washing clothes 3 times in islam

Those who say that Christians and Muslims worship the same God are incorrect. For the wealthy and powerful, bronze vessels, oracle bones, and human or animal sacrifices often accompanied the deceased into the grave. Batik is an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth. Most menstrual cups are now manufactured from medical grade silicone because of its durability and hypoallergenic properties, though there are also brands made of TPE (thermoplastic elastomer). However, the inconsistencies in his police statements and court testimonies, as well as his difficulty in recalling some of the events were impeached and pointed out by Micheal's lawyer Ramesh Tiwary as alleged lies to the court. The fragments are small enough that some scholars are skeptical. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. In a statement, according to The Straits Times (Singapore's national daily newspaper), the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said Micheal was accorded full due process under the law, and was represented by legal counsel throughout the process. Box 96, Upper Darby, PA 19082 or http://awm.gospelcom.net/splash/index.php. The Quran and hadiths teach that it is morally acceptable to force women to have sex with their captors (Suras 4:24, 70:29-30; also Bukhari 8.77.600; 9.93.506; also Muslim Hadiths numbers 8:3371 and 8:3433). Take the time to look at this latter link. Christians also acknowledge that the Bible of today, while extremely faithful to the original texts, is subject to slight variances. This supports the notion that the concept of Allah has its roots in pagan gods. A 2011 randomized controlled trial in Canada investigated whether silicone menstrual cups are a viable alternative to tampons and found that approximately 91% of women in the menstrual cup group said they would continue to use the cup and recommend it to others. The First Epistle to the Corinthians contains the He only left Singapore in 2014 to get married back in India. The God of the Bible is not arbitrary, but rather is perfect in his justice. Therefore, two organizations have issued a combined statement that urged further research. These things are an integral part of modern Islam. He never told us to kill anyone, and he disdained violence. We quote here a statement in the book From Jihad to Jesus by Jerry Rassamni, who presents material from Arthur Jeffrey found in The Origins of the Quran by Ibn Arraq: "However, if verses were dropped out of the Qur'an, it's also true that other verses were added, for the earliest Muslim commentators (e.g., Abu Bakr al Asamm, AH 313 or AD 925) openly attacked the Fatiha [Sura 1] as uncanonical. Bukhari also records that Muhammad allowed some variation regarding the recitation of the Quran (Bukhari 3:593, 601, 4:442, 6:514, and 9:640). Although there were five victims, subsequent reports and published court documents related to the fifth victim's murder would only include the later four robberies as the main Kallang case while omitting the case of the first victim as the first victim's case was not directly related to the other four robberies committed at Kallang. Receive your papers on time. The episode is currently available on meWATCH, with both Tamil and English subtitles. According to the program, Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education textbooks contained, as of the year 2000, a most disturbing teaching. This is adequately documentedsee New Trends in Arabic Anti-Semitism and Anti-semitism. For example, Christianity teaches that God is a Trinityone God revealed in three persons (or manifestations). Those who persisted in using variant texts of the Qur'an, such as Ibn Miqsam (AH 362 or AD 972) and Ibn Shanabudh, were severely punished in order to bring an end to variant readings. Tony first kicked Ang. The lawyer also said that after his conviction and sentencing, Hairee accepted his punishment for what he had done, possibly indicating some remorse felt on Hairee's part. The Quran itself says that if a book is found to have discrepancies, it could not be from God (Sura 4:82). A bad qi flow could result in a disgruntled spirit who could possibly haunt their descendants.[14][13]. During this period Muhammad seems to have been a well-meaning man who sought to oppose paganism and evil in his day. As noted on our home page, our organization is dedicated to exploring God through reason and evidence. See Tough Questions. We also have articles on our website that include discussions about the deity of Christ and about Jesus being God). Menstrual discs come in both disposable and reusable varieties. If you are in this camp, you may be wasting your timeeven made uncomfortableby reading this article. ", McClintock and Strong's Encyclopedia states, "The matter of the Qur'an is exceedingly incoherent and sententious, the book evidently being without any logical order of thought as a whole or in its parts. Therefore, it is appropriate to submit the Bible to rigorous scholarly testing. There is a significant difference between the founders of the two religions. God cannot just wink at sin. For example, in 4:34 some use the term "superior," while others say that men are "maintainers" or "guardians" of women.) Price $42, including shipping. Sproul, R. C., The Dark Side of Islam. Description. The four people charged with gang robbery were the ones involved only in the first victim's case but not in the Kallang case. One is a religion of hate, the other of love. If a user needs to track the amount of menses produced (e.g., for medical reasons), a menstrual cup allows one to do so accurately. The historical evidence is vast for biblical scholars as well as opponnents of Christianity to investigate. A 2011 randomized controlled trial in Canada investigated whether silicone menstrual cups are a viable alternative to tampons and found that approximately 91% of women in the menstrual cup group said they would continue to use the cup and recommend it to others. But one difference is the Old Testament dietary laws have not been found to have any scientific errors. [12] After six months, menstrual cup users were free from embarrassing leakage or odor, and could engage in class activities and sport without humiliation or being teased. Again, this analysis is obviously wrong scientifically. In the clemency petition, Michael's parents wrote that, "We humbly ask the president of Singapore for mercy and compassion to spare the life of our son Michael. Fundamentalist Christians and fundamentalist Muslims both consider such things as pornography and licentious living as pollutants to society. [10][27] The probable reason for this is that menstrual cups are not absorbent, do not irritate the vaginal mucosal tissue, and so do not change the vaginal flora in any measurable amount. Note: English translations vary considerably here. Tiwary also insisted that his client did not wield the parang alone and it was Tony who inflict the fatal injuries, and Micheal only caused hurt to the victim twice with the parang. According to Robert Spencer (in his book Did Muhammad Exist), "There are reasons to believe that the Qur'an took its present shape not in the seventh century but later or even much later. Federal hate crime statistics. [7] The defense counsel for the two men sought to object to the prosecution's evidence regarding the first robberies they committed before that of Shanmuganathan, arguing over the pre-judicial effect it might have on their clients' cases. While there is indeed violence in the Bible, one thing is certainJesus had a non-violent message. The families and friends of Micheal Garing and Tony Imba were present in the courtroom when the sentence was passed. Eventually, the murder charge against Donny Meluda, who is now also addressed as Abdul Rahman based on his Muslim name and alias, was reduced to armed robbery with hurt. See Suras 2:190-193, 2:216, 2:244, 3:56, 3:142, 3:151, 4:56, 4:74 (beheading), 4:76, 4:84, 4:89, 4:91, 4:95, 4:104, 5:51, 5:32-38, 7:96-99, 8:12-15 (beheading, terrorism), 8:39, 8:57-60 (terrorism), 8:65-67, 9:5, 9:14, 9:20-30, 9:38-41, 9:73, 9:88, 9:111, 9:123, 17:16, 18:65-81, 21:44, 22:18-22, 25:52, 33:60-62, 47:3-4 (beheading), 47:35, 48:16-17, 48:29, 61:4, and 66:8-12. But the unjust deny the communication of Allah (Surah 6:33). For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only sonthat whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Any Deadline - Any Subject. Jesus' miracles are even confirmed in the Quran (Sura 5:110-113). There is no evidence that any important doctrine of either Christianity or Islam has been altered from the originals. Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies. Accepting the Christian view of God is the only unpardonable sin in Islam, and condemns one to hell. Interestingly, thereare apparently disagreements betweenShiite Muslims and Sunni Muslims, as this Google search shows:QuranicDisagreements. What wonderful good news! It might help to use the following table. Feminine hygiene products that need to be inserted into the vagina can be unacceptable for cultural reasons. [43] Leona Chalmers patented the first usable commercial cup in 1937. There is a quite a bit of other material in the hadiths that falls in the category of just plain interesting. But the more a society has used the Bible as a source of law, the more freedom the society has demonstrated. [4] As the "bedrock faith of the Chinese", traditional patriarchal religion influences the religious psychology of all Chinese and has influenced the other religions of China,[5] as it is evident in the worship of founders of temples and schools of thought in Taoism and Chinese Buddhism. Another example of the violence in Islam is the way it deals with a thief. In some belief systems where special powers are ascribed to the deceased, he may supplicate the spirit to bless the family. Certain sins of his are mentioned in Bukhari 1:234 and 8:794-796, which include cutting off people's limbs, burning out their eyes, and making them die of thirst. The property had many unusual features that made CIA analysts take note. Islam is more than a religion; it is an ideology with a clear sociopolitical agenda. In general, if your good works are adequate, you get to heaven (Sura 23:103). God alone can know the heart of each individual. We agree that his ultimate justice is dispensed via life after death in heaven and hell. In a 1991 clinical study involving 51 women, 23 of the participants (45%) found rubber menstrual cups to be an If Jesus is truly who he claimed to be, we are under judgment. We invite you to do so. $3.99 Outline. Peter Usit Musa, Landa Surai, and Slyvester Beragok were brought to trial for the gang robbery of Wang Jiu Sheng. The term fundamentalist has come to be a pejorative term. Some background for our non-Muslim readers might be helpful. Micheal was represented by lawyers Ramesh Tiwary and Josephus Tan, while Tony was represented by lawyers B. J. This agrees with the desultory and incidental manner in which it is said to have been delivered. Abdul Saleeb, who converted to Christianity from Islam, says the two primary things that convinced him that Jesus is more than just a prophet were first, the character of Jesus, and second, Jesus' amazing fulfillment of prophecy. A child's traits are not determined in this way. For the third victim Ang Jun Heng, who also goes by the name Jairus Ang, he managed to recover from his injuries after spending six weeks in hospital and three operations (one of them lasted 27 hours). Jesus' testimony is an important substantiation that the Old Testament was consistently preserved up to his time. Muslims, as well as others, who have not studied the evidence for the deity of Christ find it understandably hard to accept Jesus as both 100% man and 100% God. The God of the Bible goes out of his way to find a single lost sheep (Matthew 18:10-14). Most sizes have a larger capacity than a regular tampon, which is 1012 ml. Elizabeth Gunther Stewart, Paula Spencer: CARE International and WoMena Uganda., 2018. As expressed by Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship ministries, "The Islamic worldview denies the sinfulness of man, which gives rise to utopian visions: If man is corrupted by society, then those who come to power can create the perfect society by strictly enforcing Islamic law.". Of note, a Sura conveniently appeared to give Muhammad an exception to the 4-wife rule (Sura 33:50). ), According to Jihad Watch, "The Quran's commandments to Muslims to wage war in the name of Allah against non-Muslims are unmistakable. For more on this topic, see the final section of the Geisler/Saleeb book list at the bottom of this article. In Dar al-Harb, anything goes, including the treachery and cowardice of attacking civilians. Contrary to several passages in the Quran, Christians do not hold to three Gods! We are all guilty all the time! However, due to the capture of the final culprit and fugitive Donny Meluda on 14 January 2017, the date of the judgement was postponed to 27 February 2017.[30][31]. Since there are numerous extant New Testament manuscripts from hundreds of years before Muhammad which agree with the modern Bible, the Muslim charge that the modern Bible has been changed is a hollow claim. This relationship with Aisha could be the basis for charges of pedophilia in non-Muslim cultures. Absent any contrary evidence, the belief that the Old Testament has been reliably preserved is warranted. It was believed that because women did not pass down surnames because they were incapable of carrying down a bloodline. But they resided in a small annex, not in the main building. So 8.73.68 means Volume 8, Book 73, Hadith 68. But they also never found evidence that undercut the notion that he was living there, Bergen writes. In early March 2019, a death warrant was issued for Micheal, scheduling him to be hanged on the morning of Friday, 22 March 2019. [19] Early research in 1962 evaluated 50 women using a bell-shaped cup. The divorce was prompted by the prophet's admiration for Zainab's beauty. "Guilty!" Inv. Also, Muslims think that the Christian term "Son of God" means that God the Father had carnal sexual relations with Mary, producing Jesus. The prosecution argued for the death penalty for both men, arguing that both accused are ought to be held equally culpable for their part in the robbery and murder of Shanmuganathan Dillidurai, while the defense lawyers of the two men argued that the death penalty was inappropriate in their clients' cases, and gave their respective reasons. One is a religion of bondage, the other of freedom. [32][33][34], On 14 January 2017, nearly seven years after the Kallang slashings, the final culprit, and fugitive Donny Meluda was finally caught by the Malaysian police as he arrived at Sibu Airport on a flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. "Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him." A Christian who harms an innocent person such as a non-Christian, etc., is acting contrary to the New Testament and Jesus' example. [49] Menstrual cups are regarded as a low-cost and environmentally friendly alternative to sanitary cloth, expensive disposable pads, or "nothing" the reality for many females in developing countries.[15]. Web$3.99 Outline. The coloring used is reported to be safe and approved by the FDA for medical use and food coloring. Rather, there are three aspects to God's natureFather, Son, and Holy Spirit. Campbell, Dr. William, The Qur'an and the Bible in the Light of History and Science, Arab World Ministries, 2002. Ruby Cups: Girls in Imvepi Refugee Settlement Taking Control. Believers in the historic orthodox Christian faith believe that the Bible is "inspired" by God, and believe that the original manuscripts of the Bible are without error ("inerrant" or "infallible.") Sadly, Islam has a dark side, and there is no way to explain it away by appealing to context. Here is an article that goes into more depth comparing the violence of the Bible and the Quran: Religious Violence. We cover any subject you have. The history of the Quran is most interesting. Come and kill him.' It is the world's largest and most widespread religion with roughly 2.38 billion followers representing one-third of the global population. Further, it may surprise some Muslims that none of the original Uthman copiesare in existence today. Thus, the Bible (Old and New Testaments) being read during Muhammad's time and hundreds of years prior is the same Bible we have today. The question we ask our Muslim readers is this. On 20 January 2017, two days after arriving in Singapore, 25-year-old Donny was charged with murder. Upon death, hun and po separate. Here is a marvelous history of Islamic Jihad. to settle the matter of his prophethood (Sura 6:8-9). Specifically, it presents instructions on quarantine and washing in relation to leprosy and venereal disease. He arranged for his adopted son Zaid to divorce Zainab so he could marry her. In 1947 there was a discovery of ancient biblical and non-biblical manuscripts now known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. For example, to "fight" really means to kill in Arabic.) In the robberies, there were a total of five victims the first four victims were seriously injured and hospitalised while a fifth victim was killed. Further, the New Testament specifically overrides those cultural practices as no longer being appropriate (Matthew 15:11, 17-18; Mark 7:14-15; Acts 10:9-15; Romans 14:17). JPMorgan Chase has reached a milestone five years in the making the bank says it is now routing all inquiries from third-party apps and services to access customer data through its secure application programming interface instead of allowing these services to collect data through screen scraping. Is this how husbands should think of their wives? It has been said that the closest comparison to it in Christianity is Christ himself. ", In addition to its theological implications, the variant views on the nature of man have significant sociopolitical implications. If the cervix sits particularly low or is tilted, a shorter cup may be more suitable. Also a book by John A. T. Robinson entitled Redating the New Testament.). It is generally believed that Muhammad was illiterate, which Muslims think is a testimony to the miracle of Quran. Surely they who disbelieve in the communications of Allah, they shall have a severe chastisement; and Allah is Mighty, the Lord of retribution (Sura 3:4). Justice Choo also rejected Tony's claims of his only intention was to rob the victims, pointing out his active involvement in the robberies had contradicted his oblivion of the seriousness of the assaults by Micheal with the parang, which he said in his own words while reading the verdict, "Having seen three victims lying in their own blood, it lies ill in his mouth to say at trial that he did not know that Shanmuganathan would be slashed. Ancestor veneration practices prevail in South China, where lineage bonds are stronger and the patrilineal hierarchy is not based upon seniority and access to corporate resources held by a lineage is based upon the equality of all the lines of descent;[6] whereas in North China worship of communal deities is prevalent. Jesus warned, "The time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God" (John 16:2-4). Who puts a privacy wall around a patio? then-CIA Director Leon Panetta asked his staffers. The modern Bible agrees with the earliest manuscripts, so we have an unbroken chain from very early in the Christian era. There is no such thing as separation of church and state in orthodox Islam. His body was found at 7:30 am (SGT). According to the prophet of Islam, "I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women." Ibrahim went to work, putting the $50,000 real-estate purchase in his own name and designing a home to his boss specifications. This means that when there is a contradiction in the Quran, the later verses cancel out, or at least modify, earlier verses. [8][9], Mou Zhongjian defines "clan-based traditional patriarchal religion" as "an orthodox religion that was widely accepted by all classes, and had been practiced for thousands of years in ancient China". Obama was convinced. And in heaven we will have resurrected perfect bodiesthe pain and tears will be gone (Revelation 21:4). When occasional attention is paid to 'elite religion', it is only to cosmology and its abstract philosophy, not to the inner spiritual life of Confucians engaged in self-cultivation. In the two religions, God is defined differently and has different and contradictory attributes. The Quran teaches that on the one hand "no change there can be in the Words of God" (Sura 10:64, also 6:34). Modern scholarship is bringing new light to the Quran. Arraq's bookreports many accounts of ancient Muslim scholars such as this one byAbu 'Ubaid al-Qasim b. Sallam (AH 154-244, that is about 200 years after Muhammad): Sallam was a scholar who studied under the famous masters of the Qufan and Basran schools, was renowned as a philologist, a jurist, and an authority on the Quranic sciences included in Kitab Fada'il-al-Qur'an. It may be difficult for companies to make profit from this product as one single menstrual cup can last a girl or woman five years or longer. Then the rocks and trees would call, 'Oh, Muslim. The third victim was 43-year-old Indian national Egan Karrupaiah. Do you really think that your Five Pillars will be sufficient before an all-powerful God to get you to heaven? Osama bin Laden in the now famous videotape discovered in Afghanistan in late 2001 is quoted as saying, "I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet Muhammad." Muslims claim that the literary style of the Quran is evidence for its divine inspiration. superseded, by the violent ones, because the violent ones were written later, after Muhammad's move to Medina (from Mecca). Wrong again. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. Sura 7:143 says that Moses was the first to believe. [8] Most are reusable, though there is at least one brand of disposable menstrual cups currently manufactured. While these words were spoken to his disciples, they have a powerful ring today. Well, here is how Islamic leaders from around the world interpret them: The tradition of violence in Islam, which started with Muhammad, continues to this day. God sent his only son Jesus to live the perfect life for us, and to suffer the punishment for man's sin. Another interesting aspect to the Quran is that there were verses in the original version of Muhammad's Quran that have been abrogated, that is, eliminated from the text. Instances such as this in the Bible are each a particular limited circumstance in time, for a particular purpose established by God. The four other people, who were not directly involved in the Kallang case, were only charged with gang robbery for their participation in the first robbery. The Iranian Shiite scholar Ali Dashti contends that the Quran contains numerous grammatical problems. The Quran says that the Bible was true at the time of Muhammad. In addition to the manuscript evidence itself, we have quotations from the New Testament from the early church fathers (from 97 AD to 325 AD). They often confiscate non-Muslim literature that uses the word "Allah." [32], Most menstrual cup brands sell a smaller and a larger size. Ancestors, their ghosts, or spirits, and gods are considered part of "this world". There is no evidence that Christians and Jews ever believed these things. And the Bible specifically condemns the slave trade (1 Timothy 1:9-11). At the time of Micheal and Tony's trial, the changes to the law took effect in 2013, which made the death penalty no longer mandatory for certain murder offenses which were committed with no intention to kill; for this, the judges are allowed to impose a discretionary sentence of life imprisonment with/without caning other than the death penalty to such offenders. The only apparent reason why Muslims claim that the Bible has changed is that there is so much contradiction versus the Quran. Shanmuganathan did not survive the attack and he died. It is common today to profess or practice a religion in ways that are not orthodox. (survived), Ang Jun Heng, Singaporean, full-time National Serviceman, 19 years old: robbed of his mobile phone and wallet, suffered a severed left hand and several laceration wounds, with one so deep that it almost cut his spinal cord. The fact that freedom of religion does not exist in Muslim countries is evidence supporting the view that Islam wants nothing short of domination through political control. Batik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting, or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap. Prayer was usually performed at the household altar in a separate room containing the po of their ancestors. The invisible inhabitants, according to the agents laundry calculations, had to include an adult man, several adult women, and at least nine children, a perfect fit for the polygamous patriarch they were seeking. [10] In a 1991 clinical study involving 51 women, 23 of the participants (45%) found rubber menstrual cups to be an acceptable way of managing menstrual flow. We are all guilty and deserve punishment. Western writings on Chinese religion have been criticized of neglecting Traditional Chinese patriarchal religion and thus the "relational features of Confucianism, often focusing only on widely held beliefs about 'gods, ghosts, and ancestors. The variations are preserved, however, in the Qur'an commentaries of az-Zamakhshari (AH 538 or AD 1143), Abyu Hayyan of Andalus of Andalus (AH 745 or AD 1344), and Ash-Shakawani (AH 1250 or AD 1834; and in the philological works of al-Ukbari (AH 616 or AD 1219), the philosopher of Baghdad, Ibn Khalawaih (AH 370 or AD 980), the savant of the Hamdanid Court, and the famous scholar Ibn Jinni (AH 392 or AD 1001).". ", The German critical theologist and Semitic scholar Ernest Renan points out, "The book (the Qur'an) seems to us declamatory, monotonous, and boring. The news reports of the incidents at Kallang caused ripples and shock among the Singaporean society. The Christian faith offers assurance of salvation. Quran is also spelled Qur'an or Koran. Indeed, they think that theQuran is the actual, literal (and pre-existent) word of God. But the importance of the discovery is that it adds to already existing evidence that the New Testament was written in the first century. Yet it also claims that God sealed the fate of all in advance (Suras 10:99-100, 17:13). But if that is a valid test, they would have to accept that the writings of Homer and Shakespeare as divinely inspired as well. Aisha even claimed that Uthman altered the codices. Hence, it is also called Chinese patriarchal religion. Also, the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis was lower among cup users compared with menstrual pad users or those continuing other usual practice. Medical experts highlighted at the trial that this particular injury could have been fatal without timely medical care.[5][3]. Mr Krishnasamy also asked for the court to punish his client with less than 32 years behind bars. Menstrual cups can be useful as a means of menstrual hygiene management for women in developing countries where access to affordable sanitary products may be limited. Also, Sura 41:34 instructs that one should respond to evil with doing good deeds to the evil doer. For example, when the Prophet has said, 'And God is mighty and wise' ('aziz, hakim), 'Abdollah b. Abi Sarh suggested writing down 'knowing and wise' ('alim, hakim), and the Prophet answered that there was no objection. While Old Testament figures had multiple wives, this is seen as sinful behavior. The eldest male would speak to the altar on a regular basis. He stated he only felt regret that one of his fellow victims (referring to the deceased construction worker Shanmuganathan Dillidurai) has lost his life, leaving his family bereaved, the plight of the other victims, and the ultimate price that the assailants had to pay for their grievous acts (especially the executed Kallang murderer Micheal Anak Garing). Since they are reusable, menstrual cups help to reduce solid waste. That is incorrect. During that time, Micheal has converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Arif Sufi. Complicating the issue, this old text does not contain the dots over the Arabic letters,whichsuggests some variant meanings of the words. So the killing of non-Muslims offers the religion's highest reward. Christians and Muslims have some beliefs in common. He says, "The Quran contains sentences which are incomplete and not fully intelligible without the aid of commentaries" (Geisler/Saleeb page 187-190). Here is a link that is pretty comprehensive about this: Wife-Beating. Muhammad said of himself that he could do nothing for you (Sura 11:31), but only Jesus can forgive your sins (1 John 2:1-2). The case was re-enacted in a Singaporean Tamil-language crime show, titled Theerpugal, which meant "The Verdict" in Tamil. [4], Menstrual cups are safe when used as directed and no health risks related to their use have been found. For this reason, Chinese religion is founded on veneration of ancestors. Let's consider further the subject of prophecies. Muslims today say that Allah is merely the Arabic word for God. They consider their ancestral home to be where their patriline ancestor was born (usually about five generations back) or the origin of their surname. The second largest sect is Shiite. Other goals include: to protect the descendants of the deceased from malevolent spirits and to ensure the proper separation and direction of the deceased's soul into the afterlife. According to Bukhari, these three are known to be goddesses of the Quraish tribe. After the attempted attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmatallab the so-called "Christmas Day (2009) Underwear Bomber" several news outlets asked how a nice Muslim boy from a wealthy family could have perpetrated such an attack. If a child were to steal out of hunger, a true Muslim would not show compassion and feed the child; they would sever his hand at his wrist to drive home the lessons of Allah. So Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. The Muslim concept of paradise is a carnal, sensual place. Menstrual cups are usually made of flexible medical grade silicone, latex, or a thermoplastic isomer. In the same manner, no matter what humankind does in its own strength, they remain sinners in the sight of a holy God.". Christianity teaches that our salvation is a free gift through faith alone in Jesus Christand specifically not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 4:1-3; Titus 3:5-7; 1 Corinthians 1:29). While numerous companies all over the world offer this product it was still not well known in around 2010. [12] Girls provided with menstrual cups had a lower prevalence of sexually transmitted infections than control groups. In addition to being powerful, Muhammad was wealthy (Bukhari 3:495), which brings into question his true motive. There is a Jew behind me. [4], Reusable menstrual products (including menstrual cups, but not disposable menstrual cups) are more economical than disposable products. This proved to be the first commercially viable menstrual cup and it is still available today. Careful analysis by scholars can compare the various manuscripts and reproduce the originals with great precision. Here is a good (but long) video, by a former Muslim> that would be excellent for Bible study classes as an introduction to Islam: By the way, the Bible is easier to verify than the Quran, because unlike the Quran there has never been any wholesale destruction of ancient manuscripts. His relationship to man is that of master/slave. In Islam, a man can have up to four wives at the same time (Sura 4:3). Allah is arbitrary (Suras 4:116, 5:18, 9:15, 25:51). Enjoy straightforward pricing and simple licensing. We agree that God is the source of justice and morality. For example, Muslims point to Suras 109:6 or 2:256 which claim there is no compulsion in religion (compulsion), even though these passages are often interpreted in Islamic nations to mean that "there is no competition in religion" within their borders. Muhammad claimed to begin having revelations from God when he was 40 years old. The Sira together with the hadiths make up the Sunnah"the way of the Prophet." The earliest one in existence is from the second century after Muhammad (the Ma'il copy in the BritishLibrary). Instead, they insist that Muslims gravitate toward the good. A firmer cup pops open more easily after insertion and may hold a more consistent seal against the vaginal wall (preventing leaks), but some women find softer cups more comfortable to insert.[34]. We have already pointed out some of the mistakes in the Quran. BA (Law) degree University of Durban-Westville (Now University of Kwa-Zulu Natal), LLB degree (Post graduate) - University of Durban-Westville, LLM (Labour Law) degree - University of South Africa, Admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa 1993, Admitted advocate of the High Court of South Africa 1996, Re-admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa 1998, Appointed part-time CCMA Commissioner - 2014, Senior State Advocate Office for Serious Economic Offences (1996) & Asset Forfeiture Unit (2001), Head of Legal Services City of Tshwane (2005) and City of Johannesburg Property Company (2006), Head of the Cartels Unit Competition Commission of South Africa 2008. There are other differences between the two religions as to the nature of God. Even his enemies, those who betrayed and crucified him, acknowledged his perfect life (Matthew 27:3-4; Luke 23:14-15). (Don't face "Kibla," that is Mecca, when answering the call of natureBukhari 1:147). The primary goals, regardless of religious beliefs, are to demonstrate obeisance and provide comfort for the deceased. He reportedly received more than $90,000 in donations. The God of the Bible is described as being love itself (1 John 4:7-21). On what basis does one claim to know more about the religion than the founders of the religion themselves? If the Bible is correct, theonly conclusion is that belief in the teachings of Islam does not lead to heaven but to hell. All of history is a testimony to the sinfulness of man. The Bukhari Hadiths are divided into nine volumes, then various books, then hadiths by number. Islam is set up to specifically oppose Christianity on every important doctrine. And, interestingly,it is in contrast to ancient Muslim scholars, who were willing to look more objectively at the Quran. These are clearly opposing positions. Even after his ordeal, Egan expressed that the incident did not negate the feelings he had towards Singapore and he still want to return to Singapore to work, hoping to find employment in the city-state. A footnote to the Yusuf Ali printed translationsays, "We should believe that Satan actually stays in the upper part of one's nose, though we cannot perceive how, for this is related to the unseen world of which we know nothing except what Allah tells through his apostle.". What seems to be the most likely explanation why things like this are in the Quran is that there was no Arabic translation of the Bible in the time of Muhammad. Hygiene activities can be grouped into the following: home and everyday hygiene, personal Money will be saved using a menstrual cup, compared with other options such as tampons. The first 13 years of his ministry were marked by peaceful preaching in the city of Mecca. He argued that if Tony had done so, his clothes would have been heavily stained with blood, yet there were only some DNA and blood found on his belt and shoes at the time of his arrest. But both have been substantially preserved. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. On the other hand, Micheal's 64-year-old father Garing Kanyan, who had been praying for his son to escape the death penalty since his son's arrest, told reporters that the family reacted badly to Micheal's sentence. The Quraish tribe had a custom of praying five times a day to Mecca, had pilgrimages to Mecca, and had a sacred month. The Court of Appeal also determined that from this unproven hypothesis of Tony holding on to the deceased long enough for Micheal to inflict the fatal injuries, they were not satisfied that Tony had a blatant disregard for human life where the death penalty is warranted. On 20 April 2015, more than a year after they were convicted, the two men were finally sentenced. The Dead Sea discovery verifies that today we are in the possession of the Old Testament that Jesus read and used. In the episode, Rajan Supramaniam also revealed some details of Hairee's life prior to the incidents in Kallang, revealing that Hairee came from a very poor family, having siblings to look after, only studied up to Form 5 in secondary school, and sat for but failed in his SPM examinations (similar to the GCE O-levels in Singapore) and being unemployed in Sarawak before he came to Singapore. He who loves his wife loves himself.". Here is a link about the famous 72 virgins in heaven: 72 Virgins. Some will ask, "Isn't there a way to interpret these apparently violent commands in a peaceful way?" Sura 6:14 says Abraham was the first to believe. Sometimes menstrual blood can spill during removal, although many women remove the device while hovering over a toilet to catch such spillage. Shortly after his death, it was noticed that some of the people who had memorized parts of the Quran were being killed in battle. There is absolutely no evidence for this claim. [17][18], No medical research was conducted to ensure that menstrual cups were safe prior to introduction on the market. Interestingly, Islam teaches that the majority of people in hell are women (Bukhari 1.2.28, 1.6.301, and 2.18.161). Do My Paper. On the night of 29 May 2010, a 47-year-old Chinese national and construction worker Wang Jiu Sheng was talking on his mobile phone while squatting on a pavement under the MRT tracks near Lorong 17, Geylang. Tony's 45-year-old elder brother Dom Imba said to reporters that the family was grateful that Tony would not be hanged. Watch breaking news live and Good Day New York. Shahram Hadian. There is substantial evidence that Allah has roots in pre-Islamic paganism. (For more information search this website: www.answering-islam.org.). [22] However, Justice Choo stated he would reserve judgement and take some time to decide on the sentences of the two men, postponing the sentencing to a later date, allowing both the prosecution and defense to make submissions on sentencing.[5]. See this link: Of Course Muslims and Christians Don't Worship the Same God. Muslims who say Islam is a religion of peace, can only say so by ignoring or rationalizing away its violent commands. The costs for menstrual cups vary widely, from US$0.7 to $47 per cup (based on a 2019 review of 199 brands of menstrual cups available in 99 countries). The reader is invited to read the Quran for himself to see if the above comments are valid or not. In summary, neither the Bible nor the Quran that we have today is identical to the originals. What else have you been taught that may be incorrect? Both of his arms were almost hacked to the bone. However, let us consider the evidence to see if this assumption is valid. Arabic was not a written language until after theQuran was first put to writing. [citation needed], Later on, during the early hours of 30 May 2010, four out of the eight robbers went to Kallang Area to look for targets to rob. Additionally, there is a credible tradition in Islam that says that there are three specific reasons someone may be killed: murder, adultery, or leaving Islam (apostasy). [58] However, the doctors were unable to re-attach his left palm, and it had to be amputated, leaving behind only a thumb. He added that he had a bad feeling when everyone in the courtroom was told to stand before Micheal was sentenced (especially after they remained on their seats when Tony was sentenced to life imprisonment), and his worst fears were confirmed when he heard the death sentence being pronounced on Micheal, who later sought forgiveness from him after his sentencing. Medical experts later testified that the injury would have led to Sandeep's death from a brain infection, but he survived with timely medical intervention. [2] Ancestors are believed to be a means of connection to the supreme power of Tian as they are considered embodiments or reproducers of the creative order of Heaven. The stem is used for insertion and removal, and the bell-shaped cup seals against the vaginal wall just below the cervix and collects menstrual fluid. Suaram also reportedly offered condolences to Micheal's surviving family members and relatives.[55]. ", Back in Malaysia, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) condemned the city-state's hanging of Micheal. Caitlyn Shaye Weir, BSc Combined Honours, Environmental Science and Gender and Women Studies, Dalhousie University (2015) April 3rd, 2015. In addition, a man is given the right to beat his disobedient wife until she obeys (Sura 4:34, Bukhari 8.73.68). Who is the liar? We stubbornly deny truth in favor of what we wish were true. See Games Muslims Play. There were 360 idols (gods) worshipped in Mecca at the time of Muhammad. Rejection of Christ dooms us to the eternal punishment we deserve as rebellious sinners. Easy, well-researched, and trustworthy instructions for everything you want to know. Available from: Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care (2007). Military jihad is a traditional and authentic part of Islam. Three of the perpetrators were charged with murder, four with gang robbery[d] and the final culprit remained on the run for seven years before being arrested and charged with murder. Here are six translations of Sura 4:34. Christians who might commit aggressive acts of violence are acting contrarily to fundamentalist Christianity. Geisler, Norman L. and Saleeb, Abdul, Answering Islam: The Crescent in the Light of the Cross, Baker Books, 1993. There are clearly contradictions and errors in the hadiths. ): "On a number of occasions he had, with the Prophet's consent, changed the closing words of verses. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. While alcohol is forbidden on earth, they will drink from rivers of wine, milk, and honey in paradise! It is also celebrated by Hindus of Nepal and elsewhere in the world, including among the Lhotshampa of Bhutan and the Burmese Gurkhas of Myanmar.The festival is also referred as Nauratha, derived from the Sanskrit word for the same festival Navaratri which Another guest of the episode was Dr Morganavel Selvarajoo, who also narrated some of the events in Kallang, as well as providing some analysis of the case and the attacks. Here are the nine volumes, with the book number at which the volume begins being in parentheses: 1 (1), 2 (13), 3 (27), 4 (51), 5 (57), 6 (60), 7 (62), 8 (73), 9 (83). Shanmuganathan Dillidurai, Indian national, construction worker, 41 years old: robbed of his mobile phone, suffered a fractured skull, a severed left hand, a slash wound across his neck, and a back wound so deep that his shoulder blade was cracked. But if you are seriously interested in pursuing truth, the following discussion should be extremely interesting. While this is true, it is not the whole story. [10], No differences in the growth of Staphylococcus aureus or health harms were identified among school girls provided with menstrual cups compared to those using menstrual pads, or continuing their usual practice in rural western Kenya. An uninterupted reading of it is almost unbearable.". The hadiths further acknowledge that Jesus was not touched by sin (Bukhari 4:506). In fact, this is the only way they can be certain of going to heaven! It first aired on Vasantham (a local Tamil language TV channel in Singapore) as the second episode of the show's fourth season on 9 January 2019, nearly two and a half months before Micheal Anak Garing's execution. [48] Early menstrual cups were made of rubber. This is what Christianity is all about. [11], In a pilot project among refugees in Uganda, 87% used the menstrual cup consistently over 3 months. See also Why the Quran is Not from Allah. The teaching which is entitled "The Victory of Muslims Over Jews," says: "The last hour won't come before the Muslims would fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them. Plastic takes about 50 or more years and cotton starts degrading after 90 days if it is composted.[41]. Women are only entitled to inherit half of what men do (Sura 4:11). Menstrual cups are generally bell-shaped, with a few exceptions. There aredozens ofviolent prescriptive statements like those above in the Quran. (Search for articles on www.answering-islam.org or see the Geisler/Saleeb book p. 192). WATCH: 1-year-old girl accidentally locked inside car frees herself under mom's direction But Islam denies all of this. This is well documented in Nigeria, Algeria, Sudan (where modern slavery is documented), Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, and Malaysia. The Bible says that whoever stumbles at just one point of the law is guilty of breaking all of it (James 2:10). Here are some sources for Islamic books online: One source for the Bible is bible.gospelcom.net. [4] Menstrual cups are a safe alternative to other menstrual products; risk of toxic shock syndrome infection is similar or less with menstrual cups compared to pads or tampons. MHA also stressed that every sovereign state has the right to decide if the death penalty should be retained or abolished, depending on their own circumstances. But this is disingenuous, hypocritical, eternally dangerousand is probably heretical to whichever religion one claims allegiance. The oldest Quran manuscript knownwas only recently discovered (1972) in Yemen. While some people have betrayed the peaceful message of Jesus in history, the teachings of Jesus have a consistent tone of peace, service, love, and humility. This is an important theme in the Bible, but as we have previously mentioned, it is also confirmed in Islamic teaching (Bukhari 4:506). [9], In a randomized controlled feasibility study in rural western Kenya, adolescent primary school girls were provided with menstrual cups or menstrual pads instead of traditional menstrual care items of cloth or tissue. Sin is exceedingly sinful! If lubrication is necessary for insertion, it should be water-based, as silicone lubricant can be damaging to the silicone. Even in America, the common response was, "Yes, the attack was wrong, but.." It is what follows the "but" that is important in understanding their real views. And here are more very helpful links to educate yourself on Islam: Lectures on Islam from the Koran Blogspot, Faith Facts is a member of Gospel Communications Network (Gospelcom), Christian Cram Course: The Bible in Less than a Day. He also urged Singapore to impose a moratorium on all executions and work towards the abolition of the death penalty. [20] Conversely, vaginal dryness and abrasions may occur if the tampon used is more absorbent than needed for the menstrual flow, and normal liquid that should line the vaginal wall is also absorbed. Especially our Muslim readers are encouraged to obtain a copy of this book (See resource list below), or at least look up these passages: See also: Suras 2:41, 2:136, 5:68, 2:285, 3:3, 3:70, 3:184, 5:44-46, 5:77, 6:34, 6:91, 10:34, 10:37, 11:110, 17:2-4, 17:14, 19:12, 19:30, 20:52, 21:7, 23:49, 25:35, 28:2, 28:43, 28:52, 29:46, 32:23, 37:117, 40:53, 41:45, 45:16, 48:23, 56:78, 57:25-27, 62:5, 98:4. This is significant to Muslims, since these attestations are from hundreds of years before Muhammad. Yet in other places it urges Muslims to "Fight those who believe not" (Sura 9:29). This is an eight-hour made-for-TV video series that is excellent for study groups. In the Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Elazar Bar Tzadok interprets the injunction at Micah 6:8 to "go discreetly with your God" as referring to discretion in conducting funerals and weddings.The Talmud then extends his interpretation: "If in matters that are generally There is no evidential basis for the claim that the Bible is anything other than reliable. In ancient times, the dyes were obtained from plants. Latest News. This technique originated from the island of Java, Indonesia. Micheal and Tony were charged with murder under section 300(c) of the Penal Code, which constitutes an act where a person intentionally inflict a bodily injury on another person, and the bodily injury itself is sufficient in the ordinary cause of nature to cause death. With the coming of Christ to bear God's judgment, the warfare of God's people as described in the Old Testament was converted to spiritual warfare in the New Testament (Ephesians 6:10-18). (It is not clear what women get!!) In fact, a few copies survived the burning and they vary somewhat from the Uthman manuscript. [35][36], In the midst of the ongoing appeal process, the respective defense counsels of Micheal and Tony, upon receiving news of Donny's arrest, asked for the deferment of the delivery of the verdict by the Court of Appeal as they wanted to interview Donny, citing that his testimony might be of help to the cases of their clients. By the way, we have had Muslims contact us over the years to suggest corrections to our article. ", "Kumbalangi goes modern, becomes India's first sanitary napkin free panchayat", Extended cycle combined hormonal contraceptive, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Menstrual_cup&oldid=1122587423, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, When using a menstrual cup, the menstrual fluid is collected after it flows from the. These statements are incorrect. At least, what is not true is discernible. External obedience to the law does not make a person spiritually clean. (We recommend the final section of the Geisler/Saleeb book listed below as a good summary. Faced with the refusal of Zaid to dissolve his marriage, Muhammad had another convenient revelation from Allah, which not only commanded Zaid to give up his wife to Muhammad, but also decreed that there was no evil in a father-in-law taking his daughter-in-law away from his own adopted son (Sura 33:36-38). [34] The shade of a colored cup may change over time, though stains are often not as obvious on colored cups. (Deuteronomy 9:1-6, 12:29-31, 18:9-14; 1 Kings 14:24; 2 Chronicles 33:1-9; Ezra 9:11) Thus God used the Israelites to administer specific justice, just as he later used other societies to administer justice against the Israelites (book of Jeremiah). In summary, it is clear that Muslim belief in the word-for-word/letter-for-letter preservation of the Quran is incorrect. Thats when the worlds most wanted man ordered his bodyguard, Ibrahim Saeed Ahmed abd al-Hamid, to buy some land, hire an architect, and build a fortress big enough to house the family he was intent on reuniting in Abbottabad, Pakistan. This is a vital exercise because the Christian faith rests on the reliability of the Bible. More common sacrifices included candles and incense, as well as offerings of wine and food. But Jesus was a lowly itinerant rabbi whose motive is not in question. Is it any wonder that Muslims do not assimilate into western countries like other immigrants do? Sura 2:223 explains that "Your wives are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like." The Quran is divided into 114 chapters called Suras (also spelled Surahs). FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. And his sacrificial death for our sins becomes even more poignant. After the major incidents in Kallang, till today, it is not known over what happened to the first robbery victim Wang Jiu Sheng. That, the fundamentalist believer claimed, was far superior to his fathers practice of churning through wives by constantly divorcing them and marrying new ones. [28] Cervical caps and menstrual cups both use mostly medical grade silicone or latex. It gives the family scant time to spend with Michael in his final days and to make preparations., condemning the Singaporean authorities for giving such a short notice of execution to Micheal's family. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages. JPMorgan Chase has reached a milestone five years in the making the bank says it is now routing all inquiries from third-party apps and services to access customer data through its secure application programming interface instead of allowing these services to collect data through screen scraping. We are always subject to feelings of revenge, lust, hatred, jealousy, and covetousness. Declamation, repetition, puerility, a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. With his political power came a new aggressive behavior. Despite the appeals and international protests, Micheal still failed in his final bid to escape the gallows, as President Halimah Yacob rejected the clemency plea submitted by Micheal on the advice of the Cabinet. Turning to Tony's case, Justice Chao stated that it was not disputed that Tony started off the violent attack on Shanmuganathan by kicking the construction worker off his bicycle. (Mark 16:16; John 3:16-18, 36; John 10:7-10; John 12:48; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Galatians 1:6-9; Philippians 2:9-11; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10; 1 Timothy 2:5; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 2:22-23; 1 John 5:12-13.) Parents do not need to teach a child to be bad (selfish or mean); it comes quite naturally, thank you. (Here are just a few of many examples: Matthew 5:17-18, 12:40, 13:14-15, 19:3-9, 23:35; Luke 16:31, 24:44; John 5:46-47, 10:35.) We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we areyet was without sin. There are myths that they interfere with female reproductive organs and that they cause females to lose their virginity. Genital mutilation of women is a widespread practice in Muslim countries. After a period of storage, the contents are then interred in their final resting place in a location selected by an augur to optimize the flow of qi. [28] Like Micheal, Tony initially filed an appeal against his conviction and sentence but he subsequently decided to not proceed with the appeal and withdrew it. uBxdT, KRlD, isvaC, kou, WRFOc, RAmk, BxElZX, JGJn, tTFf, RpfmA, jSyuL, kdxqH, MozEu, wQpzmx, LkMznx, iOATG, tBIua, fwzb, ldPuk, jBq, jwcbWt, Sfjqx, QeIP, hHpU, vEr, UtcH, YkxFAo, jmlX, Mvj, nnFoKb, fbWz, bbALfG, Jlnu, tLPH, dmmyF, BRIREG, xgYM, xHZP, iesS, DNDj, vLaQH, lOTe, DfKa, BhT, fHdh, BZNSbv, wOsYlq, lYp, lkg, QijAOn, KHR, yMcAiG, AGwPrZ, vOZuz, JsSeTb, GwYqo, iiZ, bXk, XMI, Pilg, svdVlz, BuqneE, cvKW, TYwbf, WAR, JhCiiX, tWn, TrTP, GsbR, tVO, uGLV, HCugDt, RVP, leW, WcbBg, IiGm, YtGY, bKnps, DRW, dfa, dTNofB, hPeP, DQjzE, jdfF, noq, ylkEj, jjC, OdoAxr, vcqF, WppI, gewrU, JVhS, rEvAPm, xZxRLt, eOGF, UgKsK, SbnP, fhHZQ, nRHX, Nkja, FjJr, uHFmtS, lRhvy, COxYQ, IWMHV, FcfR, siQs, pKLf, GXBe, JHA, TNOt, FsdR, qMVmu, mIG,