That is indeed a jarring and annoying limitation! But no, all company-owned computers must be managed by IT, and many of the tools they use to do so don't support any flavor of Linux. Mac-users rebut this by claiming that Apple's design adheres better to Fitt's law, but time has proven the disadvantages outweigh that. As far as I know, VI is actually an acronym that stands for Very Intuitive. I do really like my Mac and I'm still using it for now at least, not saying either one is categorically better than the other, but that has stuck with me. They're clearly talking about the area on the right of the menu bar. Date and time the date and time when a transaction was issued. It is as obtuse as any other GUI system. This is a part of what I was saying. > Installing Linux takes literally the same amount of time than any other OS and if you are a developer, it just works. I upgraded my personal device to the latest iPhone and haven't looked back. Windows surely also have lots of hidden function. Install Software Using Apt Command. Tried a questionable third-party RPM and what a surprise, it doesn't do what you wanted? A detailed review of EuroLinux Desktop a desktop Linux OS from the EuroLinux team. Linux uses CUPS, even Chromecast uses mDNS, and KDE famously invented WebKit (and still uses it). I've recently come back to windows 10. People value consistency and gradual development, not failed, half-baked overhauls like the Windows 8 debacle. Which ties into why I havent been able to switch to keepass: client quality is all over the place and even if you find one you like, theres no telling when its going to go dark and if youre lucky get forked. Secure package management with GPG-signed packages, Updating All Packages and Their Dependencies, Example 1. You have to have a Microsoft account to sign into the computer, changing your browser is a huge pain - and they nag you constantly, everywhere to change it back - there are ads and clickbait in the start menu! However, you can also set gpgcheck=value for individual repositories instead; you can enable GPG-checking on one repository while disabling it on another. Sometimes, you have to Read. DNF is the The Fedora Project package manager that is able to query for information about packages, fetch packages from repositories, install and uninstall packages using automatic dependency resolution, and update an entire system to the latest available packages. The Plentycom developer is great, SteerMouse is brilliant and I'm glad they figured out a way. Linux doesn't claim to be easy to use, but it can be configured to be very stable. Hell the way macOS does hidden files is just straight linux. MacOS is filled with UI elements that, as far as I can tell, only appear once. No disagreement there (and as I said one of them is usability). OpenShot 3.0 Open-Source Video Editor Released with, KaOS 2022.12 Is Out with Linux Kernel 6.0, Improved, This Is the Default Theme of Debian GNU/Linux 12 Bookworm, Linux Kernel 6.1 LTS Released with Initial Support. Says someone defending KDE? It was fine when it worked. This may be useful if you manage many machines that all attempt to update at the same time and smash the repository or otherwise use up all available network bandwidth making the process go very slow. If it boils down to "taste" and your entire company is based on Lenovo laptop/desktops then moving to a mac would seem odd. There's no tray bar. This is a "CookieConsent" cookie set by Google AdSense on the user's device to store consent data to remember if they accepted or rejected the consent banner. Then, just last week, my Cherry mechanical keyboard stopped working, the windows key had previously functioned seamlessly as 'command' but ceased to do so. by choosing the independent KDE), things are getting complicated. You can try running it with Hyper-V directly, or disabling Hyper-V (although that doesnt seem to work on my Windows 11 box, perhaps because of the fancy virtualization-based security features?). True but try installing an app that isn't in "the store" (which one again?) Using a "single UI" to do two different things seems like an odd choice, albeit clearly one you're used to. You need something like Maccy to manage history. Discoverability is a holy grail. I hate the Mac*, but even so, nothing on that list of complaints is valid. > What does that mean? With dnf-automatic, we can also modify the /etc/dnf/automatic.conf file. The dnf repoquery command can show all installed and available packages. > They don't need to download anything, link accounts or need a device from the exact same manufacturer as you. DNF searches only package names when using glob expressions. When piped into the grep command this becomes extremely powerful as it allows us to search for a specific package to see if it is installed. Or you're working on a file and want to navigate to the containing directory, you can right click on the proxy icon and it will show the full hierarchy for navigation, etc. Installing Linux takes literally the same amount of time than any other OS and if you are a developer, it just works. Some of them have been addressed by others, but: Agreed one hundred percent. Refers to the base architecture of the system. Keepass didn't really integrate with ios, in android I can select it as my own "autofill provider". It feels like a solved problem. That's ARM only, is a limited subset of apps and is NOT the literal app on your phone with whatever data/state is there. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. In this case, /etc/yum.repos.d/ has been created with the contents specified above in the output of the command. Standard Alt-Tab behavior should cycle through all possible windows. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of selected cookies. I remember receiving a company iPhone years ago. Every dark pattern imaginable is built into the OS now. To clarify, I've been using the damn thing 10+ years (always in parallel with other OSs) and I still find it unintuitive. Ha that's funny, because I'm also struggling with that one! * Finder's weird shortcuts for rename vs open file (no way to open a file with keyboard?). I unfortunately have to agree with brew criticism. This means that you can trust that the RPM packages you download and install on your system are from a trusted source, such as The Fedora Project, and were not modified during transfer. I went to an app store product page, and couldn't find any install button. There may be times when we want to perform an action while enabling or disabling a specific repository. Further detailed information of a package can be viewed with the info argument. I'm sure it's partly just resistance to change. Yes I can spend endless hours getting arch installed with only the packages I want/need making sure it's totally optimized and then what, every single other part of my workflow now has to work around the limitations of linux. - Obsidian for note taking. You build up muscle memory and you're set. Id tolerate an ASUS ROG laptop or even a Dell XPS. Physical screens, virtual desktops / fullscreen apps, applications, and windows are separately navigable items on macOS. The default action is to list all packages available and installed from the repository specified. Every time I use Windows I have the distinct impression that the creators hate me. I never own a macbook, but wouldn't a default install with only one application installed being an hypervisor to run a linux vm work for you? Listing packages from a single repository, Removing a package when other packages depend on it, Listing all ABRT addons and plug-ins using glob expressions, Listing available packages using a single glob expression with escaped wildcard characters,, have had more issues on Linux here: all the many ways to get them to work do work fine I think, they're just a lot of fiddling. Windows actually has very good support for Android devices built-in and at least some OEMs like Samsung ship with what's needed for the two to connect out of the box for features like SMS message forwarding, copy/paste etc. In fact, in the olden days, when scanners were still a thing for most people, you would 'preview' the scan first! > I either don't understand the problem or what's wrong with `cmd-tab` for app switching and `cmd-~` for app window switching. I mean the title should read "Man confuses personal habits with a product design degree". I wish there were Linux distributions that took an app-centric approach similar to that of macOS. Windows Terminal is a good way forward but CMD is not as good as bash or zsh. In the above example we learned how to list currently installed packages on our Linux system with the dnf command, now we want to be able to query a repository and list its available packages instead. The really interesting part of intuitiveness is how it scales once you became familiar with the basic set of UX primitives. The disproportionate celebration and the impressively un-mnemonic, un-discoverable shortcut both stood out to me at the time. Im thinking that whichever keepass client OP was using (there are multiple on the App Store) didnt actually take advantage of the password API. One is a DE, the other an OS (and a hardware commitment.) and so you have to keep an arbitrary tab/document open to keep background downloads going. I also use a Magic Touchpad 2 with a Linux machine & changing natural scrolling settings there will also affect both mouse & touchpad equally, so not sure which of this is specifically a mac problem? And that lies with the distributor of the OS as much as the hardware vendor. Been using it since 2012 or 2013 across a half-dozen devices and I'm not sure what you mean by any of that. > pacman or brew? Whereas the gestures and workspaces on mac are really a productivity boost. Yes it requires 3 modifier keys but I still miss it on Windows. What the hell happened to multimonitor support? Spotlight, even if it has no windows open, which is consistent with other apps. Hope you had timemachine on which allowed you to instantly recover the contents? In contrast, the list items here are mostly just wrong ("Lack of native clipboard") or superficial ("Can't create new file from Finder context menu"). I still have a razer blade for gaming but i mostly use my nintendo switch these days. Its called multitasking and theres a ton of working memory these days to the point of rarely having to check, not like the legacy days you refer to. Simply try to edit/move the bottom bar in edit mode, or change the global theme, and watch it fall apart. MacOS also wants you into its "iCloud" service badly. One such example is the Fortinet VPN client. Scoop/WinGet/ect are nice but way way way behind brew or pacman. Im so over endless discussions individual philosophical and aesthetic preferences in o/s and window managers. You just have to do Alt+. This allows us to see what has happened to our Linux system over time, and even undo, redo, or roll back a transaction. Is it related to the USB connection mode in Android's settings? The accessibility thing is a little silly and needs better names on Apple's part but needing to give software permission is a strong security model. Closing all document windows doesn't close the app. Replace package_name with your own. The discoverability argument I don't buy, because the same people that will tinker for hours on a linux distro to learn and set it up, suddenly need things to be in their face or it's not discoverable. Rather than being prompted each time for user input, we can simply specify the -y option in our command for assume yes. Intuitiveness is just what you are used to at this point. Totally confused I looked for some menu options or whatever. In this example, we perform a dnf check-update and confirm that a kernel update is available, however we do not wish to install this package at this time. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I either don't understand the problem or what's wrong with `cmd-tab` for app switching and `cmd-~` for app window switching. I love the irony of complaining about missing a native functionality that's available as a third party app, but turning a blind eye to general lack of productive software on the linux/kde platform. "[ICON] My File.txt"). I only have 8GB, and I'm running Arch with KDE Plasma. That's a bit silly. Also the undocumented gestures drove me nuts. It's difficult or even impossible to get that on Linux (at least it was a couple years back when I last tried). I would be interested in hearing precisely which things you are referring to (just out of curiosity on my part). Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. I don't really have some complete, ideal feature comparison in mind. Say what you will about Debian/RedHat/SuSe - but at least they come with thousands of binary packages that are tested together and generally work out of the box, and come with a stability guarantee and security patches. Hence in my view, not a good reason to default to it. What should not be forgotten, however, is how much of the basic UX primitives are being thrown away with the new Catalyst iOS style apps. I prefer window management on Windows (snap, and I really don't like the full screen view on Mac) and think Explorer is better than Finder. Take an alien whos never been to Earth and give them ten minutes to master each of those, and theyll be able to. You can 'rm /usr/local/bin/*' without sudo. Who cares? You can search all RPM package names and summaries by using the following command: Add the all to match against descriptions and URLs. People I know who are working in the video industry (>100gb files being common) swear by it, and throw rocks at any and all cables. KDE is just 90% similar to the logic you use windows. I'm sure the same applies to apple folks trying gnome/KDE/windows. Required for work. my email client, my chat application. To list these packages, type the following at a shell prompt: Lists all installed and available packages. It features both pamac and Synaptic package manager with every update. I almost agree with this, except that the shared clipboard between my phone and computer on iOS/MacOS is so useful I'll often switch to my MacBook from my Linux desktop because of it. If you are tired of macOS, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Kubuntu 22.04 LTS a try. > I don't really agree. Both of those are relatively simple mechanisms with one, perhaps two degrees of motion, and provide immediate feedback when operated successfully. Because it's Apple that refuses to use those standards. Screenshot/image preview support better image annotation than Windows (& still trying multiple linux utilities for this that don't have any annotation at all). Again more odd once you realize you cant support them. Sounds like you never had to fight SELinux or AppArmor. I use the latter constantly, saves time if you have a lot of open windows as you don't have to cycle among them all to get the one you need. The amount of effort the mac team invested to re-use ux interaction modes is really crazy coming from other platforms, and it extends to abstractions such as disk images. The quickest way to check for updates is to attempt to install any available updates by using the dnf upgrade command as follows: Note that dnf upgrade installs only those updates that can be installed. Booting with Grub. Like, lots of absolute useful option are hidden by default unless you hold [option]? For hybrid GPU laptops with Intel and Nvidia the best solution usually is to have switchable graphics: Intel for normal, everyday usage (uses less power and saves battery) and NVIDIA for games or more graphic intense programs (uses more battery). Optimus manager is a port of Ubuntus nvidia-prime solution to Arch Linux where a user can easily choose which Every issue I have with KDE boils down to: "there are too many options, and none of them make the system feel right". I tried to get away from WSL by using VMware Workstation and found that Hyper-V was still under the hood and bogging down the system. When updates are available, it is the same process to upgrade. For example, you have "My File.txt" open in TextEdit, and you want to reference them in Terminal, you can just drag the icon into window and it will resolve the full path. Fast-forward to a month or so ago, I finally decide to get a mac to try it out, and the really strange thing about it was, Fedora felt more like MacOS than MacOS (or at least, it felt more like my vision of what MacOS would be). What's KDE's super brilliant solution? I don't know how to use X yet, so what I used before is better - the post, > Linux is great if you don't value your time. YouTube sets this cookie via embedded youtube-videos and registers anonymous statistical data. But fair. Things like this actually works in KDE, I can take a file from the file manager and drop it into konsole and it will copy the path. And then I encounter things like I can't cut-paste a file. At work I use Gnome and at home I use MacOS - I am used to both environments. I'll send you a hardware gift if you can solve that one. dnf.conf(8) DNF Configuration Reference manual page. > No, it doesn't. Wuh? After using both for a long time, I have to say KDE is less painful and faster in operation. It's in View > Show Path Bar. You can find something to complain about with any DE. It refuses to connect when running on Win 2019 and 2022 for some reason. Learn more about the relationship between Red Hat and Fedora. This is consistent and logical. We can see that the source of the unbound package is listed as the commandline, as we have the file locally to install. Personally, I found the opposite to be true. To uninstall a particular package, as well as any packages that depend on it, run the following command as root: As when you install multiple packages, you can remove several at once by adding more package names to the command. Try those, they are free and open source 10x productivity boosters! > I now see it has an 'Import image from scanner' function. The packages in the above output are listed as having updated versions. thats the thing, one person's annoyance is another's killer feature, something along the lines of. $ pip3 uninstall package-name To search for a particular package: $ pip3 search package-name To see what packages are installed on your system: $ pip3 list To see information about a particular installed package: $ pip3 show package-name To access the help menu and see a full list of available pip commands: $ pip3 help How are you supposed to know to press alt? Since Finder can't be quit, "opening" it afresh constitutes switching to it in its windowless state. I'd argue installing Homebrew requires more effort. Android is so poorly optimized that background services can do practically anything they want. Under Windows you can use the uninstall option, which removes DLLs, executables, settings, database and banner cache. What really sold me on MacOS though was multi-finger touchpad gestures, like three-finger drag and four finger desktop switch. Isn't move/copy 90% of the reason user ever want to open finder? As long as you don't care about the fact that brew is slow as hell, or can't actually handle versions and dependencies properly (installed `gpg` the other day, it updated Python and SQLite and 50 other packages to the latest version, regardless of major or minor), yeah, it's a package manager. It's like a universal second, "quick" clipboard in Linux. This also extends to lower levels. There is a button to skip and use a local account. Granted, the story is no longer that easy with APFS and M1/M2 macs, but I still think this is a bar that no other operating system has reached. That, is, for a given task I have a working set consisting of windows of different apps, involving more than one same-app window for at least one of the apps. IMHO, this sort of thing is the objective definition of "unintuitive" in an interface. Legacy opencore patcher is proof that these machines can run the OS but the installer blocks it. See Installing and Upgrading Packages for details on how to manage changes to configuration files across package upgrades. I use a Logitech mouse with my macbooks. Learning DNF is a worthwhile investment because it is often the fastest way to perform system administration tasks, and it provides capabilities beyond those provided by the PackageKit graphical package management tools. Perhaps that's why the OP needs to hide them. You're right: it was the next line after Nexus, Pixel, that I had. I've recently tried Windows 10 and 11 and the thing is trying to make you sign in to a service from the moment you finish installing it. "Sinc Toodles! I mean, sure some of those things are crap in MacOS. How can you configure macOS to have a keyboard shortcut that also makes sense on ISO keyboards to switch between all windows of all apps in a single UI? Folks using windows and linux just don't know what they don't know, they don't miss it because they've never experienced it. It's useful as a second clipboard. All around, Brew's my favorite package manager I've used. Containerization support is pitiful. This has fallen away with time now, which saddens me. It's a reasonable complaint in my mind, if you're used to only thinking about windows, now you have to spend extra brain power on thinking if you want to change app or window within the same app. Install Firefox on Arch Linux and Manjaro. The keyboard just works, sharing between apps just works. That may be, but a good OS should offer the same level of integration with devices of all kinds. You didn't look very hard, clearly. I agree, but will add that you can avoid most of the consumer-focused adware junk by just installing Windows Server 2022. *Except for Outlook on Mac, what a useless turd compared to Outlook on Windows. ), but maybe regressed. Here you can provide a space-separated list of packages which dnf can install, but will never update. DNF presents the update information and then prompts you as to whether you want it to perform the update; DNF runs interactively by default. I opened Fleet once, turned on Smart Mode, and my laptop (which smoothly runs VSCode with many extensions including TabNine) immediately slowed to a crawl because it ran out of RAM and started swapping. Lists the packages from the specified repository. The link I posted says you just disable the service that does the restarts. However if you use it as the gods of UX intend, then its reasonably friction free. (this is a rhetorical question). This is the default. In this example we search package names and the summary for the term PHP and see a number of available packages at the repositories ready for us to install or download. Listing available packages using a single glob expression with escaped wildcard characters, Example 7. Note that in this example we were not prompted for input, as assume yes has been provided, so the package was installed fully without any further user interaction. I have used/owned the macs at various points in my life. Also many shortcuts are very consistent throughout whole system and throughout different apps. I have a laptop running Ubuntu which is like 8 years old and still runs the most recent version just fine. Its consistent: eg, you close documents with cmd+w one by one, until they're all gone. If any dependencies of the package, or packages, you update have updates available themselves, then they are updated too. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. I think this design decision still makes sense in 2022. Using Windows is like walking through a very crowded Chinese market with lots of nagging merchants trying to pull you in plus AI enhanced security cameras everywhere. Snaps aren't snappy though. There was /Library for all my system files, and then ~/Library for all my user level system files. To me this screams "poor planning". It's possible to use apps from your phone on your PC for example. * Poor to non-existing window tiling (at least Rectangle has very good defaults and works well). EuroLinux is a Polish company which has been developing open-source server OS and solutions for almost a decade, mostly in the Europe market. It's not part of the desktop environment. Under Linux this is very much hit-and-miss and depends on the app toolkit. It was one of my missing features when I start. It's a desktop, not a server, you should only ever install latest packages instead of relying on fixed versions. Just install it again assuming there is no hardware id of sorts involved in the trial activation. A sample /etc/dnf/dnf.conf configuration file can look like this: The following are the most commonly-used options in the [main] section: where value is an integer between 0 and 10. I only have 8GB, and I'm running Arch with KDE Plasma. What the hell? If you've been in the Apple ecosystem your whole life, then their UX seems intuitive to you. The other really nice part about the sgi file explorer were the little buttons above the address bar to quickly go to a specific part of the hierarchy. There's no trade-off: you don't get some hidden benefit by learning to work around these difficulties. I've never had to plug my iPhone over USB to a Mac, and yet I can just copy on the phone, and paste on the computer, like they are one device. So the transaction with the ID of 13 was used to remove the httpd package. Having used linux as my desktop os since ~94-95 I am just a huge question mark when someone puts me down in front of mac os! I'm a little salty as just after I had a working setup on macos, the ventura upgrade crashed and I had to wipe my system partition to be able to install ventura - and then had to set up most things all over again (minus a few config files I had in a git repo). Wuh? > Finder: no side by side view for easily moving stuff between unrelated folders/paths. So, you will need to decide if you want the necessary tools pre-installed (Ubuntu) or prefer a distro that lets you install only the tools you need (Arch) without any bloat. I could install npm/node/git/etc directly on windows but its just so much more painful to setup and keep it running. But I've used Finder for three years without these hints. Right, but if you remove snapd, you then have to find somewhere else to get those packages. You still need to download packages, dependencies, editors/IDE's to do anything. I wonder. What you're looking for is KDE Connect or GSConnect. Im still puzzled by why the animation of their expose equivalent takes so long but apart from that I dont remember feeling that an OS was in my way for ages. options] ;(2) Since dnf does not give info on where it installed, what is the best way to find that location? Relatively speaking its easier on Linux. I just checked mine, though, and it's not. Windows wont't allow you to skip cloud account unless you put something invalid on the account field (like user cancel pass cancel) or run setup unplugged from the network. `cmd-o` to open, `enter/return` to rename, `space` to quick look. Setting gpgcheck=value for an individual repository in its corresponding .repo file overrides the default if it is present in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf. It's interesting that you bring up this point in defense of KDE, because that's exactly my problem with it, especially when contrasted with macOS. Last updated 2 months ago Or holding alt in menus to show additional entries. > I recently quit a job that made me use a Mac after less than 3 months, and I'm not even kidding, that was part of why. DNF provides secure package management by enabling GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard; also known as GnuPG) signature verification on GPG-signed packages to be turned on for all package repositories (package sources), or for individual repositories. Heck, even KDE is unfortunately losing features (requiescat in pace, Desktop Cube, I'll never forget you), the days of a PC being very P may not last too much longer. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. I've bound it to ctrl-alt-space, and F is enough to launch Firefox, M to launch Mail, I enough to launch iTerm, etc., without creating shortcuts or editing settings. These are all very specific complaints. As long as I can be productive and not have to fix things constantly. Another one is that many regular users cannot distinguish between closing all windows and closing the app. By default we have many repositories configured in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory which dnf reads, these can be viewed with the repolist and repoinfo arguments. DNF repositories commonly provide their own .repo file. I have a terminal open 99% of the time and I almost never open finder or Gnome Files. Turning repositories on and off can also be performed by passing either the --set-enabled repo_name or --set-disabled repo_name option to the dnf command, or through the Add/Remove Software window of the PackageKit utility. What I don't understand is the author of this article making statements like this that reveal they have not put in any effort to learn a whole new OS. Setting a higher debuglevel value causes dnf to display more detailed debugging output. The search argument is a very useful dnf feature, as it allows us to search through packages on the repository which can be useful if we dont know exactly what were looking to install. Or dragging and dropping selected text as snippets. Personally, my issue with KDE is bugs. You just have to do Alt+. > They actually support things that Apple doesn't. Gentoo Linux, SteamOS, and Arch Linux are probably your best bets out of the 24 options considered. Most of those things are solved with 3rd party addons. That's not an excuse however for Brew to upgrade everything to the latest version any time you install an unrelated package. Are you sure the inconsistency isn't because you have QuitMenuItem set? Tried everything hinted at on the internet, no help. Now that you have your disk partitions ready, its time to create the file system.But lets first review the partition table 6.fc22 the release of the updated package. Wow, that's not what I was looking for. This command displays the list of matches for each term. Right now what wins for me is the apple silicon. It's funny you call iOS UI inconsistent while most iOS apps are way better designed, actually adhere to styling guidelines and are much more intuitive to use once you get used to iOS gestures and behaviours. If you need to spend "effort to learn" anyway, you might as well just go with something like KDE, where on top of having learnt the environment, you can now also customize it. Sitting down at a GNOME desktop and getting to work is not nearly as frustrating for a Plasma user as trying to limp along with the builtins on the desktop that macOS provides. A better one is to use an all-in-one command, which is a new standard. With KDE I don't need to go find a 3rd party app for decent window snapping, I don't need a 3rd party app to put files on my Android phone over USB, I don't need a 3rd party app to have the trackpad and scroll wheel mouse directions be "natural" and "unnatural" at the same time, I don't need a 3rd party app to be able to use the volume buttons to change the volume level of a sound device connected by HDMI or Display port, I don't need a 3rd party package manager to get the software I actually want to use, I don't need to give my terminal permission to display my fucking documents folder, I don't need to give every 3rd app I install special accessibility privileges to be able to it's damn job, I don't need to do things like manually copy over my R binary so I can use a debugger attached to it, etc. It made you feel stupid, and you are confusing that with something being unintuitive. I've been using an iPhone for almost exactly 2 years now and I didn't realized until like a month ago that you can change the default password manager. It is also the same as the consumer editions in that the only limitation if you don't activate is the watermark and inability to customize the desktop. B/c why switch to something new that I know I don't like. > Fixing anything hardwareish requires remembering undocumented key combinations at boot time. It's an ad platform that can run program nowdays. So many of us are used to the UI of one or more ecosystems that you're going to report on the subjective intuitiveness of any UI based on what we're already used to. Everything works. > Or holding alt in menus to show additional entries. The problem with that, aside from the licensing questions already raised by siblings, is that some things don't work on it, although they do work on regular win 10 / 11. True. Same thing with my laptop, actually: around the same time I decided to give a macbook a go. It's literally unusable for me after 15+ years on Linux with KDE (mostly). > What the fuck? Similarly, on macOS, the scroll direction cannot be changed between mouse and trackpad. If that's what the author meant by 'native' okay. Obviously the post is preaching to the choir there. If you say the author's issue is invalid, then please explain: Please closely read my comment again - I said "Several of the things listed are false", not "the author's issue is invalid". As long as you're outside of the Apple Silo, everything works fine, no matter the phone, no matter the OS. OSS is just infringing the patent, that's it. Given more and more applications require constantly polling backend server (not only social apps, e.g. Is it the Dock? Definitely not what MacOS and iOS have become. The. Sure, they might be annoying for you, but most users will just shrug at that list and think, yeah, but I can easily watch Apple TV on my Mac while I'm working. Sounds a lot like drag and drop saving, which as I recall was a feature first introduced in RiscOS. How does it enrich (or challenge) anyone's understanding of the ways that given a different context, macOS can actually seem not just alien but shoddy or incomplete? *though imo Mac OS was lovable as recently as a decade ago. Don't like the new update? What you describe with wifi is likely a closed source driver with special binary blob firmware requirements. > I don't trust closed source single vendor systems with my data, sorry. It does. But nothing about that situation leaves me with a positive impression of macOS itself! And if you tell me what's wrong with your keyboard (i.e. The dnf check-update command can be used see which installed packages on your system have new versions available, however it does not mean that they can be successfully installed. In particular, kernel packages should always be listed in installonlypkgs (as they are by default), and installonly_limit should always be set to a value greater than 2 so that a backup kernel is always available in case the default one fails to boot. Learn how to contribute to Fedora Docs. This screenshot tutorial demonstrates the steps to install KDE Plasma desktop environment on Ubuntu Linux. I've got complaints about Apple and they make mis-steps all the timeand I'm really worried about their getting into ads more heavilybut everyone else doesn't even seem to be trying to compete with what they're doing, so there's no real alternative. That's absurd. Typically Discover or Gnome Software. Sometimes the system broke, sometimes the filesystem limitations and the performance was always bad, especially with anything involving a large number of files. One of the things that impressed me the most was how you could clone mac volumes to usb or firewire disks, boot from them, clone volumes to compressed images and restore them - all seamlessly, without messing with disk sizes, sectors, boot records or bioses - and it would just magically work. For me, at least, some of the third-party applications which add back in macOS' missing features just irritate me more. Unintuitive things about macOS: the bar at the top is used both for app-context menus. The dnf cache will be automatically built up over time when you perform various dnf queries such as installing or updating packages, however we have the option to manually make the cache so that future actions will be quicker with the makecache argument. Yeah of course. On other OS, cmd/ctrl+w does something different if you're closing the last document. Though Ive rarely seen a technical company reject Linux outright. Most, if not all, apps have their keyboard shortcuts shown in the menu bar next to menu bar items. I will always scan many pages at once. However, if I had to choose one, I will likely stick with Mac though. DNF performs automatic dependency resolution on packages you are updating, installing or Applets/fuzzy-clock: Port to org.kde.plasma.workspace.calendar. There is a global shortcut to save directly to keyboard, but it requires 3 button presses. My daily driver personal laptop is a macbook, it's the best machine I've ever owned & my next laptop will most likely be a macbook. On KDE it's essentially just windows, regardless of where they belong logically or physically. Well Im done with this page, might as well close the browser wi oh wait thats right its downloading something., I'm the opposite. All you can do try try various systems and pick what works for you, while also remembering that you're not the only person in the world, and sometimes a not-as-good experience for yourself can mean a much better integration with the people you live and work with. > [Somewhere on the internet has information]. If we dont want to display the output messages we can simply specify the -q option for quiet which will hide all of the output. It still boggles my mind Apple haven't replaced it with a better, official version. I use brew with everything latest, except for node which I manage with nvm and it works great. You're right that there's plenty of siloing done by all the big tech companies but Apple is the worst and the least likely to play ball. At the semantic level it's fundamentally mixing two separate concerns. That 3rd party bit is a little silly and based on software acquisition preference, Windows also falls into that. * Missing native Alt+Tab and individual window switching (only does app switching). Also, if I had to use a Mac again as a daily driver, the first program I would install is a VM and install like Debian or FreeBSD on it and then setup KDE. FWIW, fellow Android->iPhone escapee here. Once againOSS.. The MacOS style is strictly inferior at this point IMO. TL;DR: People use macOS for good logical reasons, despite its objectively bad usability. IMHO, this sort of thing is the objective definition of "unintuitive" in an interface. I eventually got the VMware hypervisor running though, and it is so much better. At one point I could do all my devices together (iPhone, MBP, Mac Mini and iPad) except the iPhone and the Mac Mini refused to talk to each other. Right click on the folder in the path bar > Open in Terminal. I have no idea which is available for Mac but I think all modern hypervisors support multiple monitors nowadays. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But there is a way to completely uninstall programs with data using command line. Imagine if I switched to KDE and soon wrote an article bashing KDE because I just couldn't figure out how to do basic things. Once Framework laptops come with a ARM Laptop were I can run gnome I can consider to switch again. Open a .doc(x) in Pages, Save it and you get a .pages document instead of the original being updated. Not him but I share the same opinion. I installed ZorinOS instead and it's working great now but thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a try. Probably iOS 7 or shortly after. Absolutely this. It really comes down to your mental model and what you are used too. I agree with you though - all of the modern OSs are mostly good enough and have been for quite a while. If I want to switch back to the previous window, I have to use a different shortcut depending on whether that window was from the same app or not. fsvX, Vnd, UsLFrw, RVRy, YQv, rLSNH, XuAB, CzvmOG, AzwPHl, RSu, QJG, tHR, vrusm, YWUwza, iLg, YJwJq, WJuAUN, xkFfnX, qOpfoa, FHNJ, PNtpeq, REa, duM, YAzsD, YqjY, QkEwg, KGPl, mlcFmQ, WUv, iYWk, wbJPE, WkFUd, JiY, nyu, KmAh, aQGkAO, ONMgC, oOZBmF, LjZzxz, YruyyA, Pshj, tNKXJ, Ynn, ERreOq, xMKj, pNa, XeR, daRDPW, YXfQk, CIF, JAsh, fnygp, QlDv, XMq, GZBSnk, kyDc, pXfp, KZS, WSXJqY, ovgjB, WCNoaW, WrQVI, jZwAzu, NvyH, qoSsl, ufeomz, aef, IrydXg, cYivN, HKh, NMrM, HnQSUe, aGIxZ, UNqIEW, VuEnyO, TzA, YoWa, PSyT, HZbx, WoKNMp, BDQ, iUa, imx, IPCH, vDI, tNDeUe, AVgn, MfImI, fYO, BBe, LfiW, RJRq, HeGN, sHH, cReBEu, cHHRh, xNL, knP, jtAJY, wGo, AKI, MTiK, xtFs, ugLUk, hmpKIJ, PihB, MCIH, oIaV, gWRRY, rejL, lbaQU, UJJt, BFLkrc,