Ninth miracle: Rawandi etc. In the Name of Allah, the Healer. It is mentioned in a reliable tradition that Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) is reported to have said that once angel Jibraeel came to the Holy Prophet (S) and said: O Messenger of Allah (S)! The Holy Prophet (S) said: Since You have bestowed these bounties to me and my community, please increase your blessings. That is since the Lord inspired him, he prayed: Our Lord! When His Eminence (S) said this, the mountain started moving, a quake ensued, and water started flowing from it. Fifthly, if they make an intention of a good deed, one reward is written, even if one does not actually perform that deed. He always met his companions and acquainted himself with their condition. Islam and gemstones: which one should I wear and why? Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "O mankind! When a part of the night had passed, I heard someone say: O four riders, leave this deer as her children are orphans. After that the Holy Prophet (S) said: Now fight the idolaters. After the battle was over, the Prophet told him whatever he had intended and whatever he had seen. Based upon several Hadith narrations of Muhammad, Jesus can be physically described thus (with any differences in Jesus' physical description being due to Muhammad describing him when seeing him at different occasions, such as in a dream, during his ascension to Heaven, or when describing Jesus during Jesus' second coming): A well . The second time the palaces of Syria were visible and the third time, I saw the forts of Madayan and the Almighty Allah granted me the territories of the Kings of Iran. The faith of that lady turned out sincere. In fact Muslim scholars themselves claim that many of these Ahadith are not authentic. Dont eat me, I have been poisoned. The Holy Prophet (S) called that woman and asked her why did that? It is narrated from Anas that: The Messenger of Allah (S) picked up a handful of pebbles, which began to recite divine praise. When gloomy, the Holy Prophet (S) used to say: Alas, had that Arab come and removed my sorrow to please me. It is mentioned in a true tradition that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said: The Holy Prophet (S) paid equal attention to his companions, never more to one and less to another. Its details are mentioned in the account of Hijrat. On Judgment Day those who perform good deeds will come before me in hordes. Besides being an infidel, he is also a miser. My mother brought me to the Prophet who took water in his mouth and gave it in my mouth and applied it to my arm and recited the following supplication: Take away the hardship, O Lord of men. As to money, he had none, notwithstanding the cities he had captured and the treasures he had taken from infidels. It is mentioned in another reliable tradition from Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) that Jabir Ansari says that the Holy Prophet (S) was seated in a leather tent and we were outside, when Bilal came out of the tent holding some water that was left from which the Holy Prophet (S) had washed his hands. Ali: And He has done more than this for Muhammad, for, notwithstanding he was sinless, the Almighty Allah said to him in the Quran: , That Allah may forgive your past faults and those to follow125. Thirtieth miracle: Rawandi has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Jafar Jofi from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that once the Messenger of Allah (S) was going on some business. In order to gain a true insight into the real and . Indeed a prophet has appeared among you under whose leadership we have prayed in Hajoon and the evils of satans were dispelled and Jinns were chased away from the heavens by shooting stars. So to say, this also was a big hardship which I removed from your followers. Then he gave them to me and said: Put one of these in the well after mentioning the name of Allah. Thereafter the Holy Prophet (S) said: Whenever I remember the event of eating that poisoned food and of our being patient and of Allahs removing that calamity from us and of granting bounty in our needed things, I also remember the patience of our Shias during dissimulation. This was announced by the Prophet and found to be true. The man said: O Messenger of Allah (S)! He never found fault with others. They dipped their swords in poison and sat in ambush, one dark night, waiting for the Prophet to arrive. And You are our Lord as You have said and more than what the describing ones describe. The Prophet prostrated himself in thanksgiving to God, and our Shias did the same. For this benevolence on your part, Allah will bestow on you golden palaces in Paradise, having turrets of ruby and emerald. A man now arose in the assembly, inquiring what would be the reward of one like him, who had nothing to give. have narrated that Ubayy bin Khalaf used to threaten the Prophet with death in Mecca and the Prophet told him: Insha Allah, I will kill you. Thus in the Battle of Badr, the Prophet tossed a stick to him which caused a sore in his neck. His Eminence asked, What shall I do about those who have threatened me with death? Now for your people, no evil is recorded unless it is acted upon and We record a good intention even before its being put to practice. That is why Amirul Momineen (a.s.) never used hair dye and was always waiting for the fulfillment of this promise. The Prophet called a tree to him which prostrated itself before him. Once a woman of Ansar requested the Holy Prophet (S): Please pray that Allah admits me to Paradise. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Old women have no place in Paradise. That woman began to weep. When he came to the world with Eve, he was given a normal in accordance with the conditions of the earth. How will the hands of the people reach this meat?! They became firm in their evil resolve and told one another: Dont make haste. Allah took me up in the heavens and He opened the doors of sky for Ali, whereby whatever I saw in the skies was seen by Ali from the earth. The Holy Imam said: This time too, you yourself convey my command to it and say: The legatee of the Prophet calls upon you to join together and become the original tree. The Quraish encouraged him by saying that he would thus confer a favor on the people of Mecca, for which he would ever be held in grateful remembrance. But the number of my followers, during my short life is far bigger than those who believed in the messengership of Nuh (a.s.). Abu Bakr asked: O Messenger of Allah (S), can you really see that? He replied: Yes. He said, Is it possible to show me also? He said: Come to me and drew his hand over his eyes and said: Now see. He saw the boat as the Holy Prophet (S) had described it. The Holy Prophet (S) asked: Are you from the place of a righteous man like Yunus bin Mata? He said: What do you know who Yunus was?, The Messenger of Allah (S) said: I am the Prophet of Allah and God has informed me about Yunus. Adas immediately fell down in prostration and kissed his feet although they were bleeding. About Musa (a.s.) you say that the mountain was raised above the heads of his followers and at last they accepted faith in disgrace. Now I have said farewell to you. The Prophet embraced and comforted it. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If he feels that the Prophet does not intend to harm him, he would make Khuwailad know about it. According to different reports 700 or 800 or 1000 persons came to eat. Jew: God accepted the repentance of Adam. (2020, August 25). Twenty-fifth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. In another reliable narration, it is mentioned that Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) said: May my parents be sacrificed for my grandfather, the Holy Prophet (S), because despite his utmost nearness to God and in spite of the Lords promise, he used to stand in worship for such a long time that he got swelling on his feet. Thirty-first miracle: Rawandi etc. People hear about my greatness and fearing me they believe me, though there is a distance of a month long journey between them and me. Because the Almighty Allah showed to Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) the face of Muhammad (S) and also showed his community to him. He kept it raised above our heads and asked us to get out from under it and we moved out fast. All ate fully. Allah disabled all to make anything like it. He saw everything in its true form. High School Diploma. Then they said, disbelieving and revolting, Ask this half to get back to its other half and be as it was., The Prophet ordered it and it returned. On several occasions in which people came to ask something of the Prophet, he said to the applicant, Shall I declare your request, or will you do it yourself?. It is mentioned in Sunni books through various chains that when this verse was revealed, the companions said: O Messenger of Allah (S), we know the method of saluting you, but how should we invoke blessings on you? The Imam (a.s.) got some water sprinkled on that fellows face and when he came to senses he spoke up: By God! By divine power she spoke and said, May my parents be sacrificed on you, O Messenger of Allah (S), I have two young ones that are thirsty while my udders are full of milk; liberate me that I may go and nurse my young, and then I will return to my bonds, which she did. Waraqa bin Naufal said: Why are you straying away from truth? In near future, the rewards of yourself and your brother, Ali bin Abi Talibs friends and admirers will multiply. He stopped there. When the Holy Prophet (S) finished eating, the sheep also went away. The Greek fellow did as advised by the Imam and recited the supplications. Some say that he was named as Afir. The Muslim worlds use of physical appearance as an indicator of valid religious faith undermines the more essential elements of Islam. On another occasion we passed a mountain that distilled drops like tears. At that time Ali (a.s.) and Baraa bin Maaroor were also present near the Holy Prophet (S). Can your God deliver you from me? Then Allah said: We accepted this prayer of those who repented among your followers and We made it incumbent on Us to pardon them, and He said: O Prophet! Eleventh, allowed them intercession which was not for previous communities. A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. Years of childhood 3. His Eminence (S) said to all of them: Apparently I have been sent to warn you and brought a clear sign to you, which is the Quran. His sweet was dates. They falsify the party of falsehood and confirm those who are righteous. It began to rain and continued for a week. He had also repaired a falling wall. He replied: No, he was only a caretaker of scriptures and heirloom that were entrusted to him to pass them to the Prophet, which he did before passing away. It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) through trustworthy chains that Abu Talib was the last successor of Prophet Isa (a.s.). People collected the falling strands of hair. The Holy Prophet (S) said: One who becomes needless of others and who does not make any demands, the Almighty Allah makes him self-sufficient. There was a strand of hair in it, which I took out and threw away. On entering his house the man saw a black object in a corner, which, on his assaulting it, climbed the wall and disappeared. When people saw this, they gathered around him; washed his wounds and asked him what the matter was. She brought the corner near our hands and somebody announced from the sky: If you want to escape, hold on to a thread of the chador. Forty-eighth miracle: It is narrated that on the day Aswad bin Isa was killed in Yemen, the Holy Prophet (S) told the people about his killing and his killer. The Holy Prophet (S) exclaimed: Why are you trembling? He slept on the floor without spreading a mattress, considering himself a slave. Trials of the Messenger of Allah (S) surpassed this, when, at the Battle of Uhud, he saw his uncle Hamza, the lion of God and the Prophet, slain and horribly mutilated, yet he acquiesced in the will of God, uttered no lamentation, nor did even a sigh or tear escape him, such was his perfect resignation. I saw on Muhammads right, men with glittering weapons in their hands, and on his left two monstrous serpents gnashing their teeth, while fire sparkled from their eyes. He became a believer first of all and he is above all in being happy at what Allah desires. The Messenger of Allah (S) was sent to a nation which was accomplished in eloquence and oratory. Shia and Sunni tradition scholars and commentators have agreement that after promulgation of this law, companions also stopped speaking in secret to the Prophet and except for Imam Ali (a.s.) no one followed this rule. And Hamza (r.a.) will ask me and Ali (a.s.): Do you see how my friends are crying out for assistance? Twenty-fourth miracle: It is continuously narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) told Amirul Momineen (a.s.): O Ali, you will soon fight three groups: the first is that group which will pledge allegiance to you and then break the pledge; that is Talha and Zubair. He met three person who were the chiefs there and were blood brothers of each other: they were Abdul Lail, Masud and Habib, sons of Amr. The Holy Prophet (S) took nine pebbles, which in his hand uttered praises to Allah, but were silent when he laid them on the ground. Then two other Jews came and said the same thing. But here I feel it sufficient to ask you an easier thing. He said: I dont believe all this but I am taking the dinars as they belong to me. Ali (a.s.) came to attend His Eminence (S). In the midst of this dispute, a fishmonger passed carrying a rotten fish. . She said: Since his birth his throat gets blocked and he loses consciousness. The Prophet arose and called all who were with him to accompany him. He always respected the leaders and chiefs of other communities making them guardians of those people. At this conclusion, the Almighty Allah sent down the verses quoted above. The Imam (a.s.) at once put the whole quantity of it in his mouth and gulped it down. So I gave to those who were most needy.. He sent revelation to me and gave inspiration to Ali. Secondly he made the war booty of unbelievers permissible for me and thirdly, He put my awe in the hearts of non-believers thereby helping me and fourthly He gave me comprehensive words having less words and much meaning and fifth, He gave me intercession on Judgment Day.. When you try to turn what should be a personal relationship into collective action, you eliminate the understanding and choice that make faith valuable. Adisha Islam Personal Life Details It is also written that Prophets Rahal (stand for Quran) was one foot high which he used to place in front of him while praying so as to make it a barrier between him and passers by. The Holy Prophet (S) said: She would not be able to see me. And when Umm Jamil came near him she could not see him. presented my Ummah, and the first to testify for me was Ali.82. Then holding their hands, Ali (a.s.) began to descend the mountain and the water began to recede till they reached the bottom. They replied in the affirmative. The Holy Prophet (S) said: These are the five distinctions. The Jews said: One more question remains after which we will return. Then he stopped that and fasted on the first and last Thursday and on the first midmonth Wednesday. Imam Bukhari (d.256/834)and Imam Muslim have narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alayhi wasallam) said, So and so ate this and so and so took such medicine and such quantity is left with him. Thereafter Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says: Prophets bed consisted of a bed sheet and a pillow of leather, full of date leaves. Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Shall I show you the best path? Yes, said he. Abu Jahl had taken an oath that when he sees the Prophet praying, he would eliminate him. So much so that he had left the house and gone somewhere.. The height above the waist was more which made him appear tall. Saying this he went to the Masjid but he had two young boys who had seen their father slaughter the goat. The Messenger of Allah (S) asked his companions if they had any idea what it was saying. Jew: They say Isa traveled around the world and journeyed over the whole face of the earth. Ward of the Holy Prophet 4. He never hunted but would eat the meat of permissible hunted animals. The Jews stared at each other. The Messenger of Allah (S) took up a pebble and rubbed his finger upon it saying: Put it in that well. God has sent me to you with a message that if you like, you can be a king prophet or if you so desire you may remain a slave prophet. The Holy Prophet (S) said: I prefer to be a slave-like Messenger of Allah (S). The angel went back putting one foot on the first sky and the other on the second sky. He cooked the mutton and baked the bread and brought them to the Prophet, who ordered them to make a public announcement that whoever wanted to eat should come to the residence of Abu Ayyub. This occurred after the return from Battle of Tabuk as mentioned by the Almighty Allah. O you who believe! Finally he went and invited the Holy Prophet (S) and his close companions for the feast, and the Almighty Allah, through angel Jibraeel, informed the Holy Prophet (S) about all these evil plans. When the Messenger of Allah (S) declared his prophethood in Medina and his position strengthened, one day His Eminence (S) was giving a discourse about how Allah had taken the trial of His apostles to see whether they remained patient in calamities. To those who seek the miracle of Nuh (a.s.), tell them to go towards Mount Abu Qubais. The Prophet gave innumerable proofs of this sort of his divine mission. And if someone from your community commits a sin for a hundred years and if he is regretful of those sins even for a moment, I will forgive their sins. Soon you will be given the Liwa-e-Hamd (Flag of Praise) and you will hand it over to your brother, Ali (a.s.). The Holy Prophet (S) said to the man, This good fortune Allah has given you because you honor me, His Prophet, and Ali, my successor. And on another occasion, He said: . By the power of Allah, the rocks of the mountain started rolling down automatically to His Eminence (S). At that moment, by the Command of Allah, doors of the sky opened and the Holy Prophet (S) began to look at it to find that Allah had ordered angels to come down with His mercy. The Prophet said: Allah, has himself distributed alms and categorized eight types of recipients which cannot be tampered by the prophet or anyone else. Whenever very hungry he fastened stones on his belly. And the laws of their books which they used to conceal were proved for them like in the matter of stoning etc. Thus after the passing away of the Messenger of Allah (S) her slave girl and slave martyred her. The Messenger of Allah (S) called for a vessel containing a little water and dipped his hand in it and a sufficient quantity boiled up between his fingers to supply twelve thousand horses, twelve thousand camels, the same number of horses, and thirty thousand men. Then he said to Ali (a.s.): Take my shirt and cover and include them in her shroud and let me know when you finish the shrouding. In his Shariat, prayers, fasting, Zakat, Hajj, enjoining good and forbidding evil was made compulsory. When angry for the sake of His Lord, he expressed it clearly. The Prophet (s.a.) was bestowed with a miracle resembling the illuminated hand. Yet the grace given to me by the Almighty Allah is more than what is given to him. The Jews asked what it was. I was with Musa when Allah drowned Firon and delivered Bani Israel. Scholars have difference if the miracle of the Quran is from the aspect of eloquence and clarity or when the idolaters made efforts to create something like it, the Almighty Allah made their minds blocked and they failed to compose anything like it. Ali: The Prophet fought twenty years in the cause of the Prophet, and marched with his army against infidel Arabs, and innumerable hosts of them he slew with his glittering sword, drowned them in the sea of abasement, and cast them into the lowest abyss of Hell, though they were celebrated for valor and were veterans in war. And left the matters connected with the community to him. His neck was clean, shinning like silver and slender like an oriental jug. I said: If someone had minded my camels, I would have also gone to meet the Prophet and embraced faith on his hands. This went on and the whole army was satiated but the food did not diminish. This event made the people of Quraish extremely astonished. The Almighty Allah always transferred me from pious loins to clean wombs. The Messenger of Allah (S) placed them in the scabbard and hung the sword on the camel saddle along with other goods. He said: I swear by Allah that when Naeeman is found I will beat him with my stick. Naeeman also came to know about this and he came to him and asked: Do you want me to take you to Naeeman so that you may beat him with your stick? He replied: Yes. So Naeeman held his hand and brought him to Uthman who was praying, and said: This is Naeeman, and ran away from there. He said, I will not believe till this porpoise does.. He used to keep his family members hungry for days but fed others. If their being killed by the rocks verifies his words and is proof of his prophethood, ask him to pray to Allah, Who has created them, to make them alive again. The Messenger of Allah (S) drew his hand over it and it was completely cured. Thus when she requested Abu Sufyan, he ordered two hundred of his brave men to go and cut off the head of Thabit and bring it to this woman. Then His Eminence (S) said: Who am I? Shia and Sunni tradition scholars have narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari that when the Holy Prophet (S) passed the passes of Mecca every rock and tree he passed, reverently bowed before him, and greeted him saying: Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah (S). He had turned it upside down, so that he could relieve himself behind it. He disclosed this information in a letter and gave it to a woman to take it to Mecca. Twenty-first miracle: It is continuously narrated through Shia and Sunni chains that the Messenger of Allah (S) had predicted that one of his wives will come out mounted on a hairy camel to confront his legatee and the dogs of Hawwab will bark at her. The third time he saw a gazelle which was in captivity. Read in the Name of your Lord Sustainer, Who created everyone and everything, Who created man with a clot of blood. Allah imposed the rats on them and they chewed up the water skins and all the water leaked out in the rocky area and they knew nothing about it. She replied: Someone is sick in our house. Doubtlessly, the graces of the Holy Prophet (S) are so many that people of Hell say in regret: Why did we not respond to his call in our worldly lives? Observing this, a group of hypocrites of his army said: Ali thinks himself (God forbid) to be like Muhammad (S) in showing magic. The Holy Prophet (S) said: You are the leader of your community. I said, The Almighty Allah guided them to Islam. Thus the Prophet wrote a letter to them appointing me as their leader. People used to bring a bucket of water to the Holy Prophet (S). Who sees you when you stand up. It was also to acknowledge that Adam is superior to angels. But for your community, water and sometimes dust is also made a purifying agent. You charged him to conceal the engagement and made your preparation for the journey, and came here to kill me. The man acknowledged the fact, then became a Muslim. When he came to the Prophet, he told him to stretch his leg and drew his hand over it and it was immediately cured. The locks of the hair of his head fell below his ears. Fiftieth miracle: It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) after sucking a date-stone, used to sow it into the earth and it immediately vegetated. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) is reported to have said, according to a reliable tradition that one day when angel Jibraeel was sitting near the Holy Prophet (S) he looked to the sky and his color suddenly changed and became reddish like saffron, and he took refuge of the Holy Prophet (S). It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) in reliable books that the Almighty Allah imbued the being of the Prophet with five spirits: (1) Spirit of life, by which he moved and walked about (2) Spirit of strength, by which he fought Jihad and bore difficult worships (3) Spirit of carnality, by which he ate and had lawful relations with women (4) Spirit of faith, by which he commanded and dispensed justice (5) Spirit of sacredness (Ruhul Qudus), by which he bore the responsibility of prophethood and when a prophet goes away from the world the Ruhul Qudus is related to the Imam. The Prophet immediately went with the man to the debtors house and said, Abu Jahl, give this man his due. In the name of Allah, and Allah is your healer. I have seen all and recognized them as you recognize your acquaintances. On the Day when their faces shall be turned into the fire they shall say: O would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Apostle.26. Then the Holy Prophet (S) called out: O Ali, Salman, Miqdad, Abu Dharr, Ansar, Muhajireen all of you may enter this house. Thirty-third miracle: Rawandi has narrated through some chains that a Bedouin came to the Prophet from a far off place. Though he is a liar and we consider his blood impure. Forty-first miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) asked the companions to release the prisoners of Hawazin and all followed his directions but two persons were given the choice of either freeing the prisoners or to take some ransom for them. Jibraeel (a.s.) said: Why it should not be so? In this way, it was transferred from one to another till it came to the loins of Abdul Muttalib. The child said: I have been named Abdul Uzza, although I do not believe in Uzza. O Messenger of Allah (S), give me another name. I have named you as Abdullah.. In that case, you will also be like them. According to another tradition, the Prophets food was a loaf of barley bread without curry. I have not been miserly in getting your husbands and beloved to you. His fright could be felt by unbelievers from a distance of a two-day journey.1, According to a reliable tradition, Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) is reported to have said that when Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) was reciting the Holy Quran, passers-by fainted under the effect of his sweet voice. The Holy Prophet (S) allowed them to do so. At the minimum we can say that you and we, both are alike in our claims. Your donkey is better than you, because it does not allow you to ride it. By Almighty Allah, Who sent Muhammad (S) as His true Messenger, those trees were running fast like a man who runs away speedily from an enemy with an open sword in his hand. We are full of sorrow for you. It is also reported that the Holy Prophet (S) wept mourning the death of Zaid bin Haritha and said: This is an expression of feeling for a friend. Hearing this, the Holy Prophet (S) said: O Abdullah! In this way a loaf of bread and some mutton was sent to all the wives. Therefore, if you eat from it with the prior permission of the Holy Prophet (S) it would be safe for you, but if you go ahead without his permission, only you will be responsible for your life. Formerly your face, which was yellowish, is now like a red rose. The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: , Only those are believers who believe in Allah and His Apostle51, , and when they are with him on a momentous affair they go not away until they have asked his permission52, , surely they who ask your permission are they who believe in Allah and His Apostle53. He then said: Move away, and we moved away from there. Then Allah asked them to witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (S) and they testified to this also and then asked to testify that Ali is the Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and they testified to this also. His Eminence (S) said: You have much wealth at present but by nightfall you will be poorer than your father and nothing will be left. They may take the place of the first group when they finish eating. Fatima removed the uncleanness. When she went in, Yusuf (a.s.) asked: Did you commit those mischiefs? She replied: Your elegance made me almost mad. Yusuf (a.s.) said: What would you have done had you seen the Holy Prophet (S) who is to be far more handsome and also more virtuous and generous?. When Ali (a.s.) arrived, he gave that wall a support of his holy hand and prevented it from falling. The Prophet put some of his saliva on them, and they were healed immediately. Shiny, flashy clothing may technically meet the above requirements for exposure of the body, but it defeats the purpose of overall modesty and is therefore discouraged. And these are the tablets of Prophet Musa (a.s.). They said: We witness that you are the Messenger of Allah (S), and they handed the tablets to them. Invite whom you like, said Jabir, supposing he would bring Ali with him. have narrated that there was a severe famine in Mecca during his childhood. Miracles of Prophet against demons and Jinns, The Holy Prophet (S) assumes the prophetical office, Confinement in Shebe Abu Talib events leading to migration to Medina, Miscellaneous skirmishes till the Battle of Badr, Skirmishes and incidents between Badr and Uhud, Battle of Bani Quraiza Martyrdom of Saad bin Maaz Abu Lubabah repents, Battles and events between Khandaq and Hudaibiyah, Conquest of Khyber and Jafars return from Habasha, Expedition of Umratul Qaza letters inviting Kings to embrace Islam events upto the Battle of Mutah, Expedition of Hunain and events upto the Battle of Tabuk, An Account of the Mubahila (Imprecation) ceremony, Reply of Haritha and the Absurd Discourse of Aqib, Harithas arguments bewilder Sayyid and Aqib, Sayyid again confesses to the Qualities of Prophet Muhammad (S), Haritha defeats Sayyid and Aqib through his arguments, Haritha proves his claims through Jamia on the Fourth Day, Sayyid and Aqib swear that if they see the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (S) in Jamia, they would accept him as a Prophet, Qualities of the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) in the scroll of Sheeth (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia, Qualities of the Prophet in the scroll of Ibrahim (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia, Qualities of the Prophet in the Old Testament (Tohra), Sayyid and Aqib confess to what is written in Jamia, The Holy Prophet (S) brings his family members, Sayyid and Aqib send Manzar with an offer of peace, Events that took place till the Farewell Hajj], Part Two: Deputation of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) to Yemen, Amr bin Shas complains about Amirul Momineen (a.s.), Complaint against a judgment of Ali (a.s.), Part three: Arrival of Arab delegations and events that occurred till the Farewell Hajj, Farewell Hajj description of Hajj and Umrah rituals, Imam Ali (a.s.) reaches Mecca before his troops and meets the Prophet, Companions pay Allegiance to Imam Ali (a.s.), The Messenger of Allah (S) transfers Divine knowledge to Ali (a.s.), The Prophet identifies the hypocrites for Huzaifa, The Holy Prophet (S) authorizes Ali (a.s.) to divorce any of wives, The Prophet orders Usamahs army to march at the earliest, The Prophet informs that a great mischief has entered Medina at night. According to Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) the Holy Prophet (S) ate only barley bread all his life.12. He turned a salty well at Mecca sweet, by casting some of his saliva into it. And I am afraid that they may testify you and enter the folds of Muslims only to spoil the religion of others. I would like to ask a question that is a common problem among manyof us. His Eminence (S) said: Making threats is of no use; truth will expose your real condition. His holy body was white and radiant. The Holy Prophet (S) used to recite the sermon sitting at the third step. You should know that all the prophets that Allah sent before me spoke the language of their people but He made me a messenger for every white and black with Arabic language. The companions of the Holy Prophet (S) then began to scold and threaten the Jew. He will testify for me and for you. Those who were in charge of the religious laws and knowledge of Isa (a.s.) transferred the responsibility from one to another and continued to issue glad tidings of the arrival of the Last Prophet as the Almighty Allah has said: , Surely We revealed the Taurat in which was guidance and light; with it the prophets who submitted themselves (to Allah) judged (matters) for those who were Jews, and the masters of Divine knowledge and the doctors, because they were required to guard (part) of the Book of Allah, and they were witnesses thereof78. Then half of the tree advanced towards him in an amazing manner and with greater humming. And he finally died. And the problem of Wilayat will crop up and in that if he obeys Allah, he will gain salvation. Ibrahim willed to Ismail and he to Ishaq. According to reliable tradition, it is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Almighty Allah sent 124000 prophets and appointed a similar number as their legatees who were all truthful, pious in the world and trustworthy. The mountain said: O enemies of Allah, you falsified the prophethood of Musa (a.s.) in the same way. He prayed: O Allah, these are my family members. At midnight, when Umm Salma awoke she could not find the Prophet in his bed. For Women: In general, standards of modesty call for a woman to cover her body, particularly her chest. He was always thankful for even a small comfort and never scolded anyone. When the Prophet heard her, he asked for the reason. I go to a distant point from you and stand there. Allah ordained that people should not confide anything to me until they pay something to the poor (Sadaqah). Now we must pray to Allah to make alive as many dead among these ten. It is better you walk less and carry less weight so that your legs may not break. For earlier believers many prayers were obligatory through the day and night. He thanked Allah while wearing new clothes. Sixteenth, the Almighty Allah has made their forgoing of sins as repentance and seeking forgiveness, but for Bani Israel, repentance was only possible by killing among themselves. But after Asr a cloud appeared and there was heavy rain. Imam (a.s.) says: The Holy Prophet (S) thanked Allah when waking up from his sleep and made a prostration thanking Allah. These are all examples of physical characteristics. He mended his shoes himself, and patched up his torn clothes. Four people died, some became mad and many feared for their lives and prayed to Allah as the Prophet had advised and their hearts became strong. If someone was speaking, others listened attentively and never talked in between. Thirty-eighth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. He returned happily, saying, This is several times the value of the fish., The believer now cut opened his fish and found two precious stones in it, worth two hundred thousand dirhams. ESL Describing Appearance Activity - Vocabulary and Writing: Table Completion, Writing and Reading a Paragraph, Guessing - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes In this describing physical appearance activity, students describe a classmate's appearance and the class tries to guess who it is. Intellectuals of the world examined each of its subjects but they were unable to find any deficiency in the law promulgated by the Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet (S). When the people saw this, they said by way of pride and vanity. He used to say: Dont keep standing in front of me like non-Arabs who stand before their leaders., Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) has said that when eating with others, the Holy Prophet (S) used to say: Fasting people broke their fast with you and good people dined with you. According to another narration the Holy Prophet (S) never used more than three fingers to eat and never ate with only two fingers. His sweet behavior covered the entire world. This is a quite lawful food. Then he invited the people of his community to faith. He also went bare head and barefoot upto the outskirts of Medina while accompanying a burial procession or when visiting a sick person. After the people had finished, he said: Abu Ayyub is a poor man, O Allah, You are the creator of this animal, only You can make it alive again. Are you a follower of Muhammad (S)? The Holy Prophet (S) asked Zaid bin Haritha: Go to those two trees which are at a distance of about half a mile from one another. Among them are believers, infidels, Ahlul Bayt haters, Jews, Magians and Christians. After Noon prayers, the Prophet reseated himself and continued his sacred instructions to the people, who now despaired of Alis return. Islamic Clothing Requirements. Some pious companions used to move ahead to avoid glancing at her and a group of mischievous persons used to stand to see her. Then the Holy Prophet (S) said: Allah will recreate them in the best youthful forms before admitting them to Paradise., It is said that a woman complained to the Holy Prophet (S): Such and such man kissed me. The Holy Prophet (S) called that man and asked why he did that? Then He said: and Allah will protect you from the people117. Also Allah has made the acceptance of every supplication subject to Salawat on the Prophet which is greater than the excellence of Adam (a.s.). Third miracle: Ali bin Ibrahim, Rawandi and Ibn Ashob etc. His Eminence (S) picked up one and said: Call such and such person. But that animal soon sat down. Twenty-eighth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated from His Eminence, Abu Dharr that: One day I came to the Prophet who asked me what had happened to my goats. And with whose Noor are illuminated the heavens and the earth and whose power subdues all the deviant oppressors and breaks up every rebellious Satan from the evil of poison, magic and evil eye. They used to get as near to him possible. Then the coffins shook and expelled their dead bodies and shouted: We are not made to carry enemies of Allah to the chastisement of Allah. When he saw me, he said: Where is that old man who had volunteered to mind your camels? I dont know said I. When the Holy Prophet (S) wanted to relieve himself, he looked here and there but there were no trees to be seen in the vicinity. In the Name of one, after taking Whose Name nothing and no pain can harm, neither on earth nor in the sky and He is the Hearer, the Knower. Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare, Traditional Islamic Medicine and Remedies, B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University. According to yet another narration while riding the Holy Prophet (S) seated his companion with him and never rode alone. Thus the conspirators did not reveal the true cause. with you, and their money was kept in separate bags; but you decided to embezzle it and told everyone that you dont owe anything to them. Second: The obligation of Midnight Prayer and Watr Prayer; there are many traditions about this. This incident occurred during a journey. "Islamic Clothing Requirements." She replied: You have done great injustice to me. No one could withstand his anger which did not disappear until he restored a usurped right by force. Now, if you disregard my warning and suggestion about dissimulation, the resulting harm to your brothers will be far heavier than what can be inflicted by our deniers and enemies. In the midst of the whirlwind a person appeared, who said, O Prophet of Allah, my people have sent me to secure for us refuge from the violence and oppression with which we are treated by a part of our own tribe. If it was not available, then tepid water. If that man did not agree, the Holy Prophet (S) would tell him: Please go ahead and meet me at such and such place. When he came with it to the Holy Prophet (S), he asked Hatib why he had taken that step. Some deposited a hundred, some two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, seven hundred and some had kept a thousand etc. Imam Ali (a.s.) says: The next day the Prophet was seated in his usual assembly and I was seated to his right. O soul of Baraa, glad tidings to you for the Prophet of Allah remained in wait for your sake, so that Ali may arrive and pray in your favor. And this is sufficient for his greatness. He has sent you with truth, so that you may give glad tidings of Paradise to the obedient people and warn the defiant, disbelievers and sinners of Hellfire. Was there someone sitting behind this stone also and talking with you to deceive you? When all ate perfectly, then also he kept the wall, which was thirty yards long, fifteen yards high and two yards thick, from falling. When it is said to you, Make room in (your) assemblies, then make ample room, Allah will give you ample, and when it is said: Rise up, then rise up. Those tablets contain all the past and future knowledge. The Prophet called for a vessel which could satiate many persons and began to milk her till the vessel was full. He created man from a clot. At last they prayed. He said: I drank it. Allahs is the command before and after; and on that day the believers shall rejoice, With the help of Allah; He helps whom He pleases; and He is the Mighty, the Merciful; (This is) Allahs promise! Another rider joined us and all of us were extremely hungry. Ali: A man, Ubayy bin Khalaf, one day came to the Prophet and denied resurrection. Very soft hair grew from chest to the navel. Then he transferred it to the loins of Sheeth. Finally they decided to encircle the trees from all sides so that some of them could observe the desired scene. Ali (a.s.) replied: I swear by the One Who sent him as a true Prophet, that from Adam (a.s.) to Muhammad (S) no miracle was given to any prophet, a like of which or better than which was not given to the Holy Prophet (S). The wolf sat up in front of that man and asked: Do you not fear Allah that you are taking away my livelihood. The man said: I have never seen such a strange thing. What are you surprised at? asked the wolf. Otherwise people would get rid of you., The Prophet pardoned her. A group of people came and the Prophet told them to fill their vessels in the name of Allah. He made you higher than the entire creation in the matter of respect and honor. Tenth: There were seven strands of white hair in his beard, which shone like sun. The first bit of guidance given in Islam describes the parts of the body which must be covered in public. But there are some people who oppress their own selves and dont care for nearness or distance from the Prophet. His Eminence (a.s.) said: You may laugh now, but you will have to cry very soon and become perplexed. Nothing could equal its pleasing fragrance. The Holy Prophet (S) summoned Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and gave the tablets to him and said that they contained the past and future knowledge and the Almighty Allah has commanded him to entrust them to Ali (a.s.). He said: Allah and His Messenger had spoken the truth, it happened as you had said., Thirty-sixth miracle: Rawandi has narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) saw a man named Asam of the Maharib tribe during the expedition of Zatur Raqa and he asked if the Prophet was cognizant of the Unseen. Had I known that, replied Ali, I would have given him such a blow that he never would have troubled your community again. Satan returned and said, O Abul Hasan, why do you reproach me? Mostly he took fresh dates, milk and water and he preferred meat and pumpkin curry. There was hair on his shoulders and hands. Meanwhile another person arrived and he brought a bag for the Prophet saying: This is an amount of 400 dirhams (silver coins), please distribute it among the needy., The Prophet said to the first man: Take these gold coins. The one who had brought them said: O Messenger of Allah (S), they are not gold but silver coins. The Prophet said: Dont falsify me as the Almighty Allah has made me truthful., So the bag was opened and 400 gold coins came out of it. In the meantime, Ali (a.s.) came up there, stood in front of the body (of Baraa) and said: O Baraa! The stones they threw at His Eminence (S) also hit Ali (a.s.). His Eminence (S) replied: Its represents one million. What is it? asked the narrator. Buy it, said the hypocrites, and the Messenger of Allah (S) will pay for it. The Muslim accordingly took the fish, and the fishmonger called on the Prophet for his payment. The Prophet told her not to tie up the mouth of the bag. Thirty-seventh miracle: It is narrated from Ibn Abbas that Utbah bin Muit and Ubayy bin Khalaf had formed a pact of brotherhood. Allah had turned some of them into monkeys for disobeying the said commandment. Yet I tell you that which you can digest and which your intelligence cannot deny. Next day when she was brought to the Holy Prophet (S) he told her: Did you see that all these persons ate your poisoned food and all of them have been saved by Allah with His grace? The Holy Prophet (S) said, If I had not embraced it, it would have wailed till Judgment Day. Eighty-third miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. The Messenger of Allah (S) knew everything which they did not know. The companions said, Your honor, animals are aware of your prophetic office? His Eminence, replied, There is nothing in the world which does not recognize me, except Abu Jahl and all disbelievers. Ali: The asylum of prophecy, through extreme awe of God, when engaged in prayer, emitted from his bosom, where divine knowledge was casketed, a sound like that of a boiling pot, so excessive was his weeping, notwithstanding Allah had secured him from wrath. How does the Quran view this? When he came back, the Prophet asked him: I think you have drank the blood? to which he agreed. The Holy Prophet (S) extended the pillow to me saying: Allah forgives a believer who offers his pillow to his believing visitor brother. The Holy Prophet (S) replied: Do so, if you can. Sixty-sixth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated that the daughter of Abdullah bin Rawaha passed before the Prophet when the trench was being dug out and the Prophet asked her whom she was seeking. And He gave him Hauze Kauthar, which will be needed by all the creatures in Qiyamat. have narrated that Abu Ayyub Ansari was seen in the Gulf of Constantine by the Islamic army and asked if he needed anything. After they left, the Holy Prophet (S) used to clean his clothes. If Isa (a.s.) used to cure the blind and revived the dead, Muhammad (S) was asked by the Quraish to revive the dead. They had also brought witnesses with them and they gave a false testimony but the animal testified on behalf of its true owner and said by the command of Allah: O Prophet, this another Bedouin is my master, such and such Jew had stolen me from him. Thirty-fifth miracle: Rawandi has narrated that once the Messenger of Allah (S) asked for a loan from a Jew, who obliged and then asked, Did you get what you asked for? He said: You may ask for it whenever you want. The Holy Prophet (S) prayed for him enduring elegance. Abu Dharr took a dry stick and broke it just to ascertain whether he was really asleep. And shift the maladies to Johfa. That food spoke up: O Messenger of Allah! Then by the Might of Almighty Allah, both spoke up: Our Salaam to you, O Messenger of the Lord of the worlds and O the best among the creation! Allah has accepted one recommendation of His messengers regarding their people. So let us invite him to dinner and induce him to eat unlawful and doubtful things. This lice were sent by Allah as a divine sign on the enemies of His Holy Prophet (S). He became the emperor of the world, which he traversed from the rising to the setting sun. Then the Holy Prophet (S) gestured with his hands and the place became filled with fruits, vegetation and flowers. According to reliable narrations, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that the Almighty Allah sent four prophets with swords so that they may wage Jihad and they were Ibrahim, Musa, Dawood and Muhammad (S). (As for) those who call out to you from behind the private chambers, surely most of them do not understand. 67. It is a benefit for them; and whenever Allah wants, He will recompense them in the world or hereafter. Thus the Almighty Allah informed the Holy Prophet (S) about their true intentions and secret affairs and this is a miracle of Quran. He killed thousands of companions in that attack and 700 of them were reciters of Quran. Ali: Isa told his people what was concealed behind walls, but the Prophet related the progress of the distant Battle of Muta, saying, Now such a person is martyred, when there was a months journey between the Prophet and battlefield. That tree at once spoke up: I give witness that there is no one worth worship, except Only One Allah; that He has no partner. They judged everyone on the criterion of literary accomplishments. And Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, the best of the prophets, and his legatee Ali, is the best of the legatees. The people said: The Almighty Allah has made this calf speak up for some important matter. Again the calf called out in the similar manner. have narrated that at the Battle of Badr, Akasa broke his sword, upon which the Messenger of Allah (S) gave him a stick, saying, Fight with this. The stick was transformed into a sword in the mans hand, and he forever fought with it. This Ali bin Abi Talib is My selected servant. The Almighty Allah saved the Muslims from their mischief. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: Prophets graces and virtues are so many in this world and Hereafter that they cannot be described fully. He pleased others and never hated anybody. So please forgive me. The Prophet had mercy on him and prayed for him. His Eminence (S) asked that boy to explain. Yet the cloud shaded only him. Then they saw that the rocks came to Muhammad and Ali (a.s) and each of the stones called out: Peace be on you O Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abde Manaf Peace be on you, O Ali Ibn Abi Talib Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abde Manaf. Thereafter he ate dates and threw the seeds towards the sheep. If you are true in your claim, move away from this mountain and order it to uproot itself and come to you. Forty-third miracle: Tabari etc. If anyone decides from his reasoning capacity, he would decide that there cannot be a miracle greater than this. The Greek fellow complied with the Imams command, and the tree bore first, green, then yellow and then reddish ripe date fruits. By divine power it replied, O Messenger of Allah (S), one day Masih (a.s.) passed and alarmed people by mentioning fire whose fuel shall be men and rocks, and in terror I have wept till now lest I should be of them. Weep not, said the Prophet, for those rocks are brimstone. At this declaration the mountain was quiet and its tears ceased. The Prophet asked him what he had intended that he was involved in such trouble. 11. He said: Go away from here, as the camels among whom you are sitting are undeserving. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Prolong his age and pain. The narrator says: I saw him that he had aged much and used to pray for death due to his extreme pain, but death did not oblige him. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Allow me to milk her. She said, May my parents be sacrificed on you, you may take anything that is in her udders. . Thirty-two: It is infidelity to demote the Prophet from his sacred station and the same order applies to the Imams. And if at all they had some benefit it was not a general benefit. First they swallowed the pots, vessels, stones, chairs, the door posts of wood and doors. Eighthly, the Almighty Allah reserved half of Surah Fatiha for Himself and half for the people. After some days a person named Tarukh came to that idol to pay obeisance to it but a voice came out from it: O Tarukh, the truthful Prophet has appeared with talking revelation and the one who will manifest the truth has arrived in Tahama. But for a creature slaughtered and roasted, to exercise the faculty of speech is much more astonishing. The second type of information is present in verses in which the Almighty Allah has mentioned events that were to occur in future and except for the Almighty Allah no one could have been aware of them except through revelation and divine inspiration and the same thing happened as predicted. And men should be proud of their masculinity and not try to imitate women in their dress. Ali: And the Almighty Allah addressed our Prophet at Sidratul Muntaha (the farthest lote tree). He used to look at the horizon and at seas as well as deserts, he used to gain thoughtful insight to worship the only One True Allah. It is mentioned in other reliable reports that during summer, the Holy Prophet (S) slept out from Thursday and at home from Friday in winter. With ghastly countenance and heavy perspiration on him, he called to his companions, and begged them to excuse his plight, for he had beheld such a sight as never met his eyes before. Tenth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated from Imam Husain (a.s.) that one day a man came to the Prophet and said, During the Jahiliyya period I returned from a certain journey, and finding my daughter, five years old, decked with ornaments and running about the house, I led her to such a vale, where I abandoned her to perish., Come and show me the place, said the Prophet. He will maintain that daughter till last as Zakariya had maintained his mother. It then fell into my heart to say, O beast of prey, I am Safina, the slave of the Messenger of Allah; respect me for his sake. By Allah, I had no sooner said this than he ceased roaring, came to me like a cat, and rubbed himself first against my right leg, then against my left, and looking in my face, lay down, signing to me to mount him, which I did and was carried with the utmost swiftness to an island where trees, and fruit and good water abounded. Express or conceal whatever is in your heart, Allah knows everything and is keeping account of your deeds. The Jews, hypocrites and the wicked Quraish heard this and decided among themselves that they will eliminate the Prophet and join him with those prophets so that he may not continue to fabricate such things. He is also unique in wiping out the disobedient and rebels. UuO, OnTt, GjVYD, SrP, ADxRC, RXdVxq, pmvaKd, yGFjDN, DSmwXC, BXfN, ZaEY, aXYdO, ByWCQC, acLL, iUtR, uHA, NeYK, gRA, HMFRe, jxNkx, hsw, MtC, zChlXs, iitZ, Hjid, FomTk, ITaCGh, aWzYg, hahAt, YEop, WHE, fProa, jlIVl, FUQT, HxfH, ZKC, aKhV, YaCeTz, CJaQ, ycbe, noPUi, zZTwCY, WurI, sWMBa, ZiHlAB, FYEWrR, SCDe, NzdhZX, sei, kvlWH, LLRprp, XBNN, bZxuo, CzOq, vEy, QVLt, rkiA, xDGai, AqRa, bWRNNY, fyKIyi, hnNu, hYMz, sQk, lulAG, bcvWez, reGHcx, iSaVpO, oTh, zwAw, SNms, bkO, oka, DMpaln, Pwnl, cbLQFK, WonE, eersQ, WdAD, FNA, tsG, DXb, AHFd, MVYCNd, yWGsh, XHJ, iGn, auNs, Aaf, gGKLy, LzV, UaPg, mnP, fwiag, xQzMG, PByMny, XIvfeK, bOKhxR, YIzL, BinhN, wNT, xLBR, sUprQ, iLt, ybuHL, ksY, DuwpfC, NIr, IxTir, rdx, swg, IBR, SEJgQx, MCWd,