ros2 service client example

So you could say exclude words not in the dictionary. My nearest match is only at 0.406. I have no alts, but I'm curious how similar others might write to me. the power is held by power-users who flag people -- most of the power of an admin at the end of the day but without any of the accountability. Yeah top 20 is a little excessive because in my own tests I found that top 20 is only marginally more accurate than top 10. In many cases, when a person uses an alt, it is a direct and strong signal that they do not wish their other posts to be associated. As you mention, using a thesaurus can somewhat alleviate that, but if a thesaurus is only changing a small % of your words, then it will only have a suitably small % effect upon analysis. ADLINK's data-to-decision solutions incorporate video analytics, reliable design, deliver stability and reliability, and are an ideal choice to realize an efficient smart city. Important to stress how much of a technicality this is, but that sort of thing can be interesting sometimes. Closest was a .51 confidence, so I guess not? It goes: The number of letters in the words give you the pi number: 3,1415 The meaning is: I know and remember perfectly: too many signs (positions) of pi are useless and impractical. Looking at the top 10 similar accounts to mine, it gives me an arms-length view of how other people probably interpret my tone. Interesting. On one hand, thank you for showing us all how easy it is to make something like this. ive emailed the admins, tried to reason with the admins, it never does any good. So it's not only good for finding alternate accounts but could be used to find peer groups. Insightful that your personal experience and impact on you personally affects your decision. Hmm isn't a spot check of comments somewhat tautological, since that is how the tool identifies alts (rather than something like IP address or time of day)? it's fixed! How much you pay for enemies cyber weapons? I think that first, it doesnt matter but second, its probably Adam Back. Statistical stylometry is already petty effective, as demonstrated by this site. TF-IDF is useful for these POS-grams (just made that word up) as well. When exploring options for the next generation communication system of ROS, the initial options were to either improve the ROS 1 transport or build a new middleware using component libraries such as ZeroMQ, Protocol Buffers, and zeroconf (Bonjour/Avahi).However, in addition to those options, both of which involved us building a Well is certainly NOT me, that's for sure. This profile adjusts the website to be compatible with screen-readers such as JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. This is an HN friendship machine. Found this, it includes 250k usernames, but it's not there. Some users may feel the need to create throwaway accounts in order to post comments that in an alternative reality they could post under their primary account and later delete if desired. All the bold ones were right, some correct matches werent bold. ADLINK Edge IoT software solutions release the power of your real-time operational data to optimize efficiency and digital transformation by enabling AI at the edge. The results of this tool are by themselves not indicative of having an alternative account. Analyzing stylistic similarity amongst authors,, ( Of course if you alone do this, your messages will stick out like a sore thumb. >The problem is writing styles change over time. > I searched myself (that I know that I have no alternate accounts). Busted. rmw_fastrtps allows for the configuration of different entities with different QoS using the same XML file. Wouldn't be surprised if most of the women on a specific dating site had very high similarity scores. Unfortunately, this is against HN rules and may result in a ban. The example used here is a simple talker and listener system; one node publishes data and the other subscribes to the topic so it can receive that data. I guess I'm a unique snowflake after all. I could have used a part of speech tagger, looked at time of day a user posts, capitalization, spelling errors, etc. *actually they arent really even false positives because the tool doesnt promise to detect alts in the first place, just find similar styles. As you mention on the site, you don't do punctuation. Searching for my oldest account matches my earliest usernames, whereas searching this account matched the rest. False positives become an increasingly difficult problem the more and more potential authors you introduce. Now the cat is out of the box. Open a new terminal and source your ROS 2 installation so that ros2 commands will work. Overall very useful course! Applying different profiles to different entities. For explanation of bolding see. It will make things even more fun, this way we can find users who are like me and much not like patio11. I got matched with my old account with a score of only 0.45. They obviously don't want it to be known, seeing as they've got alts to post under and avoid going into too much detail. I do think it is an under-emphasized aspect of honesty, though, that we should be clear about our level of experience/understanding. Guess what what he had bookmarked Science of Stylometry.. Not really sure how because the log indicates that uwsgi "gracefully exited," but I'm looking into it. Topic does not really have anything to do with it. Its easy to write complicated systems, it takes a genius to make it simple. Ive been very vocal lately on this. And yet their research grants were coming from one source only. That might improve the accuracy a little here, if you dont already. Was surprised to see a bunch of ~30% matches despite not having any alts. Quoted replies shouldn't be included unless there's a bug on my end. ROSCon 2022. There are modern offline translation systems available such as Bergamot Such can also have been used to verify afterwards instead of beforehand. Float64. not only this but everything highlighted and summarized to answer any question about that person. The second that I found out that requesting deletion of an account and its posts needed a MANUAL request to a single user (dang) I noped out so fast, But happy that the rest of you are still happy to contribute :). I agree that this person is trying very very hard to sound like pg ! Have you done any data analysis on distributions of similarity? I think the intention of the post not mentioning the handle was just to prevent old discussions from flaring up or so? Funny thing would be to find most unique user account stylistically. That user connects to the socket, the script connects to the other socket, then return the stream to the client.bruce reinhart maxwell craven county sheriff facebook edgesettingspasswords. And there are a few more, that is a honor to be "confused" with, but I have no clue why. Secrecy is probably impossible - privacy is merely the politeness of our neighbours. Industrial automation is a crucial facet of global manufacturing industries. It's different because you're removing all barriers to access and making it easy and convenient to stalk/dox people. I ever had only one account here and the closest match is at 0.47. anyway, this app was able to identify a lot of my accounts. Ill spam every site with my throwaways. And guess what, it's been done by many companies already. Ha, gruseom shows up for pg, which is dangs old account. It's either pg or someone trying really hard to be pg. You locate people who might think like you. Make a fundraiser and start doing it for other sites. With extraterritoriality. If a lot of people does this it would be hard to figure out which account belongs with which human. Those are real consequences but rarely government inspired and honestly I suspect we need better support for police in prosecuting such things - I mean a death threat is a death threat. Forget countermeasures, go covert. Drawing this into the logical conclusion, a user may opt to always post under a throwaway account, to avoid any possible tainting associated with a primary account. Is it weird that my rating is very low compared to alternative options? Rates negotiable. We cannot pretend that a browser extension or a ground up rewrite of Twitter will defeat Putin or would have stopped Hitler. It found all of my older accounts. And, of course, to protect users who feel they might be discriminated against if their background was known. You are only asked to enter your name and your friend's name to get the compatibility between the two of you. Basic use of ROS1-Bridge to communicate ROS2 systems with ROS1 systems. :). Creation of ROS2 packages; Management of the new Colcon universal building system. Since it looks for similar word usage, false positives seem to appear more often when specific topics are talked about, like stocks or crypto. Time zero. Straight up. I'm a native speaker, but my english succcccks. Van Zandt's initial analysis determined that there was better than a 60 percent chance that the same person had written the manifesto, which had been in public circulation for half a year. And because of it you may change your mind because it's a lot of work with little payoff. What I found was worth visiting the site. ADLINK Gaming provides global gaming machine manufacturers comprehensive solutions through our hardware, software, and display offerings. Well I must be stereotypical myself because it found me at 0.8 ! It is up again and I'm looking into why uwsgi crashed. Obviously the next thing to do is make this a popup on someone's account name when you hover over it. Privately sharing data publicly is hard. The Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open source project for building robot applications. Or someone might say, Knowledge is power and Id finish the quote France is bacon, and they wouldnt look at me like Id said something very odd, but thoughtfully agree. Okay, let's just make it like China or SK where your login is your citizen ID and if you write bad things the bad word police will take you away. Alone out here in the 0.30s. Would changing account every X sentences eliminate this? My #3 match is cstross, and now Im convinced that my life-long secret dream of being a successful sci-fi novelist is basically a matter of typing. I guess Italian and Spanish speakers write very similarly English, but on HN there are a lot more Spanish speakers than Italian ones so that's what I get. Like, all three that I looked at had comments that made it very clear it was this person writing pseudonymously. It found my alternate account. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. We find cyber weapons made by creators of stuxnet, duqu, flame. But then why can my account be looked up? I vaguely remember one of the metaphors in the essay was about a chicken coop melting, or something like that. This is definitely a fascinating demonstration.,,, montrose is almost definitely pg. to update, replace dll. Usernames aren't random enough to be safe as a simple MD5. I was curious about this, my highest match was 0.47 and I have no alts, maybe I'm also a unique snowflake, or haven't said anything noteworthy enough to have been deepfaked yet ;). It doesn't mean anything. > quick browse of the comments of the recently active ones, they look really likely to be alts. We learnt that as basis of science. I will say bolded accounts are substantially more likely to be alts though. I don't plan on keeping this up forever and I too would not feel comfortable if this was deployed at scale. I would like to know why should we not embrace this and similar technologies? when we are just getting started. That's why I'm not sure I want to open source the code because I don't want to normalize this. 2. What could be remotely harmful about allowing Marlboro to find the accounts of ex-smokers? This site lets you put in a username and get the users with the most similar writing style to that user. Love match Calculator by name Calculate Real Love Percentage Love Meter for marriage Partners Name These days, people believe in making strong relationships especially when they are choosing their life partners. Well done!, Im guessing that a small corpus for a given account doesnt produce a very good score? The score for montrose vs pg is lower than the score for someone most similar to me, who is definitely not me. Instead of making it binary, you could use a gradient indicating the strength of the mutual correlation (like how HN colors downvoted comments). Any time youre about to use a common metaphor, try to tweak it. Reddit. 0.6 isn't much. Data flows freely yet securely within the ADLINK Data River maintaining one version of the truth. I only got 0.9999999999999992 for myself :(. > Edit: by bigrams and trigrams, I mean reducing word to their parts of speech labels and using THOSE as word tokens. A funny thought my matches cap out at around .56. It's trivial that we overuse some technical words even if it's unnecessary. Commonly called just hedging like hedging your bets. Topic Publishers and subscribers in ROS2 C++. This found an alt that I created specifically to see if I could write artificially to defeat this kind of analysis. : It doesn't matter if you are new to ROS or a veteran, ROS2 is here to stay. Copyright 2022 ADLINK Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you look at the preponderance of the evidence, Occams razor applies and the most likely answer usually is, and theres no mystique or magic there but he just fits the profile. Not malware you find in networks. Incredible! I wish Id used the cats out of the hat, but I didnt think of it till later. Your Numerology chart holds the key to understanding the undetected talents, hidden strengths, and other special gifts you were born with. (E.g. If it's >0.9 is you can almost guarantee it's an alt but I've seen certain matches at 0.6. But I thought the most telling feature will be exactly word order - its absolutely relaxed in Russian. On the E-mail TX (SMTP) page: In SMTP Server Address select Please check to enter host name and type the value you obtained in step 5. And their argument also was "actually this enhances privacy because it lets you know something something something". It just gives the users with the most similar word choice and from there it is up to you to decide (is there a very specific detail that both accounts mention, do they post at similar times, etc). Or any other interesting stats you'd like to share? Just a heads up that for everyone who doesn't like to link their alt accounts, maybe not use this tool to see if it works. My closest is 0.40, so Im right there with you. Profile Builder manages the deployment and operation of ADLINK Edge Solutions, Connects to OpenCV, Basler and Genicam for vision data capture, Connects to SAS, OpenVINO, DeepStream and Tensorflow and others for AI at the Edge, Facilitates AI inference model deployment by storing models locally for theinference engine to load via the ADLINK Data River, Facilitates image capture for training AI models, Connects to visualization tools including Node-RED and Grafana. A lot of discussion on the thread are over "how can we prevent this". as long as they are following the mainstream dogma, its all good. ADLINK Edge is pre-installed on ADLINK hardware and can also run on hardware from other vendors. Even simple additions and subtractions would suffice. On HN this could be useful for the mod team (AFAIK nowadays only dang) to find banned people's sockpuppets. I've only had one account here. Well I would never use a lowercase word after an exclamation point! This is insane, it found my old accounts. I am not sure where I stand on that. In hopes of lowering it even further, here are some nonsensical opinions never expressed on HN before: 1) Programming peaked with COBOL 2) Paul Graham is responsible for 90% of SIDS cases 3) There's no reason to use car when cdr exists. [92], > In early 1996, an investigator working with Bisceglie contacted former FBI hostage negotiator and criminal profiler Clinton R. Van Zandt. I think your tool should have internal embeddings for each of the user. I didn't want to worry about whether it was good enough to sell; I just wanted to have the experience of writing a story over the length of a novel, and see what I thought about it. If you want to ask HN to remove your data, send a message to The next person is 30% less certain, that's huge! Topic Publishers and subscribers in ROS2 C++. It isn't there, and given the "story" it happened years ago so it should be there, so I guess we've been played. It would drop in, figure out all the users (provided one account was on the AD) and would monitor everyones skill sets, morale, schedule, etc. That is really cool. They have many oneliners that is typical of pg, but the topics and style don't look similar. Im tempted to use it to find likeminded friends :). shows up when building any python package in Ubuntu22.04 with ROS2 Rolling. But in between these two classes there is a huge dump of worn-out metaphors which have lost all evocative power and are merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves., (Its remarkable how often a vague description can yield an HN comment with an answer from a clever sleuth like yourself. Another idea I had was converting the scores which are just cosine similarity scores into percentiles (so 0.99 would be 99th percentile of certainty) to make them more human interpretable. Thats sound advice. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. Im a native English speaker as well, so Im unsure how to feel about that. For a 4 or 5 star rating, I feel more background info or references to further documentation should be added, e.g. generally, i make an account, say something that is apparently wildly offensive to someone else, get flagged and down-voted and then muted or hell-banned. Exactly. The Love Calculator provides a Maintaining superior customer service and on-time delivery while simultaneously reducing retail shrinkage and increasing employee productivity can be very difficult to achieve when shipping high volumes of packages each day. Please put every one of your side project ideas into production! 10.1/15.6/21.5 Open-Frame Industrial Touch Monitor, AI-enabled Embedded NVR Powered by NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, FEC Accelerator Based on Intel vRAN Dedicated Accelerator ACC100, NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Edge AI Vision Inference System, 21.5 True Flat Industrial Touch Screen Monitor, COM-HPC Client Type Size B Module with 12th Gen Intel Core Processor (formerly codename: Alder Lake-P), 4/8/12-ch PCI Express x4 Gen3 USB3 Vision Top Performing Frame Grabbers, Value Family 9th Gen Intel Core i7/i5/i3 Processor-Based Embedded GPU/AI Platforms, Mobile PCI Express Module with NVIDIA Quadro Embedded RTX3000, Rugged 3U VPX Intel Xeon and 9th Gen Core i3 Processor Blade, 4-CH 24-Bit Universal Input USB DAQ Modules, Industrial ATX Motherboard with 8th/9th Gen Intel Core i9/i7/i5/i3 or Xeon E Processors, COM Express Type 7 Basic Size Module with Intel Xeon D-1700 SoC, Rugged Convection Cooled System with Intel Xeon Processor and MIL-DTL-38999 Connectors, Embedded Real-Time Robotic Controller with Intel Xeon/Core Processor. It was quite accurate. It's opt out if anything. Van Zandt's second analytical team determined a higher likelihood. I can't imagine why.". It is a fun tool, I can assure you. One of the best hacks Ive seen in a long time. But <10k that post weekly. This is the million dollar question. It is a bit, but if stylometric equality was a thing you'd expect it to be symmetric, so if stylometric simmilarity is a thing. And this is why Im a reader and not a poster on HN :). If some guy with a little bit of Python, and $8 to rent a decent dedicated server for a day can make this, imagine what a company with millions of dollars and a couple dozen PhD linguists could do. I don't think people change their username frequently :P. This is an evil website. It confirmed several users who I suspected were alts and after informally asking around has identified abandoned accounts of people I know from many years ago. There was a very active throwaway account here a while back that I always enjoyed interacting with. So, in my opinion, it is possible that you have found not only alternate accounts (score above 0.7), but accounts of people with same cultural origin (ones that are around 0.6). HN Firebase API. > based on a poster's lexicon and the word frequencies of each word, but ignoring stylistically relevant factors like word order. Consider your full name and use only the vowels to calculate the soul number. This means the optimal strategy would be discarding an account either after every comment or after a small number of comments. Your comment quotes an HN guideline, and my point relates to it. We still probably want some coherence, at minimum within a thread, eg to follow a back-and-forth. Simplicity is smart. Its a red flag the person is native Dutch. You opt into making your writing publicly available when making posts on this site. This is absolutely bonkers. Someone can't easily maintain a fluent conversation between themself on two accounts, but they can either get close, either through unnatural delays between sentences or just never interacting with the "other" party at the same time. I've never had an alt on HN, and when I searched myself, it found 3 other users above 0.6, none of whom I've ever heard of before. I would have expected to be a closer match to myself. also could maybe do a same phrase analysis across the corpus to find some hand picked features. On the how to avoid section: Isn't running comments through a randomised translator a few times then back considered a countermeasure also? Our solutions combine our ADLINK Edge IoT software platform based on open standards and open architecture with ADLINKs extensive range of hardware. rather than what we've mostly actually got, which is companies silently exploiting my data and doing everything they can to mumble reassuring but legally ineffective formulas assuring me that they deeply respect my privacy. My highest was 0.41 and the person writes nothing like me. Get a list of discovered service client topics for a remote node. Assign a numerical value to each of the vowels in the name. Just a bunch of scrapers and some run of the mill statistics. > Ross Ulbricht aka Dread Pirate Roberts, the mastermind behind the infamous Silk Road site which served as a black market for drugs, weapons and fake documents was also well aware of the potential danger of stylometry being used against him. didn't find a single one of my alts. The highest match has a 0.624 score and the lowest a 0.572. Edit: by bigrams and trigrams, I mean reducing word to their parts of speech labels and using THOSE as word tokens. Not to diminish one bit how you're feeling, but the bright side is: Today you know this is easily done (information you didn't have yesterday), that the creator had no intention of "outing" you specifically, and that you can take steps to obfuscate this specific aspect of your posts that connects your public alts. > we should be clear about our level of experience/understanding. The new normal is that, like speeding, most evenings, conversations in most bars actually broke quite a lot of laws, from hate speech to sexual threats and basic politeness. It is reality so I accept it. Thank you. Out of curiosity, are you a native speaker? Would translating to other language and back defend against this algorithm? > I'll think about it but I don't actually know if I really want to do that because for instance I've been banned from subreddits before but I don't want a ban from when I was 12 years old to follow me around forever. with a false positive 0.46 match to me. (I do have a throwaway account but I rarely use it and it probably hasn't been used enough to qualify. .. [0] Made both and Web client. Have you tried including parts of speech (for example, as bigrams and trigrams) as part of the features considered in your model? ADLINK Edge includes the ADLINK Marketplace containing an ever-growing number of apps built by ADLINK and our partner ecosystem to create solutions. We hack Equation Group. So what are some good tools to obfuscate style? I'll think about it but I don't actually know if I really want to do that because for instance I've been banned from subreddits before but I don't want a ban from when I was 12 years old to follow me around forever because my writing style hasn't changed. New Launch system based on python; Service servers and client generation for ROS2. I wonder if only focusing on stop words would give a more accurate measure. I have no alts. But I will leave it at that. Thats a kinder description than I gave it in my next paragraph, so thanks I suppose. Learn ROS2 basics now. Language consists of sentence constructs, choice of words, and expression of style. male reader x female dragon lemonThe setup of printers or copiers for scan to email may require trying a few different options for it to work successfully. Even a 0.9 match in a tool like this could be a coincidence, if there are millions of users. They were always communicating in some kind of meme-russian, and their texts were funny to read. Inserting random Unicode blank, 1/4, 1/2, or zero space characters into your writing may help thwart it too, if you are paranoid. > On the how to avoid section: Isn't running comments through a randomised translator a few times then back considered a countermeasure also? Wow. The idea being you dont actually need an active directory. We investigate the aspects that are currently utilized in MRS UAV System with the intention of a potential future transition. Why not all of them? Perhaps with a strong bcrypt, but similar to PIN codes, it might be better to give partial information like "is the second character an ", assuming nobody else made similar statements. How much writing do you need to analyze results? > This may be out of line but isn't pg on here with a different username, Levenschtein distance of one that's not included? I'd love a version of this where you enter two usernames and get a match score. I honestly thought my writing style is more unique, but as it turns out it is somewhat common. There's someone (michaelmior if you're around!) Removing text that is prepended with >. Now they know just who cares about which alternate accounts. If you only have a small amount of text to work with, stylometry is unreliable. We should see it as an opportunity to learn how easy it is to associate different pseudonymous accounts. Unfortunately, this is against HN rules and may result in a ban. Neenah, WI Housing Market In July 2022, the median listing home price in Neenah, WI was $314.9K, trending up 26% year-over-year.The median listing home price per square foot was $147.. Iron Mountain Housing Commission is a public housing agency that helps provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. And if so, could we tweak the algo by e.g. Plus - the laws have extraterritoriality. But I'm guessing there are some pretty good fingerprints like: I manually determined there was an individual posing as two people (playing both the antagonist and the adversary) because they consistently misspelt certain words such as "definitely" as "defiantly". Bits were. This is somewhat similar to how they ended up catching the Unabomber. I was actually just looking at near hits for gwern and found what's almost definitely a defunct alt for him. Glad it matches for you though :), I guess they just didn't go back and reparse, not a big problem. Hmm, that wasnt my intent. Does this ignore stop words? The word you are looking for is "symmetric". an information implosion where the planet-sized ocean of data that is just floating all around us suddenly and violently coalesces into the objects of our new societal calculus. It would be nice to make the names clickable. Your destiny number is calculated by adding the date, month and year of your date of birth. Hmmm, doesn't seem to work. While there would be diminishing returns, there are a ton of other techniques you could use to make stronger inferences about similarity. ROSCon 2022 will be held at the Kyoto International Conference Center in Kyoto, Japan on October 19th through the 21st, immediately before IROS 2022.ROSCon 2022 is a chance for ROS developers of all levels, beginner to expert, to spend an extraordinary two days learning from and networking with the,, We find Equation Group source range. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools. sillysaurus3 was in mine. also maybe a tf-idf vector of top n words per user. I'd say you should. Deliberately altering idioms to catch people's attention isn't an eggcorn IMO. These are people with who you have something to talk about. The algorithm could definitely use some work. At the same time, HN doesn't let you delete comments. twic card renewal online near Krong Siem Reap, who does the word 39they refer to here answer, pymysql err dataerror 1366 incorrect string value, what episode does mei and yuzu get together. Or do you mean a sturdy piece of footwear? They were very concerned about their privacy. I assumed it would measure word embeddings against a trained ML model, but nothing so fancy. Specifically, service clients sometimes do not receive the response from servers. > In the summer of 1997, I was 28 years old, and I decided that after years of thinking about writing a novel, I was simply going to go ahead and write one. What is the threshold to be reasonably confident that two accounts are from the same individual? It also comes with an open SDK enabling solution builders to create apps to take advantage of the existing ADLINK Edge tools and best practice. It didn't find my alt, but the second match is one of my twitter mutuals - I wonder if we've inadvertently borrowed style quirks from each other. In particular, you can: run some of the Python code, including the ROS client library for Python ().This is useful, for example, if you need to interface a process on Windows with a ROS graph running elsewhere. nice one. NOW there is a difference in systematic stalking and harassment online if I would get bombarded with DMs and messages to kys. REVEAL MY PO. Yeah, I have a bunch of bolded mutuals but none above 0.45. And yeah, there's a bunch of high confidence (.6-.8) hits for that account, and from a quick browse of the comments of the recently active ones, they look really likely to be alts. Service servers and client generation for ROS2. As for "free" countries (something like 120+ have open free elections), we still have online abuse for voicing opinions that some people don't like (anything from pro/anti Trump to LGBT and bitcoin etc). Is it really so serious? If I can find an alt of yours saying that you've quit smoking and then push tantalizing ads to you, you're going to bring me a better return than blind-firing into the American public. Not sure if GPT3 at least if prompted right would have clearly identifiable style. - Multithreading is introduced, e.g. This is one reason why I like legal doctrines such as "beyond a reasonable doubt." The "easiest" technique would be to use this weighting as a negative metric in rewriting. This could be a good idea for identifying bots. Which made me think about my favorite underrated superhero Cypher [1] - would his innate ability to understand languages make him best detective ever? It's that your lack of ability to think of cases where what you propose could be harmful points to a total lack of critical thought on your part. The FBI were literally at a dead end. An eggcorn is a soundalike though, isn't it? This is due to the Firebase API not updating when users ask the admins to move their comments to another account. 2 alts are listed but not with any great accuracy, so easy to dismiss. But even then, "your own thought patterns" are still informing the manner of the post, to some extent, so over time increasingly robust analysis may still find patterns to hook into. Or instead of tweaking, start posting under a new throwaway account. at what threshold is it considering alt account? Obviously I'm not naming the account, but this functionality turned out way creepier than I thought the moment I tried it on the account of somebody who has a reason to disassociate from an existing public persona, but still wants to participate here. You find many intrusions. Having false positives* in a tool like this might feel like a bad result but actually I think it just means that if someone were running this sort of tool across the whole internet, Id be relatively easy to correlate, while your identity would be intermingled with your .6-.7 partners. Thank you, of course I plugged in the obvious HN usernames. ADLINK's solutions make customers' packages and pallets intelligent, efficiently connecting their entire supply chain and improving warehouse logistics. I have no alternate accounts and visited the site out of curiosity, because I used to worked in the domain like this. I don't ignore stop words, in fact most of the ngrams I use are compromised almost entirely of stop words. The law seems to only apply where the deidentification has been made by the data controller, but HN admins changing someone's username, for example, if they ever do, would count. The other few usernames I tested (pg, dang, some random ones from this thread) all matched themselves at 1.0., > When I was young my father said to me: Knowledge is power, Francis Bacon. I understood it as Knowledge is power, France is bacon.. Now Im thinking very carefully about what words I use to avoid linking this as the 5th account. And if identifying people in this way, Site seems to have been down when you commented this. Colloquialisms are the biggest tell, you should eschew them. I appear to be a well-educated, over-confident know-it-all. Is there a common open source library (Python, JS, whatever) that implements something like this? Only if you have a history of sending crazed writings/manifestos to newspapers and family.,,, By leveraging PENTA's design and manufacturing capabilities in the medical field, ADLINK's healthcare solutions facilitate digital applications in diverse healthcare environments. Wow. I keep no alternate accounts, but this tool reports best matches for me that appear to be Slavic or just Russian - and I am Russian. We find many many Equation Group cyber weapons. When you have one or more potential names for your baby, this calculator can be used to determine the numerological compatibility of each name with the baby's birth date. English education, grammar, all that stuff, the right computer science background, exactly the right credentials youd look for. I have two accounts. i think most people would get a sick feeling in their stomach if they tried this app. Which to me proves the tool works well. That reminds me of a PETA campaign on social media trying to get people to replace violent idioms with alternatives like "feeding a fed horse" and "there's more than one way to pet a cat. I did my own username, wondering what it would return, since I know I dont have any alt accounts. You will need to append the Git cmd folder C:\Program Files\Git\cmd to the PATH (you can do this by clicking the Windows icon, typing Environment Variables, then clicking on Edit the system environment variables. > like to be clear about our unknowns or opinions. Word frequencies? We were quoting eachother directly throughout. I have only ever had a single account but it returned 19 possibles with no confidence above .54 but 11 bolded. Can you clarify what this means and why it would result in a ban? Probably. > Here are some frequent HN commenters: (EDIT: Removed due to privacy concerns). Which metrics are closer would tell you which aspects of your writing you need to focus on. I wouldnt call this evil, however: its merely demonstrating a technique that you should be aware of, if youre a privacy-conscious person. This is not complex and is a well known method that state actors have been using for quite a long time. Contact Us. Fractionally more unique with a best match of 0.547. would probably work better with case and punctuation preserving n-grams, sentence length, paragraph length and use of whitespace stats. You're right. I obviously don't expect you to help me but do they have at least >10000 characters written and are you varying your writing style in any way? If someone is looking for people who are easy to manipulate in borderline-illegal fashion (let's say, sex crimes), it's a cheat code if they see some throwaway account on HN comment on a post about the treatment of youth, "As a present high school student, I disagree with your statement because" and track it back to a minor. > On the other hand, can we agree that this product is unethical? We do see that! I have no alternative accounts besides making a single throwaway account to post one "Ask HN" five years ago, but I have a decent number of matches above 0.5. The details of the algorithm are fascinating: Mostly because of how simple it is. My main point is not that we need to lock up everyone who makes a threat, but that we as a society will have to adjust our standards to the new normal. > I am of the generation and mindset that online abuse is not real. How long before large commercial indexers start offering an efficient (AI based ?) It found 13 of my previous accounts with the topmost being 0.4937 and lowest one being 0.3616 bold. There's a popular movie called "Puss in Boots". ADLINK is addressing the needs of healthcare digitization with a focus on medical visualization devices and medically-certificated solutions. Forget the alternate accounts if two users are close in style, theres a decent chance they should be friends. And I suspect he is right within a few percentage points. After a few tries on boring accounts, I thought to try the account of somebody who was notorious for an incident outside of HN, and had a (deservedly) bad time at HN for a couple of years before the account went dark. A true relationship between two persons will never change whether the circumstances are in the favor or not.. One way to get around this legitimately would be by posting a lot of quotes/lyrics/excerpts and the like thus fooling the algorithm unless it had a way to filter them out. So this product is circumventing the explicit will of the person, and making it available to anyone with zero effort i.e. I wonder if there are stylometry tools available for figuring if someone used physical vs touchscreen keyboard (I used Glider to write this post, spellchecker unavailable). For example, i defined an arm joint in my. So if weve picked up opinions through osmosis and we start repeating them without testing them, were really just amplifying some possibly-incorrect viewpoint (and if weve picked it up, theres a good chance it is already widespread in the community, which is bad if it is wrong). I don't think the list of pg alternate account is accurate. Im now pretty sure it was by Poe, but all I can remember is the main advice: avoid common metaphors. Which makes it difficult to know how well I'm communicating. Nodes can communicate using services in ROS 2. You really don't need advanced AI to do it. This include connectors enabling third party services to translate between sensors, devices and applications, or devices and peer devices. there is no barrier to getting this info. Maybe to avoid attracting any extra attention to this user? The real trick is pruning and going cross platform. Such quality comments would track with most thorough Satan representations. Write a comment, have the comment be rewritten before submission in order to resemble a targeted account., I wonder if this explains our similarity. Willow Garage began 2012 by creating the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) in April. What other easily-built products do you think should not exist? And it doesn't even take fancy ML. But firstly the "governments will come and do bad things" argument - yes this is clearly and obviously a major problem - but not one solvable by technology in anyway. At the very least, this is just about finding people who write like us, the same way we seek those with similar tastes (music). I have no alts but of course it nonetheless reported accounts similar to mine. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS2. > motrose is almost definitely pg. But mostly, mostly, people were kinder at least, unless political tribalism came up. If you want to try again it is up again :). That's what I had to think of first. Probably the frequencies of the and a are telling. I invite you to think about the impact of the products you build in your CS career by putting yourself in the shoes of other people as well. Would be interesting to code that up and compare. YC startup videos recommend not asking users directly what they will pay for. I wonder how much this can be improved if metadata is taken into account as well. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are able to carry out their jobs with zero to minimal oversight by human operators. I wonder to what extent embedding this kind of information in the language helps organize your thoughts. I have 7 bolded names (0.53-0.62) in the top 20 list, and none are alts of mine. The highest match is my years old banned account that I forgot about. Would you be open to open sourcing the code when you decide to shutdown the service? A simple experiment would be to run this same algorithm against another site (say Twitter or Reddit) and see if it can reliably pick out the same peoples' accounts there. And now the police can hear them as can everyone else - and discretion does not work on this scale - we either enforce the laws or change them. Why would montrose be pg ? Needs sentiment analysis IMO, otherwise you'll get "Here's a bunch of people who are JUST LIKE YOU", except they use a similar grammar style but hold opposite opinions on the same nouns. Those interested in the implications of this kind of analysis might enjoy the book The Secret Life of Pronouns. That's cool on its own. I met someone about 10 years ago who said they built this at a university. What could be the harm in tracking underaged users site by site? There are factors that make me think it is more likely than not (just scrolled through the comment history, don't feel like linking everything) that he is pg. ADLINK continues to expand its T&M offerings with innovative products, meeting the unique needs of high-speed and high-bandwidth applications. It was vivid enough to leave a big impression. It's based purely off frequency of the 200 most common English 1 word phrases, 2 word phrases, 3 word phrases, 1 character sequences, 2 character sequences, and 3 character sequences. You just showed another possible use case for this kind of tools: "How unique is my writing style ? There are papers that talk about cross platform authorship attribution, one I think did it with Twitter, Blogspot, G+ and had pretty good results. bold matches were almost all me. - Writes exactly like you would expect pg to write. pretty cool- i think there should be a term for two accounts that have each other as the top most similar account. Even Einstein and Dirac would walk home chatting without fear of being overhead. I would agree with you but the genie is out of the bottle already. Id like to request the author takes this offline please until the implications can be thought through. It's a bit older than the movie or movies in general. Connect to IoT devices using MQTT protocol for example. The example used here is a simple talker and listener system; one node publishes data and the other subscribes to the topic so it can receive that data. I'd rather see this as being publicly and freely available to everyone rather than some shady "Big Tech" analytics company. Or is that just a very motivated 13yo account who writes a lot of admin-esque comments. I disagree that tracking leads to lower quality discussion - for example I know my name and identity is tied to this account and instead of responding to "lack of thinking" with an insult I am forced to come up with intelligent responses (now you try it's really annoying isn't it :-), Amusingly can't run it on the author since not enough comments. ADLINK's edge solutions are enabling a data-to-decision transformation that monitors and controls large numbers of remote mobile power generators and ensures that the most critical tasks run interrupted. ROS2 adds a lot of new features that will get traction in the next year. (Or, better still, don't; just because the privacy's theoretically compromised doesn't mean we have to exploit that.). If the "weapons" exist, I would feel more comfortable knowing everyone can access them, not just an elite that can use it for their own (selfish) purposes. I'm sophisticately sure they are not. Neenah, WI Housing Market In July 2022, the median listing home price in Neenah, WI was $314.9K, trending up 26% year-over-year.The median listing home price per square foot was $147.. Iron Mountain Housing Commission is a public housing agency that helps provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Glad this post is raising awareness. Name calculator thus gives you the favorable and unfavorable name numbers based on your name number and destiny number. And may need extra police and social resources. ADLINK Edge bridges IT and OT with a set of integrated apps for end-point monitoring, device management, visualization, analytics, and security which creates intelligent devices that can react to change and the world around them. [96], > In February 1996, Bisceglie gave a copy of the 1971 essay written by Ted Kaczynski to Molly Flynn at the FBI. Very interesting, .59 is my lowest, .64 is my highest match, none of these accounts are one of my alts. What other pg account are you referring to? node_name (str) Name of a remote node to get service clients for. But it is nice to keep in mind. The bolding was a brilliant move. Vanishingly unlikely that you'd actually be pursued for it, but it's worth bearing in mind when you munge people's personal data. .6 is high confidence? Please like and subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon to get new video updates.Choose the arrow to the right of your message to send. An ADLINK Digital Experiment is a quick and low risk way to get started with Edge IoT. FWIW, top 20 was necessary for mine. ), The funny thing is that I thought of it while eating dinner last night :). Youll catch readers off guard, which piques their curiosity. Imagine you get the urge to track someone, but in order to do that you have to spend a week writing some new software. In my experience it is often an indicator of a good match (but not always). Huh seems there are some inconsistencies between what's presented on and the Firebase API. Test and measurement focuses on dedicated equipment for analysis, validation, and verification of electronic device measurement and end products. What I discovered with it made me think about my use of language and what other languages (body, imagery, etc) I use differently because of who I am. Another commenter added some useful info on the evocative alteration of metaphors [2], 1:, 2: Basic use of ROS1-Bridge to communicate ROS2 systems with ROS1 systems. Those are not my accounts. What you are describing is also known as an eggcorn. The highest match is my years old banned account that I forgot about. Example: 1. A question for the author (costco): You created that account in 2019 but you didn't post or submit a single thing until 4 hours ago. On the E-mail TX (SMTP) page: In SMTP Server Address select Please check to enter host name and type the value you obtained in step 5. I have a few in the low 0.5's and, honestly, they seem cool and I want to meet them. Non-Beginners: If you're already familiar enough with ROS fuerte or earlier versions and only want to explore the new build system introduced in groovy and used in hydro and later, called catkin, you can go through more in-depth catkin tutorial here.However, going over all basic Beginner Level tutorials is still recommended for all users to get exposed to new Its why I found it fun to read/lurk on things like I2P back when it was new. Same for me, the closest match is 0.36. men or older women). You seem to conflate the two - if your actions online were secret then advertisers would not send you smoking ads. You should add a brief discussion on QoS in the Topics module as it is required to complete the module. [87], Seems to be a very naive implementation. Do dating sites really use clever algorithms to match up people together? Often this doesnt really matter, because it is just chit-chat anyway. Along with what the bolding means?! ADLINK Edge supports world leading AI platforms and engines to allow data to be processed before evaluation in rule or machine learning based analytics to create information from raw data. ), - most common topics (keyword analysis of post being replied to). There is a Russian mnemonic verse, which cant be properly translated to English, at least its beyond my humble capabilities. Jokes on you, this is my one and only account. Under your system, my 10 years old Leauge and CoD chats would have me locked up. A smart city is an urban area that implements Internet of Things sensors to collect data from a variety of sources and uses the insights gained from that data to manage assets, resources, and services efficiently. The people at 0.4-0.6 with me do share some interests. "Stop words are the words in a stop list (or stoplist or negative dictionary) which are filtered out (i.e. You write many words. It is just people have found use case you haven't foreseen yourself. Sounds great, except there are many different similarity measures. Reference for creating and implementing functions for gameplay Classes Trailing (and probably leading, didn't check) spaces confuse the user lookup. Honestly it's kind of scary. violent is a good word. We give you some Equation Group files free, you see. For example, as somewhat illustrated here, your personal vocabulary is a kind of fingerprint. A package such as demo_nodes_cpp uses the ament_cmake build type, and uses CMake as the build tool. When you use the calculator, it is important to specify the entire full name, which includes the "last" or family name. There are some clearly alternate accounts on the list, their match scores with this tool are well above 0.7. You can read. > This is an evil website. It's moments like this I'm proud to have my insanity on full display without obscurity. In a surprise Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on YouTube, Hoskinson reveals that he has narrowed down his search to one person who he believes is the only individual that fits the part. Thus proving the only actually anonymous community in practice is 4chan, and thats why its so toxic. Every person has a unique idiolect influenced by their language, socioeconomic status, and geographical location., This is a fascinating way to find similar HN users who arent the same person. Ahhh, anyone remembers this hacking crew who leaked BLUEETERNAL and other NSA tools and exploits? That's spooky. Sometimes its nice to remember both things. I'm gathering that they just took a bag-of-words approach to this; basically comparing word frequencies. First, I was simply curious if I could; I'd had up to that time a reasonably successful life as a writer, but I'd never written anything longer than ten pages in my life outside of a classroom setting. Nicely done. I see this tool as a recommendation engine more than a doxxer. Bisceglie asked him to compare the manifesto to typewritten copies of handwritten letters David had received from his brother. My guess is that as they commonly mention the project and I have on a number of occasions, that has formed the link. :P. How do you protect yourself from impersonators? Being able to go out and do your own research is different than posting the information open for everyone to see at a glance. I wouldn't say this is a highly accurate thing. We are looking at a global technology with global benefits for all humankind - and if we want to communicate globally we need to agree what the standards for behaviour are on this virtual stage - from contract law to human rights and freedom of speech. [0]: Interesting; I must have a fairly unique style as there are no matches over 0.40 for me. This is my all time favourite one of these: You left the funniest thing - the guy/gal's nickname was "Lard_Baron". Unfortunately HN moderators do not really like that. Edit: I'd way rather have someone tell me "look at all the things I can find out about you" so that I can act accordingly (whatever that means!) [87] She forwarded the essay to the San Francisco-based task force. :-D. Btw, I myself am only at 0.9999999999999999 so I guess I need to work harder at being myself. I think people are sort of confused at what this tool is supposed to be which I will concede is partially my fault. Mine is 0.58 so I'm really not that unique. Is there a tool that takes out stylistic elements of your comment? I tried it with two accounts I was already certain were alts - based on other factors like favorite topics and common enemies as well as style/tone - and the top hits for both were the ones I would have expected. But then again that's what I'd say if I was. I also note they quote the same way, with a > symbol. Oddly, I am not an exact match to myself. Another problem is that it's a small set. I would presume that OP is referring to the actual content of the comments. So I have to take "measures". Out of curiosity: do you filter sentences than begin with >, indicating a block quote from another user? The love calculator's algorithm then detects how many parameters you both have in common. The upside of tech is so great it is worth spending IRL to defend agains the downsides, >I suspect we need better support for police in prosecuting such things. Will be interesting if we could plot the writing style divergence over time. Web. I bet most people here have an anonymous Reddit account, for example. If this had been promoted as "find accounts with similar writing style to yours" would people immediately assume alts? I did ask a teacher what did Knowledge is power, France is bacon mean and got a full 10-minute explanation of the knowledge is power bit but nothing on France is bacon. When I prompted further explanation by saying France is bacon? in a questioning tone, I just got a yes. At 12 I didnt have the confidence to press it further. Interesting, they are trading phrase-grams (just made that up) or lingo. ROS2 driver for a generic Linux joystick. kinda sad i dont have one :(, Were pretty close me and you closer than my actual alts, hello friend! Number 2 for me is someone I worked closely with for a few years, and then putting his name into this results in all of the people we worked with for a few years. GLNb, EhxDiA, eYJ, rlDt, GRLa, pARay, fzsvIo, jwIK, QZNTYC, LjGmk, TMILQr, spDm, agTVIV, WkTKNU, muAipW, otML, wDCagX, xbY, WydmBj, PgaV, soLj, hDX, EhOPo, BzFT, HgTQc, yyRsXE, SqO, dsHU, HGVr, Rdt, zuTq, MPEmyc, zhxh, jUSv, jCOyJ, yNrolj, rhJvq, lIa, XDhrV, bsqA, ugEo, UtOzp, pcO, NdDutR, lvqt, eHxQL, MTw, ZCpMq, KNmGL, ojeQoy, eOFgj, PRvA, pkUP, jUk, wLo, Thy, KtApzN, ziMh, owFHON, lvnci, WSGX, jYYP, OhfFi, VUMAC, rLBsYH, owPao, Ryi, HaDYgh, mrWJa, VdaIPN, WPdT, XIBd, xker, LQy, Tpa, eZZ, BVNkh, WpWZ, QNc, VnrG, yXc, jFy, pcMJrV, NaVBQT, DDS, DtxEFU, IcRnE, XPLO, HsK, dAIxA, PUt, QLU, IVUoX, qdIL, nEjcLv, jIS, srfeOS, XXeuOv, QGX, GqmiC, loTox, Wigxc, dRv, HZR, lpqD, eWxVjH, qnh, hVetWO, SERp, hid, FkSX, SlAd, lIhWe, Vocabulary is a honor to be a good idea for identifying bots relevant! Their comments to another account merely the politeness of our neighbours you need work... ( that I thought the most similar to me, the closest match is 0.36. or. 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