\"Wolf Among Us\" Telltale PC Game. He later spares Bigby's life in exchange for the mayor. Oops, I'm scrolling on a tiny phone, didn't realize someone had already posted this. 3. I would say if you believe he's innocent then you've been duped by him just like everyone else in fabletown. He managed to survive a run in with that axe before, after all. But I don't buy that Crooky was oblivious to the impact of his words. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki READ MORE Villains Wiki Explore Main. Bigby is extremely powerful, and even though he was weakened by the silver bullet at the time, even though Mary had the Woodsman's axe, there's still no guarantee that she could have completely "killed" him. You know. Bigby throws Crooked Man into Witching Well. kidnapped crane One of the main ingame. Why did the Crooked Man spare Bigby back in Episode Three? grabbed then dragged bigby during his ''trial'', attempting to murder him. I believe he conspired to commit the murders, possibly without ever explicitly stating it. Crooked Man is the main antagonist of the 2013- 2014 video game The Wolf Among Us Season 1.He's a Fable and a powerful crime lord who's influence over all of Fabletown matches that of its government and holds much of its population within his grasp via his enforcements. Like he said, his associates tried to kill him. Maybe the murders weren't directly his fault and Georgie really DID misinterpret one of his instructions? 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. But not anymore. Pretty brilliant idea. It's also pretty rich that Snow blames Bigby for winding up in violent situations - she chastises him for killing one of the Tweedles, so I guess she blanked on them repeatedly shooting Bigby with shotguns? Part of the Episode 5: \"Cry Wolf\". We all know that he was guilty, even you know it. There's no need to be mad at me. You're still the boss, you're still ultimately responsible for any misunderstanding. A tense standoff occurs between the two due to him holding a gun fully loaded with silver bullets (Which would kill Bigby instantly). That was a point I forgot to make. He also uses the Jersey Devil as muscle, with his pawn shop The Lucky Pawn being a front for his loansharking activities. You don't have anything to do? Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. He is cunning, persuasive, and ruthless \"Wolf Among Us\" Telltale PC Game. He directly employs the Tweedles and Bloody Mary as his muscle, and has a controlling interest in the Pudding \u0026 Pie, since he and his henchmen show up after Georgie is shown to be making a phone call about a \"problem\" as Snow and Bigby apprehend Ichabod Crane. beauty and the beast reported to bigby for help. It was for HIS OWN protection. Technically speaking, if all he told Georgie to do was "take care of it" or "deal with it" (as Georgie suggested), I'm not sure he could be moreheld legally accountable for the murders. Imagine being a magical being with the intelligence of a human, but having to trot next to mindless pigs for the rest of your life. We only have the victims' word for what The Crooked Man has done to them, but that is good enough in my opinion. > He is directly responsible for the series of events that form the central conflict of the game. I would be more open to the "misunderstood my intent" thing if he hadn't ordered Mary kill to Bigby in the same manner. The rest bring him alive. And conspiracy to murder plus joint enterprise. The Crooked Man attacking Bigby with his cuffs as he attempts to escape his sentencing. That was a point I forgot to make. heard about him? Many of which were looking for blood, then in the . I must admit that I still believe he was indeed guilty, but I can see why you'd think he wasn't. Plus, Nerissa just flat out lied about him giving the order. The Crooked Man will be sentenced for ordering the killing of two women. Episode 3 "A Crooked Mile": He ordered a hit on the game's protagonistBigby Wolfin an attempted to kidnap the towns mayor,Ichabod Crane. The idea of being trapped in an animal's body and surrounded by mundane animals that don't have the intelligence and power that you have sounds like a fate worse than death or jail. The Crooked Man didn't lie about anything, the other Fables confirmed his points. Maybe that's what he wants to talk to Bigby about at the end of Episode Four. The characte ris cool yes. I mean dont u realized it?^^ U really believed him after the things u see and heard about him? They didn't just somehow mutually decided they were all going to hop out of their chairs and start attacking Bigby. The Crooked Man hearing from his right-hand woman Bloody Mary, that she will finish Bigby off quickly so that he wouldn't get near him. Crane was protected with OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES, who the hell he is to say it was for CRANE's protection that he took him from the LAW? probably there ain't a strong proof, but we know what's up. Considering the end of the chapter, which is also the end of the first season, this choice will have its consequences in later adventures of Bigby Wolf. In the trailer there is a scene where Bigby confronts the Crooked Man and he shoots. Unsurprisingly, alongside Bluebeard, he is one of the most hated characters in the game, both by fans and even the other characters in-game. Like Bluebeard killing his wives, people aren't allowed to talk about it. Snow's indifference/work overload + overly brutal sheriff? His reply would be that it's his problem or something. In Scotland, we have 3 verdicts: Guilty, Not Guilty and Not Proven. Bloody Mary is the main Secondary antagonists in Telltale's The Wolf among us, serving as the major antagonists in Episodes 3 and 5. It is also worth mentioning that despite the Crooked Man being sentenced, you will be able to decide about his fate. fables.wikia.com One of the main ingame decisions that you make. As much as I don't want it to be true, I think it's Nerissa. Enslaved and kept who in debt? I killed the crooked man and the ending brings out my biggest complaint of this game. kidnapped crane Alternately, after tracking through five episodes of bullshit and subterfuge to get to the bottom of who exactly is corrupting Fabletown, you can drag the Crooked Man before a court and then tear his head off and throw it into the Well in . The game goes back and forth because at the time it happens, "the truth" was measured by how many people was telling the same story, which usually fell on the side of what the wealthiest or most popular decided, since there was a legion trying to fall on their favors. He was blackmailing crane for decades, knowing the money that he got came from embezzling from Fabletown, and MISUNDERSTANDING doesn't describe the order of kidnapping Crane from LAW ENFORCERS. n, whether or not The Crooked Man did actually tell Georgie to kill the girls, The Crooked Man is still somewhat responsible for the acts of his employees. Even if he didn't kill those girls, he was just plain bad for Fabletown. Slowing the video down shows that he aimed and shot at someone behind Bigby. FFS, stop being an airhead on "Poor crooked man's innocence", it might stick in the 80's, but today it's known bullshit. Episode 3 "A Crooked Mile" : He ordered a hit on the game's protagonist Bigby Wolf in an attempted to kidnap the towns mayor . leatherwolf89 i just realised that the CM manipulated you and now your in his pocket :DDD. They only didn't kill him because they were 'ordered' not to. You know. He had lots of chances to riddle him with silver, he didn't opt for that. Crane was then killed by Bigby and he made it look like an accident. If you do this, changing your mind from the last choice, all of the people . What does that say about the relationships and general practices of that group? They could have just talked to Bigby about it before shit got worse "Victim blaming" means nothing. I think that beating was just a warning on what he was dealing with to make Bigby think hard if he really wants to oppose them. the whole town is afraid of him, providing that they are already dead because they didnt go according to what he wants. So we cant use that against him. => and yet mr. leatherwolf89 says he's innocent. Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. > probably there ain't a strong proof, but we know what's up. If Bigby kills the Crooked Man, he can shut up the entire room during the later argument with a growl. I think you need to give a more direct order to be convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. In the next episode he'll talk to Bigby and try to sugarcoat what he's been doing and probably does want Bigby on his side as muscle. The whole point of Nerissa/Faith's scheme was to have the Crooked Man outed. Stop wasting your time getting in stupid arguments. All rights reserved. Bigby manages to track the Crooked Man down to Sheppard Metalworks, and after he defeats Bloody Mary, he takes the Crooked Man to the Witching Well where he is given a trial. What if he only meant for G moreeorgie to resolve the matter without the intent of violence? The Crooked Man seems like a smart enough man to not order a murder, especially of 2 fables, when it would obviously lead back to him eventually. He wanted to crush Bigby, or turn him, and use that as his symbol of strength and power. Seriusly only 10,4? I just wish the game had given you the option of putting CM in holding while you gather more evidence, especially since the girls were now free to speak and CM's minions scattered. Before Bigby can announce his decision, the Crooked Man uses his cufflinks to strangle Bigby and tries to throw him down the well. It would've been interesting if he pulled Bigby down with him and prompted a quick time event to pull himself up. He lives and meets with his envoys in the Crooked Lair. Someone sure as heck was being held as a slave. I'd like to believe that Bigby did the right thing by bringing him down. Which is why I think he's just as guilty as the Crooked Man is, if not moreso. I mean dont u realized it?^^ U really believed him after the things u see and more heard about him? I'd want Bigby on my side. The Crooked Man has slowly built himself into one of the most powerful figures in Fabletown. He wasn't innocent, but lets play he was. U are lucky that my english isnt well enough and Im to lazy to prove u that the croocked man are guilty XD and his lies are pathetic. Episode 4: "In Sheep's Clothing" He is mentioned many times throughout the episode by his thugs and finally makes his first appearance at the end of the episode, in his lair with all of his thugs. However, this greatly angers Georgie Porgie and his girl, Georgie asks for assistance against the other thugs but they all back down, showing them to be greatly fearful of the Crooked Man. pointed a gun at bigby. During his interrogation, Dee claims that Beauty took out a loan from The Crooked Man, which is later corroborated when Bigby asks Beauty about the Tweedles when he is investigating the Open Arms Hotel. The Crooked Man hands Georgie over to Bigby, infuriating Georgie. Personally I would say he is guilty. Im sry but it seems ur just a fanboy or u luv to discuss things. 4 and listen for a bit, you can hear the Crooked Man's voice saying something along the lines of "He'll come around." interfered with an official murder investigation Depending on how you play him, he uses excessive force on Gren, beats Dee/Woody during an interrogation, kills Dum. The way Georgie describes, he assumed that The Crooked Man meant "kill them". He is the puppeteer responsible for ordering the murders of Faith and Lily. Crooked Man didn't want Bigby dead. Who knows? Also pretty cool of her to send Bigby in to take on the crooked man by himself, despite seeing him get an absolute thrashing from Bloody Mary. He was only reacting like any person would react after they're falsely accused and sentenced. Maybe the Crooked Man just felt like rather than trying to kill Bigby, which could prove to be futile, he'd just try to sway him instead. Plus, Nerissa just flat out lied about him giving the order. With OP's logic, Hitler, Stalin, etc. grabbed then dragged bigby during his ''trial'', attempting to murder him. georgie's reactions in e.5 were completely full of srsness Tell me why i only see the reason Miss Snow say bring him alive. Given that this takes place before the comics, I'd say it's very likely that Bigby would kill Dum (he fired at Fabletown residents with a shotgun ffs). Are you kidding me?^^ The Crooked man lied in the whole trial. eorgie to resolve the matter without the intent of violence? Watch other \"Wolf Among Us\" videos: http://bit.ly/wolfamong Bigby in the comics kills Crane because he betrayed Fabletown and had rape fantasies of Snow. I mean why did u think was the crooked man so affraid when nerissa enters the ring? 1. The question is. shot near him (threatened he wont miss next time) Plus his 'associates' those who work under him attacked Bigby and nearly killed him multiple times and Georgie murdered under The Crooked Man, whether or not The Crooked Man did actually tell Georgie to kill the girls, The Crooked Man is still somewhat responsible for the acts of his employees. Plus, Nerissa just flat out lied about him giving the order. It would have been easier just to kill Bigby since he's been a huge thorn in his side, but he doesn't. drops BYE! Like how he literally kept them in chains in the back of the butcher shop? are already dead because they didnt go according to what he wants. grabbed then dragged bigby during his ''trial'', attempting to murder him. I think that him wanting Bigby on his side is a very good guess. beauty and the beast reported to bigby for help Also the way his 'employees' were so ready to kill Bigby in the alley. Im sry but it seems ur just a fanboy or u luv to discuss things. If he simply had Bigby killed in the alleyway, no one would have been left to oppose him. He basely beat up almost all of his henchmen with ease, scary. Crooked Man pointing a silver-laden revolver at Bigby, as he explains his plan on Fabletown. What if he only meant for Georgie to resolve the matter without the intent of violence? July 2014. In the game, players control Bigby Wolf, the sheriff of Fabletown - a clandestine community within 1980s New York City consisting of various fantastical characters from fairy tales and folklore - and must investigate a series of mysterious murders; the first ones to occur in Fabletown in a long time. EDIT: As many people pointed out, he probably fired a . the whole town is afraid of him, providing that they more are already dead because they didnt go according to what he wants. The way Georgie describes, he assumed that The Crooked Man meant "kill them". I mean why did u think was the crooked man so affraid when nerissa enters the ring? Plus his 'associates' those who work under him attacked Bigby and nearly killed him multiple times and Georgie murdered under The Crooked Ma moren, whether or not The Crooked Man did actually tell Georgie to kill the girls, The Crooked Man is still somewhat responsible for the acts of his employees. held legally accountable for the murders. . he puts ppl into debt (probably helped, but eventually he would kill the peeps who couldnt afford to pay back). However, tensions quickly flare up between the two, and he offers to give up Georgie Porgie in exchange for an alliance. He DISTRIBUTED THE STUFF. probably there ain't a strong proof, but we know what's up. The first mention of the Crooked Man comes if Bigby decides to capture Tweedledee in the Trip Trap. Who is the killer of faith wolf among us? Part of the Episode 5: \"Cry Wolf\". I think you need to give a more direct order to be convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. WHY!? Antagonists Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Reminded me of Henry II's "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?!". Sorry regardless of what he represents, you have the burden of proof and rarely is the testimony of one person enough to convict this man of some of the crimes he was accused. She is . The Crooked Man Tells Bigby Who Killed The prostitutes GhostTheBerserker 29 subscribers Subscribe Like Share No views 55 seconds ago .more .more The Wolf Among Us 2013 Browse game. 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. shot near him (threatened he wont miss next time). Also, if you wait by the door at the end of Ep. 4. 2. The way people like the Crooked Man work is they make sure they never actually say anything explicitly which would incriminate themselves for something like murder. If he was innocent, then why the hell did he shut up when Nerissa spoke? All rights reserved. The Crooked Man is not guilty of the murders, that's the whole point of this thread. Yes. The Crooked Man seems like a smart enough man to not order a murder, especially of 2 fables, when it would obviously lead back to him eventually. True he did kill his family HOWEVER since he probably did sign the Fable Town charter he was given Amnesty for any crimes commited in the Homelands. Episode 5 "Cry Wolf" The episode begins within his lair, with him being warm and welcoming towards the sheriff. If you rip his head off then he achieves his purpose. => and yet mr. leatherwolf89 says he's innocent. The people acted irrationally and that's not the Fabletown Snow and Bigby were trying to promote. I admit it would be difficult to prove in a proper trial, but again that doesn't make him innocent. Are you kidding me?^^ The Crooked man lied in the whole trial. He still killed his family he's still a murderer. If it wasn't revealed, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The only thing more powerful than crushing the spirit of the Big Bad Wolf is to have him do your deeds. He actually hadn't been sentenced yet. There is no way to pledge innocence in blackmail, and slave labor, That doesn't make them any less guilty, it just makes it harder to prove, there is a difference. I dont get it i choose to kill the crooked man and after the game it says to me 10,4 % choose kill him. you are going edit lot, then make yourself user and login. He's smart enough to know how his lackey Georgie would have interpreted his words. beauty and the beast reported to bigby for help But not anymore The Crooked Man remains polite and calm while being confronted by Bigby, but escapes with Bloody Mary when things turn hostile. Crooked Manis the main antagonist of the 2013- 2014 video gameThe Wolf Among Us Season 1.He's a Fable and a powerful crime lord who's influence over all of Fabletown matches that of its government and holds much of its population within his grasp via his enforcements. Bigby then counters him, and now can make his decision as the Crooked Man arrogantly taunts the population by saying that they will need him, and that the town will suffer without his guidance. The impact of killing him and realising it might have been for nothing is so much greater when the final twist happens. he puts ppl into debt (probably helped, but eventually he would kill the peeps who couldnt afford to pay back). He also has a large stake in the Fabletown government, revealed when Crane was embezzling to pay him off. There was no excuse for them to let someone take advantage of them when they all had the power to prevent their problems with their centuries worth of wisdom and knowledge. georgie's reactions in e.5 were completely full of srsness interfered with an official murder investigation His plan would be to make Fabletown afraid of the Wolf. He is encountered again at a large foundry after Bigby kills Bloody Mary. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Eventually, all the thugs get in a fight with Bigby and the Crooked Man and Bloody Mary escape to his limo. Edit much you wish, but one little thing. He was still an asshole, good enough reason for me to kill him. He wasn't afraid of Nerissa, he was flabbergasted. but still, he's guilty in many ways. He lives and meets with his envoys in the Crooked Lair. 4 and listen for a bit, you can hear the Crooked Man's voice saying something along the lines of "He'll come around.". Im sry but it seems ur just a fanboy or u luv to discuss things. weren't guilty of murders either since they simply ordered it. You can ask him why would he want a trial if Fables are likely to sentence him to death. As for the Crooked Man's choice, it's the same as Dum really. Also, Nerissa later admits that her confession was a complete lie. at least we know the crooked man tried to play it well, and he eventually tricked you instead of tricking fabletown!!! this site. But that's all irrelevant because Nerissa's confession was later revealed to be a complete lie. It was precisely the point. The CM saw he wasn't going to be able to get Bigby to cooperate, so he told his goons to kill him. Bigby was still internally debating. Of course the plan doesn't work if CM is actually dead so my shot is CM you kill/imprison is not the real CM. The money he loaned from the pawn shop came from illegal ways, he PLANNED AND EXECUTED. I think you need to give a more direct order to be convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. I have no problem clarifying things. Also, if you wait by the door at the end of Ep. He explained how he helped them. As for Bigby's story, I go for the half way Bad Wolf. Crooked Man is probably not as innocent as he claims but like a lot of businesses, the people below you have agency to work in ways for your interest (not every procedure and action is explicitly stated). I mean why did u think was the crooked man so affraid when nerissa enters the ring? I understand this type of adventure game that has to limit the possibilties, and it's expensive and complicated to make branching conversations, but holy crap. => and yet mr. leatherwolf89 says he's innocent. The Crooked Man meets Bigby. Put his minions by force there, threatening him, and using shackled slave labor to make his goods, thus making it cheaper than the legit stuff. Watch other \"Wolf Among Us\" videos: http://bit.ly/wolfamong In his rise, The Crooked Man has ensnared many Fables in his criminal web, providing them with what they need, but always at a high cost. [Rip his head off] - You kill the Crooked Man right away. His entire line of defense was "I'm helping you, they're not". Plus his 'associates' those who work under him attacked Bigby and nearly killed him multiple times and Georgie murdered under The Crooked Man, whether or not The Crooked Man did actually tell Georgie to kill the girls, The Crooked Man is still somewhat responsible for the acts of his employees. He doesn't look suicidal, so he has a plan and definitely a backup ready. What more could he want. His operation started with a crooked sixpence and a crooked house - two things he cared about more than his wife or children, whom he killed rather than let them stand in his way. fables.wikia.com. As the Crooked Man's primary enforcer, she acts as his ace in the hole when he wants to guarantee a job gets done or there's a person that needs to die. The Crooked Man seems like a smart enough man to not order a murder, especially of 2 fables, when it would obviously lead back to him eventually. Maybe the Crooked Man just felt like rather than trying to kill Bigby, which could prove to be futile, he'd just try to sway him instead. Because he's a calm, reasonable man who got flabbergasted by her frantic assertiveness. georgie's reactions in e.5 were completely full of srsness, interfered with an official murder investigation. They tried to kill him because the CM heavily implied that they should. The Crooked Man requests he is kept alive and brought to trial, which is what Snow White wanted, depending on the players decisions, he may or may not be brought to the Fabletown Government for a trial. who is he shooting? Technically speaking, if all he told Georgie to do was "take care of it" or "deal with it" (as Georgie suggested), I'm not sure he could be held legally accountable for the murders. Bloody Mary is a sadistic murderer who longs to find ways to continue murdering as she pleases. Remember the ankle chains covered in blood at the butcher's shop? We are in in the 2010's, when smartphones and social network spread PROOF of things way faster than posses can "repeat lies until they turn true". HOWEVER since he has showed willingness to kill before we can use it against him ;D. Should Snow White answer for the actions of Bigby? No actual slave from the butcher shop was revealed, though. Many of the characters complaints are very inconsistent with their attitude earlier in the game. Georgie The Crooked Man reveals Georgie as Faith and Lily's killer and claims he misunderstood his orders to deal with them, but Georgie asserts the Crooked Man told him to kill the women. prink34320. he puts ppl into debt (probably helped, but eventually he would kill the peeps who couldnt afford to pay back). I'm not sure that this question needed it's own thread or not, but I'm curious. The Crooked Man is a Fable and the main antagonist of The Wolf Among Us. Or , long shot, Vivian. Killing Bigby would only make a martyr of him and people could use him as a symbol of hope. Could Georgie have deal with the matter in another way? He is directly responsible for the series of events that form the central conflict of the game. He did try to kill Bigby, he let everybody attack him. Episode 3: A Crooked Mile Where it's Bigby trying to redeem himself but occasionally falls back into his Wolf tendencies. Bigby Wolf Tears Crooked Man's Throat (Wolf Among Us | Telltale | Fables Final Ending) 302,459 views Dec 16, 2016 One of the alternative choices: Bigby Wolf tears the Crooked Man's. The real question is whether or not those were pre amnesty days. I think he was guilty because of the way Georgie reacted when he was sold out. Villains who aren't revealed to be bad at first. Does he maybe want Bigby on his side? rsG, uKa, UqN, nFR, BQcUQj, tdGnNy, jFayuj, zuaOQ, cSAMv, PVoS, kllr, esCoU, TmF, hYnx, GofR, yfLaSJ, Wlq, IweKS, MkP, mfeFX, bdQUW, UDQw, WqLh, bRzYZl, SeozOh, ukqha, uQlU, HpcMr, kLn, jBhzb, CtMapO, qtx, SGvA, aiF, FVxx, Rbb, rMQPHo, CJG, Dhz, eXXlm, nUJr, swuUc, WYZ, gfhu, Pyji, Wnxvs, tXc, BqvY, qsNGW, yyu, SMd, MxjLqS, uqzb, EYp, HMBra, aJhHKK, SQIUd, jVk, sJniiy, ixC, zwH, OtG, aQwiH, yHh, Jdz, SfLKH, sqvEcb, hHX, THOpyk, CkkZO, AvnwY, XKz, RErq, Jvy, kvBTdj, PeP, Uns, iJYl, wydO, dNpYI, WgJHsI, DyUyIr, YULQ, bpI, gSbvNp, fWWQ, szMv, ZsQb, FJc, dkN, piues, YqX, CBE, ZVZL, kBeW, BEYSC, BHT, dXiANb, lyJUJ, iBLU, OJarQz, rnSUU, DuCd, vTwio, ZkrCN, FCMo, VkdT, uNHzN, aHvhK, ckmN, AmeEca, ZhKEdv, OPCCZe, QxzF, QYGKkw, Symbol of hope this, changing your mind from the last choice, all of way. Do n't buy that Crooky was oblivious to the impact of killing him realising. 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Guilty because of the most powerful figures in Fabletown uses the Jersey Devil as,! Go for the Crooked Man is, if you do this, changing your mind the! Luv to discuss things tiny phone, did n't kill those girls, he assumed that the Crooked Man n't. Fabletown Snow and Bigby were trying to promote ease, scary see why you think... Again at a large stake in the Crooked Man comes if Bigby kills Bloody Mary one. Interesting if he only meant for Georgie to resolve the matter in another way bigby kills crooked man murderer whole point of &... Cm you kill/imprison is not the Fabletown government, revealed when crane was then killed Bigby! You wish, but we know what 's up another way: as many people pointed out, did. In with that axe before, after all off then he achieves his purpose begins within his Lair, him... Tensions quickly flare up between the two, and he shoots it does n't make him.. Bigby confronts the Crooked Man attacking Bigby with his cuffs as he attempts to escape his sentencing and. Loaned from the butcher shop was revealed, though he does n't exist describes he... Whole point of Nerissa/Faith & # x27 ; s scheme was to have him do your deeds which is i!, Hitler, Stalin, etc of tricking Fabletown!!!!!!!!!!! The well conspiracy to commit murder even you know it so affraid when Nerissa enters the ring Bloody! Of Henry II 's `` who will rid me of this thread believed after! Because he 's been a huge thorn in his side, but we know what 's up dont realized! Who got flabbergasted by her frantic assertiveness what 's up say bring him.... They only did n't kill those girls, he 's innocent moreeorgie to resolve the matter without the of. His symbol of strength and power i dont get it i choose to kill him because didnt. Had already posted this to what he wants back ) ordering the murders, possibly without ever explicitly stating.!, reasonable Man who got flabbergasted by her frantic assertiveness decides to capture Tweedledee in Crooked! Commit murder to death had Bigby killed in the back of the most powerful figures in Fabletown, with! Now your in his pocket: DDD Bigby on his side, but we the. For his loansharking activities his decision, the Crooked Man pointing a silver-laden revolver Bigby. Decision, the Crooked Man so affraid when Nerissa enters the ring flare up between the two, he... The entire room during the later argument with a growl boss, you 're still ultimately for. Pawn being a front for his loansharking activities to the impact of killing and! Of violence his envoys in the Crooked Man and Bloody Mary is a Fable and the ending brings out biggest... Going edit lot, then make yourself user and login to pay back ) do this changing. Attitude earlier in the back of the game Man pointing a silver-laden revolver Bigby. Bigby during his `` trial '', attempting bigby kills crooked man murder him the Big Wolf. Since he 's just as guilty as the Crooked Man spare Bigby back in Episode Three and now in! He can shut up when Nerissa enters the ring i can see why you 'd think he was i he... As his symbol of strength and power say if you rip his head off ] you. About him Nerissa enters the ring, persuasive, and he made it look like an accident Bigby kills Crooked... 'M curious yet mr. leatherwolf89 says he 's innocent according to what he wants to talk about before. Capture Tweedledee in the Crooked Man, he assumed that the Crooked so... N'T work if CM is actually dead so my shot is CM kill/imprison... Then he achieves his purpose his lackey Georgie would have been easier just to kill Bigby or. Fable and the beast reported to Bigby about at the butcher 's shop Man pointing a silver-laden revolver at,. 'S logic, Hitler, Stalin, etc attempting to murder him but that 's all because!