if True undeclared parameters are allowed, default False. Handles the interface between KIM1 (SW1.3 and SW1.4) shield V2 and Arduino. The library array that is needed for the FCW Robot Model2. Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, ENC28J60, Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet or Portenta_H7 WiFi/Ethernet. Library for easy handling of digital outputs on Midwest737Simulations.com Multi Output card. Simple library for S4A EDU Robotic Controller. Simple Async HTTPS Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of AsyncTCP_SSL library for ESP32 (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3), WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720) and ESP32 with LwIP ENC28J60. boards using ESP8266/ESP32-AT-command shields with fallback web configuration portal. Reading the ZACwire protocol of TSic sensors with ISRs. A library for observing DST according to user predefined parameters. SGP4 model for calculating satellite positions and predicting overpasses. Microchip Technology MCP9700, MCP9700A Temperature Sensor Library. Simple Wireless Abstract Protocol (SWAP) library for ISM radios. Amazon Alexa support for ESP8266 and ESP32. Deprecated arduino port of the LMIC (LoraWAN-in-C, formerly LoraMAC-in-C) framework provided by IBM. WebROS2 + Edge Impulse, Part 1: Pub/Sub Node in Python. Library for establishing a live JTAG communication between the MCU and FPGA of the Arduino Mkr Vidor 4000. Library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards. A library to drive the STMicroelectronics LPS28DFW barometer. This library allows an Arduino/Genuino board to interface with PixArt PMW3360 motion sensor module. In the Occupancy Map extension, ensure the Origin is set to X: 0.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0. Motor drivers chips, encoder chips, current sensing and supporting code. Allows to control the Building Lights educative system. Arduino library for playing with relay, LED, and other On/OFF. PortentaH7, LoRa and Ethernet Vision Shields and Breakout Board Organized: Robotics, Machine Learning and General Examples. A library to allow easy interfacing with Newhaven character LCDs. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. Make sure you are in the root of your workspace: cd ~/dev_ws/. A fork of Nayukis Bitcoin Cryptography Library. Allows an user to dynamically add and remove saved WiFi APs. Allows you to read the location from the GPS on your MKR GPS shield. using ESP8266/ESP32-AT-command shields. Serves data to Arduino Control (iOS) for control over network. Arduino library for the Adafruit IS31FL3731 Charlieplex LED driver and CharliePlex FeatherWing. Library for smooth control motor with encoder. The node object should be defined as such: Remember to update the map yaml file path and the initial pose of carter1 for either the hospital or office scenario. GM60 is a highly integrated QR code scanner with excellent performance and a small size(SKU:SEN0486). Arduino library to build the "Simon says" game or a digital lock. A library that makes using mx1508 dual DC motor driver easier. Custom RL Example using Stable Baselines, 6. Radio driver, OSI layer 2 library for nrf24L01(+) modules. Triad Semiconductor library for the TS8000 Ultrasonic to Digital Converter. Library for communicating with the TriSonica Mini Wind Sensor. To learn more see Carter_ROS OmniGraph Nodes. ModbusRTU, ModbusTCP and ModbusTCP Security. Arduino Library for use with Patrick Mitchells "The Troll" board. A PID controlled implemented using fixed-point arithmetic. Feature-full and simple TM1637 library with nonblocking animation support. Arduino library with wrapper classes for seconds millis micros. This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor, Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip, PS2 library for Adafruit capacitive trackpads, Adafruit's Arduino driver for the RA8875 TFT driver. (AVR and ESP), Arduino library for temperature controller. For L298 or TB6612, or Adafruit Motor Shield, Library for controlling ESP32 PWM outputs similar to use on Arduino. Library for Analog Devices Real Time Clocks. A library with you can generate a menu`s based on the nested set model with multi layers. Arduino library for the Thinger.io Internet of Things Platform. A full-featured library for the Si5351 series of clock generator ICs from Silicon Labs. A Service Definition Draft is the combination of a result file or Result object, information about the server, and a set of service properties. A library to directly interface with the Air Commander Entire. An Arduino library to use Pinoo ESP32 modules. spin_once(), and spin_until_future_complete(). sx1262/sx1268, LoRa EBYTE E220 device library complete and tested with Arduino, esp8266, esp32, STM32 and Raspberry Pi Pico. Streaming C++-style Output with Operator <, Library to get Streamlabs event from Twitch, Introduces string operations and Serial reading. A blazing fast library to create realtime dashboards for ESP8266's and ESP32's. Arduino library for the DS7505 temperature sensor. A library that makes working with watch-like formats easy. Arduino library to get data from energy meters in order to monitor them. GitHub. Library to use the Millis function as a task scheduler. KeiganMotor KM-1 control library using I2C communication. Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RTL8720, etc. **Notes** 1) It is advisable to change Kali Linux network adapter, you can change under setting->network ->change adapter to bridge adapter if you work on same network channel with home computer. This is a library for the Adafruit seesaw helper IC. Arduino library for the LTC1392 Micropower Temperature, Power Supply and Differential Voltage Monitor. Standalone python scripting version: Multiple Robot ROS2 Navigation. Arduino library for scanning I2C bus for devices. Library for the SparkFun Flexible Grayscale Display. Intersil-Renesas and Maxim ICM7218 and Intersil-Renesas ICM7228 LED driver library. It now supports Ethernet TLS/SSL Client. Send notifications to Google Home from esp8266/32. Ended up deleting the package that failed cause I didnt use it and didnt see an issue after. This wrapper library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM on STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards to create and output PWM to pins. An Arduino Library providing utilities for controlling program state over time without delay(). Use C# style syntax for formatting strings. An arduino library for interacting with YouTube live streams. A I2C/SPI library for the MMC5983MA magnetic compass sensor. A library to drive the Serial Wombat Family by UART or I2C. Tone decoding library based on the Goertzel algorithm, Provides library access to communicate with the 4D Systems Goldelox processor, when configured in Serial/SPE mode, DAC (MCP4822) functions for Goldilocks Analogue, Firmware for SPI solid state memory (including SRAM, FRAM, EEPROM) devices for Goldilocks Analogue. Companion library for Adafruit_GFX and Adafruit_EPD to load images from SD card. The library for the ALLBOT modular robotic system. VGA UART signal generator for UNO and MEGA, Provides graphical functionalities on MKR Vidor 4000, Provides extended IO functionalities and interfaces. A library that makes detecting changes on an analog input simple. To learn more about Nav2 refer to the website: https://navigation.ros.org/. A library for the VL6180X range and ambient light sensor. ArdRTOS provides a real-time operating system for embedded systems. Create Touch Sensors with a single (Analog)Pin without external Hardware, Create Touch Sensors with a single analog pin without external hardware, Enable analog sequencer with timer on SAM3x DUE. Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP/HTTPS Client wrapper library for WT32_ETH01 boards using LAN8720 Ethernet. Repeat the previous step for the /carter2 and /carter3 robots. Dont wait if 0. Arduino library for behavioral task controls in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Allows to run Sensor Fusion algorithms with ST MEMS sensors on STM32 boards, Allows controlling the ST NFC card reader components based on RFAL, Allows performing simple gestures detection using proximity sensors. This is a library to control DCC devices. This is HTTPS/HTTP Server Library for ESP32, WT32_ETH01, ESP32 + LwIP W5500, ESP32 + LwIP ENC28J60. A library for interacting with the Honeywell HPMA115 particulate matter sensors. Implements Single-threaded OpenLCB/LCC stack based on Arduino IDE. A library to control the MCP48xx family of SPI digital to analog converters (DACs). Use for the RTC inside the SAM3X8E from the Arduino DUE. A library for SPI communication with the Murata SCL3300 Inclinometer sensor. This behavior tree will simply plan a new path to goal every 1 meter (set by DistanceController) using ComputePathToPose.If a new path is computed on the path blackboard variable, FollowPath will take this path and follow it using the servers default algorithm.. An Arduino library which allows identification of over 100 different boards/controllers. Arduino library for STLED316S 6-digit LED controller with keyscan. My enhanced fm_LiquidCrystal_I2C Arduino Library. Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core. before the timeout expires. A C++ template library tailored for embedded systems. FTP Client for Generic boards such as AVR Mega, megaAVR, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52, RP2040-based (Nano-RP2040-Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ESP32/ESP8266, etc.). An Arduino library to deal with PCINT (Pin Change Interrupts). Microbit Radio library for NRF51, based on runtine inplementation from Landcaster University. FeatherFault tells you why your Arduino program is crashing, Persistent event driven variables aimed at making complex designs much simpler. Get Instagram Stats on your Arduino (supports ESP8266, ESP32 & WiFi101 boards), A wrapper for the Instructables API for Arduino (supports ESP8266, ESP32 & WiFi101 boards). Library to send CW message with your custom function and device. Processing AVR microcontrollers signature. Library for i2c-sensors and some other specific functions (fast eFn, HDLC, SpektrumSerial). Transform a press button into a powerful input device, Make your system to display messages by LED blinking. Cross assembler and disassembler for retro CPUs. This is an Arduino library for Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass HMC5883L. Plotting library compatible with Sloeber IDE and SimPlot. Arduino ClimaStick v1 & v2 library for the Thinger.io Internet of Things Platform. Implements functions for the MSGEQ7 7 band equaliser IC. Configuring RMPflow for a New Manipulator, 19. Select the Hospital prim in the stage. Simplifies creating behaviours for Servos and LEDs, Arduino library to send ANSI escape sequences. Get the device uptime in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, total days, and total seconds. A simple Arduino library for driving 16-segment displays with a HT16K33. FAT file system based on open-source FatFS solution. A library for representing matrices and doing matrix math on arduino. An Arduino library for the SARA N2X modules. Display controller: SSD1305, SSD1306, SSD1309, SSD1312, SSD1316, SSD1318, SSD1320, SSD1322, SSD1325, SSD1327, SSD1329, SSD1606, SSD1607, SH1106, SH1107, SH1108, SH1122, T6963, RA8835, LC7981, PCD8544, PCF8812, HX1230, UC1601, UC1604, UC1608, UC1610, UC1611, UC1617, UC1638, UC1701, ST7511, ST7528, ST7565, ST7567, ST7571, ST7586, ST7588, ST75160, ST75256, ST75320, NT7534, ST7920, IST3020, IST3088, IST7920, LD7032, KS0108, KS0713, HD44102, T7932, SED1520, SBN1661, IL3820, MAX7219, GP1287, GP1247, GU800. Arduino libary to transmit arbitrary RF433 signals. Arduino library for Plantower PMS7003 particulate matter sensors. A library for the Memsic's MMC34160PJ magnetometer, Arduino library for driving up to 768 (49152 ESP32) LEDs, signals, sound modules or other actuators via one signal line on a model railway, Functions (steppers, servos, leds) for model railroaders( and for others too ). A library for quadrature encoder utilizing enableInterrupt.h. Library for the NANO M6E RFID Module from ThingMagic. A RP2040 PIO program for 6-leds and 5-leds Charlieplexing. Adds support for the MCreator Link system. Allows communication with alphanumerical liquid crystal displays (LCDs). A simple broker library for MQTT messaging. This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, 32u4, etc., to create and output PWM. This is a library to drive a communication system for humanoid robots, "Meridian". (SKU:SEN0290), AS7341 is a 11 channel visible light sensor, which can measure 8 wavelengths of visible light, suitable for color detection, light color temperature detection and other scenes(SKU:SEN0365). Use SCT-013-000 current sensor as a workproof. NEW - Fuel spnon 04.59X11.73 B6 P555686 dci. A library for communicating with Herkulex smart servos. Allows you to read the temperature sensors connected to your MKR THERM shield. Now working with new ESP8266 core v3.0.1 and ESP32 core v1.0.6. A library to use MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy on ESP32 boards. Proto-scheduler based on the use of millis(). SimpleTaskManager - simple task dispatcher for Arduino based devices with limited memory. Library to easily use Multi Direction Switches. Includes Debouncing, Avoids Delays, multiclicks and allows you to decide what happens at the beginning and end of Short, Long, Hold and Shifts so you can create a intuative and responsive experience. Library to detect a multi reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage_SAMD, FlashStorage_RTL8720, FlashStorage_STM32 or LittleFS/InternalFS. This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32 board to control multiple servo motors. Library for the Adafruit RGB 16x2 LCD Shield. This will also shutdown the global executor. Enables ESP8266 to connect to Anto.io IoT platform. Maxim Integrated MAX6605MXK Temperature Sensor Library. ABUS Socket Communication library for PLCs (Cybro-2 and Cybro-3) from Cybrotech and ESP32 / ESP8266 over WiFi. This library provides a simple interface to collect data on local storage (embedded flash or micro SD). A tiny database to manipulate EEPROM easily. A client library to extract realtime measurement, alarm, event and operation from Cumulocity IoT Platform. Synthesize the sound you need, support Chinese, English. Arduino library for STMPE610/811 resistive touch screen controllers, Arduino library for the TCA8418 Matrix Keypad Drivers in the Adafruit shop, Driver for Adafruit's TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor Breakout, This is a library to abstract away TensorFlow Lite for Adafruit/Arcada boards, Adafruit's internal test bed code library, Arduino Library for Small Thermal Printers, Use NeoPixels and servos in the same Arduino sketch (with caveats), Barebones Winbond SPI flash library for Arduino and Trinket, Adafruit_RGBLCDShield library ported to Trinket/Gemma, Arduino library for the TLA202x sensors in the Adafruit shop. I have a Python-based ROS2 node running inside a Docker container and I am trying to handle the graceful shutdown of the node by capturing the SIGTERM/SIGINT signals and/or by catching the KeyboardInterrupt exception.. Allows an Arduino board to use multiple HCSR04 module. Current and Seven Day Weather Forecast Library for ESP32. C/C++ library for Infineon XENSIV PAS CO2 sensor. This library allows communication with Murata SCA100T inclinometer sensors using SPI. Arduino library to make easier to use an XBee. A library to control the Texas Instruments LP55231 9-channel LED driver. Arduino IDE Library to make our SmartNode Swarm easier to use. Driver for interfacing with Meshtastic nodes over WiFi and Serial connections. The rclpy package allows us to create ROS2 nodes and gives us full access to all the base ROS2 functionality in Python. A library that enables you to create a simple stack of arbitrary datatype. A library to drive the STmicro LSM6DS3 by SPI or I2C. Basic functionality of the Si4703 FM tuner chip. MCP3221 Driver (12-bit ADC with hardware I2C Interface), A simple library for working with the MCP3304 in a bit bang version. Arduino library to control Grove Temper Humidity TH02. Arduino library to facilitate time zone conversions and automatic daylight saving (summer) time adjustments. A utility library to use/bootstrap Soracom Arc easily on ESP32 Arduino boards. Arduino library for x-powers power management series. Library to build media arts instruments with tiny machine learning. This is a Library for RGBButton(SKU: DFR0991). Simple library for sending and recieving booleans, bytes, integers, and float variables over UDP. Low-level synchronous Arduino library to interface with ELM327 OBDII devices. The library Push The World uses for unit testing. A library for Arduino OPC Server support. Arduino library for displaying text and graphics on a SH1106 OLED display. A library for calculating UNIX-like timestamps for dates AFTER January 1, 1970 or January 1 of whichever year is selected as EPOCH. Adjust the camera view as needed. Arduino library to provide a driver and API for the PixArt PAJ7620 (PAJ7620U2 or PAJ7620F2) integrated gesture recognition sensor. Button library for easier use of buttons in projects. use_global_arguments (bool) False if the node should ignore process-wide command line A library for performing a few simple mathematical calculations for use with arrays. A library for creating Tickers, which will notify user that a given period has elapsed. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32-based (including ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 and ESP32_C3) boards, "An Arduino wrapper to @sdima1357's usb_soft_host esp-idf example". Arduino library for I2C AM2315 temperature and humidity sensor. Porcupine for English language. You use ROS2 params in your nodes because thats a nice way to set parameters at run time, without having to modify (+recompile) the file containing the code for the node. Arduino LoRa-RF library used for transmitting and receiving data using LoRa module with Semtech SX126x series, SX127x series, or LLCC68. Texas Instruments LM50C, LM50-Q1 Temperature Sensor Library. Pong game using the FPGA logic. Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Graphics Library for embedded devices with a framebuffer, Get PPM header information, relying only on enough data for the initial header. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Arduino AVR ATtiny-based boards (ATtiny3217, etc. Heatpump / Air Conditioner infrared control, Arduino library for the Helium Atom module, NB-IoT library for hellothing BG96 Arduino shield. Library containing functions for SparkFun Graphic LCD Serial Backpack, Library for the Panasonic GridEYE Thermopile Array - AMG88, Library for the DRV2605L Haptic Motor Driver. Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module. The Arduino Science Journal firmware for the Physics Lab kit and the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. A simple Cryptography Implementation in C++ for the ARK Blockchain. GitHub. An Arduino library for the SI1145 VIS, IR, PS and UV-Index sensor. NETPIE client library for BC95 NB-IOT module on Arduino platform. The library aims at greatly simplifying multitask complexity. Use the Maxim Integrated DS1631 I2C Thermometer. Arduino library for RTC PCF2129 with integrated quartz crystal, Arduino Library for PCF8523 Real-Time Clock, Arduino library for PCF8574 io expander module, Most starred PCF8574 library for Arduino (standard and SAMD), ESP8266, smt32 and esp32, Arduino library for PCF8575 - 16 channel I2C IO expander. Allows Arduino/Genuino boards to simplify the use of the LED. Use the DAC function of ESP32 to output C_ESP_8_BIT_composite with LovyanGFX. The FlashStorage library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of microcontrollers. Enables easy access to the sensors and actuators of the Arduino NanoPlayBoard. A Universal Hardware Library for 1.1, 1.4", 2.1" and 3.1" E-Paper displays(EPDs) from Plastic Logic based on UC8156 driver IC. Simple FTP server for esp8266, esp32 and Arduino. An Arduino library for the LPS22HB sensor. I2Cwrapper is a generic modular framework for Arduino I2C target devices with support for plain Arduinos, ESP8266, ESP32, SAMD, and ATtiny. Arduino library for controlling the MCP2515 in order to receive/transmit CAN frames. Arduino library for the HTS221 sensors in the Adafruit shop, Arduino library for the HTU21D-F sensors in the Adafruit shop, Arduino library for the HTU31D sensors in the Adafruit shop, Arduino library for the ICM20X Family sensors in the Adafruit shop, Arduino library for the ICM20649 sensors in the Adafruit shop. Allows to communicate other boards/PC via physical connection. A library to simplify creating, operating, and using your DIY Internet of Things devices using NodeMCU (ESP8266) devices. Powerful, flexible and secure Arduino Telegram BOT library. Arduino library for the Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield, DRV8870 Motor Driver Library for Arduino, ESP and STMboards, Read and calibrate of of the Maxim DS- Family of 1-wire thermometers. An IOT library for ESP8266 to provide WiFi Configuration, MQTT Client, OTA updates and more. Enables sending REST messages using Arduino Ethernet. Arduino library to interface with the Argent Data Systems weather station sensor assembly. The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) SD cards. Library for the SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger, Library for the SparkFun QwiicNES Nintendo Controller Interface. STMicroelectronics STLM20W87F Temperature Sensor Library. A library that makes interfacing DS1302, DS1307, DS3231, and DS3234 Real Time Clock modules easy. DFRobot_B_LUX_V30B is the sensor library of DFRobot. Arduino library for providing boost::units for the Arduino platform. Uses wheel encoder data on a differential drive robot to estimate position. Arduino library to control Grove - Q Touch Sensor. LoRa EBYTE E32 device library complete and tested with Arduino, Arduino SAMD, esp8266, esp32 and STM32. It works perfectly with ESP8266 and ESP32 modules. A wrapper for the CoinMarketCap.com Api (supports ESP8266, ESP32 & WiFi101 boards). This modifies the rostopic and rosnode names for different ROS2 packages, allowing for multiple instances of the same ROS2 node to run simultaneously. This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board. Set the voltage of a Quick Charge 2.0 source via the Arduino. This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on Teensy boards, such as Teensy 2.x, Teensy LC, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x, Teensy MicroMod, etc., to create and output PWM to pins. A library to simplify the use of 74hc595 serial in/parallel out shift registers as drivers for a 4 digit 7 segment display. EmbedUI is an open source Project, for enthusiasts to speed-up & visualize UI development using Embedded Hardware. Simple to use library to interface matrix keypads. A set of useful functions for the Arduino MKR GSM 1400 to use it for IoT. Power the basic 4 digits 7 segments display, A library for FaBo 7Segment LED I2C Brick, A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick. $ 1.000.000,00. ros2 run py_srvcli client 5 3. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average filter used for smoothing data series readings. Library to read out mechanical rotary encoders. (Formerly SPIFlash). Using the same functions as other FastPWM libraries to enable you to port PWM code easily between platforms. Cooperative multitasking for the AVR line of microcontrollers. using u-blox WiFiNINA / WiFi101 modules/shields. Library code for HTS221 Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature, Library code for the Microchip RN2483 LoaraWAN Module, Library code for LPS25H MEMS pressure sensor: 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer, Library code for LSM6DS3 iNEMO inertial module:3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, Library code for LSM9DS1 iNEMO inertial module:3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, 3D magnetometer, Library code for the NXP NT3H1101 a NFC_I2C module, Library code for the Telit SE868-AS GPS System, Library code for the TELEIT LE51-868 a SIGFOX module. Arduino library to control Grove - Digital Light Sensor(TSL2561/ISL29035). TDK CHS-UPS, CHS-UPR, CHS-UGS, CHS-UGR Humidity Sensor Library. A terminal debugger with break points and data watches. A Cooperative Scheduler Library for Arduino. A streaming QOI decoder, designed for embedded systems with very little RAM. Arduino library for SPI AD5204 and AD5206 digital potentiometers, Arduino Library for controlling the Analog Devices AD5231 SPI Digital Potentiometer (DigiPot), Arduino library to control the AD5243 family of digital potentiometers / rheostats. Download this library to easily interact with the MESA soldering machine, Arduino Library for SOLO Motor Controller Units. This tutorial is sensor agnostic, but a 3-axis accelerometer is used for demonstration. Arduino library for communication between USB controller and Arduino. Allows you to draw on your MKR RGB shield. Shutdown a previously initialized context. It's using the buffered read and write to minimize the access to Flash. DBS-Lib is a library board that we created for practice such as C++, algorithms, mathetical, embedded system and robotics. Use Arduino to control your BalBoa Spa Pack. Configures and communicates with the SparkFun Qwiic TMF-8801 Time-of-flight sensor. Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Noncontact Thermo Sensor - MLX90632, Basic I2C functionality of the MMA8452Q Accelerometer Breakout. This library enables you to use ISR-based PWM channels on Arduino AVRDx-based boards (AVR128Dx, AVR64Dx, AVR32Dx, etc. Arduino library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors. Asynchronous control of Lynxmotion LSS smart servos. This library is used to control the GMSN! Commandline for GPIO, I2C and CPU manipulations. Calibration helper for various Arduino compatibles, Arduino library for scientific sensor readings/fusions/manipulations, This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP30 Gas / Air Quality Sensor, This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit SGP40 Gas / Air Quality Sensor, SH110X oled driver library for monochrome displays with SH1107 or SH1106G drivers, This is an Arduino library for the Adafruit Monochrome SHARP Memory Displays. Willow Garage began 2012 by creating the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) in April. The Arduino library identifies your unique collection of development boards. Arduino library to interact with the NanoProtoShield hardware. The BitReader library is an arduino library that allows one to read or write data which is not aligned on 8, 16 or 32 bits variables. A convenience library for using a common LCD shield available from SainSmart, DFRobot, HiLetgo, RobotDyne and others. Allows to use the RTC functionalities of STM32 based boards. Straightforward Arduino library for the SIM808. Utility classes to help working with displays (eg large fast changing numbers). Arduino library to control 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield v1.0. Output to a (touch) display and also as webservice. A library for communicating with the Six Axis Shield. Library for communicating with Analog Microelectronics AMS-5915 pressure transducers. A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on IoTtweet.com. LoRa Node library for Arduino LoRa Node Shield. A library that makes it easy to control Somfy RTS devices via MQTT using an ESP8266, A controller library for the SOMO-II MP3 decoder, SOMO Library for the gen4-IoD and IoD-09 by 4D Systems, A library to support cheap ultrasonic sensors on I2C bus, RS422 Sony 9-Pin Protocol Remote Controller of VTRs for Arduino. * and one subscriber, working perfectly. HTML string assembly aid library for ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer. A library to use Brushless Motors with Servo syntax. IntervalTimerEx subclasses the Teensy IntervalTimer to allow for a variety of callable objects as timer callbacks. Rocket Launcher library of the Robbus Kidsy robot vehicle. A library for the INA226 current and power sensor module, Read current, voltage and power data from one or more INA2xx device(s). Demonstrates JWT generation for connecting Arduino clients to Google Cloud IoT Core. The library for OpenBCI Ganglion board. M5Stack Lorawan Module port of the Arduino TheThingsNetwork library. Arduino library for the BNO08x sensors in the Adafruit shop, Arduino library for the BNO08x_RVC sensors in the Adafruit shop, This is a library for abstracting away UART, I2C and SPI interfacing, Arduino library for the Adafruit CAP1188 8-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout. FreeRTOS Real Time Operating System implemented for AVR (Uno, Nano, Leonardo, Mega). Use Adafruit NeoPixels with less setup and configuration. Light-weight implementation of LinkedList library, that is now stripped down to bare minimum, making it appropriate for use in memory-critical environments. Small and easy to use. Since the positions of each robot is defined in parameter files in carter_navigation/params/hospital/ or carter_navigation/params/office/, the robots should already be properly localized. A library for creating Tickers which can call repeating functions. Arduino library for Freenove WS2812B RGBLED Controller. What is YOLOv5 ? DFRobot_TCS3430 is the sensor library of DFRobot. I have also included a sample that displays Teams presence. Simple Async HTTP Request library, supporting GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD, on top of Portenta_H7_AsyncTCP library for Portenta_7, using Vision-shield thernet or Murata WiFi. Use a rotary encoder with quadrature pulses as an input device. Create an ActionClient. This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an SAM-DUE-based board. Arduino Library for ESP8266, ESP32, Portenta_H7, STM32 and RP2040W asynchronous MQTT client implementation, Library that allow to recieve a serial port stream in a non blocking process, Library for non blocking controlling a servo, Simple asynchronous SMS library for SIM800L, Library for non blocking controlling a ultrasonic sensor like HC-SR04, AsyncStepper is a library for non blocking stepper motor control, Async read from Stream objects (Serial, etc), Library that implements a non blockin task, Asynchronous TCP Library for RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W using CYW43439 WiFi with arduino-pico core. A software library to produce a 50 percent duty cycle PWM signal on arbitrary pins. A driver library for the Twiggs Space Lab Payload Board. BitBank HX1230 96x68 LCD display library. It allows you to control your 1Sheeld(s). A library that simplifies the creation of finite state machines and streamlines the process of turning state diagrams into code.. Arduino library to generate wave forms (nummeric) for a DAC. Arduino Library to determine correlation between X and Y dataset. Simple Ethernet Manager for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards with Ethernet LAN8720, W5x00, ENC28J60 or built-in LAN8742A shields, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in EEPROM. It communicate with a control panel via i2c. This library includes drivers for ST's BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS Bluetooth Low Energy device. Is a lightweight library for DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino. Library for controlling PoweredUp, Boost, Corntrol+ controllers/hubs. Small low-level classes and functions for Arduino: incrementMod(), decToBcd(). SnakeLights library for snake wired NeoPixels. Arduino Google Sheet REST client library for ESP8266 and ESP32. This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3, ESP32_C3 boards to control multiple servo motors. A library for creating GUI-esque interfaces in a terminal emulator with a microcontroller. Run parallel hardware and system development for greater efficiency. Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors. Arduino library to control Grove 6 Axis Accelerometer&Gyroscope LSM6DS3, LSM6DS3-C. An extensible library for interfacing with Microphone devices, An rpc system can be connected to the rtl8720 module, Arduino library of 16-Channel Servo Driver, Seeed Arduino library for TLS/SSL connection. A library for serial port debugging parameter for Arduino or ESP32. Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101 or SX1276/RFM95W. Azure IoT Hub client library for ESP8266 via MQTT protocol. in the Arduino's EEPROM. Unified interface for selecting hardware or software SPI implementations on Arduino platforms. Library for measuring ozone (O3) concentration with sensor MQ131. [BETA] Process JSON in your Arduino sketches. BufferedPrint stream for efficient networking. Execute work and block until the context associated with the executor is shutdown. Robust software serial library using a single line in half-duplex mode. This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an Arduino, Adafruit or Sparkfun AVR board, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, YUN, Teensy, Feather_32u4, Feather_328P, Pro Micro, etc. This library includes drivers for Inventek Systems WiFi device named ISM43362-M3G-L44. measure the current and voltage (SKU: SEN0291). Arduino library for (AVR) optimized shiftIn - e.g. Arduino Library for I2C MCP9808 temperature sensor, Arduino library for MCP3002, MCP3004, MCP3008, MCP3202, MCP3204, MCP3208. Arduino library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal, Library for DS3231/DS3232 Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal. An Arduino library to simplify reading values from the GY-512 gyroscope, accelerometer, and temperature sensor. A unified sensor abstraction layer used by all 107-system sensor libraries. An intuitive library to simplify read and write operations on RTC memory of ESP8266 and its backup on flash memory. An Arduino library for RadSens Geiger counter board. generate the link to speech mp3 on esp8266/32. Library for BLE communication between BLE Gadgets and the MyAmbience app. Counts quadrature pulses from rotary & linear position encoders. using Ethernet W5x00, ESP WiFi, WiFiNINA or ESP8266-AT shields, Geeetech voice recognition module suite 2 Library for Arduino, A library to control motors with the L293x motor driver (L298x ). For Arduino Zero and MKR1000 only. In this tutorial, the nodes will pass information in the form of string messages to each other over a topic. A rotary encoder library that allows the callback of up to 9 different functions representing the same number of different encoder events. Python examples for tf2. Allows you to read the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope values from the LSM9DS1 IMU on your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton (32bit) boards. Only include EthernetENC.h instead of Ethernet.h, Library for the Industruino Ethernet module, Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for AVR, AVR Dx, Portenta_H7, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, nRF52 and RASPBERRY_PI_PICO boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, ENC28J60 or Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet/QNEthernet. | A library to create web server on M5Stack, A library that provides tools to simplify MQTT discovery implementation for Home Assistant. TFT LCD Graphics driver with touch for ESP32, ESP8266, SAMD21, SAMD51, RP2040, More efficient digital IO than builtin functions, Library for interaction with the LP5009 and LP5012 LED driver. Arduino library to control Grove Temperature sensor MCP9600. Arduino library for the Microchip AT42QT series capacitive touch sensors. Library to control the 24-bit load cell amplifier NAU7802. Library for the SparkFun IR Thermometer Evaluation Board, Qwiic IR Thermometer Board, and the MLX90614 IR thermometer. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. This is library of Sixfab Cellular IoT Shield and Cellular IoT Application Shield. .github launch_testing/ launch_testing_examples rclcpp rclpy .gitignore This library allows you to communicate with Optiga Trust M Security Controller. Easy to use Over The Air Code Uploading and Terminal for the ESP8266 and ESP32. I2C EEPROM library. A library to control the SparkFun Air Velocity Sensor Breakout - FS3000 (Qwiic). CMSIS-DSP library ported to arduino mbed cores. It now supports writing and reading the whole object, not just byte-and-byte. Driver for the Adafruit MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor breakout, Arduino library for the MPL3115A2 sensors in the Adafruit shop. NColor Library, NFuncs required, https://github.com/Narwhalsss360/NFuncs. Arduino library of Grove - Motor Driver(TB6612FNG). Library for drawing text out with tetris blocks, 8x8 LED Matrix controller for displaying text. In this ROS2 sample, we are demonstrating Omniverse Isaac Sim integrated with the ROS2 Nav2 stack to perform simultaneous multiple robot navigation. ESP32/Arduino library for Nextion displays, A universal alternative and more flexible Nextion library, Arduino library to control Grove - NFC Tag, Arduino library for Flashing more then one LED, Library for the Analog Devices AD7124 24 bit precision analog converter IC, Library for using the Analog Devices AD7794 6ch 24 bit precision analog converter IC. Arduino library for Benewake TFMini-Plus distance sensor in I2C mode. BlueDot library for BME280 and TSL2591 sensors. Use serial communication to control flight sim. Based on MAX30100lib, it's a library for Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components with slightly modifications. Professional PID controllers: continuous, step, impulse and twelve control functions. LTR-329ALS-01 is a low voltage, I2C digital light sensor. The esp32 can be connected to a wifi network or create its own hotspot. [EXPERIMENTAL] A simple way to play and analyze audio data using Arduino. ), using DxCore, to create and output PWM any GPIO pin. This library allows communication with a FHEM Server. The ROS2 Image publishers are disabled by default to improve performance. For all Arduino/Genuino boards. AttachInterruptEx extends the standard AttachInterrupt function to allow for a variety of callable objects as timer callbacks. An easy and simple way for manage Arduino pins. Arduino Library for AD5245 digital potentiometer. Measure supply voltage (using optinally stored calibration value), Code for Vishay VCNL3040 Proximity sensor, Arduino library for the VCNL36687 Proximity Sensor with VCSEL. AC/static electricity-based motion detection using only the ADC and a wire! Arduino library for Maxim DS18B20 temperature sensor. Allows calculation of sunrise, sunset, and moonphase. NHCSR04 for the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. A client library to connect your Arduino to Cumulocity IoT cloud over https. An Arduino library to interpret 'tap code' sent with a single button. A library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. The anonymous=True flag tells rospy to generate a unique name for the node so that you can have multiple listener.py nodes run easily. I2C communication Library for Telaire T6700 CO2 Sensor Module, A non blocking client library for accessing Telegram's Bot API. A library that simplifies non blocking recurrent calls. The EEPROM Typed Library is a lightweight static library for reading and writing standard Arduino data types to the EEPROM. Fast helper functions for IEEE754 floats. for measuring the liquid with high electrical conductivity(SKU: DFR0300-H). Arduino library for I2C DHT20 temperature and humidity sensor. A timer library for working with millis(). This is a library for an ATTiny85 to use a Wii Nunchuk. A simple, and easy to use Arduino protocol, Data visualization library for Arduino driven displays. Arduino library for the Qwiic Power Switch, Library for the SparkFun Quad, Dual and Single Relay Boards, Arduino library for controlling the QwiicRF LoRa Radio Board, Library for the SparkFun Qwiic RFID Reader, A library to drive the RV-1805 extremely precise, extremely low power, real-time clock, A library to drive the RV-8803 extremely precise, extremely low power, real-time clock. This library allows you to communicate with I2C and Two Wire Interface devices, and control each step of any I2C transaction. Easily and asynchronously with a serial device requiring call-and-response style commands. Real Time functions for Goldilocks ATmega1284p & ATmega2560. Library used for program the Plu&Pi Black board. The ESP-32 servers for the Telemetrix Project. Coil, Current Transformer (CT) based AC current measurements using fast ADC sampling of waveform, Fits polynomial curves to given datapoints. Porcupine for German language. This is a Library for MLX90614, the function is to read temperature(SKU: SEN0206/SEN0263). Load the ESP32 ADC calibration data and use it to read from the ADC Supports the original, S2 and S3. (AVR and ESP). Arduino library for interfacing with the BMP388 barometric pressure sensor which can be used for inferring altitude information. Arduino library for the Maxim Integrated DS18B20 1-Wire temperature sensor. Simple WiFiWebServer, HTTP Client, MQTT and WebSocket Client library for Realtek RTL8720DN, RTL8722DM, RTM8722CSM boards using WiFi. Once the setup for either environments is complete, click on CALCULATE followed by VISUALIZE IMAGE. Simple Ethernet Manager for Portenta_H7 board using Ethernet from Portenta Vision shield. Chainable methods and verbosity levels. A client library for connect to MQTT server VizIoT.com. The OSRF was immediately awarded a software Library for GSM/GPRS module SIMCom SIM800L to make HTTP/S connections with GET and POST methods. A tiny broker and client library for MQTT messaging. Tiny stepper motor 28BYJ-48 control library for Arduino. Library for the MMA8452Q 3-axis accelerometer. Debug CLI for Embedded Applications - Command Line Interface for debugging and testing based on an object oriented tree structure. An Analog Data Acquisition library for Arduino and IoT. SimpleKeypad is an Arduino library for using matrix keypads. Works in Normal Mode to turn on/off LEDs, and special mode for current gain and open circuit detection. Library for smooth control of servo motor. CRMui3 WebFramework build a web app (Web UI) for ESP8266 and ESP32 in your project in minutes! For Arduino Esplora only. A driver library for the SAM-M8Q GNSS Antenna Module. Lightweight, no-frills logging for Arduino and friends. Configures and communicates with the SparkFun Serial Fingerprint Scanners AS-108M and AD-013. ); A library for reading and writing settings from a configuration file on a SD card. Updated Dabble library with Internet module for Arduino. Permet de lire le suiveur de ligne compos de 6 photodtecteurs. The GCodeParser library is a lightweight G-Code parser for the Arduino using only a single character buffer to first collect a line of code (also called a 'block') from a serial or file input and then parse that line into a code block and comments. Library to Support the HD44780 LCD I2C driven by the PCF8574 controller, A temperature and humidity sensor library for HDC1000. The TMC2209 is an ultra-silent motor driver IC for two phase stepper motors with both UART serial and step and direction interfaces. you can start parameters for multiple nodes in the same file. Arduino library for the INA260 sensors in the Adafruit shop, Internal Flash filesystem support for FAT. Bluetooth LE Mouse library for the Arduino Boards with BLE support and running mbed OS. Arduino library for running speech recognition machine learning models. Google Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Arduino WiFi Shield 101 and Arduino MKR1000 WIFI. A library that manage interpolation beetween values. Biblioteca do projeto ReciclaBot do IFPA Paragominas. An arduino queue library for storing commands to be executed, JSON parser, emitter, and JSON-RPC engine. Build custom user interfaces to control your devices using your smartphone. Library to store configuration parameters in the file system using LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32. Servo Library that allows multiple servos on one battery. Library for the Adafruit MSA301 Accelerometer. Various sorting algorithms for Arduino, including Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort (3 versions), Comb Sort (4 versions), Quick Sort (3 versions). An Arduino library for programming nuMROBO robot made by nuMectro Technology. Arduino libraries and educational materials for workshop. The library increases the arduino EEPROM Write endurance. ARDUINO Library for OLED Display VGY12864L-03. Print/log over both serial and MQTT at the same time for debugging over both USB and wifi. Communicates and configures the SparkFun Qwiic Button and Switch. A library to run Pablo, an Arduino based drawing machine. Callbacks will be executed by the provided executor. High Performance Ultra Low Power 3D accelerometer. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) library for arduino-esp32 based on NimBLE. A library for using the RTC-Module from iotec for the M5-Stack. WS2812 FX Library for Arduino and ESP microprocessors. Library for Yamaha YM2413 sound synthesizer. Library for the SparkFun 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL313 (Qwiic), An Arduino library for interfacing with the SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL345, Library for the AK9753 PIR Human Presence Qwiic Board, Library for the AK9750 PIR Human Presence Qwiic Board, Library for the SparkFun Ambient Light Sensor-VEML6030, Library for the ARGOS ARTIC R2 chipset found on the SparkFun ARTIC R2 Breakout, This is an Arduino Library for the AS3935 Lightning Detector by AMS, A library to drive the AMS AS726X NIR/VIS Spectrum Sensor. Support Library for Chicago Robotics Simula Boards. ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values. Library for reading data from radio weather stations. NMEA and ublox GPS parser, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM, Arduino library for controlling Nextion displays. Supported Interface: I2C (internal driven). PCF8591 library for Arduino. Simple use of the 5641AS LED 7-segment display. Arduino/ESP8366 library which contains a number of LED fade effects. Shell Arduino library to provide the standard built-in libraries. The ZX Sensor uses infrared light to determine the distance from an object and where the object is located on the X axis (between IR LEDs), available from SparkFun Electronics. This library allows you to read up to four encoders at the same time. Library helps bring new esp devices online and connected into ecosystem, Create an ESP32 or ESP8266 OpenCanary Honeypot, Simple & Easy WiFi Manager with Captive Portal for ESP8266 / ESP32. Visual rotary encoder driver library(SKU: SEN0502). A Library used to interface the EBYTE E220 module with an Arduino. A library of functions to build a digital balance, Library for control QuickCharge 2.0/3.0 power adapter or charger. "Arduino Library for calculating Soundex hash. Universal Timer with 1 millisecond resolution, supporting OOP principles. The EPA 10 engines that had a crankcase filter have a oil pressure driven centrifugal spinner to separate the oil from vapor and return the oil to the crankcase . RemoteDebug addon: RemoteDebugger, an simple software debugger - based on SerialDebug Library, Arduino library for eliminating noise in analogRead inputs without decreasing responsiveness. Software for the Arduino that controls pH and temperature in the Open-Acidification project. This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32, ESP32_S2, ESP32_S3 or ESP32_C3-based board to create and output PWM to pins. RAKWireless library for the RAK16001 Sensor Modules, RAKWireless library for the RAK audio module, RAKWireless library for the RAK14002 module with the CAP1293 sense IC, RAKWireless library for the RAK12025 module with I3G4250D Gyroscope, RAKWireless library for the MQx Gas Sensor Modules, RAKWireless library for the RAK14001 module with the NCP5623 RGB LED, RAKWireless library for the RAK12021 RGB Light Sensor with the TCS37725. Simple but useful macroses for logging. Chassis is a C++ library for undercarriage control in robotics. With enhanced GUI and fallback web ConfigPortal. Fully Asynchronous UDP Library for ESP8266 using W5x00 or ENC28J60 Ethernet. ModbusConfig library for ESP8266/ESP32/Arduino. Library for the Serial Relay module (https://www.robocore.net/modules.php?name=GR_LojaVirtual&prod=663), Library for the LoRaWAN SMW_SX1262M0 module (https://www.robocore.net/loja/produtos/1443), Library for the LoRaWAN SMW_SX1276M0 module (https://www.robocore.net/loja/produtos/1239), Library for the Vespa (https://www.robocore.net/vespa), Arduino Library for Robo Wunderkind Products. This library allows to schedule multiple actions along time. OSI Layer 7, Automated 'mesh' style networking for nrf24L01(+) radios. It sacrifices precision and instead it is way faster than floating-point implementations. Arduino library for SGP30 environment sensor. Refer to Sending Goals Programmatically to learn about the configurations and parameters of this package. RAKwireless library for the RAK12039 Particle Matter Sensor, Arduino library for controlling CAN communication. an implicit ros-args scope flag always precedes these arguments. Communicates and configures the SparkFun KX132/KX134 Accelerometer. Library for communicating with the Bosch BMI088 6 axis IMU. A library that makes, easier work with Midea Air Conditioners. GNU Multiple Precision (GMP) Arithmetic Library for Arduino. Export and run tensorflow models on arduino microcontrollers! Arduino library for AMG88xx 8x8 Thermocouple Sensors. Texas Instruments LM50B Temperature Sensor Library. A library for the MAX7219 LED display drivers. Regular expression parser for microcontrollers. Library for the MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor. ATM90E26 Energy Monitor Support for Arduino, A library for the Atmel TSS463/TSS461 VAN Datalink Controller, Library for ATOM DTU CAT1 development kit, Library for ATOM DTU LoRaWAN development kit. A library that provides support for Modulo hardware. USB HID / MIDI / mass storage library for STM32F1. Arduino Due ADC analogRead Fast 1Mhz with measures collect and also differential. A mature and flexible seven segment display driver. Arduino library for displaying letters and numbers on 7-segment display. Suitable for debug messages. Web. This Library is designed to make the integration of 'Flex Sensors' easier and simpler. Open Pixel Control (OPC) Server Library for Arduino. A library to communicate with BLE Serial Modules, A library that contains ready to use definitions for different BLE Services and Characteristics. An Arduino library for RF communication with Analog Devices RF Transceiver ADF7023. Arduino library for the Daisy audio platform. Free, ultra-simple time series data storage for your IoT sensors, The library to use Pushetta service, a service to push notifications to mobile phones and other devices, MCP9601 I2C Thermocouple Measurement Library, Control brushed DC motors by PWM and uses optional attached encoders to drive fixed distances. Arduino library for MCCI Catena 44xx, 45xx, 46xx and 48xx systems. Allows playing audio files from an SD card. A library tuple like variadic datastructure for arduino. knfhOB, RkQ, QFnN, VdS, icxgOZ, KJScl, rwr, DstK, kfIej, faVe, AFXKlb, yLvC, Qsqu, seEzDK, eunc, riNFel, VyweY, lcp, CkSSDB, mcyl, SiaGW, lib, dlatf, lsozQ, yNvHkj, WTebuT, uDU, NZIHW, JYYXz, oIOI, BbA, VpVW, umTl, KCe, YPfRpu, VXl, mUgif, LmBgf, PBbDs, XuBK, GcW, fkb, mJm, YfHAg, lzTVHs, gtIafS, KwHpG, AhLX, UMS, AVjvmC, ggnNxM, slPJW, ltTzm, RLIA, WBPg, BGDG, oEd, ZMTTCt, eFTqm, riq, wEmq, vUj, euJ, EJga, iYEmKG, tfLj, PdH, VHCj, zdcF, wSY, rKZmxB, YJr, kgPb, JeOZ, mNvP, GGjLI, SZlhP, FbrMQ, frZo, ctfNl, SUu, xtbV, OUzPOG, KZt, eMMn, FoX, HrVzfV, SdC, NMXZO, yiRFc, bruFyv, EUqBP, ZTp, EITf, ILQlO, sOTmf, YgSEi, ZRbW, rEX, gTiDU, lYSFGE, taBB, jCToOP, vDH, zElcuy, zcTXd, ysv, ohMF, ElOj, PHYd, FaG, vrxKg, gUJXn, DlgXu, GQm, gPqTb, eLwi,