jp morgan competitive analysis

if (Scene.duration() === 0) { * @memberof! Whether your business is a large multinational or a small business enterprise, Our financial advisors create solutions addressing strategic investment approaches, professional portfolio management and a broad range of wealth management services. /*! If you think about it, that's where you can get a targeted, kind of a timely and an engaged audience. We are a leader in investment management, dedicating to creating a strategic advantage for institutions by connecting clients with J.P.Morgan investment professionals globally. Were not just a financial institution, were one of the worlds biggest technology driven companies. Right now, the big sports rights are really with traditional media for the large part. Chinas NEV market subsidies came into effect in June 2018. As we think about the future of technology, we think about things like artificial intelligence. if (TweenObject.repeat && TweenObject.repeat() === -1) { // TweenMax or TimelineMax Object? var newTween = TweenObject; * Every instance of ScrollMagic.Scene now accepts an additional option. As a global leader, we deliver strategic advice and solutions, including capital raising, risk management, and trade finance services to corporations, institutions and governments. When we think about companies using technology to really enhance the consumer experience, it's really across the board. ("top:1px;opacity:.55;",/^0.55/.test(!1}(),U=function(a){return x.test("string"==typeof a?a:(a.currentStyle?||"")?parseFloat(RegExp.$1)/100:1},V=function(a){window.console&&console.log(a)},W="",X="",Y=function(a,b){b=b||P;var c,d,;if(void 0!==e[a])return a;for(a=a.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+a.substr(1),c=["O","Moz","ms","Ms","Webkit"],d=5;--d>-1&&void 0===e[c[d]+a];);return d>=0?(X=3===d? One of the points made during the process of coming up with the research was that we intentionally decided to make the cut off date at 2025 why? * Includes all of the following: TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, TimelineMax, EasePack, CSSPlugin, RoundPropsPlugin, BezierPlugin, AttrPlugin, DirectionalRotationPlugin ""!==f&&"auto"!==f&&"none"!==f||"string"!=typeof b[g]||""===b[g].replace(v,"")?f:0:aa(a,g),void 0!==j[g]&&(h=new ra(j,g,j[g],h)));if(d)for(g in d)"className"!==g&&(i[g]=d[g]);return{difs:i,firstMPT:h}},da={width:["Left","Right"],height:["Top","Bottom"]},ea=["marginLeft","marginRight","marginTop","marginBottom"],fa=function(a,b,c){if("svg"===(a.nodeName+"").toLowerCase())return(c||Z(a))[b]||0;if(a.getBBox&&Ma(a))return a.getBBox()[b]||0;var d=parseFloat("width"===b?a.offsetWidth:a.offsetHeight),e=da[b],f=e.length;for(c=c||Z(a,null);--f>-1;)d-=parseFloat($(a,"padding"+e[f],c,!0))||0,d-=parseFloat($(a,"border"+e[f]+"Width",c,!0))||0;return d},ga=function(a,b){if("contain"===a||"auto"===a||"auto auto"===a)return a+" ";(null==a||""===a)&&(a="0 0");var c,d=a.split(" "),e=-1!==a.indexOf("left")?"0%":-1!==a.indexOf("right")?"100%":d[0],f=-1!==a.indexOf("top")?"0%":-1!==a.indexOf("bottom")? (i.type.Function(e)&&(x=e),d)},{var t={size:y,vertical:h.vertical,scrollPos:v,scrollDirection:m,container:h.container,isDocument:w};return arguments.length?void 0!==t[e]?t[e]:void 0:t},this.loglevel=function(){return d},this.enabled=function(e){return arguments.length?(S!=e&&(S=! But by and large, the big rights stay now with traditional media companies. This forecast is based on a few key drivers: Prices are falling by 15-20% per annum as the scale of production ramps up and battery suppliers increasingly give away their margins. "down":"up":"vertical"},e.prototype.swipeEnd=function(i){var e,t,o=this;if(o.dragging=!1,o.swiping=!1,o.scrolling)return o.scrolling=!1,!1;if(o.interrupted=!1,o.shouldClick=! Please read J.P. Morgan research reports related to its contents for more information, including important disclosures. Check out the latest in technology news, business solutions and how were making an impact for social good. J.P.Morgan innovation leaders discuss real-world use cases for blockchain, open banking and machine learning. * var tweenChanges = scene.tweenChanges(); * @memberof! Please review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. The vision of JPMorgan Chase is underlined by its core principles: Exceptional client service, operational excellence, commitment to integrity, fairness, and responsibility.A great and winning culture. These are the key four elements that are over time that have allowed JPMorgan Chase to grow by Benefit from the cost efficiencies, process automation and seamless digital customer As well as being used throughout an entire electric vehicle, the metal is also used in charging ports or stations and cables. Learn more about our international banking solutions: Find insights to inform better business decisions, from industry trends and best practices to economic research and success stories. WebCount J.R. Smith among those who hopes LeBron James gets bitten by the golf bug, but Smith admits James is going to need lessons. !0===n.options.infinite?s=(o=n.currentSlide+(n.options.slidesToShow/2+1))+n.options.slidesToShow+2:(o=Math.max(0,n.currentSlide-(n.options.slidesToShow/2+1)),s=n.options.slidesToShow/2+1+2+n.currentSlide):(o=n.options.infinite?n.options.slidesToShow+n.currentSlide:n.currentSlide,s=Math.ceil(o+n.options.slidesToShow),!0===n.options.fade&&(o>0&&o--,s<=n.slideCount&&s++)),t=n.$slider.find(".slick-slide").slice(o,s),"anticipated"===n.options.lazyLoad)for(var r=o-1,l=s,d=n.$slider.find(".slick-slide"),a=0;a=n.slideCount-n.options.slidesToShow?e(n.$slider.find(".slick-cloned").slice(0,n.options.slidesToShow)):0===n.currentSlide&&e(n.$slider.find(".slick-cloned").slice(-1*n.options.slidesToShow))},e.prototype.loadSlider=function(){var i=this;i.setPosition(),i.$slideTrack.css({opacity:1}),i.$slider.removeClass("slick-loading"),i.initUI(),"progressive"===i.options.lazyLoad&&i.progressiveLazyLoad()},{this.changeSlide({data:{message:"next"}})},e.prototype.orientationChange=function(){var i=this;i.checkResponsive(),i.setPosition()},e.prototype.pause=e.prototype.slickPause=function(){var i=this;i.autoPlayClear(),i.paused=!0},{var i=this;i.autoPlay(),i.options.autoplay=!0,i.paused=!1,i.focussed=!1,i.interrupted=!1},e.prototype.postSlide=function(e){var t=this;t.unslicked||(t.$slider.trigger("afterChange",[t,e]),t.animating=!1,t.slideCount>t.options.slidesToShow&&t.setPosition(),t.swipeLeft=null,t.options.autoplay&&t.autoPlay(),!0===t.options.accessibility&&(t.initADA(),t.options.focusOnChange&&i(t.$slides.get(t.currentSlide)).attr("tabindex",0).focus()))},e.prototype.prev=e.prototype.slickPrev=function(){this.changeSlide({data:{message:"previous"}})},e.prototype.preventDefault=function(i){i.preventDefault()},e.prototype.progressiveLazyLoad=function(e){e=e||1;var t,o,s,n,r,l=this,d=i("img[data-lazy]",l.$slider);d.length? Commercial Real Estate. A dramatic move away from ICE-only vehicles is expected and by 2025 only plug-in electric vehicles and HEVs will likely be sold. }; (a!==this._startTime&&(this._startTime=a,this.timeline&&this.timeline._sortChildren&&this.timeline.add(this,a-this._delay)),this):this._startTime},g.endTime=function(a){return this._startTime+(0!=a?this.totalDuration():this.duration())/this._timeScale},g.timeScale=function(a){if(!arguments.length)return this._timeScale;if(a=a||l,this._timeline&&this._timeline.smoothChildTiming){var b=this._pauseTime,c=b||0===b?b:this._timeline.totalTime();this._startTime=c-(c-this._startTime)*this._timeScale/a}return this._timeScale=a,this._uncache(!1)},g.reversed=function(a){return arguments.length? Please review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. That's aluminum away from steel. "0 8px":"2px 4px"}),u.appendChild(a)},m=function(){a.parentNode.removeChild(a)},h=function(){a.parentNode!==u&&f();var r={};r[t?"top":"left"]=e.triggerPosition(),r[t?"height":"width"]=e.duration(),o.css(a,r),o.css(p,{display:e.duration()>0? (s[o.animType]="translate("+e+", "+t+")",o.$slideTrack.css(s)):(s[o.animType]="translate3d("+e+", "+t+", 0px)",o.$slideTrack.css(s)))},e.prototype.setDimensions=function(){var i=this;!1===i.options.vertical? * For a scene with a duration of `0`, the tween will be triggered when scrolling forward past the scene's trigger position and reversed, when scrolling back. * @author: Jack Doyle, Intelligence Cloud. log(2, "WARNING: tweenChanges will only work if the TimelineMax object is available for ScrollMagic. WebJ.P. } Straight to your inbox every other week, our On The Level newsletter includes curated insights to help you run and grow your company. With over 50,000 technologists across 21 Global Technology Centers, globally, we design, build and deploy technology that enable solutions that are transforming the financial services industry and beyond. What are the metals that are used most in the vehicles, and which metals are expected to increase the most going forward? Headquartered in California, Tesla specializes in premium BEVs, with prices for its Model S sedan and Model X SUV closer to $100,000. } customers. of a global market, Leveraging secure payments solutions says you prioritize your customers privacy and data, Innovative payment solutions like blockchain and connected car say you're looking towards Leverages cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools to bring clients industry-leading analysis and investment advice. Our analysts, economists and strategists have earned this reputation through timely, in-depth analysis of companies, industries, markets and the worlds economies. Clients should contact analysts and execute transactions through a J.P. Morgan subsidiary or affiliate in their home jurisdiction unless governing law permits otherwise. I'm Ryan Brinkman, U.S.; Factor in the potential for higher interest rates as you consider commercial real estate investments. * if (progress > 0) { // play from 0 to 1 trusted. connect with your customers through Shaping fintech strategy, partnership development, product management and engineering to develop new offerings for clients. By using our site, you WebJP Morgan Chase Vision Statement and Core Values Analysis. Latest news, expert advice and information on money. !c.push&&}}(),p={},q=function(e,f,g,h){[e]?p[e].sc:[],p[e]=this,this.gsClass=null,this.func=g;var i=[];this.check=function(k){for(var l,m,n,o,r,s=f.length,t=s;--s>-1;)(l=p[f[s]]||new q(f[s],[])).gsClass?(i[s]=l.gsClass,t--):k&&;if(0===t&&g){if(m=("com.greensock."+e).split("."),n=m.pop(),o=j(m.join(". } IN DAILY PAYMENTS PROCESSED But what we're waiting for is to see a bigger mass of audience, a bigger scale watching the live- streaming product. WebJohn Pierpont Morgan Sr. (April 17, 1837 March 31, 1913) was an American financier and investment banker who dominated corporate finance on Wall Street throughout the Gilded Age.As the head of the banking firm that ultimately became known as J.P. Morgan and Co., he was the driving force behind the wave of industrial consolidation in the United States Scene.removeTween(); Morgan is a global leader in financial services, offering solutions to the world's most important corporations, governments and institutions in more than 100 countries. J.P. Morgans website and/or mobile terms, privacy and security policies dont apply to the site or app you're about to visit. /** As a global leader, we deliver strategic advice and solutions, including capital raising, risk management, and trade finance services to corporations, institutions and governments. transactions. For starters, we use the feedback or the numbers, even numbers given by us from five different auto equity teams, regional teams, one from the U.S., Europe, China, Japan and South South Korea. So, you're really, as a consumer, thinking about how do I want to spend those dollars? Please make sure it's loaded before this plugin or use an asynchronous loader like requirejs. (e instanceof a)){if(e instanceof Array||e&&e.push&&i(e)){for(g=g||"normal",h=h||0,j=f,k=e.length,l=0;k>l;l++)i(m=e[l])&&(m=new d({tweens:m})),this.add(m,j),"string"!=typeof m&&"function"!=typeof m&&("sequence"===g?j=m._startTime+m.totalDuration()/m._timeScale:"start"===g&&(m._startTime-=m.delay())),j+=h;return this._uncache(!0)}if("string"==typeof e)return this.addLabel(e,f);if("function"!=typeof e)throw"Cannot add "+e+" into the timeline; it is not a tween, timeline, function, or string. factory(root.ScrollMagic || (root.jQuery && root.jQuery.ScrollMagic), root.TweenMax || root.TweenLite, root.TimelineMax || root.TimelineLite); /** Our thought process is that with U.S. administration's proposed relaxation of corporate average fuel economy standards, effectively capping them at 2021 levels instead of growing aggressively through 2025 as was previously planned under the earlier administration that there may be less of an increase in battery electric vehicles in the North America market than might've been previously imagined. if (_tween) { // kill old tween? * define(['ScrollMagic', 'TweenMax', 'TimelineMax'], factory); capital, Virtual Development, Point-of-sales Lets say more with your payments. Get flexible payment acceptance, fast funding and fortress-level security with Interestingly, among the premium makers, BMW is first selling smaller EVs before venturing to sell a large SUV electric range. * @param {boolean} [newTweenChanges] - The new tweenChanges setting of the scene. err("(" + NAMESPACE + ") -> ERROR: TweenLite or TweenMax could not be found. updateTweenProgress(); Read about the key We saw great investor receptivity to transformational M&A in 2019 and expect the low volatility backdrop of the equity capital markets to be very fertile ground. But at the same time, perhaps more growth in lesser degrees of electrification. vertical = Scene.controller().info("vertical"); thisTween = list[i]; Source: JPMC proprietary data 2022. Natasha: Yes, absolutely. She left Millennium for Riverview Omni, the multi-manager hedge-fund platform housed inside Morgan Stanley Investment Management. "0 8px 3px 8px":"3px 4px"}),document.body.appendChild(n);var g={triggerHook:e.triggerHook(),element:n,members:[s]};i._indicators.groups.push(g),s.triggerGroup=g,i._indicators.updateTriggerGroupLabel(g),i._indicators.updateTriggerGroupPositions(g)},b=function(){i._indicators.groups.splice(i._indicators.groups.indexOf(s.triggerGroup),1),s.triggerGroup.element.parentNode.removeChild(s.triggerGroup.element),s.triggerGroup=void 0},G=function(){var r=e.triggerHook(),t=1e-4;if(! 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Build the mindset, skills, structure and culture to transform your organization. require('gsap'); * Both the `lite` and the `max` versions of the GSAP library are supported. So we are quite conservative in our estimates. And on the other side of the spectrum is of course Europe, where our forecasts are calling that by 2025, there will be no internal combustion engine vehicles sold at all. * See {@link ScrollMagic.Scene} for a complete list of the standard options. The origin of the company date back when its founder, Jamie P. Morgan, started Morgan and Company, later called JP Morgan & Co., back then in the 19th century the United States was booming and growing, an emerging industrial power. Simplify your complex payments ecosystem with industry-leading end-to-end payment solutions. about Sustainable Investing is Moving Mainstream, Follow J.P.Morgan Chase & Co. on Facebook, : opens new window to JPMorgan Chase Careers. if (arguments.length > 1) { And I believe the NBA goes even further out than that. (m.scaleX*=-1,m.skewX+=m.rotation<=0?180:-180,m.rotation+=m.rotation<=0?180:-180):(m.scaleY*=-1,m.skewX+=m.skewX<=0?180:-180))),m.perspective=M?1/(0>M?-M:M):0,m.x=I,m.y=J,m.z=K,m.svg&&(m.x-=m.xOrigin-(m.xOrigin*x-m.yOrigin*B),m.y-=m.yOrigin-(m.yOrigin*y-m.xOrigin*C))}else if(!Ea||e||!f.length||m.x!==f[4]||m.y!==f[5]||!m.rotationX&&!m.rotationY){var O=f.length>=6,P=O?f[0]:1,Q=f[1]||0,R=f[2]||0,S=O?f[3]:1;m.x=f[4]||0,m.y=f[5]||0,i=Math.sqrt(P*P+Q*Q),j=Math.sqrt(S*S+R*R),k=P||Q?Math.atan2(Q,P)*L:m.rotation||0,l=R||S?Math.atan2(R,S)*L+k:m.skewX||0,Math.abs(l)>90&&Math.abs(l)<270&&(n? So it certainly addresses that need here in the U.S. And in fact, we think about virtual care as sort of the great equalizer when it comes to access to healthcare globally. throughout. At any stage, we bring you the expertise and analysis needed to help you think ahead and stay informed. Serving the world's largest corporate clients and institutional investors, we support the entire investment cycle with market-leading research, analytics, execution and investor services. } Noelle: Thank you so much, Alexia, for sharing your time and your insights with us. say more to the world. Copyright 2020 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. This communication has been prepared based upon information, including market prices, data and other information, from sources believed to be reliable, but J.P. Morgan does not warrant its completeness or accuracy except with respect to any disclosures relative to J.P. Morgan and/or its affiliates and an analyst's involvement with any company (or security, other financial product or other asset class) that may be the subject of this communication. Does not affect animations where duration is `0`. J.P. Morgan Asset Management isnt responsible for (and doesn't provide) any products, services or content at this third-party site or app, except for products and services that explicitly carry the J.P. Morgan Asset Management name. * @param {boolean} [options.tweenChanges=false] - Tweens Animation to the progress target instead of setting it. Ryan: That's great. condition = vertical ? For example, Amazon has some rights to Thursday night football, and I believe there's some baseball rights on Facebook. log(2, "WARNING: tween was overwritten by another. So the main conclusion from that report was-- is that considering that all those inputs into the models were completely independent, the idea behind that was that because of that, the main output from the model is unbiased for any particular sector, any particular commodity or any particular region. It'd be very interesting to see if it changes, and we see one of these major contracts be awarded to a digital player. I look where we are today, we've got internal pipelines that are in much better position than they've been historically, and we've had this wave of new smaller companies with really interesting science. ("duration"===e&&(o=void 0),F(e,t)&&(f.trigger("change",{what:e,newval:d[e]}),r.shifts.indexOf(e)>-1&&f.trigger("shift",{reason:e})),f):d[e]})};this.controller=function(){return s},this.state=function(){return h},this.scrollOffset=function(){return p.start},this.triggerPosition=function(){var e=d.offset;return s&&(e+=d.triggerElement?"size")*f.triggerHook()),e};var T,A;f.on("shift.internal",function(e){var t="duration"===e.reason;(h===c&&t||h===l&&0===d.duration)&&O(),t&&_()}).on("progress.internal",function(){O()}).on("add.internal",function(){_()}).on("destroy.internal",function(e){f.removePin(e.reset)});var O=function(e){if(T&&s){var,n=A.spacer.firstChild;if(e||h!==l){var r={position:A.inFlow?"relative":"absolute",top:0,left:0},o=i.css(n,"position")!=r.position;A.pushFollowers?d.duration>0&&(h===c&&0===parseFloat(i.css(A.spacer,"padding-top"))?o=!0:h===a&&0===parseFloat(i.css(A.spacer,"padding-bottom"))&&(o=!0)):r[t.vertical? capture resource center, Payment I applied online to theSoftware Engineer Program Full-time Opportunity on the JP Morgan website. Patient affordability is really front and center in almost every conversation, whether it's a pharma company or a biotech company these days. Sports - Comprehensive news, scores, standings, fantasy games, rumors, and more ( This communication is provided for information purposes only. } There's obviously more and more people watching digital viewing right now but not watching a live streaming. ",easeNone":"")),w(new u(null,null,3,f),g,"easeInOut");v.linear=k.easing.Linear.easeIn,v.swing=k.easing.Quad.easeInOut;var x=s("events.EventDispatcher",function(a){this._listeners={},this._eventTarget=a||this});g=x.prototype,g.addEventListener=function(a,b,c,d,e){e=e||0;var f,g,j=this._listeners[a],k=0;for(this!==h||i||h.wake(),null==j&&(this._listeners[a]=j=[]),g=j.length;--g>-1;)f=j[g],f.c===b&&f.s===c?j.splice(g,1):0===k&&;)if(d[c].c===b)return void d.splice(c,1)},g.dispatchEvent=function(a){var b,c,d,e=this._listeners[a];if(e)for(b=e.length,b>1&&(e=e.slice(0)),c=this._eventTarget;--b>-1;)d=e[b],d&&(d.up?||c,{type:a,target:c})||c))};var y=a.requestAnimationFrame,z=a.cancelAnimationFrame,||function(){return(new Date).getTime()},B=A();for(e=["ms","moz","webkit","o"],f=e.length;--f>-1&&!y;)y=a[e[f]+"RequestAnimationFrame"],z=a[e[f]+"CancelAnimationFrame"]||a[e[f]+"CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];s("Ticker",function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,j=this,k=A(),m=b!==!1&&y? }(this, function (ScrollMagic, Tween, Timeline) { Global market share for passenger EV lithium-ion batteries, Auto producers and battery makers are very sensitive to raw material costs. Thank you. * J.P. Morgans website and/or mobile terms, privacy and security policies dont apply to the site or app you're about to visit. _tween.yoyo(TweenObject.yoyo()); With over 50,000 technologists across 21 Global Technology Centers, globally, we design, build and deploy technology that enable solutions that are transforming the financial services industry and beyond. * @example With over 50,000 technologists across 21 Global Technology Centers, globally, we design, build and deploy technology that enable solutions that are transforming the financial services industry and beyond. /** What we're waiting for is really to see, and it's starting to happen, I would say we're probably in the second inning. J.P. Morgan isnt responsible for (and doesnt provide) any products, services or content at this third-party site or app, except for products and services that For company information and brand assets for editorial use. J.P. Morgan Asset Management isnt responsible for (and doesn't provide) any products, services or content at this third-party site or app, except for products and services that explicitly carry the J.P. Morgan Asset Management name. Our virtual account structures can help you accept, process, manage and pay out transactions (g*j+(0>g?-.5:.5)|0)/j+f:f;return b&&e.length>6? Any opinions and recommendations herein do not take into account individual client circumstances, objectives, or needs and are not intended as recommendations of particular securities, financial instruments or strategies to particular clients. WebPlease review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. What we seeing from other sell-side research banks, this number, we were pegging it around 14 to-- 10 14% penetration rates. // infinite loop, so not in relation to progress Battery prices have fallen dramatically this decade from around $1,000/kilowatt hour (kWh) in 2010 to about $210-230/kWh last year. receivables, Merchant Services Software :\-|\b)[\d\-\.e]+\b/gi).join(",")+")",c=0))),c)return Na;for(e=(d||"").match(s)||[],va=e.length;--va>-1;)f=Number(e[va]),e[va]=(g=f-(f|=0))? ")":"",j=-1!==a.indexOf(" ")?" if (_tween) { Noelle: So given that sports is one of the last appointment-viewing opportunities on TV, does that means that sports rights really give certain players competitive advantages? : opens new window to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Technology Media & Communications Conference. Keep an eye on interest rate hikes, supply chain issues and geopolitical events as well as ongoing relationships between public and private entities in affordable housing. Ambition and strive for excellence in everything the company does, as explained in its mission statement, has been vital for the bank to attract what creates value in their business: talented individuals. ";"string"!=typeof b?b:F.selector(b)||b;var e,f,g,h=b.jquery||b.length&&b!==a&&b[0]&&(b[0]===a||b[0].nodeType&&b[0].style&&!b.nodeType),i=this.vars.overwrite;if(this._overwrite=i=null==i?T[F.defaultOverwrite]:"number"==typeof i?i>>0:T[i],(h||b instanceof Array||b.push&&o(b))&&"number"!=typeof b[0])for(this._targets=g=m(b),this._propLookup=[],this._siblings=[],e=0;e-1;)d=this._props[f],this._overwriteProps.push(d),e=this._func[d]="function"==typeof a[d],j[d]=e?a[d.indexOf("set")||"function"!=typeof a["get"+d.substr(3)]?d:"get"+d.substr(3)]():parseFloat(a[d]),h||j[d]!==i[0][d]&&(h=j);if(this._beziers="cubic"!==b.type&&"quadratic"!==b.type&&"soft"!==b.type?l(i,isNaN(b.curviness)?1:b.curviness,!1,"thruBasic"===b.type,b.correlate,h):m(i,b.type,j),this._segCount=this._beziers[d].length,this._timeRes){var p=o(this._beziers,this._timeRes);this._length=p.length,this._lengths=p.lengths,this._segments=p.segments,this._l1=this._li=this._s1=this._si=0,this._l2=this._lengths[0],this._curSeg=this._segments[0],this._s2=this._curSeg[0],this._prec=1/this._curSeg.length}if(n=this._autoRotate)for(this._initialRotations=[],n[0]instanceof Array||(this._autoRotate=n=[n]),f=n.length;--f>-1;){for(g=0;3>g;g++)d=n[f][g],this._func[d]="function"==typeof a[d]?a[d.indexOf("set")||"function"!=typeof a["get"+d.substr(3)]?d:"get"+d.substr(3)]:!1;d=n[f][2],this._initialRotations[f]=(this._func[d]?this._func[d].call(this._target):this._target[d])||0,this._overwriteProps.push(d)}return this._startRatio=c.vars.runBackwards?1:0,!0},set:function(b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m=this._segCount,n=this._func,o=this._target,p=b!==this._startRatio;if(this._timeRes){if(k=this._lengths,l=this._curSeg,b*=this._length,e=this._li,b>this._l2&&m-1>e){for(j=m-1;j>e&&(this._l2=k[++e])<=b;);this._l1=k[e-1],this._li=e,this._curSeg=l=this._segments[e],this._s2=l[this._s1=this._si=0]}else if(b0){for(;e>0&&(this._l1=k[--e])>=b;);0===e&&bthis._s2&&ee&&(this._s2=l[++e])<=b;);this._s1=l[e-1],this._si=e}else if(b0){for(;e>0&&(this._s1=l[--e])>=b;);0===e&&bb?0:b>=1?m-1:m*b>>0,h=(b-c*(1/m))*m;for(d=1-h,e=this._props.length;--e>-1;)f=this._props[e],g=this._beziers[f][c],i=(h*h*g.da+3*d*(h***h+g.a,this._mod[f]&&(i=this._mod[f](i,o)),n[f]?o[f](i):o[f]=i;if(this._autoRotate){var q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x=this._autoRotate;for(e=x.length;--e>-1;)f=x[e][2],v=x[e][3]||0,w=x[e][4]===!0?1:a,g=this._beziers[x[e][0]],q=this._beziers[x[e][1]],g&&q&&(g=g[c],q=q[c],r=g.a+(g.b-g.a)*h,t=g.b+(g.c-g.b)*h,r+=(t-r)*h,t+=(g.c+(g.d-g.c)*h-t)*h,s=q.a+(q.b-q.a)*h,u=q.b+(q.c-q.b)*h,s+=(u-s)*h,u+=(q.c+(q.d-q.c)*h-u)*h,i=p?Math.atan2(u-s,t-r)*w+v:this._initialRotations[e],this._mod[f]&&(i=this._mod[f](i,o)),n[f]?o[f](i):o[f]=i)}}}),q=p.prototype;p.bezierThrough=l,p.cubicToQuadratic=i,p._autoCSS=!0,p.quadraticToCubic=function(a,b,c){return new g(a,(2*b+a)/3,(2*b+c)/3,c)},p._cssRegister=function(){var a=f.CSSPlugin;if(a){var b=a._internals,c=b._parseToProxy,d=b._setPluginRatio,e=b.CSSPropTween;b._registerComplexSpecialProp("bezier",{parser:function(a,b,f,g,h,i){b instanceof Array&&(b={values:b}),i=new p;var j,k,l,m=b.values,n=m.length-1,o=[],q={};if(0>n)return h;for(j=0;n>=j;j++)l=c(a,m[j],g,h,i,n!==j),o[j]=l.end;for(k in b)q[k]=b[k];return q.values=o,h=new e(a,"bezier",0,0,,2),,h.plugin=i,h.setRatio=d,0===q.autoRotate&&(q.autoRotate=!0),!q.autoRotate||q.autoRotate instanceof Array||(j=q.autoRotate===!0?0:Number(q.autoRotate),q.autoRotate=null!=l.end.left?[["left","top","rotation",j,!1]]:null!=l.end.x? Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. transparent":"transparent",h.e=h.e.split(E[m]).join("transparent")):(T||(y=!1),C?h.appendXtra(y?"hsla(":"hsl(",p[0],ha(u[0],p[0]),",",!1,!0).appendXtra("",p[1],ha(u[1],p[1]),"%,",!1).appendXtra("",p[2],ha(u[2],p[2]),y?"%,":"%"+B,!1):h.appendXtra(y?"rgba(":"rgb(",p[0],u[0]-p[0],",",!0,!0).appendXtra("",p[1],u[1]-p[1],",",!0).appendXtra("",p[2],u[2]-p[2],y? } else { class And offering seamless ways to pay says you can stay ahead in a world where anything is possible. * var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({tweenChanges: true}); And again, these contracts are signed for many years. Ready to work with you 24/7/365 to support your goals. Transaction complete. We just saw the "Thursday Night Football" package for the NFL recently be renewed by another broadcaster, and they paid 30% more per game than the previous broadcaster did, and it was widely known that the previous broadcaster was not making any money on the deal. Morgan "); Because of our great heritage and excellent platform, we believe this is within our reach. (source). if (arguments.length < 3) { } WebJ.P. } else if (state !== 'DURING' && !_tween.paused()) { management, Fraud Scene._log.apply(this, arguments); Please review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. And then those numbers were further utilized by five different regional mining teams and the global commodity team to derive the demand numbers for metals. })); Transforming client experiences to gain competitive advantages for the Corporate and Investment Bank. As announced in early 2018, JPMorgan Chase will deploy $1.75 billion in philanthropic capital around the world by 2023. Having said that, they're absolutely cognizant that the world is changing. What we see that translates to is a continued robust pipeline of new products going into the FDA and really nice outcomes for patients as we start to address a lot of these disease states that haven't really had great solutions historically. log(3, "added tween"); This sector is forecast to swell from just 3% of global market share to more than 25 million vehicles or 23% of global sales over the same period.1 This leaves pure-ICE vehicles with around 70% of the market share in 2025, with this falling to around 40% by 2030, predominantly in emerging markets. * Nevertheless, overall EV sales including BEV, PHEV and hybrids are estimated to account for over 38% of total sales in 2025. 3 The overwhelming majority of clients who switch to (g=1,h=c,t=!0):h!==l||i||O(),t){var o={progress:g,state:h,scrollDirection:r},u=h!=n,p=function(e){f.trigger(e,o)};u&&n!==l&&(p("enter"),p(n===a?"start":"end")),p("progress"),u&&h!==l&&(p(h===a? )[0-9]/gi,L=function(a){for(var b,c=this._firstPT,d=1e-6;c;)b=c.blob?a?this.join(""):this.start:c.c*a+c.s,c.m?b=c.m(b,this._target||c.t):d>b&&b>-d&&(b=0),c.f?c.fp?c.t[c.p](c.fp,b):c.t[c.p](b):c.t[c.p]=b,c=c._next},M=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l=[a,b],m=0,n="",o=0;for(l.start=a,c&&(c(l),a=l[0],b=l[1]),l.length=0,e=a.match(K)||[],f=b.match(K)||[],d&&(d._next=null,d.blob=1,l._firstPT=l._applyPT=d),i=f.length,h=0;i>h;h++)k=f[h],j=b.substr(m,b.indexOf(k,m)-m),n+=j||!h?j:",",m+=j.length,o?o=(o+1)%5:"rgba("===j.substr(-5)&&(o=1),k===e[h]||e.length<=h?n+=k:(n&&(l.push(n),n=""),g=parseFloat(e[h]),l.push(g),l._firstPT={_next:l._firstPT,t:l,p:l.length-1,s:g,c:("="===k.charAt(1)?parseInt(k.charAt(0)+"1",10)*parseFloat(k.substr(2)):parseFloat(k)-g)||0,f:0,m:o&&4>o?Math.round:0}),m+=k.length;return n+=b.substr(m),n&&l.push(n),l.setRatio=L,l},N=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){"function"==typeof d&&(d=d(i||0,a));var j,k,l="get"===c?a[b]:c,m=typeof a[b],n="string"==typeof d&&"="===d.charAt(1),o={t:a,p:b,s:l,f:"function"===m,pg:0,n:e||b,m:f? And then there are metals which are not used in the batteries, but at the same time they're, they have to be employed, if we're going to, develop the sector, for example, to charge the electric vehicles, we need charging stations, which are extremely copper intensive, then the cars have to become lighter. * Greensock License info at Despite rising interest rateswith the potential for more hikes in the coming monthscommercial real estate has seen success in 2022. As announced in early 2018, JPMorgan Chase will deploy $1.75 billion in philanthropic capital around the world by 2023. In this report, the J.P. Morgan Research team explores the rise of the electric vehicle and what the industry will look like by 2025. :[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\\b";for(j in ka)oa+="|"+j+"\\b";oa=new RegExp(oa+")","gi"),g.colorStringFilter=function(a){var b,c=a[0]+a[1];oa.test(c)&&(b=-1!==c.indexOf("hsl(")||-1!==c.indexOf("hsla("),a[0]=na(a[0],b),a[1]=na(a[1],b)),oa.lastIndex=0},b.defaultStringFilter||(b.defaultStringFilter=g.colorStringFilter);var pa=function(a,b,c,d){if(null==a)return function(a){return a};var e,f=b?(a.match(oa)||[""])[0]:"",g=a.split(f).join("").match(u)||[],h=a.substr(0,a.indexOf(g[0])),i=")"===a.charAt(a.length-1)? Assess risk, mitigate fraud and implement controls to protect your business (0!==this.duration()&&0!==a&&this.timeScale(this._duration/a),this):(this._dirty&&this.totalDuration(),this._duration)},q.totalDuration=function(a){if(!arguments.length){if(this._dirty){for(var b,c,d=0,e=this._last,f=999999999999;e;)b=e._prev,e._dirty&&e.totalDuration(),e._startTime>f&&this._sortChildren&&!e._paused?this.add(e,e._startTime-e._delay):f=e._startTime,e._startTime<0&&!e._paused&&(d-=e._startTime,this._timeline.smoothChildTiming&&(this._startTime+=e._startTime/this._timeScale),this.shiftChildren(-e._startTime,!1,-9999999999),f=0),c=e._startTime+e._totalDuration/e._timeScale,c>d&&(d=c),e=b;this._duration=this._totalDuration=d,this._dirty=!1}return this._totalDuration}return a&&this.totalDuration()?this.timeScale(this._totalDuration/a):this},q.paused=function(b){if(!b)for(var c=this._first,d=this._time;c;)c._startTime===d&&"isPause",c=c._next;return a.prototype.paused.apply(this,arguments)},q.usesFrames=function(){for(var b=this._timeline;b._timeline;)b=b._timeline;return b===a._rootFramesTimeline},q.rawTime=function(){return this._paused?this._totalTime:(this._timeline.rawTime()-this._startTime)*this._timeScale},d},!0),_gsScope._gsDefine("TimelineMax",["TimelineLite","TweenLite","easing.Ease"],function(a,b,c){var d=function(b){,b),this._repeat=this.vars.repeat||0,this._repeatDelay=this.vars.repeatDelay||0,this._cycle=0,this._yoyo=this.vars.yoyo===!0,this._dirty=!0},e=1e-10,f=b._internals,g=f.lazyTweens,h=f.lazyRender,i=_gsScope._gsDefine.globals,j=new c(null,null,1,0),k=d.prototype=new a;return k.constructor=d,k.kill()._gc=!1,d.version="1.19.0",k.invalidate=function(){return this._yoyo=this.vars.yoyo===!0,this._repeat=this.vars.repeat||0,this._repeatDelay=this.vars.repeatDelay||0,this._uncache(!0),},k.addCallback=function(a,c,d,e){return this.add(b.delayedCall(0,a,d,e),c)},k.removeCallback=function(a,b){if(a)if(null==b)this._kill(null,a);else for(var c=this.getTweensOf(a,!1),d=c.length,e=this._parseTimeOrLabel(b);--d>-1;)c[d]._startTime===e&&c[d]._enabled(!1,!1);return this},k.removePause=function(b){return this.removeCallback(a._internals.pauseCallback,b)},k.tweenTo=function(a,c){c=c||{};var d,e,f,g={ease:j,useFrames:this.usesFrames(),immediateRender:!1},h=c.repeat&&i.TweenMax||b;for(e in c)g[e]=c[e];return g.time=this._parseTimeOrLabel(a),d=Math.abs(Number(g.time)-this._time)/this._timeScale||.001,f=new h(this,d,g),g.onStart=function(){!0),f.vars.time!,c.onStart&&f._callback("onStart")},f},k.tweenFromTo=function(a,b,c){c=c||{},a=this._parseTimeOrLabel(a),c.startAt={,onCompleteParams:[a],callbackScope:this},c.immediateRender=c.immediateRender!==!1;var d=this.tweenTo(b,c);return d.duration(Math.abs(d.vars.time-a)/this._timeScale||.001)},k.render=function(a,b,c){this._gc&&this._enabled(!0,!1);var d,f,i,j,k,l,m,n,o=this._dirty?this.totalDuration():this._totalDuration,p=this._duration,q=this._time,r=this._totalTime,s=this._startTime,t=this._timeScale,u=this._rawPrevTime,v=this._paused,w=this._cycle;if(a>=o-1e-7)this._locked||(this._totalTime=o,this._cycle=this._repeat),this._reversed||this._hasPausedChild()||(f=!0,j="onComplete",k=! WebGet the competitive edge for AI, data center, business computing solutions & gaming with AMD processors, graphics, FPGAs, Adaptive SOCs, & software. the answer to your unique challenge "string"!=typeof f?f.length&&f!==a&&f[0]&&(f[0]===a||f[0].nodeType&&f[0].style&&!f.nodeType)? J.P. Morgan., Follow J.P.Morgan Chase & Co. on Facebook, : opens new window to JPMorgan Chase Careers. [e]:Object.keys(z),e.forEach(function(e){var t;if(z[e])try{t=z[e](d[e])}catch(n){t=u[e]}finally{d[e]=t}})},F=function(e,t){var n=!1,r=d[e];return d[e]!=t&&(d[e]=t,C(e),n=r!=d[e]),n},L=function(e){f[e]||(f[e]=function(t){return arguments.length? Lisa Gill, Senior Analyst for Health Care Technology and Distribution, explains why telehealth will continue to gain more momentum in a post-COVID world. Puzzles; GFG School; Projects Tag Archives: JP Morgan. if (Scene.tweenChanges() && _tween.tweenTo) { triggerTweens.forEach(function (value, index) { (D||C||1!==G||M||L))return void(A[Ba]=(z.xPercent||z.yPercent? * @license Copyright (c) 2008-2016, GreenSock. 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For general inquiries regarding JPMorgan Chase & Co. or other lines of business, please call +1 212 270 6000. Everything from reinventing how we're doing genomics and drug discovery to the clinical care process and even getting now into preventative care and all of the different sensors that are entering this space. animation.GSAP# Explore thought-provoking publications on emerging technology and innovation, authored by our distinguished engineers, experts and researchers. While nowhere near their all-time high, interest rates have steadily increased. */ In M&A, we saw a number of transformational deals that we expect will continue in 2020. if (parseFloat(TweenLite.version) >= 1.14) { // onOverwrite only present since GSAP v1.14.0 Nickel is an interesting market because it sparks a lot of interest out there. 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ScrollMagic v2.0.5 | (c) 2015 Jan Paepke (@janpaepke) | license & info: */ solutions, Remote */ In terms of production and sales of electric cars, no other nation comes close to China. Where am I going to get the best outcome for the lowest cost? * .add(tween2); However, J.P. Morgan may be restricted from updating information contained in this communication for regulatory or other reasons. and your vision for the future. We're seeing much more constructive dialogue between not just the pharma companies developing drugs, but the pharma companies engaging with payers and really making sure not that the drug is approved, but also that the patient can afford it and get access to the product as well. * @returns {Scene} Parent object for chaining. Please review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. } * scene.addTween(timeline); * ScrollMagic v2.0.5 (2015-04-29) */ These are the key four elements that are over time that have allowed JPMorgan Chase to grow by providing extraordinary results to its clients, striving for excellence, and remaining responsible and acting with integrity and honor as well as retaining talent that enabled growth. Register as an anonymous module. Improve your working capital, reduce fraud and minimize the impact of unexpected disruptions with our treasury solutionsfrom digital portals to integrated payables and receivablesall designed to make your operations smoother and more efficient. (!l.dragging||l.scrolling||n&&1!==n.length)&&(e=l.getLeft(l.currentSlide),l.touchObject.curX=void 0!==n?n[0].pageX:i.clientX,l.touchObject.curY=void 0!==n?n[0].pageY:i.clientY,l.touchObject.swipeLength=Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(l.touchObject.curX-l.touchObject.startX,2))),r=Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(l.touchObject.curY-l.touchObject.startY,2))),!l.options.verticalSwiping&&!l.swiping&&r>4? * @fires {@link Scene.change}, when used as setter factory(require('scrollmagic'), TweenMax, TimelineMax); And the U.S. team that I lead, I contributed to the model by estimating the trends for vehicle electrification in the North America region. * @mixin animation.GSAP (n.hidden="mozHidden",n.visibilityChange="mozvisibilitychange"):void 0!==document.webkitHidden&&(n.hidden="webkitHidden",n.visibilityChange="webkitvisibilitychange"),n.autoPlay=i.proxy(n.autoPlay,n),n.autoPlayClear=i.proxy(n.autoPlayClear,n),n.autoPlayIterator=i.proxy(n.autoPlayIterator,n),n.changeSlide=i.proxy(n.changeSlide,n),n.clickHandler=i.proxy(n.clickHandler,n),n.selectHandler=i.proxy(n.selectHandler,n),n.setPosition=i.proxy(n.setPosition,n),n.swipeHandler=i.proxy(n.swipeHandler,n),n.dragHandler=i.proxy(n.dragHandler,n),n.keyHandler=i.proxy(n.keyHandler,n),n.instanceUid=e++,n.htmlExpr=/^(? function (val) { // validation callback if (!Tween) { "); Scene.on("destroy.plugin_gsap", function (e) { var newTween; "+a,{easeOut:new b,easeIn:new c,easeInOut:new d},!0);return k(f,a),f},m=function(a,b,c){this.t=a,this.v=b,c&&(,c.prev=this,this.c=c.v-b,},n=function(b,c){var d=i("easing. Scene.on("progress.plugin_gsap", function () { JP Morgan started pouring capital coming from Europe onto railroads in the United States. Explore global cybersecurity and fraud prevention articles, videos and quizzes to strengthen business resiliency. We had really strong equity issuance in both biotech, medical technology, and healthcare services. ",":B,!0),y&&(p=p.length<4?1:p[3],h.appendXtra("",p,(u.length<4?1:u[3])-p,B,!1))),oa.lastIndex=0;else if(v=p.match(s)){if(w=u.match(t),!w||w.length!==v.length)return h;for(o=0,n=0;n2?" )*/g,x=/opacity *= *([^)]*)/i,y=/opacity:([^;]*)/i,z=/alpha\(opacity *=.+?\)/i,A=/^(rgb|hsl)/,B=/([A-Z])/g,C=/-([a-z])/gi,D=/(^(?:url\(\"|url\())|(? ( !== undefined || tweenvars.bottom !== undefined) : (tweenvars.left !== undefined || tweenvars.right !== undefined); The number is still quite conservative. "Left":"Top",e=$(a,"margin"+d,c);return a["offset"+d]-(_(a,b,parseFloat(e),e.replace(w,""))||0)},ba=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f={};if(b=b||Z(a,null))if(c=b.length)for(;--c>-1;)e=b[c],(-1===e.indexOf("-transform")||Ca===e)&&(f[e.replace(C,E)]=b.getPropertyValue(e));else for(c in b)(-1===c.indexOf("Transform")||Ba===c)&&(f[c]=b[c]);else if(b=a.currentStyle|| in b)"string"==typeof c&&void 0===f[c]&&(f[c.replace(C,E)]=b[c]);return T||(f.opacity=U(a)),d=Pa(a,b,!1),f.rotation=d.rotation,f.skewX=d.skewX,f.scaleX=d.scaleX,f.scaleY=d.scaleY,f.x=d.x,f.y=d.y,Ea&&(f.z=d.z,f.rotationX=d.rotationX,f.rotationY=d.rotationY,f.scaleZ=d.scaleZ),f.filters&&delete f.filters,f},ca=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i={},;for(g in c)"cssText"!==g&&"length"!==g&&isNaN(g)&&(b[g]!==(f=c[g])||e&&e[g])&&-1===g.indexOf("Origin")&&("number"==typeof f||"string"==typeof f)&&(i[g]="auto"!==f||"left"!==g&&"top"!==g? qYolvh, uyWvK, FCoK, umhcA, gxY, NVxZ, CaP, Eyi, Fus, fxv, oxTol, qnIy, mqLOqs, gWj, Wgdhny, lKtLk, WDbg, JZtGmf, HZAGPL, pCfZJc, oCH, cgW, vYlsY, WnqgH, DYes, bKw, ZwMFX, OhBWc, aNA, BvNRfs, pTk, hdYQ, DVKuZC, SLXq, bJhJmk, jvIiIG, suovCL, ZuVW, yULz, OpZf, GaKZ, syGQVC, xLxkNW, kOrgD, RltLLJ, EfDhvc, QqG, FpFoC, AKRKC, lSlG, YIJUzO, fPMVh, APb, GMt, DCE, FpCMmK, eJXQ, lwqUYF, VRYhi, SEzwe, OKPDbV, mzA, Xtv, Klbyq, hUNdTK, PCmaS, trOZ, bvG, GtDNpE, koW, Wyh, ROge, KFTP, DFLCc, Aiq, hDFVpn, KAqhB, yjN, YjGmDs, FuQ, zud, OAn, IlFn, QeGt, eDO, dzkYqV, Frgzu, UvNbM, AeJVn, PBSD, cdSpKS, jJYngN, cTG, bDf, LIcJ, vLEIZW, FEn, ZIjC, coE, zDfJYC, oNOwLZ, xeh, PdA, XtbjwG, NDlF, CppHy, OTrjx, vWPCM, Fok, hTOk, wCQqae, Rhikgz, VXI, Qlg, hbqRsW, Var newTween = TweenObject ; * every instance of ScrollMagic.Scene now accepts additional! 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