There are many ways you can respond to a guy who says youre sweet, but our best are these: Your partner could be a genuine compliment if you are in a relationship. Damn, I'm a redneck when I lived in WV and now I'm a queer for living in Wilmington. He starts showing up at places you frequent, and you can feel him changing Family Life Activities is owned by a young married couple who saw it necessary to share their experiences of love and family. We deeply appreciate it when guys take initiative; our nurturing tendencies kick in, and we feel compelled to be as encouraging as possible. First, make sure she is sweet. Difference Explained (With Examples). If you're hurting: /r/MMFB/comments/m48gq/updated_list_of_hotline_s_for_those_who_need_them/), or you can call Lets start with women. doesn't mean that they want to have lots and lots of sex with yougo figure Because you're unattractive to them or you don't have enough money or possibly because they're gay. In the span of one week I've had 2 different girls tell me almost the exact same thing. I liked you for so long, and I cant believe youre mine now! Im your perfect person and youre mine. What they're saying is that your personality is great, but your body isn't. This is also what they mean when they say "I wish I could find a guy like you." They just leave off on the end "except attractive." "Any girl would be lucky to have you. Related article: Why Do Girlfriends Point Out When Other Guys Are Hot? (Then again, if you suspect this is the case, it doesnt hurt to subject yourself to the honest criticism of godly friends.) I don't agree with or advocate everything there, but it may prove instructive to your position Mick. My guy friend offered these words of rebuke: What is he? If it does not happen regularly, What To Do When He Reappears After Disappearing? Whatever you say, make sure to sound genuine and sincere. "You'd make the perfect boyfriend for some girl out there. He Likes You More Than a Friend 8. When a girl says youre mine, she is saying that she claims you as her significant other, and there is nobody else that she wants to be with at the present time or in the future. You can also say something like, I appreciate you saying that. It could simply be a term of endearment, meaning that the person sees you as kind, caring, or considerate. I wanted to encourage him for taking a risk, I said, my voice dripping with compassion. There are too many possible factors in a womans decision to say no to hazard a guess. Copyright 2007 Suzanne Hadley Gosselin. You have an awesome personality- and.. We Are Both in the Mood For Compliments Because I Think You're an Awesome Person; It's Sweet Hearing You Say That; That Is Very Kind . You can also check A puppy who needs a good boy and a pat on the head?. You could say thank you or that you feel the same about him. In either case, its always nice to hear compliments from someone, so enjoy the attention and dont overthink it too much!. How a person manages stress is important. I hope she knows that youre mine.. What's something that's true, but you shouldn't say it? You dont want to give him the wrong idea, and you dont want to make things awkward. The word "mine" implies that the other person claims you as their own. Either way, it is always best to err on caution and be polite in your response. But if you blurt it out randomly, it might not have the same effect. Buy very few women will actually say it outright, they feel better giving you false hope and sending you off to be another girl's problem. Not straight out, but they are easy to figure out when it comes to throwing vibes. She may have also said that to commend your personality. Her present circumstances may be keeping her from feeling ready to get close to someone. If you want to flirt back, you can say, Im glad you think so, or Im glad you noticed. This will let him know that youre interested in him and find his compliments flattering. The phrase youre sweet can mean different things depending on the context and tone in which it is said. 8. And so it happens on a Monday evening that Clint invites Sarah to meet him at an artsy downtown caf. Navigating the aftermath of her refusal isn't always easy. I think you have a lot of great things going for you." Dont try to fix it. In How to Respond to a Mans Pursuit, Carolyn McCulley writes: While we women exercise trust in God by waiting to be pursued, men exercise trust in God by risking rejection. Reminds me of when a friend of mine that I had a thing for, but who had flatly rejected my advances, was complaining to me about how all the guys she dated were hot, but stupid, and how she wished she could find someone who could hold a conversation and stimulate her intellectually, just like me. Several meanings can accompany this statement. Several reactions are healthy and appropriate when the answer is no. Women, please understand that the pseudo turndown is not the compassionate turndown. Youre mine!. She may say that because she is attracted to you, but she is more likely to demonstrate other signals of attraction alongside it. She probably was trying to set you up with one of them. There is a sense of "ownership" among the two individuals. Yeah, thanks capt. But if you discover that your feelings have not changed, resist the urge to abuse the attraction the guy has toward you. Suzanne Hadley Gosselin is a freelance writer and editor. Apparently, any girl who gets to date me would be super lucky. They don't want to be in a relationship with you. He's the one person you thought was gone for good; your ex-boyfriend or the guy you met at work. Still, a no answer even one that is permanent does not constitute an unhappy ending. But the thing is, both of these girls are single. I certainly am not willing to override my own lack of attraction to try and date someone that I find unattractive, and I'm not going to expect her to do so either. Clints hope surges. Further, the couple studied psychology and theology with experience in doing research. But if youre unsure if hes trying to be nice or likes you, you might want to wait and see how he acts around you before you say anything. This is an excellent way to return the compliment, making the guy feel good about himself. Saying youre mine does indicate a sense of possession. Sarah is a girl Clint can see himself pursuing. What they're saying is that your personality is great, but your body isn't. A man finds himself at a loss to know whether he should give up or try harder. Ask the guy who says you're sweet, why he says so? This will let him know you appreciate the compliment without making things weird. He probably means it as a compliment if hes your boyfriend or someone youre dating. Those reasons that aren't said but implied are held in common by practically everyone when it comes to me. You dont want to be caught calling a rude or obnoxious sweet girl. Partial attraction may cause you to dabble in the affections of someone you suspect is not Gods best for you. One of them invited me out for drinks with her friends once. Third, dont say it all the time. These girls probably think you're a good guy. For example, you may see the expression used in this context when the protagonist is trying to catch a criminal in an action movie. In a relationship, you might say something like, I love you because youre so sweet., Or, if youre just friends, you might say something like, Thanks, I appreciate your compliment., If youre not interested in the guy, you might say, Thanks, but Im not interested.. You're asking to be nice. If youre unsure about his intentions, try flirting back with him and see how he responds. Following Clints profession, Sarah is silent for a moment. What would you say if I asked you to be mine? I just dont feel like we should date.. All rights reserved. He's Attracted to You 3. They no longer are separate, but they "belong to" each other. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. So the question is, if I'm such a wonderful guy, then why don't they ask me out ? Her brilliant smile and consistent kindness toward others keep catching his eye. I like the way you serve others. The reason is that this expression implies ownership, and the concept of ownership is usually something that is reserved for property. He is letting you know that you belong to him and that no other person is romantically on his mind.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'grammarhow_com-box-3','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-box-3-0'); It can also be a way that he expresses that he wants to be in an exclusive relationship with you and that you will be associated romantically with him only and no one else. Yes, the guy took a risk, and its appropriate to thank him for that. The word mine implies that the other person claims you as their own. Just use your best judgment and dont overdo it. Make up your mind. Has it become a habit that your wife yells at you every time you have a conversation? Joe quit pursuing me, but I received an occasional friendly email or phone call from him. This is also what they mean when they say "I wish I could find a guy like you. He Likes Your Company 9. Here are ten tips if youre unsure how to respond when a guy says youre sweet. Let your no be no. Fun fact: we deliver faster than Amazon. And girls, if a guy ever calls you sweet, say thank you and enjoy the compliment! She wants to be charmed, be seduced, be drown in feelings and emotions when she's with a guy. You are a great friend and make everyone feel loved. In an instant, she flashes her signature smile. You have so many amazing qualities, which I admire.. Just make sure he is sincere and that you are sweet. But then something changes. Dude, I'll give you the answer. But how should you respond when a guy says this to you? A basic phrase used by females on guys who they just don't want. She graduated from Multnomah University with a degree in journalism and biblical theology. But still, you have a great personality and any girl would be lucky to date you. This way, you wont risk offending or making him think you dont like him. In general, responding positively to a compliment is the best way. She may be a big fan of you as a person and still not feel romantically drawn to you. Everyone wants to feel good. You can ask for clarification if youre unsure which meaning is intended. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. Its always nice to be called sweet, but sometimes you might wonder what it means. What you say to her doesn't matter, you're not her choice. It can also be used by people already dating as a way for one of the parties to indicate that they want the other person to express love for them. A real catch." Maybe the girl closes the door directly by expressing interest in another person or denying a connection. Just say it in a way that sounds genuine and sincere. Women, on the other hand, can experience partial attraction. She may not be romantically interested in a guy but still find herself drawn to him in some way. That will make you look like an idiot. I hate when people say this because it's like a bank handed compliment . It will have more meaning and impact if you say it after she does something sweet or kind. If youre unsure how to respond, a simple thank you is always a good choice. For example, she might say something like: In this example, the girl is expressing that she won the individuals affection and that Susan did not. And girls, if a guy ever calls you sweet, say thank you and enjoy the compliment! Thank you. Believe me, chicks go for what they want. The ability to ask (and answer) questions is a good area to grow in, as well as a mark of mature adulthood. Sometimes, If a guy says youre mine to a girl, she will take it to mean that he is telling her that she belongs to him exclusively but that he does not feel that he belongs to her exclusively as well. Related article: How To Respond To Someone Calling You Attractive? Girls like to be called sweet just as they like to be called beautiful or hot. While Johns experience is not typical, no one should discount the leading of the Holy Spirit in attraction and pursuit. It can be considered by some women to be not very respectful. If you want to be flirty, you could tell him that he makes you feel sweet or thank him for being so sweet to you. That act of trust put him in the ideal position to receive the wife God had for him. He continued to be her friend, playing Frisbee with a group on the weekends and even helping to plan an elaborate birthday party for her. I would like to pursue you.. It's kinda like asking someone how they're doing. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right 15 Best Replies To Youre Mine Read This Before Answering! I just watched a video called "what's the easiest/dumbest Has anyone else just accepted their FA status or are some A girl looked at me and said "what the f*ck". ", They just leave off on the end "except attractive. Id be honored if youd say that youll be mine. This will give you a better idea of what he meant by the compliment and let him know that youre interested in hearing more from him. You are always there to lend a listening ear and make someone . Last PM I got was a guy that told me to "lose weight". Biden, in a press conference, said Griner is "in good spirits" after being released and will be home within 24 hours. Take her answer at face value. Theres no need to engage with someone you dont know, and you dont want to give him the wrong idea. Thanking the person for the compliment is always a good option regardless of the purpose. You said that youre mine, so I dont want you to go to the movies with him. The 2nd girl says "You're a great catch to some lucky girl ". Ive liked you for so long. I was instantly convicted of my selfish motives; I was trying to make myself the hero. :laugh: Go find some other girls and ask them out, because you will never get with these ladies. In some circumstances maybe those kinds of responses are preferable? link to What To Do When He Reappears After Disappearing? Artemis 1 moon ship returns to Earth with picture-perfect splashdown; Suspect in 1988 Lockerbie bombing now in U.S. custody; Family of American held in Iran urges Biden to do more to secure release link to How To Deal With A Wife That Yells At You? This applies to any girl, I'd be happy to try out dating with anyone. One says. About UsWe are on a mission to help you become better at English. Of course not everyone is going to be into you, but it is really a case of "sorry Mario, but your princess is at another castle" except you never ever find that castle, even when you are working hard to get there. She is attracted to certain aspects of his character or person, but the overall effect does not add up to romantic interest. When a guy says you're sweet respond neutrally If you're unsure how to respond, you can always smile and say thank you. The problem is that a "great personality" never got anyone the girl. Therefore, the expression be mine doesnt quite have the possessive nature to it that youre mine does. Also avoid sweeping statements of approval, such as, Youre perfect. From his perspective, if he were perfect, you would want a relationship with him. Several years ago, I got to know a Christian guy whom I deeply respected. :2cents: Why would they think I'm gay, if I'm not from Wilmington, NC ? Youre sweet is one of the most common compliments a guy can give to a girl. If the guy is a stranger or someone you dont know very well, you can thank him and walk away. The following are a few more examples of ways to respond when a guy says youre sweet: Remember, the key is to keep it simple and not make a big deal out of the compliment. If a guy calls you sweet, he could just be using a term of endearment. If you are in a romantic relationship with a guy who says youre mine, he is no doubt expressing his unconditional love and affection for you. I have never gotten the you are a great guy. With youre mine, the two people have already expressed ownership of each other. A woman may also make validating statements in an effort to encourage a Christian brother she respects. 3. I truly enjoy being around you, Sarah continues. He wont think youre interested in him, and hell be less likely to try to flirt with you. EDIT: or maybe they just think your really gay. Use it sparingly and only when you mean it, and she will appreciate it more. If you call her sweet every other sentence, she will get sick of it and lose its meaning. Fourth, be aware of the tone you use when you say it. Images, GIFs and videos featured seven times a day. :doh: There is nothing wrong with having close friends of the opposite sex Mick. There are a few different things that it could mean. Not exactly a good sign, but Clint hopes she is simply choosing the perfect response. More often, the talk leaves the guy confused. Saying "you're mine" does indicate a sense of possession. Sometimes this expression indicates a sort of winning on the part of the girl of the object of her affection. Perhaps God is changing your heart. He Wants You to Feel Appreciated and Loved 4. The phrase be mine is often worded as a question and is usually meant as a way to ask the other person if they would like to go out on a date with you. This unassuming character quality can make a big difference in your future marriage. Responding to a compliment is always tricky- you dont want to seem unappreciative. The best way to respond to this compliment is simply saying thank you. If you want to be more flirty, you can say, I bet youre sweet all over.. You may also like: 15 Best Replies To Youre Mine Read This Before Answering! IFunny is fun of your life. In most cases, the woman is saying no because she does not feel romantically inclined toward you. She is conscious of her appearance when you are around. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If she wanted you for herself, her friends would not have been invited. This phrase is often used to show appreciation or to make someone feel good about themselves. With be mine, the person does not already belong to the other person. He's Being Friendly 6. The word "sweet" can be applied to people's . That defeats the whole purpose of communicating with you because I wanted you, It's like in sports where a coordinator is always told hed make a great HC but never actually gets the job. But ending well has its benefits. If youre unsure what to say, you can always thank you and leave it. You could also ask why he thinks youre sweet or his favorite thing about you. I see we have a lot of things in common and have fun together. Maybe he often looks at your lips, which is a sign he wants to kiss you, and when he talks to you, it . Maybe not all guys act like jerks." It's a way of saying "thanks for not being a douche." A great guy for me at least is one who is honest, cares for others, makes me feel good when I'm around him, gives freely of his time, and is there for me when the chips are down. When you receive no as an answer, dont assume that you have a major flaw. summarize. "You're a great guy. Not sure what the equivalent would be. Philippians 2:3 reminds us: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Grasping for romantic attention does not seek the guys best interest. Alternately, the phrase youre mine is sometimes used to imply that a person has captured their enemy somehow. 11. Poor Mick, this thread isn't turning out exactly as he had hoped, I bet. Ive wanted to ask you to be mine for such a long time now. You are a really good guy who I don't think would treat me thay way. That's not exactly what they mean. Aww, thank you. "Hey boy, you shore got some purdy lips.". Here are some examples of how to use youre mine in a sentence in the romantic sense of the phrase. She lives in California with her husband, Kevin, who is a family pastor, and her four young children: Josiah, Sadie, Amelia and Jackson. They let you know when they like you. In this case, the particular guy approaching her may not be the issue. Her emotional or physical state would cause her to reject any potential suitor. By If you want it to get really awkward, dig into these must-discuss money topics before you get married (just not too soon). Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. Clint has also discovered that they share a love of the outdoors and art. She does not want you to date or be with anyone else but her and she will do the same for you. Six things that matter to men when romantically pursuing a woman. A couple of years after his first attempt, John approached Hannah again. It will come across as flirty and fun if you say it playful, teasingly. This can better understand how they see you and be a good starting point for further discussion. This neutral response wont offend anyone and will let the guy know you appreciate his compliment. Writing to a man I dont yet know taught me more than I expected about life, love, and faith. So, does this mean that they're only interested in a bum ? He can predict her next words. Second, make sure you say it sincerely when you call her sweet. But if you say it more seriously and sincerely, it will sound more romantic. Last year one of my guy friends confronted me on this. Whatever you do, stay true to yourself and dont say anything you dont mean. They no longer are separate, but they belong to each other. In the story of Clint and Sarah, Sarah used some emotive statements that were misleading: I enjoy being around you and youre one of my favorite people. Clint may have thought, If Im one of your favorite people, how is it possible youre not interested? This is a safe response that wont offend anyone and will let the guy know that you appreciate his compliment. However romantic the corner table or perfect the speech, sometimes the talk will end in disappointment. Understand that she is in a difficult position of being the bad guy, so she will try to make her rejection as kind as possible. Several reactions are healthy and appropriate when the answer is no. You've only seen one page. The Overlooked Trait Youll Want in Your Mate, 7 Awkward Money Conversations Every Seriously Dating Couple Must Have. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Often on Valentines day cards and other gifts, the phrase will you be mine? or just be mine is written as another way of saying will you love me? or love me.. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Just use your best judgment and dont overdo it. Clint, she says, looking him straight in the eye. My friend Hannah made it very clear to John that she was not interested in him romantically after he approached her about courtship. This leads to, I like all of these things about you, but I dont like you.. When a female calls you "sweet," it usually indicates she is appreciative because you done something kind for her. Instead of wasting energy thinking about what you might lack and trying to correct it, engage in the supreme form of self-improvement: Submit yourself to God (James 4:7). The other one said it after she found out about my multi-talents. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If nothing else, there will be a lot of flirting which is always fun and if you're really lucky, they'll be friends with benefits. When a guy who likes you sees you, he'll stand or sit more upright and uncross his legs and arms. Maybe hes just being friendly and trying to make you feel good. You can also add a joke to lighten the mood and keep things serious. If you want to make the guy feel good, you can tell him that hes sweet. Official Discord server: When a guy says youre sweet, there are a few things to remember. Clint had been noticing Sarah for several months. This is, in a nutshell, what girls mean when they say "you're a great guy. It will come across as flirty and fun if you say it playful, teasingly. Keep in mind that the unique aspects of you that shes not responding to may be the very things your future spouse loves. If youre unsure how to respond, you can always smile and say thank you. An assertive, confident personality has, but that's not as great as everyone makes it sound. I can think of times where I have turned someone down in word only to return to the persons attention in moments of loneliness. Sarah shows up with her usual smile. Take her answer at face value. and "You're a great catch to some lucky girl ". This phrase is most often used in the romantic sense and implies a shared . I think you have a lot of great things going for you." The 2nd girl says "You're a great catch to some lucky girl " But the thing is, both of these girls are single. You're good enough for someone but not me. Tbf I don't think this a thing guys say often to anyone outside of family. As our relationship progressed, I realized that I was not drawn to Joe romantically. You don't REALLY want to know. 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-866-APPELLE (if in Quebec). She does not like to share you with anyone else. Thats the bad news. As a group of experienced English writers, we enjoy sharing our knowledge in a language that everyone is able to understand. Hannah was unaware, but as John continued to pray over his attraction to her, he felt the Lords encouragement to wait. Use it sparingly and only when you mean it, and she will appreciate it much more. 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