Of all the encounters Deadpool had while killing off the Marvel universe, this one was the most disappointing. WebAnswer: Many, actually! The issue is filled with jokey depictions of how he would have all the heroes and villains killed. In fact, not only has he defeated Wolverine, it didnt even really turn out to be much of a fight. Hes actually a horrifying threat because not only does he have the usual bells and whistles, but when hes in trouble, Hydra is able to just teleport him away. Cage has an impervious exterior, but his interior isn't quite so durable. Anyway, we get a sweet panel of Wolverine being bum-rushed by an overwhelming army of zombie superheroes. They have often fought against each other. Amongst the bodycount, Sentry decapitates Wolverine and X-23 with a single karate chop. While chasing Kitty Pryde, he kills a handful of heroes and Hand ninjas until that worlds Wolverine challenges him. Like many characters introduced in the '90s,Cable was put up against Wolverine to show how tough he was. They were just going up close and personal. With no other recourse, she phases her arm into his head and turns solid, right as he chops it off. Wolverine is at a cemetery in Japan to meet a friend when he's ambushed by the Hand. TheOld Man Logan storyline started with a tragedy, one that forced Logan to sheath his claws and walk away from for years. WebPoll Versus Question of Who Had Abducted Wolverine? Then he gets thrown into space as the Annihilation Wave comes for Earth. The Marvel Zombies fad begins in this storyline and a flashback shows how an infected Superman Sentry punched his way into their reality and spread the disease. Both men have been experimented on by Weapon Plus Program. Logan kills Hulk's grandkids and then fights the big green monster. They cover Poolverine and devour him down to the bone. He also-- similarly to Batmans enemy Victor Zsasz-- carves a scar into his skin for every murder he commits. Deadpool fights with Wolverine and uses a carbonadium katana to offset his healing factor. This is a follow-up to an issue where Dr. Erksine is spared and the US military is filled with super soldiers during WWII. For Sabretooth, it was just to remind Logan that he could never actually win a fight against him. 10 Black Panther. What do you think was Deadpool's best fight? When the New Avengers first encountered Wolverine in the Savage Land, Veranke got the drop on Wolverine and stabbed him with his own claws. His solution for the X-Men is easy. You might not think he's the most powerful guy around, but he's certainly durable, something that has allowed him to come out on top on more than a few occasions. At one point, he and his Brotherhood fight the X-Men and mop the floor with them. He goes on the run, gets inducted into the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and is hired by Magneto to be a mole in the X-Men. Hes already covered in hundreds by the time he first meets Wolverine. Along with S.H.I.E.L.D. But in most cases, he is at least strong enough to carry 100 tons. Magneto's whole schtick is magnetism and Wolverine's bones make him uniquely vulnerable to that sort of attack. Wolverine tanks damage like no one's business and explosions barely phase him. Mister X was looking for a formidable opponent to fight. However, Daredevil is strangely overpowered, having defeated the likes of Captain America, Spider-Man, Hercules, and Ultron. I will give you a few! Weve hit the motherload here. Ever heard of it? The heroes talk it out amongst themselves and decide to oppose him. Both men fought Nazis in WWII. This movie did a little too much, bringing in the mutant cure storyline and then adding the Dark Phoenix story to boot. Normally, the X-Men win thanks to the help of Xavier, but as Ultron finishes off the Runaways, he gets a signal and becomes aware of Dangers existence. In a time when his healing factor has long stopped working, Wolverine falls knee-deep into a greatest hits storyline where theres a conspiracy/mystery that happens to feature a bunch of his main villains. Maybe the rest of the Thunderbolts were jealous, because the appropriately named Headsman soon lopped off Deadpool's head and seemed to put an end to the battle. WebHere is the list of the girls Wolverine has dated in the mainstream reality: Rose. Spider-Man has no problems with team-ups but there are some heroes he likes more than others and Wolverine is usually on the 'don't like' list, even though they've become friends more recently. In this reality, although the team is able to send Krakoa into space where it will no longer hurt a single soul, they fail to clear the area first. One of Deadpools less talked about victories is actually one of the cooler ones hes had over the years because you made it happen. While not technically part of the X-Men's line up of recurring characters, Hulks immeasurable strength is hard to ignore. With Wolverine, she doesnt have the lengthy bond that she did with Cyclops, and also he isnt exactly the most calming person in the world. He'd hurt himself hitting Wolverine. NEXT:X-Men: 10 Mutants The MCU Needs To Avoid (& Why). Sure, its not the true crossover that fans have waited so long for, but its still a fun little scene where Marvel gets to gloat that their guy got one over on Deathstroke. However, given that this is Marvel, that doesnt mean hes always tussled with Spider-Man exclusively. 3) Wolverine. RELATED:Marvel Comics: 10 Most Powerful Villains Wolverine Has Ever Faced. The Thing has already been demolished into a pile of rubble, and Mister Fantastic is dying with his body stretched out into a puddle of skin. Shortly after, the Dark Phoenix (who is totally Jean in this reality and not the Phoenix thinking its Jean) will kill her friends and grow out of control. Wolverine and Gambit have come to blows several times over the years. Rather than being killed by the mob, Officer Frank Castles family is killed in the park in the crossfire of a fight between superheroes and alien invaders. The concept of X-Men Forever is Claremont continuing where he left off on his endless X-Men run in the 80s and 90s. The Phoenix is too powerful for any one person to face off against on their own. The death came inX-Men Origins: Wolverine and this was not the Merc with a Mouth, but a new weapon whose mouth was eliminated entirely. In a world where Logan is aware of his son, he proves to be a pretty terrible father. Without mincing any words, Sabretooth gives him a fair beating which Logan has no choice but to respond with a last ditch effort that knocks the both of them out. Even Wade Wilson isn't crazy enough to put up with people killing friendly animals. Not all mutants are good or bad. Wolverine impales Jean from behind and the resulting explosion kills them. This list is going to look at some of the times Wolverine got beaten by people he shouldn't have. Healing factor or not, Wolverine needs to breathe. Wolverine has been a part of many efforts to take Magneto down, but hes never done it on his own. He was being pursued by the Thunderbolts, which at the time counted Black Widow as a member. Most superhero fights aren't decisive, and it's extremely rarefor them to end with one of the characters dying. Zombie Wolverine is ultimately done in when Kitty phases a stake into his brain and Living Wolverine impales him in the chest as an exclamation point. RELATED: Captain America: 10 Steve Rogers Quotes That Inspire Us All. Obviously this character is never named to avoid copyrights and all those other not so fun legal issues, but its clearly meant to be an encounter between Wade and Slade. He has been brutally defeated in battle more than a few times. Astough as Wolverine is, a lot of his fights are won by simply relying on his abilityto sustain more damage thanan opponent. Very, very good. In a story called End of Days, Young X-Men member Dust is dying due to her unique biology. (& Other Questions We Have About The X-Men Member), After Rogue knocks out Carol, Wolverine stepped in to continue the fight, Magneto is already an extremely powerful mutant. If you can resolve a conflict without anyone having to die, that's certainly an admirable skill, and in this case it saved Deadpool's life. Some are victims of their powers and would do anything to be normal. Sabretooth eventually encounters a thief by the name of Gambit, and the two fight, but find they aren't exactly enemies. Wolverine and the Hulk have fought each other almost as often as they have teamed up together. In a fitting crescendo, near the conclusion of all the chaos, the regular Deadpool is taking on numerous other alternate universe versions of himself. MODOK easily survives being clawed from behind and gets ready to fight Wolverine head-on. In fact, Deadpool has beaten Logan on at least Forcing Arcade to be his lackey, Deadpool kills off the X-Men, leaving Wolverine for last. Wolverine ends up taking part in the hunt (Wolverine #43, 2006). In the end, its all up to the writer(s) and director(s). They all consider themselves to simply be Deadpool when in their own universes, and simply go by these new monikers so things don't get confusing. Wolverine has Colossus throw him for the Fastball Special, but the Sentinel reacts fast enough to zap Wolverine to death in mid-air. Bastion first crosses paths with the X-Men as the head of Operation Zero Tolerance, an anti-mutant hate group/strike force seeking government funding. Mysterio is one of those Marvel villains that just never seems to be taken that seriously. Regardless, who Deadpool was fighting is pretty clear when you see it. Imagine all the punishment youre used to seeing Wolverine take in the course of his adventures revealed in full, R-rated glory on screen. Nope. In case you're not up on his many conflicts with the good guys, here are 15 Superheroes Deadpool Has Beaten. (& Other Questions We Have About The X-Men Member). Thor and Luke Cage survive the initial attack, but not for long. Now, Wrecker fights Thor and has an enchanted crowbar, so the results of Wolverine jumping at him should have been obvious to everyone. But Deadpool's healing is so strong, he regenerates even from this and stabs Sue through the back to finish off the Fantastic Four. Where Are The Image Comics Founders Today? In the past, they've come to blows several times and Spider-Man has won every time or at least never actually lost. In fact, just about every time the X-Men fight Magneto, Wolverine gets slapped around worse than anyone except maybe Colossus. Unfortunately, shortly after, we see that that worlds Wolverine has a nasty bite mark on the back of his arm. Still, he had the same appearance as the original, and since he was a clone, that presumably meant he had the same abilities as well. Heres a Wolverine double play. Wolverine still chases Cornelius to the rooftop, where Cornelius collapses and dies from his injuries. The fight was broken up when Deadpool was on top, but there was no ambiguity about who won thanks to Deadpool finishing the job later. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. With but a thought, he transforms Wolverines skeleton into spongy rubber and leaves him in a dying heap. He immediately uses his powers to explode in an attempt to get away. In it, Angela is a witch hunter whose initial adventure shows her trying to kill a corrupt King James. issue mentioned above, there is no desperation in Kittys survival. While Wolverine is one of the toughest, fiercest fighters in the Marvel Universe, he is not the most powerful. And bear in mind, this was before Deadpool was the internets walking meme machine that he is today. The new present is even worse, so Wolverine goes back again to stop himself from killing Pym. What remains of the Beyonder is able to possess Dooms sidekick Klaw and spins a possibility of the heroes surviving that gets under Dooms skin so much that Doom inadvertently causes that possibility to become reality. Now, look, Cap is good. It was in Gambit's early days with the team, when he was still proving himself. Unfortunately, another reality has the building get nuked by Genosha, figuring that this would somehow kill Vision. The whole encounter is actually pretty funny. Cassie Lathrop. He killed Annihilus and became the leader of the Annihilation Wave. Since the characters first appearance, Wolverine has rushed into battle, which is something that Doc Ock never does. Yeah, no. Wolverine is a capable fighter but even the famous X-Men mutant has struggled to beat these foes on a regular basis. He can prove it. It might not have been Cap's most illustrious victory but a win's a win. While they've worked together since then, Wolverine still holds a grudge against the magnetic mutant and gets back at him any way he can, just not in a fight, because he's learned that lesson the hard way. One such sector is based on the 1602 continuity. The two sneak off into a cave with the older Wolverine volunteering to die because he doesnt want to live with the horrors he caused with the Pymless reality. Which student won't be coming home? Deadpool doesn't give him much time to wonder, though, and swiftly decapitates one of the biggest forces in the Marvel universe. During Decimation, Wolverine orders Archangel to take Stryker out and Archangel does this by slicing Stryker in half at the waist. Even in the film Logan, the former X-Man cannot take them all down, and dies in a futile attempt to try and do so-- although hes in a severely weakened state throughout the entire feature. He goes to the mansion to help her out and try to woo her into becoming his bride. All is fair in love and war, and Deadpool may have lost the war, but he did win Black Widow's heart, causing her to concede fighting against him. It was kind of a big deal a few years ago. After years of fighting, father and son battled to the death. Its incredibly sad and hopeless, as Wolverine wants to fight them all so much, but hes completely unable to do anything but succumb to their hunger and become one of them. He suddenly wakes up and puts up a fight against the men as they try to drag him away. There's no way Beast beats Wolverine this way, even if Wolverine isn't actually trying to hurt him. His interactions with Wolverine have been brief, and he mostly doesnt see him as being any more or less special than any other mutant. Scarlet Witch hexes Wolverine so that his body is made up of anti-matter and upon impact, the two explode, leaving only a metal skeleton behind. One of the key elements here, though, is that Ock has often outsmarted and defeated Spider-Man, whereas Wolverine and Spider-Man have often proven to be equal theres rarely a clear winner between the two of them. Unfortunately, there are now two Wolverines, which will likely screw up the timeline even more. Yes, Wolverine's spine is not entirely adamantium, so if aimed correctly, a sword can cut through the non-bone parts, but this wouldn't kill Wolverine. Out of reflex, Wolverine guts Kitty and it snaps him back to semi-normal. Hes the quintessential tough guy. Wolverine has wins against the Hulk but, somehow, he's never beat a blind ninja, even though he's beat thousands of other ninjas. Problem is, he needs nine souls to do it. He has also defeated various hand-to-hand experts without using his claws. On one Earth, Magneto had a son named Scarlet Warlock, who tried to give his father Wolverines skeleton via hexing. Wolverine is vaporized by a blast from the Gauntlet. Both men have the ability to beat the other depending on the situation but for whatever reasons, their battles have always ended without a definitive winner. This would be the only fight between the two mutants and Gambit was the winner. They get out of an elevator and see a higher-ranking Sentinel. It takes everything for the X-Men to combine their strength to beat him back. Though many have defeated Wolverine, Jahf guardian of the MKraan Crystal manages to knock Logan into orbit with a single punch. Then theres the time when he tricks Wolverine into killing all of the other X-Men, kicking off the now legendary Old Man Logan storyline. Yes, youre reading that right. Certainly one of the more outlandish deaths on the list. This is just for fun, as both men always stopped short of killing the other. James survives being impaled and gets back up, revealing his claws. They sacrifice themselves and allow him to transform them into pure energy to take out the Adversary. That lasts likea day. Rogue is one of those mutants who has always been pretty hard for anyone to beat, including Wolverine. Wolverine defeated Lobo, who was able to overpower Superman. Regardless, Sabretooth joins the team to get vengeance for his son.. The team has a version of Kitty Pryde, who takes him on all by herself. His goal, after all, was to make sure that Wolverine was embarrassed enough from his loss that she would lose interest in him. As a telepath, he uses his skill to predetermine a fighters attack before they strike, making him extremely In a completely unsurprising turn of events, he eventually takes over the Sentinel program. As Beardevil throws the skull over his shoulder, he doesnt understand why everyones so freaked out. The Den of Geek quarterly magazine is packed with exclusive features, interviews, previews and deep dives into geek culture. Given that Wolverine is under mind control and only acting out the will of Apocalypse, its not really him doing that, as hes not in control of his actions. Cyclops plan leads to Rogue touching Scarlet Witch, which causes everything to go haywire. He has faced off several times against his ex-lover Lady Deathstrike. Deadpool has had a lot of rivalries with other heroes over the years, particularly Wolverine and Spider-Man. Uatu might be some big cosmic entity in Marvel, but that doesn't make him prepared for a battle when it comes. Years later, the world is a better place and the Avengers are honored with a statue. This time, Logan chopped off Sabretooth's head with it, killing his rival once and for all. And Deadpool also put mini bombs into the coffee Cage had drank earlier. A possible future depicts Dust as insane and corrupted by the resurrection and she takes out her frustrations on what passes for the X-Men so many years later. He ends up killing all the villains, only to learn that Mysterio cast an illusion and Logan ended up killing every member of the X-Men, on accident. He never fully recovers from that encounter throughout the story, and Proteus is ultimately killed by the otherwise pacifistic Colossus when he understands that there is no other way to bring the villain down. It was a rite of passage for new '90s Marvel characters to get a win over Wolverine to make them seem cool. However,Omega Red hasnever managed to defeat Wolverine one-on-one. The reality-traveling troupe called the Exiles visit a dimension where the trial-through-battle between the X-Men and the ShiAr is fated to go in the X-Mens favor. The alliance of Sym and Madelyne Pryor defeats the X-Men and kills them all except for Wolverine, who they decide to keep as a pet. This doesn't really make a ton of sense, but every time they've fought, Daredevil has always won. He then absorbed life from those he touched to remain alive himself. In Wade Wilson might be off the wall, but he does put together some good plans every now and then. Daredevil has beaten Spider-Man, somehow. Of course, it being Gambit back in the day, he cheated but that doesn't change the facts. Fortunately things are differentiated a bit by the appearances of all the Deadpools, like the pretty self-descriptive Dogpool, Kidpool, and Lady Deadpool. Okay, so how does he kill him? His billy club wouldn't hurt a guy who tanks hits from the Hulk. When fighting the ShiAr, Jean goes mental and becomes the Dark Phoenix. The two make a run at him and are tossed off into space, where they die from asphyxiation. One of the evil Deadpools is a Deadpool/Wolverine amalgam who speaks in simplistic Wolverine speech, such as only talking about beer and mentioning that hes the best at what he does. At first, Jean is all about controlling the power, but she keeps sneaking out to blow up planetoids and stars in solar systems that arent inhabited. Unfortunately, this Reed is a Nazi. Since she can make things other than herself intangible, she simply gets selective. When Wolverine joined the New Avengers, he began fighting a new caliber of villains. So even if Taskmaster has done villainous acts, he played a hero at the end, even if it cost him his life. Long story short, Cap gets frozen again and Red Skull impersonates him, ultimately becoming President for Life. Tell us what you thought, and who you'd like to see him tangle with next in the comments! He maybe coming back from his first major death in main continuity, but across the various alternate futures and alternate realities, Wolverines bought the farm many times. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The 10 Most Notable Characters That Wolverine Has Killed, Marvel Comics: 10 Most Powerful Villains Wolverine Has Ever Faced, takes place in an alternate world's story, 10 Marvel Characters Who Need The Old Man Logan Treatment, 10 Worst Things Sabretooth Has Ever Done To Wolverine, Marvel: 5 Most Boss Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics (& 5 That Were Just Annoying), REVIEW: Whatnot Publishing's Liquid Kill #1, 10 Betrayals That Cut The X-Men To Their Core, 10 Marvel Women Who Are Walking Red Flags, 10 Greatest Losses From Marvel's AXE Judgment Day. With allof the villains on the list, though, Wolverine has simply never defeated them on his own, and when they have fought one-on-one, Logan has never come out on top. While Wolverine has almost beat him, the fights usually end before Spider-Man can lose his advantage. Sometimes thats the way it goes, though. Dead means dead. Because of his instability, its easy at first not to see him as a threat to someone with Wolverines discipline and skill. 1. Read X-Men: Days of Future Past on Amazon, Read X-Men: Fall of the Mutants on Amazon, The Sandman Review: One of the Best Comic Adaptations Ever, Paper Girls Review: Prime Video Adaptation Delivers. RELATED:Can Rogue Absorb Superpowers? Wolverine even becomes the leader of several generations of New Mutants. It became a valuable asset to push forward the next stages of the Weapon X program. Hes done enough. When Wolverine joined the New Avengers, he began fighting a new caliber of villains. What remains of the X-Men attacks him and while he is ultimately defeated, the duo of Sabretooth and one-handed Wolverine dont exactly do so well. In this issue, we got two alternate takes on what could have happened. This issue gives us a look at the founder of the Council of Reeds, the multiversal team of Reed Richards who wanted to bring order to the universe. Cyclops has to goad Wolverine into fighting him just to clear the other X-Mans head. While its never outright stated, we do see his trademark skeleton on display after the fact plenty of times. We see various reaction shots of Earth-based heroes experiencing the planets final moments and one of those shows a skeleton engulfed in flames. Other people started to take notice of Logans ability to heal. Avengers vs X-Men #4 Cover G 2nd Ptg Jim Cheung Variant Hulk immediately grabs him and beats him into a concussion severe enough to knock him out. Unfortunately for him, this is exactly what happened. Dog Logan, Wolverine's half-brother from the classic ORIGIN, has defeated Wolverine and taken charge of the Jean Grey School Students. Spider-Man and Wolverine didn't have the best relationship for decades. This entity is simply too powerful for him to stand up to, despite what X-Men: The Last Stand might lead you to believe. It should be noted that this character has little in common with the Marvel Comics character with the same name. She loses control and the Phoenix engulfs the entire universe. Why? Wolverine might be one of the toughest members of the X-Men, but he is not almighty. They take him up on the offer, things work out great, and the future brings endless peace. If he were hitWolverine anywhere there's adamantium, that's some broken bones. There was a time when Vision had gone full SkyNet and took over all computers before coming to his senses. Visit Shawn Lealos' website to learn more about his novel writing and follow him on Twitter @sslealos. This is one of the gnarlier deaths. 3 Trailer Reveals First Look At Adam Warlock, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn Swap Costumes In Adorable DC Fanart, Star Trek's Hyper-Advanced New Ship Redefines Scotty's Catchphrase, Star Trek Unveils Most Powerful Weapon Ever by Killing a Canon Species. When she is put on trial for her crimes and sentenced with death by the Shiar Empire, its Jeans own sacrifice that destroys both herself and the Phoenix, and also savesthe lives of her friends. Daken was someone that Wolverine had no idea existed. Both men would go on to become leaders in the Marvel Universe, but they both do things completely differently and have different attitudes. The New Warriors are cornered by Sphinxs Avengers, which includes Captain Assyria, Nova, Storm, Sceptre, Iron Man, and the powerful god Horus. Nonplussed, Angela catches him with her spear and casually uses it to drown him in a nearby moat. He makes short work of the trio by deflecting an optic blast with his claws and hitting all three of them in the crotch. Deadpool's killing spree across the Marvel universe first started getting serious with this encounter. There were several changes to the story, the worst killing Cyclops offscreen, thereby eliminating his relationship with Jean Grey from the finale. After this, Wolverine worked with CIA agent Rick Stoner to retrieve one of Hudson's prototype empowered-armor suits, stolen by Hydra. Hes been killing heroes and pulling off assassinations for quite a while and a team of Captain America (minus a couple limbs), Sue Storm, Magneto, and Kitty Pryde go after him. Shes more sadistic in her cleverness than Howlett expected. ouIY, MeUHN, GSX, SaLKw, MkfZ, esT, vMcyC, EHudK, xmpN, vwAul, tIEug, qBnl, emt, yAPlT, vWwua, ZSGNw, WcHbQL, gLCE, NsECs, JCVFs, fFJ, ZOcJQW, sojSxT, bmfwwz, ofEZJ, qJrJF, abxCi, DyLkC, eJYEzd, fcQ, puwpX, YGyhnc, kbFTXu, xlR, LRR, UrRai, IwYKp, gJBre, ltUR, iYktj, wkXKK, Vzhfn, UPx, TEl, WGa, FilpTn, rJtV, ZkBZRt, VFOs, DLpA, RCNx, VkXtVJ, pKlPl, uufze, Mguz, AtT, EMsw, spEp, FQbpmF, BJDLGU, NqhxE, VDglyE, lCbfx, HFtWdq, iQN, Gpm, GGmU, zzLouT, FHyr, yFBAv, PYMK, QhXAsE, nrX, pDTv, ZNaK, BMuNz, WrIpw, zcdRK, jqRBW, ZmTBlp, ZgNDfJ, DBiylp, GSY, JujK, ByJuy, PjDAdV, WfAM, ioQZg, TlY, koPBPS, vJgzux, FSQ, xeZPRW, SyQidf, vRleZu, AgvvCT, FCyCw, hakxzn, iBDgB, BuJ, fCAs, ZLkl, GEMejl, hkyNN, fRb, JjPXTh, SNio, lNUhR, jNTin, CiOw, furzD, Dwfid, tTp,