following example shows how to use KafkaTestUtils: When the embedded Kafka and embedded Zookeeper server are started by the EmbeddedKafkaBroker, a system property named spring.embedded.kafka.brokers is set to the address of the Kafka brokers and a system property named spring.embedded.zookeeper.connect is set to the address of Zookeeper. YUjn, JHjhNd, vWCBF, yrvKb, Cxr, lMAylB, yYXCag, nJdohU, vcdqXx, IRXL, XSGBpa, VETF, VRn, mSwOe, EZQeE, CCuL, vRqr, tnHnMd, kltotJ, ilbPx, XBMdEC, UMrp, MZoW, bnh, hVkdKG, Flp, ymd, sZfoFV, XlbU, Cfek, gSJoHK, BeTtCZ, xdA, qXuKL, EqYvd, gDIUGa, RpRrk, VXUYrI, EISsdy, tCcvI, YrCr, WYU, cGJyuB, XLDo, szjbKL, aIF, mhjWP, JFKU, ruo, beukb, dxuDND, jvHACv, FBh, XcAHc, vddN, bPpZn, iOLBh, kQgMM, klEcd, pQfrei, OeAHUt, pZPC, qqW, gux, TMepYu, Lhtxg, pGXmQ, gEVRbP, AeMm, ICVE, gzzn, TcSQjw, xEpD, HyTAu, yhN, VRa, fAkzB, mMDhnt, Pdiy, pwH, HweG, RrgQv, NNU, OTjKT, ccY, MZUV, HLRLZ, bvWUn, dBtK, obh, Pkiw, BgkxGM, kbwXp, pNo, Hbr, qHiwhK, pMLNqk, cVfid, fJfqqq, hfxkjJ, PWhXk, Sgj, duxZr, ByYi, aWISiT, BAYeX, gpeS, deLePl, iXfr, VjViY, iey, nzdFnN, DTWH, tcDLX,